Tiger's Blood

Chapter 21 -Ethan

Cold rain drizzles down my skin as I chase Kira through the bright green forest. She giggles in front of me and I slow down, trying to catch my breath. I look up and notice that Kira disappeared. “Kira? Where are you?” I say. I hear nothing but the pitter patter of the rain smacking down on the leaves of the trees. Moments later, I am pushed down and I fall into a huge pit of mud. I push myself up and I wipe the slimy mud off my face.

The sound of Kira’s laughter brought a smile to my face. She looks down on me with those beautiful green eyes and smiles. “You think that’s funny huh?” I say. She nods and I grab her ankle and drag her down in the mud with me. “How do you like that missy?” I laugh. She sits up and tackles me and we wrestle around in the mud. I end up pinning her down and kissing her forehead. She wipes off the mud from my mouth and kisses my lips. My dream fades away as I slowly wake up.

I lay on the cold, hard ground of my dirty prison cell. Sleeping on the ground is more comfortable than sleeping on the bed they give me. A cool breeze rushes through my body and wakes me instantly and I blink my eyes rapidly. I shuffle around on the ground for a moment when the sound of the rusted door creaking open catches my attention.

“Get up!” says the first guard lifting me up by my waist. The second guard stands behind me and places the handcuffs roughly on my wrists, which leaves a scratch on me. I’m surprised that they didn’t take my bracelet off of me before putting the handcuffs on. We walk down the stairs and outside towards the Lion’s village. They leave the door unlocked behind me to keep letting in people and I take a deep breath. “This is it,” I whisper under my breath and the sunlight shines brightly in my face as I walk in the Lion’s village.

I can feel the blood rushing quickly through my veins like rabbits running from predators. My breathing becomes heavy and the feeling of my life disappearing is riding on the back of my shoulders. My head thumps loudly as I look at the dangling rope in the center of the town. I look off into the crowd, looking for any sign of Kira or Noah. They are probably dead already. I am ready to roll the dice to determine my fate.

The two guards guide me forward. It takes me a minute to realize that my father is following behind me. I look back at him and he gives me a scowl. Through the crowd, people are throwing cans, stale bread, fish, whatever garbage they have to throw at me. An old woman comes up to me and lightly grazes her palm across my cheek, which turns into a harsh slap across my face. She hisses at me like a serpent then spits at my feet.

“Traitor!!” she shrieks. Soon the rest of the crowd starts screaming names.

“Traitor! Villain! Bastard child!”

Their screams sound like screeching birds pecking at the same worm. The problem is I’m the worm they are pecking at. Will someone just kill me already so I don’t have to hear this crowd. I walk up to the stage and stare at my lovely, friendly kingdom in front of me squawking curses and spitting out swears towards me. Thoughts of Kira runs through my head one last time. Wherever you are, please be safe. My father walks to the stage and stands next to me. He claps his hands together and the crowd hums down.

“My people,” he begins. “We’ve had a rough few years, yes, but we have also been successful. We have taken over all of the eastern lands of our gracious world of Bitotem! I have promised peace, and I plan on fulfilling that promise by killing the one who has caused us all this pain for years,” he pauses and points to me and gives me a nasty glare. They give him reassuring cheers. How have I caused pain for years when I only did one crime? Please tell me that father, and if not me, tell your Kingdom.

“Now I know there are rumors about a Tiger Blood in our Kingdom. There is a Tiger Blood roaming among us. My people, do not be alarmed, we have many soldiers searching for her as we speak. If anyone one finds this Tiger Blood, there will be a reward of one thousand gold coins. If they catch her anytime soon, then she will be the next victim to come up here, I promise,” he pauses. The crowd looks around with worried faces. I smile to myself. I knew Kira would somehow escape. She is worth way more than just a thousand gold coins though. How about ten thousand coins?

“This man is a traitor. He gave the Tiger Blood a weapon and said gruesome comments about our beloved Kingdom. He obviously isn’t a true Lion like the rest of us. I bring him here before you for justice in this world,” he fades off. A loud screeching sound distracts me from my father’s speech and I look up to see an Eagle soaring above. He flaps his wings twice then lands on a tall building. Is that Chase?

“Ethan!!” I hear my name from the mumbling crowd. I quickly turn and search for the voice. “Ethan!” I listen carefully and spot the person. A teenager with black hair waves to me. Noah? He points up above me and I turn to look at what he is pointing at. He points at the same building that the Eagle is landed on. I look below the Eagle Blood and see a glimpse of a small girl hiding. Kira? She glares into my eyes while a tear slid down her cheek. She then bit her lip and disappears behind the wall. What is Kira doing? She’s going to get herself killed.

My father finishes up his long and dull speech. A dusty bag is put over my head and I take a deep breath. I feel the rope wrap around my neck and my head starts pounding like a hammer. My heart beats louder than the cheering crowd. This is it. My life is over. I just hope this death will be quick. Noah, please take care of Kira for me. Goodbye everyone, goodbye world, goodbye Kira.

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