Thrown Away

Chapter 34

Finn was smiling when she woke up the next morning. She had a great day with Nikora and his mates along with Jai. She got to be a normal teenager for a bit when she was coaxed into playing a game of touch footy with the others. Cut and Buzz's wives stayed out of it and kept an eye on Jai while he slept. Whisky's partner made 5 so they needed one extra for 3 a side.

Buzz was first to pick and of course chose Finn just to piss Nikora off. Whisky was also on Finn and Buzz's team and they were going to use Finn to their advantage. Nikora was always really competitive and never liked to lose. Finn was also competitive, she had an older brother and liked to win. When Buzz had told her the plan, she was all for it. She had flirted with Nikora when he had the ball and was easily able to tag him and when her team had the ball she would use her body to distract Nikora like Whisky distracted Matt his partner allowing Buzz to score. When it came down to the last play as Jai had woken up, Finn pretended her top came loose and Nikora immediately dropped the ball racing to help Finn. When Whisky scored the winning try, he had told her he would get her back for that and he had once she finished feeding and changing Jai. He had picked her up throwing her over his shoulder and marched her into the water throwing her once he made it to deeper water. She had had a blast but had declined the invite back to the club for dinner.

Nikora had had a ball too and didn't want the day to end. He had made up a bbq night at the club to try to tempt Finn to spend more time with him but she had declined the invitation. His mates had given him hell when he sulked back to the club and for how he had glared at any guy that so much as looked at Finn. He had loved playing football with Finn especially when she had jumped on his back to stop him from passing the ball after she had tipped him. He took that as a good sign, she hadn't been afraid of his touch or touching him.

Nikora wanted to see Finn again and still had a guy watching her place, just for her safety of course. He had to make sure Tama couldn't bother her even though he was in New Zealand. When he got a call from the guy watching Finn saying she was out again he immediately sprung into action. Apparently she was on a bus to circular quay which only meant that she was likely going on a ferry.

Nikora beat the bus to circular quay and accidentally bumped into Finn as she was getting the pram off the bus. "Oh shoot sorry my bad" Finn said and she backed into someone getting off the bus. "No dramas, oh wait hey Finn. Need a hand?" Nikora asked. Finn looked up smiling at Nikora, "anyone would think you are stalking me" Finn laughed waving Nikora off as she managed to get out of the way of people exiting the bus. If it wasn't for the colour of Nikora's skin, Finn would see him going red for being called out on stalking. "Nah just checking on one of my businesses in here" Nikora replied. Yes his club owned a restaurant here but he wasn't checking up on it. He had parked his bike there and rushed over to meet the bus hoping that Finn had stayed on the bus and this was where she was heading.

"What brings you here? Maybe you are stalking me" Nikora replied. Finn laughed but shook her head. "Well Jai and I are going on a ferry today. His first time, actually I plan on giving him lots of first now things seem to have calmed down" Finn stated. "Oh wow, did you bring a camera this time?" Nikora asked coming up with a plan to get one here. "Actually I did" Finn replied smiling and lifting her phone. "And who is taking the photos?" Nikora asked. He just wanted a reason to spend the day with Finn and Jai. Finn shrugged her shoulders, "umm me and I'll ask other people I guess" Finn replied.

Nikora smiled at Finn, "then yes I'm happy to tag along and be your personal photographer" he laughed out. "Oh I can't ask you to do that. You have stuff to do. Anyway nice seeing you again Nikora. The ferry comes in 10 minutes and I got to get to the wharf" Finn rushed out. She did want to spend time with Nikora again but he was just being friendly. She didn't want to owe anyone anything either so was best to say no.

Nikora kept right beside Finn, "you didn't ask sweetheart, I offered and I would love to spend the day with you and Jai. I have nothing I rather be doing" Nikora stated. Finn blushed and kept walking to the ferry not knowing what to say. "So where are we off to today?" Nikora asked when Finn kept quiet. "Umm just to darling harbour. I was going to take Jai to the aquarium but that I will do another day" Finn mumbled. She didn't have enough money for the aquarium today but that didn't matter, Jai would love the adventure anyway.

Nikora knew something was wrong but didn't push it at all. He followed Finn to the ferry and watched as she took Jai from the pram so he could see the Ferry as it came in to dock. "Look Jai we are going on that" Finn said to Jai who waved his hands getting excited. When it was time to board, Nikora pushed the pram while Finn carried Jai. Finn had gone to grab the pram but he waved her off. He also was snapping photos of the two on his phone.

They got off the ferry and Nikora had already purchased tickets to the aquarium on his phone. "Finn, I have tickets to the aquarium for us let's head over" Nikora said when Finn looked around to see where to take them on an adventure. "Huh?" Finn asked not sure she heard Nikora correctly. "I hope you don't mind, I got us tickets to the aquarium. Jai will love it" Nikora replied smiling at Jai who had just spotted him and held his arms up.

"Do you mind?" Nikora asked while looking at Jai. "Oh no, umm I'll pay you for the ticket" Finn finally replied. "My treat, come on" Nikora said as Finn pushed the pram heading after Nikora who was talking to Jai. Finn couldn't help but snap a few photos of Jai laughing at whatever Nikora was whispering to him.

Once in the aquarium Nikora paid for them to have their photo taken together wanting something to remember the day by. He also held Jai and pointed out all the fish to him. They rode the boat around the Penguin enclosure with him and Finn sharing a seat with Jai on Nikora's lap. Finn was just as mesmerised as Jai which Nikora found adorable. They had lunch in the cafe and spent 3 hours in the aquarium with Jai falling asleep in Nikora's arms.

When the day was over, again Nikora invited Finn to have dinner with him but she refused to head to the club. Instead she offered to cook him dinner as a thank you for a wonderful day. Immediately Nikora had said yes and headed back on the bus with Finn. He would get his bike later.

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