TIARA : A Search for Princess

Chapter 17: Follow your Heart

“Just follow what your heart says”.

“Do I sleep last night?” that was

the question came into my mind

when I woke up this morning.

Today is the day- final challenge.

But I don’t sleep just because of

this, I don’t sleep because of what

Hans told me last day, he likes me.

Do I have to continue this? What

if I win? What if I don’t see him

again? What if I back out and

find him instead? Lot of what if’s.

But why is he always said that I

have to win the competition,

even if he confessed already?

From the books I read and in the

movie’s I’ve watched- he Guy do

everything just to win the girl

over the other guy. But in the

case of Hans, he just let me

hanging. With lot of questions.

His always that mysterious

effect. But whatever it is, I trust

him. I’m all dressed up. I’m

wearing a above the knee short,

a plain white shirt and a pair of

rubber shoes. I guess, it’s our

time to enter the forest. I

snapped back to reality when I

heard someone knocking on my

room. I stood up and opened it.

“Prince D-dale?” I was surprised

to see him.

“I’m here just to say goodluck.

And please win the competition

for Prince David...I have to leave.

The final challenge is about to

start.“..he said then walk away.

Why does everyone acting so

weird this days. I said to myself.

After a few minutes, we all

gathered to the ground where we

facing headed to the forest. All

of us nine remaining ladies

formed a vertical line. Gaile and

Faye are on my both side, while

Freda is next to us. She looked

at me with strong face. She’s

always have that troubled look.

I just hope she wouldn’t do

anything wrong to us. We looked

straight to King William, Prince

Dale and Princess Kaitlyn. While

Froilan is starting to open a

piece of paper. Prince David is

still not on the track.

“Good morning Ladies, you all

know that this is the last day of

your competition. From fifteen

down to nine. You all has the

courage to win but only one

lady will take the slot of being the

next Princess. But before this

competition begin, let me read

you a sort of reminders and


- As you enter the dark forest,

you need to be brave enough to

conquire your fears.

- That forest is not an ordinary

forest you think of.

- You need to use your mind.

- Be smart.

- Think wise.

- And have the courage to win.

- All you have to do is to find the

right direction.

- From here, you have to find the

way out of the forest.

- When you’d reach the boundary

just look for a red flag and bring

it to us.

- Goodluck ladies and Be careful.

“Now ladies, the challenge begin.”

Froilan said, then we start

walking in the forest. I’m afraid

of the dark, what shall I do now.

But Froilan was right I have to

be brave. Gaile and Faye was on

my side so I feel a little


“This forest is so creepy, isn’t it?”

Faye asked.

“Yeah, right. It’s my first time to

see a forest like this. The sun is

so bright out there but inside of

this, it looks like that we are in

a middle of the night.” Gaile


“I guess, this is the reason why

they prohibited us to came in

here.” I said.

“We can do this girls...” Faye said.

“But only one lady need to win.”

Gaile replied.

“Wait...where is the other ladies?

I asked them and looked around

but haven’t seen anything. The

surrounding is dark and I heard

some creepy sound around.

“We have to hurry up.” Gaile

added and then we walked so

fast. I dont know if we take the

right direction.

We stopped for a minute and seat

on a trees root. “My feet is

crumping.” Faye said.

“Me too..” Gaile seconded.

“Even me...” I added. I felt the

emptiness of my throat. I need

water but where I can get that in

this middle of the night. We

walked an hour and haven’t see

any rivers flowing in here. Plus

this creeply dark forest.

“Hey! Girls. Quite. Did you heard

that?. Faye asked then we all

shut up and listen to the sounds.

I heard a noise going to our

direction. Then, we heard

Rooooaarrrrrr!!!! I don’t know

what it is, all I know is we run

separately to different directions.

I’m all alone now. I tried not to

look back knowing that

something is roaming around

this place. What kind of animals

is that. Is that a tiger or a Lion.

Or maybe a witch or a ghost or

a mystical creature. I stopped

and put my back on a tree. I felt

like my breathe is about to end.

And my heart is beating really

fast. It’s double-triple every

time Hans near me. Where are

you girls. I decided to walk again

and think what I am going to do.

I looked around and was amazed.

I saw a lightning trees from afar,

so I find and lucky to found. This

is the tree’s I’ve seen before in the

park, where I first meet Prince

Dale. So beautiful. I enjoyed

watching it for a while. But I

have to find the girl’s. We need to

find the way out there.

“Gaile, Faye. Where are you?” I

shouted, I don’t care anymore

about the creepy thing around.”

I stopped when I bump someone.

“Waahhhh...” she shouted.

“Hey, Faye. It’s me Chloe.”

“Oh, thanks god. I found you.

I’m about to die here in any


“Breathe deeply. Anyway, where’s

Gaile?” I asked her.

“I don’t know.. we separated.”

“Let’s go we have to find her.


I’m almost fall off the ground when someone bump me again.

I looked up and saw Gaile. I stood

up and hugged her.

“Thanks god, you’re her.” then we

hugged all together. We walked

again, until we saw a bridge.

“G-girls, look there’s a water over


We run all together and get some

drinks. Finally, were no longer


“Girls, where do we go now?” Faye


“Let’s cross that bridge.”

“Yeah, let’s go..

Gaile and Faye walked first, but I

was shocked when the steps broken and they fall down the


“G-gaile, Faye....” I shouted so loud. I hurriedly run back and find where they fall. I stopped running when I saw them in the water unconscious. Girls, wake

up. Please wake up... I said while

my tears is falling down my face.

The water just below my knee so they just floating on it. “H-help..help me. Somebody help me please.” I shouted using my all voice. I have to get them out of the water, but I can’t carry them with my hands. I’m not that strong enough to carry there weights. My whole body is shaking. I’m cold already but I don’t care. It’s more colder than there bodies being under water.

Then, someone tapped my back, so I looked behind my back.

“H-hans.....” I said, then hugged him tight.

“Hey! Are you okey?” he asked me.

“N-no I’m not...Please help me. Help us..” I replied.

“Don’t worry. I’ll help you.” he said, then carry the unconscious body of Faye then after is Gaile.

“Girls, please wake up.” I whispered then suddenly my tears fall down again.

“Chloe, don’t worry they’re be okey..

“I can’t. Knowing that they don’t wake up yet.” I replied.

Why it is Hans is always there when I’m in trouble. Is he really my knight in a darkest hour?.

“Hans thank you for saving me, us. I don’t know what to do when you don’t come. But wait what are you doing here?. I asked him.

“I just....” he stop from talking when Gaile and Faye moved.

“Girls, what do you feel? Are you okey? What’s hurt?”

“I’m okey...” Gaile replied.

“Me too. I’m just cold.” Faye added.

“We have to go back to the palace now.” I said,

“But how about the competition?”

Gaile asked me. I looked down and smiled.

“The competition is important but you guy’s is more important to me now.” I said.

“B-but you need to continue the competition Chloe.“Hans replied.

“Hans was right. You have to win over Freda.” Faye added.

“Don’t worry about us. Just win this for us.” Gaile said then they hold my hand. I make a cry sound then hugged them.

“I’ll bring them back to palace.” Hans said then hold my hand. Win this for the Prince Chloe. Win this for him.

I stood up and smiled. “Okey, i’ll do it.” I answered and took a deep breathe. Before I turn my back I heard Hans say a words.

“Take care....

Then I started to walk away.

The forest is getting darker and I don’t really know what direction should I take. Is it the right or the left direction? I looked up into the sky and find the moon above. Its heading up to the left the direction.

I can see my way when there is a light coming from the moon. That’s what my mind say. I don’t know if this is right but I remembered what Froilan said,

You need to use your mind. And that’s what I am doing now. I walked again and finally my mind lead to the right direction. I find the red flag, but it wasn’t there anymore. Then I heard someone laughing.

“Hahaha. Poor girl. You think you can win over me? No way!!!! If I were you? I’m going back home right now......Bye! " Freda said then she started to walked away.

.....to be continued (:-]

A/n: Hi Everyone!!!! What do you think will happen to the end? Freda win the competition and found the red flag first?

Comment please..Hahaha 😃

Thanks for reading...


Chapter 19 and Epilogue is coming....

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