Thrown Away

Chapter 40

Finn had moved into the house two days ago. Nikora, Buzz and Cut helped pack up her clothes and grabbed all of Jai's things. Nikora had been furious she owned nothing but one bag of clothes for herself. Jai had more stuff but she only got them to take the stuff that she had brought. She left everything that Sunny and Zane brought at the house.

Finn had a couple of texts from Sunny checking in on her but she always replied 'Jai is fine. We will organise for you to see him next week'. She knew that they didn't care for her really. She was just Jai's mother and nothing more. Sunny had replied to each message 'I am not checking on Jai, I see you Finn and I'm checking on you'. Finn never knew how to respond to that so she just didn't.

Myles had text her once letting her know he would see her Friday to talk. Pity he wouldn't know where to find her, Finn didn't respond to that at all. Finn had spoken to Marcia and with her help she wrote herself a list of boundaries that she was going to put in place. Finn was no longer going to allow people to treat her like anything less then an equal.

Nikora had popped over last night bringing dinner as a house warming present. He had just wanted to see Finn but she was exhausted from setting up her house. Who knew getting all new things meant a heap of washing and washing up. Surprisingly Finn found a bed frame and couch at Jim's store. She also found a cot that Jim was working on and a chest of draws for Jai's room. Jim had basically given them to her because apparently they had been in the store for agers and no one was interested in them. Finn however left $500 on the counter and Jim just shook his head at the girl smiling.

Finn then just had to buy a new mattress which she did. Then they had gone to Kmart and got all the bedding plus dinner sets, pots and pans, cutlery and even splurged on some candles and photo frames she could fill with photos of her and Jai.

Today Finn was going to be checking out the local playgroup after someone dropped off a flyer in her mailbox. She was excited to meet some mums and hoped to make a few mum friends seeing she had no one to turn to. As she left the house Connie was on her way out and waved to Finn. Finn waved back and continued to walk to the local school where the playgroup was being held. Jai was sitting in his pram watching the world, he was such a happy baby, no one would of suspected what he had been through at such an early age.

Steph was at the playgroup with her daughter and jumped up the minute she saw Finn and Jai. They spent the entire time talking together. Steph's daughter, Jewel, was 2 months younger then Jai. There were other mums there too but Steph and Finn hit it off and pretty much forgot everyone else was around. They both exchanged numbers and promised to see each other next week for playgroup. They were also going to catch up for coffee on Monday morning.

The day had gone quickly, Finn hadn't realised she had left her phone at home and when she arrived back Nikora was standing out the front of her house. "Hey" Nikora said when he saw Finn and Jai. "Hey everything ok?" Finn asked. "Just wanted to check you were ok, I text asking if you wanted to do something tomorrow and didn't hear back" Nikora replied. When Finn hadn't text back he was worried. She usually text back almost straight away but it had been hours since he text with no reply. When he called she hadn't answered and he was worried.

Finn looked in her baby bag for her phone. "I don't have my phone" Finn replied looking guilty. She was waiting for Nikora to blow up like Jarrod and Myles use to do. Nikora immediately saw her tense and didn't like that at all. "That's ok sweetheart, I missed you and panicked" Nikora replied softly pulling Finn into his arms. Nikora kissed Finn quickly on the lips to reassure her she was safe with him.

"I better get Jai inside before he falls asleep. I didn't realise I would be out so long and I didn't take food with me" Finn mumbled into Nikora's chest. "Can I come in?" Nikora asked. Finn nodded and opened the door allowing Nikora to enter her place. "After you and Jai sweetheart" Nikora stated. Finn entered her house and Nikora lightly tapped her arse as he walked in after her. Finn spun around looking at Nikora while still holding Jai. Nikora smirked and winked at her before taking Jai from her arms.

"Sweetheart Jai and I have some bro talk to do. I'll change him if you want to grab his lunch" Nikora stated to a stunned Finn. No one had ever slapped her arse before. Finn quickly made some sandwich fingers for Jai and put them on the highchair. Nikora soon came out placing Jai in the highchair and sitting down next to him still chatting away like Jai was his best mate.

Finn grabbed some water for Jai and took the left overs out of the fridge. She placed the water down for Jai and put the left overs on the table. Nikora pulled Finn onto his lap kissing her neck. "Jai your mum is the most beautiful woman in the world. Yes she is" Nikora said causing Jai to giggled. "Jai, Nikora needs glasses, oh yes he does" Finn laughed out. Jai just blew raspberries at his mother. "That's my boy, your mummy is telling porky pies and you know it" Nikora laughed causing Jai to bang his hands in the highchair tray.

Finn pouted, "It's not far, you are ganging up on me" Finn whined causing Nikora to begin to tickle her. Finn jumped up quickly trying to run away from Nikora, she was extremely ticklish and no one was suppose to know. "Jai, I think mummy is ticklish" Nikora chuckled. Jai was getting excited and babbling away waving his arms and legs. Nikora picked him up and they chased Finn around the dining table which caused both Finn and Jai to squeal in delight.

After 10 minutes of chasing Finn, it was clearly time to put Jai to sleep. Finn was placing Jai in his cot of a day time now so he would get use to it. Nikora watched as Finn settled her son to sleep, he was certain he would marry this woman, she just needed to claim him first.

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