Thrown Away

Chapter 35

Nikora had asked Finn and Jai out on Sunday to the zoo with him. He didn't want to push his luck running in to her again so thought it was best to ask her out. She had fumbled for an answer and then had said that Zane and Sunny were spending time with Jai for a few hours that day. He had offered to take her out while they were watching Jai so she got to have a break but she was reluctant. She had never left Jai before. Eventually she had rang Sunny to ask her. Sunny had practically shouted at Finn to get her arse out without Jai for a few hours as she deserved it.

Nikora had since be planning what to do with Finn for 3 hours while Sunny and Zane took care of Jai. Eventually he decided to take Finn to the arcade in Moorepark, they could play games and also grab some food. He was looking forward to this date and didn't tell anyone at the club so they couldn't spy on him. They all had a good laugh about how he was at the beach with Finn thanks to Buzz, so he wanted to keep it all on the down low because he was nervous. He did however tell his Tupuna as she immediately knew something was up.

Finn was worried about leaving Jai for the first time. She had called Sunny to cancel but Sunny wouldn't allow her to. Sunny had assured her she wasn't a bad mother for taking a few hours away. She even told Finn that she had invited Myles over as well so Finn could relax on the date knowing that Sunny and Zane wouldn't take off with her son. Finn had gone to protest she didn't think they would do that, but she had thought about that. She was glad Myles would be here too.

Nikora had sent Finn several text messages during the week but refused to tell her where they were going. She had even printed out a few pictures that Nikora had taken of her and Jai along with a couple that Cut had taken at the beach. Jai had been a little fussy the last few days, probably because he was teething and dribbling up a storm. He didn't want to be put down and Finn was ok with that.

Zane and Sunny arrived 30 minutes prior to Nikora and 5 minutes later Myles turned up. Jai was excited to see all of them and was babbling away to the three while Finn ran to get changed. She didn't have to be limited to what she wore today. Usually she had to have something on that was easy for her to feed in but today she didn't need to. Nikora had told her to wear jeans and inclosed shoes.

Nikora was early but he was excited about getting Finn to agree to go out with him. He hadn't used the words date because he didn't want to scare her off at all. When Myles opened the door, Nikora was surprised but didn't let it show. "So you are taking my sister out?" Myles spat at Nikora. "Yep" Nikora replied. "What gives you the right to think you are good enough for her?" Myles spat. Nikora looked Myles straight in the eye, "I'm not good enough for her. She and Jai deserve better then me. What I can say is that I will treat her like the queen she is and constantly work my arse off to be a better man who one day might deserve her and Jai" Nikora stated firmly.

"Myles stop it" Finn said coming down the stairs hearing what Nikora was saying. She was blushing from his words but glad she was wearing a little make up. "Wow Finn you are breath taking" Nikora stated. Nikora had a bunch of gerberas for Finn. When they had come home from the aquarium Finn had seen a bunch of them at the florist and had to stop and point them out to Jai saying they were her favourite. "These are for you" Nikora said handing Finn the flowers. Sunny was holding Jai and gushing about the flowers. "Thanks, I'll umm put them in water" Finn mumbled. No one had ever brought flowers for her and she didn't know if there was a vase around.

Sunny jumped up handing Zane Jai. "I'll take care of them. You two can head off" Sunny stated. Nikora nodded in thanks. "I'm just going to say goodbye to Jai" Finn stated before walking over to Jai. Nikora had never been so thankful to pair of jeans in his life. The black jeans Finn was wearing accentuated the curve of her arse and her hips. They were tight in all the right places. She had paired the jeans with some white sneaks and a white singlet top, tucked into her jeans, which showed off her cleavage.

Both Finn and Nikora said goodbye to Jai who didn't seem to care at all. He was to busy munching on a frozen teething ring. Finn had feed him before Sunny and Zane had arrived so he would likely go down for a nap shortly. When Finn closed the front door she wanted to rush back in. Myles and Zane were waiting for her to run in but Sunny headed to the window shooing Finn away. "Hey we don't have to ho anywhere if you want to stay with Jai" Nikora offered. Finn smiled softly up at Nikora and nodded once. "It's ok. He will be alright" Finn offered. "I'm also worried about you. Will you be ok if we leave for a few hours? We can come back any time you want" Nikora stated. Finn nodded and Nikora took her hand leading her to his bike.

"So I was thinking we could ride to our date. Do you know how to ride?" Nikora asked. No one had ridden on the back of Nikora's bike except his Tupuna. He was excited Finn would be the first girl on his bike and he hoped the last. "Yeh I can ride. Are you sure you want me on the back? Isn't that special?" Finn asked. She remembered that a pres would only allow his old lady on the back of the bike. "It's special because it's you" Nikora stated.

Nikora handed Finn a helmet which he pulled from the saddle bag and then mounted his bike. "Come here and I'll help you with the helmet" Nikora stated. Finn walked closer to the bike after slipping the helmet on. Nikora pulled her towards him checking the helmet was secure. Finn rolled her eyes, she knew how to ride and also how to put a helmet on. She had been on the back of Myles' bike plenty of times. "On you get beautiful. Let's ride" Nikora said starting his bike.

Finn hoped on the bike securing her hands around Nikora's middle. "Move forward Finn, I don't want you falling off the back" Nikora called out. He didn't think she would fall off, but he wanted to feel her against him. Finn shuffled forward so her chest was pressing onto Nikora's back. Once Nikora was satisfied with how Finn was holding him he took off towards the arcade, he was regretting not just spending a few hours with Finn on the back of his bike snuggled into him.

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