Tiger's Blood

Chapter 22 -Kira

Ethan stands there shaking violently as they begin to pull the lever. Noah stands in the middle of the crowd looking up at me. The platform beneath Ethan slips away as Ethan begins choking. My eyes are drowning in tears as I watch Ethan. My legs are shaking, and my head is thumping. My stomach turns and I suddenly feel queazy. My hands are trembling as I hold a knife in my hand, and two more sit at my feet.

”EEEEEEK,” Chase loudly screeches behind me signaling me to throw the knife. I quickly get into position and throw my first knife carelessly. I miss and hit the dirt in the ground. I watch someone pick up the knife and hide it. I see the guard behind Ethan who is holding my sword in his own case, and I throw my second knife at him and it slices into his back. I quickly throw my last knife and it slices the rope and lands into the pole. Ethan’s body fell to the ground with a loud “THUD.” He shakes his head and the sack flies off of him. The crowd stops cheering and King Andrew looks towards Ethan.

“Who did this?” Andrew yells picking up the broken rope. I quickly hide back behind the wall and close my eyes. I slowly breathe in and out and I look back to see Ethan’s body still moving around. I sigh in relief and I look at Chase who bobs his small Eagle head up and down at me. I hear Ethan choking and coughing from a distance.

“ENOUGH OF THIS! I am putting an end to this nonsense!” Andrew roars out ferociously. I quickly turn and look down at the stage. Ethan scrambles to get off of the stage while Andrew sends three of his guards somewhere. Chase flies right over me and soars down towards the stage. He flies in circles over Andrew’s head and starts scratching and clawing at his face. Andrew swats at the air multiple times until he smacks Chase to the ground. I watch Noah run through the crowd and get towards Ethan.

He free’s Ethan from his handcuffs and bracelet and Ethan climbs up onto the stage. The three guards come back and hand over to King Andrew a shiny red axe. One of the guards grabs and pushes Ethan’s body on the ground right in front of Andrew. My body trembles as he raises his axe.

“NO!!” I scream loudly exposing myself. Andrew looks up and glares me.

“Great, now your precious girl can watch you die!” he screams to Ethan. He raises his axe when someone from the crowd pushes Ethan out of the way. Andrew lowers his axe upon that person’s skull violently and blood gushes out everywhere from the stage to the front row of the crowd. Andrew wipes the blood from his face then steps out of the way. The person’s face is shown and I fall to my knees. My stomach lets go and I vomit on the ground. I wipe my mouth with my hand and I put my face in my hands and my body freezes. He isn’t a stranger to me. No, No, No. This can’t be happening.

Ethan stands up and pulls out a knife that was in his pocket. Andrew yanks the bloody axe from the dead body and kicks the dead body off the stage. He then attempts to hit Ethan with the axe. Ethan ducks from the swing of the axe and he quickly stabs King Andrew in the stomach multiple times until he falls off the stage. Ethan hops down from the stage and grabs Andrew by his slick black hair.

“May no one remember your name,” he says loud enough for me to hear and sticks the sharp blade between his eyes. Blood runs down his face. The crowd goes ballistic and they run out of the area. Ethan takes his knife out, then climbs off of Andrew and runs towards Noah and Chase. They are all talking to each other when Chase flies up to me.

“Kira!” Noah screams up to me. I just stand there paralyzed staring at the dead body off the stage. I can’t breathe after the sight of that. My body becomes numb and I can’t hear anything. What am I going to do? Everyone just left his body there. He needs to be buried properly. I should just let the Kingdom kill me now while there is still pride left in me. Chase screeches in my ear trying to get my attention. He flaps his wings in my face and nips at my hair. “Kira we need to go!” Noah screams again. I shake my head from my negative talk. I can’t go. Not anymore. Not after that asshole Andrew killed him.

“KIRA!!” Ethan and Noah scream together loudly interrupting my thoughts. I didn’t even realize that Chase mutated behind me. “Kira we have to go now!” Chase says pushing me forward. I didn’t bother moving, my body still feels numb. He keeps pushing me until I slip off of the building. I scream as the wind blows my hair in my face. I crash stomach first into a pile of hay. The rush of the fall made my head dizzy. I think I’m going to vomit again. I move my hair out of my face and stick my hands out of the pile of hay. Ethan and Noah yank me up and they brush all of the hay off of me.

“Kira what were you doing? We were waiting for you,” Noah says.

“Chase? Why did you push her?” Ethan screams up to him.

“Because we need to leave now and she wasn’t moving!!” he screams back. Chase climbs down the side of the building then runs over to us. Noah grabs Bloodshed and the case from the dead guard and hands her to me. I slowly wrap the case around my body.

“Kira what is your problem today? You almost blew it,” Chase says angrily.

“Chase leave her alone. She almost watched me die for fucks sake, all of you did. I felt petrified when my body fell to the ground,” Ethan says.

“Kira what’s wrong?” Noah asks. He notices the tears forming in my eyes. I say nothing and point at the dead body that fell off the stage. They all look at the bloody body then back at me clueless of who he was. I sniffle and wipe my nose with my sleeve.

“He saved you,” I whisper, wiping away my tears.

“Who saved me?” Ethan asks.

“My father.”

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