TIARA : A Search for Princess

Chapter 18: 45 Days

...sometimes things happen when

you least expect it”.

I slowly opened my eyes and I saw Aunt Elisa starring at me.

My head is aching and my body

is shaking.

“Thanks God, you’re awake lady

Chloe.” she worriedly said.

“Aunt, what happen?” I asked her,

all I remembered is that I’m in the

forest and Freda is the one who got the flag first.

“The Palace guard saw you in the boundary, unconscious. You made it and found the boundary but apparently you lose from winning. I guess Freda got the flag.” she replied, “But don’t think about it all you have to do is to take a rest. Your fever is high so take this medicine.” she added. I remembered when Gaile and Faye fall off from the bridge. We are all wet that time and tired. I take the medicine and lay back down.

“How about Gaile and Faye?” I asked her.

“Don’t worry they’re fine. They are resting next to your door. Hans safely bring them back

here.” she explained. I breathe

deeply knowing that they’re all okey.

“Just closed your eyes and back to sleep. I have to leave to tell the King your already awake. I’ll be back later.” she said, then started to walked out the door. I looked at the alarm clock in my side, it’s already 7o’clock in the evening. I lose from winning, the competition is over.


The Next Morning

“Goodmorning everyone, we are all gathered today to announce the winner in the competition. As

we all know Freda Grey is the first one who found the boundary where the red flag is. You all ladies, are so brave and you do all your best for this year competition. And I’m congratulating you all for that.” King Wlliam said,

I’m feelin’ little fine now, all though I still have a fever. Gaile and Faye are on my side. I looked at them and smiled. It’s okey. I whispered. I know they are upset for not winning because we both know that Freda doesn’t deserved to be the next princess. But what else we can do? It’s over. She win. That’s the reality. Eveybody gathered here today to witness the announcement of the winner.

I saw mom and dad and Amber in my right direction. I know even if I lose they’ll be so proud of me.

“B-but before that, I guess it’s the right time to introduced to all of you the Prince. I know you are all excited to see him. His real identity has been a mysterious to you. He asked me that favor long ago so we kept it secretly, not until this competition is over. So, I guess I won’t make this long anymore.” he added. Then everybody clapped.

Everyone is screaming and excited. Even me, is excited too. Finally, I can see him this time.

“Let me introduced to you, my son Prince David of Kingdom Oreon.” he said in high tone. The crowd is more hyper this time. The screams turns into shouting. Then, everybody focused there self from looking in the direction where the prince will comes out. Then, a guy’s figure slowly walked towards the direction of King William. He looked so handsome in his Prince attire. Then he looked at the crowd and smiled.

But wait, his familiar to me. I was so shocked, this can’t be. I looked at Gaile and Faye’s direction. We are all both shocked. Even the other ladies and the everybody in the crowd.

“Chloe, is that Hans?” Faye asked me.

“His the Prince?” Gaile said,

“I can’t believe it...

“Yah! Me too...

“All this time we don’t know that his the prince...

“Freda, is that Hans?

“The guy you shouted last night...

“You said some bad words to the prince....

I looked at Freda’s direction. She’s also in shocked and I can see she’s shaking. But why? My attention snapped back when I heard someone’s voice. It’s Hans. No it’s the Prince. I still can’t believe that his really the Prince. I got that ideas before when I saw in Prince room but he always denied and pretend his not. Is that the reason why he always told me that I should win the competition? Because his the Prince. And He told me he likes me. Oh, my Hans and Prince David is same person. I can feel my teary eyes now. Any time at this moment it will flow from my eyes. I tried to win but it wouldn’t happen. I lose and I can’t be with him forever.

“Goodmorning, everyone. I would like to say sorry for keeping my real identity. I do that to protect the palace. I know that this competition will came over, and I want to marry the girl who really deserved to be the Princess. The one who possessed the characters of a real princess. The one who has a big heart for her people. Being a Prince and a Princess is a big responsibility, it’s not all about the crown or power but it needs selflessness, sacrifices, being humble, and loving the people in your kingdom despite of whatever standing in life they had. We are all the same, so treat everybody as they deserved to be treated.” he explained, and looked at Freda’s direction. She looked down.

Last night’s happening after the competition.

“Congratulation, Lady Freda. You win the competition.” King William said,

“Thank you your highness...” she replied,

“For now you had to rest because tomorrow is the announcement.” King William added. She is about to walked when Hans interrupted.

“W-wait, your highness....he said,

“Any problem Hans?” he asked him.

“That girl doesn’t deserved to be the princess...” he replied, they both looked at him straightly.

“W-what do you mean?”

“I saw her..she cheated! She broke the bridge so that the other ladies will lose.” he answered,

“Your lying...“Freda shouted,

“I’m not lying...” he replied,...

“Your highness that’s not true.“he said, Who are to say that? You’re only a dancing partner? Don’t make a story. Do have no evidence” she added,


“Stop it Hans..Let’s talk later. Lady Freda you can go to your room now..” King William said,

What happened last night? Freda would be happy this time because she win and finally the prince came out. But why is she acting like that?

“I am Prince Hans David of Kingdom Oreon as the next Prince, I have to make sure that the next Princess deserved the Tiara. And that girl, Freda Grey is not deserving to be a princess. She cheated.” he said, then everybody is on shocked. All attentions is on Freda’s direction.

“That’s not true. You have no evidence.” she said,

“Evidence? That’s not what you think...he replied. King William if you will give me permission can I show the evidence?” he asked and the king gave it to him. Then the big screen played. We are all waiting for what’s the evidence all about.

The surrounding is dark but the lights coming from the moon is enough to see what’s happening.

“No one will win from this competition, except me.” Freda said, then she started to broke the steps of the bridge. Then she hide from the tree’s waiting for someone to fall. My tears is almost falling when I saw our self from the screen. Gaile and Faye is first who cross it then I was shocked when I saw them falling under. I’m so scared that time and wasn’t expect that Freda can do that to us. Gaile and Faye is almost drown to death.

“S-stop that!! Freda shouted and cry. King Arthur and Queen Harriet were so disappointed to her. Then King Arthur slapped her face.

“You’re out of your mind Freda. You disappoint us. You put Kingdom Laverna in shame. Why did you do that?” he angrily asked her.

“All I wanted is to make you proud of me for winning the crown because you always let me feel that I’m not deserve to become what I want. You make me feel I’m worthless.” she replied,

“Then, you thought you made it? You see that two ladies? You almost killed them. Can you sleep at night knowing that you put other lives in danger?” she asked her. Then she cried.

“Arthur, it’s enough..” Queen Harriet said,

“I-m sorry father..I know I’m wrong. I’m so sorry...” she replied, then Queen Harriet hugged her.

“Let’s go. We have to leave.” said the King and they started to walk away.

The truth has revealed and it’s a clear evidence that Freda cheated in competition. But who really win the competition?

.....to be continued (:-]

A/N: It’s the last chapter. The next thing I should write is the Epilogue. So, keep on reading guys 😃


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