Three for Thorn

Chapter 8 Sun

🚨 Smut 🚨

"Happy birthday!" I yell out happily as soon as I entered Thorns bedroom carrying a pretty purple sparkling package in my hands that Slay and I got just for her.

But to my surprise and dismay her room is completely vacant.

The memories of her running away soon raced through my mind, in a virtual panic I ran from her room down the stairs and into the living room but all I can see when I get there is a empty damn room. Great!

Dashing to the dining room hurriedly, Thorn is still nowhere to be seen. Where the hell can she be?

I am just hoping she hasn't ran away from us yet again.

I search all of the bathrooms and even the damn closets. I even looked in Sins room but I should have known that she wouldn't have been in there. Fuck!

Where is she? She wouldn't leave again would she? What if her father found her? This woman is making me a damn nervous wreck.

Still not being able to locate her anywhere I eventually mindlinked Slay completely irritated.

"Where is she?" I ask him rather abruptly.

"Who?" Seriously?

"Don't be dumb! Thorn. Where is she?" I ask him aggressively.

"Relax Sunny she's here in my office with me." Slay replies with laughter expelling under his breath.

"I'm headed that way." I tell him overly relieved that she didn't disappear on us again.

"Fine." I cut off the mindlink with him headed for his office with her birthday present still firmly sitting in my hands.

Opening the office door I'm surprised to see Sin sitting next Thorn on the loveseat though neither of them is talking to the other it gives me a little hope, hopefully it can only mean that its a small step in the right direction for both of them.

"Happy birthday babydoll." I gleefully tell her as I stroll over to her I show her the present that I've been yearning to give her.

"For me?" Her beautiful face shows a wonderment of surprise. Her smile literally lights up the entire damn room.

"Yes. From me and Slay." I tell her as I side eye Sin briefly. We asked him earlier if he wanted to help with her birthday present but his dumb ass completely refused.

She grabs the present from my hands eyeing the gift in wonder. Gently, she unwraps her gift, tossing the paper to the side she pulls out the dress that we purchase her slowly, eyeing it in pure amazement.

"It's stunning. Thank you." She tells Slay and I. Her gratitude warms my heart. Glancing back at Slay I smile when I see his lopsided grin and a twinkle in his eyes.

"We also want to take you out to dinner tonight." Slay informs her, standing from his desk he casually makes his way over to her.

"But what about...?"

I cut her off, "We will have you back in plenty of time before you shift." I assure her. We've already planned everything out for the event ahead of time thankfully.

"Okay then. That sounds great and thank you both so much. You really didn't have to." She says with modesty riddled on her tone.

"You're more than welcomed to come along Sin." Slay tells Sin.

"Thanks." He mutters climbing up from his seat he exits Slays office in a huff.

Shaking my head at his stubbornness I decidedly just to let him go ahead and mope like he always does and return my attention back to Thorn instead.

"I hate monkey suits." Sin grumbles adjusting his black tie for the twentieth time tonight.

Damn dude is always complaining here lately. I ignore his complaints watching the staircase closely.

We're all waiting patiently for Thorns arrival standing at the bottom of the staircase constantly adjusting our suits.

I seriously can't believe I'm actually nervous about this date tonight.

I picked out one of my best tuxedos just for the occasion.

I want to make a good impression on her especially knowing that my damn ex Nina will be arriving here tomorrow. I'm nervously panicking on the inside.

Lila wouldn't tell me any information about Nina's unexpected visit. All she said was that Nina needed to talk to all of us urgently and that it was a matter of great importance.

Even though I haven't gotten along with Nina in the past I really hope it's nothing far too serious.

And I truly hope she isn't coming just to cause any trouble for us either but knowing Nina I'm sure she has something up her damn sleeve. She always does.

Thorns door finally opens, chasing away any thoughts of I have about Nina far away from mind when I see her anxiously descending the staircase in the dress we got her for her birthday.

She looks fucking ravishing.

The red formal dress shows off her dark sun kissed tanned complexion irresistibly.

She's a damn fucking Goddess.

"My Luna!" My wolf Stinger growls in my head in full appreciation.

"Yes she definitely is." I have to absolutely agree with him on that assumption.

I couldn't ask for a more beautiful Luna.

Thank you Moon Goddess!

The restaurant, Les plats désirés, is definitely crowded tonight. Streams of people are hanging around the building in a long awaited line.

We bypass the cumbersome line of people that's patiently waiting to enter, making our way up to the hostess without any disruptions whatsoever.

The hostess gives a sultry smile to us as we enter the building.

"Good evening Alphas, table for four?" She sweetly ask us with her eyes glued mainly on Sin standing roughly beside me in a very flirtatious and crude manner.

Sin just offers her a swaggered grin with a little flirtatious wink aimed right at her.

I nudge him with my elbow square in his ribs making him grimace up in pain as he lets out a disgruntled scoff.

"Yes please, Winona." Slays replies to her completely oblivious to Sins revolting transgressions from behind him.

"Right this way Alphas." Winona replies seductively as she sashays away, swinging her hips abhorrently, escorting us all to our designated table.

We reach our table finally, a giant round table with a cushioned bench surrounded it along with a white tablecloth and candles placed upon it. Thorn slides in the middle with Slay and I sitting on each side of her. Sin sets next to Slay on the far side of the bench scowling. I scowl right back at him.

If the asshole ruins this birthday dinner for her tonight I will be more than happy to kick his stupid ass right here in the middle of the damn restaurant.

"You're wine steward, Bernace, will be with you shortly." Winona informs us flashing her pearly whites at Sin before she saunters off swinging her hips again. Sin cranes his neck watching her as she walks away.

I kick him hard on his shin underneath the table.

Sins fucking pushing it tonight.

"Oh." Sin exclaims loudly. Drawing everyone's attention to him.

Smothering a smile I take a sip of my water, playing coy.

"What may I get you tonight to drink Alphas." The steward ask us with a genuine smile on his face.

"We'll have the Domaine de la Romanee-Conti Romanee-Conti Grand Cru, Cote de Nuits, thank you." Slay informs him, the steward nods his head at Slay with a slight bow of his head.

"Very nice choice sir." He replies as he walks off to get us our drinks.

Whatever the hell Slay ordered is a damn mystery to me but I'm damn sure glad he knows what the hell he's talking about. Because I'm completely fucking clueless.

A waitress brings us our menus. A tiny little brunette girl with a dimpled smile. She walks away briskly allowing us time to review our menus.

Looking over the menu I feel a bit lost this is definitely not my forte for sure.

Glancing over at Slay I feel a bit overwhelmed but he seems to have so much damn confidence flowing out of him that I decide to mindlink him.

"I have no idea what this shit is Slay. Just order something for me." I suggest.

"No problem." He agrees giving me a stiff nod.

The waitress comes back to take our orders but it is Slay who recites the order to her for all of us thankfully. When he starts rambling off the order in French I'm at a total fucking loss.

Shaking my head I glance over at Thorn to see her reaction, she seems to be just as confused as I am. Now I don't feel so bad for not knowing a damn thing about the French.

Forgive me Loup-Garou.

"What is this shit called?" Sin rudely sneers, peering down at the white bowl of food placed on the table before him.

"It's called Coq au vin Sin. Just try it I'm sure you will enjoy it." Slay quips.

Taking a tentative bite of the

Coq au vin that Slay ordered for us. I revel in the unique taste of it. The chicken, bacon, spices and what I think is burgundy wine rest on my tastebuds delightfully.

"It's good." I reflect as I start gobbling down my robust meal.

"Well I'm out. This type of stuff just isn't for me. I need a damn burger and beer. It's a nice restaurant you have here Slay it's just not my style. Sorry." Sin sourly replies tossing his napkin on top of his bowl as he stands up abruptly.

"Pick me up down at my club when you're done here." He insist as he presumptively walks out of the restaurant hurriedly.

I'm definitely going to have a long conversation with him later and he isn't going to like what I have to say to him one damn bit either.

"You own this restaurant?" Thorn asks Slay with curiosity marring her face.

"Yes beautiful. I own this one and another restaurant called Slays Slaughter House plus a couple of other businesses around town." Slay is being overly modest.

He's a damn financial genius. He owns two restaurants and five small businesses plus two hotels all along our town.

Sin owns one bar and a strip club known as Sins Shop that he purchased from a long time friend of ours named Damon.

I personally own a mechanics shop called Suns Quality Auto Repair, that I purchased from a firemen that was wanting to retire. I've always had a fascination with cars.

"That's amazing Slay." She quaintly tells him.

By the time the dessert portion of our meal rolls around I'm completely stuffed but Thorn seems to want some type of chocolate. She ordered herself a chocolate soufflé when it finally arrived she seemed surprisingly happy but unfortunately she could only consume a small majority of it.

"I'm so full." She exclaims moaning softly, slightly leaning back on the bench with her face filled with contentment.

"I think Sun may want some dessert beautiful." Slay suddenly implies with a sly smirk. Thorn looks over at him inquisitively.

I cock my eyebrow at him curiously peering over at him.

"What are you up too?" I ask through our mindlink.

"Rest assured you are going to enjoy this as much as she is?" I'm at a complete loss at his suggestion.

"Enjoy what Slay?" I inquire.

"You will see!" He doesn't fill me in he only offers me another sly smirk. What is he up to?

"Well he can have the rest of mine." Thorn offers pushing her soufflé over to me across the table.

"No beautiful. I think he's hungry for something else." Slay gruffly hints to her. She looks up at him with furrowing brows.

"Slide under the table. She doesn't have on any underwear on under that sexy ass dress." He implies.

"How do you know?" I try to take a peek under the table but the table cloth is far too long for me to be able to see under it.

"I can tell. She has no panty lines Sun." Now this is interesting.

"With pleasure." Who am I to pass up such an enticing offer?

Slowly sliding the underneath the table I push the tablecloth off of me that latched unto my shoulder as I slid under it.

Crawling in between her toned legs I pry them apart with my hands gently, pushing her long flowing dress to the side of her leg I make my way in between her thighs.

Her intoxicating fragrance spirals over to me. The illicit smell of cinnamon and vanilla pierces me desirably.

Slay is absolutely fucking right she is definitely not wearing any panties whatsoever. Fuck!

Putting those slender legs along my shoulders, I slide two fingers into her delectably smooth folds separating them as I descend on her sweet pussy like a deranged mad man.

Licking, sucking, and flicking her tiny little button vigorously I can her moans cascading down to me.

"Shhh. You don't want the entire restaurant knowing what he's doing do you beautiful?" I hear Slay tell her huskily. She mumbles incoherently to him when her tiny hand suddenly comes down under the table she places it on top of my head grabbing a fistful of my hair she pulls me upward along her peaked bud. Damn!

Groaning, I slide my hand down my slacks pulling out my rigid hard ass cock I start stroking it as I continue to eat out her pussy happily.

As I bite down on her tiny swollen clit her legs begin to tremble uncontrollably. Her moans start to become louder as I thrust my fingers into her overworked pussy then I feel her scorching walls start to spasm.

She's getting close. Stroking my dick faster now I give her a few more licks before she comes undone around my tongue. Her juices flow out of her as her walls convulse around my fingers.

She lets out a quavering moan as soon as she hits her over induced climax. When her cream suddenly hits my tongue my balls tighten up then I spurt out my seed all over my hands and down my cock groaning out as I orgasm. Fuuuuck!

How I wish so badly that I can sink my long ass cock deep within her.

"Good girl." I hear Slay whisper to her. Good is right. Good and tight. Fuck she is so damn remarkable.

Stuffing my lax dick back into my slacks I gingerly make my way back up unto the bench panting ever so slightly.

Grabbing a napkin I feverishly wipe off my cum from my hand, staring at a blissfully happy Thorn beside me.

Peering over at Slay I quickly notice how is fidgeting in his seat trying to adjust himself without anyone being non the wiser.

Stifling a laugh at him I think to myself that this has turned out to be a very rememberable birthday dinner for all of us.

"Best damn dessert ever!" I quip.

Now we're all situated in the backyard close to the edge of the forest waiting for Thorn to shift.

All four of us are standing around with spare clothes that I brought along for all of us laying beside me in a little black backpack on the ground.

Thorn is currently in a little beige satin robe wearing nothing underneath it.

My thoughts have been going to naughty places every since she walked down those stairs with that damn robe on and nothing else.

Unfortunately, we have been back here for close to two hours now and nothing has happened yet.

We're all starting to get a little bit worried over it. She should have already shifted by now and I can see the worry etched all over her beautiful face and it's completely disparaging to see it.

Roaming my eyes over her I observe all of her closely. There has to be a reason why she isn't shifting like she should be but I have no idea why she isn't.

"What am I doing wrong?" Thorn ask us with a touch of anxiousness shrouding her face.

"I don't know beautiful." Slays tone holds a touch of anxiety also. If she can't shift then we won't be able to take her to the Invivus Realm for her to claim her rightful place as the Queen of the Realm and this is starting to turn out to be a major problem for all of us.

"Are you sure you're even a wolf?" Sin ask her snarky with doubt flowing off of him.

"Y-yes." Thorn stammers.

Then why isn't she shifting?

I know without a doubt that she is indeed a wolf. Hell, I can smell it on her!

But what can be causing this conflict?

"Is your Fae side stopping you from being able to shift?" I question her with my eyes still roaming all over her.

"No. Not that I'm aware of. What am I going to do if I can't shift?" She ask hurriedly, threading her fingers through her long silky hair.

"Then we will find another way beautiful." Slay insist but I don't know of another way that we will be able to accomplish this.

Grabbing her hands suddenly to comfort her my eyes quickly land on her ring that she has on her finger.

"Where did you get this?" I question looking down at her hand.

"My mom gave it to me on my sixteenth birthday. It was right before she was..." she trails off staring down at the ring on her finger sadly.

"Do me a favor babydoll can you take this off for me." I ask gently. I think I may know what's blocking her from being able to shift now.


"Please. Just this once. I will put in my pocket nothing will happen to it I promise. Just trust me." I tell her as I look deep within her eyes pleading with her to trust me.

"Okay." She lowly agrees, taking the ring off of her finer she slowly hands to me as I place in my front jean pocket I blow out a breath hoping I'm right.

It only takes a few seconds before she bends over crying out in pain agonizingly transforming.

Watching as she shifts into her wolf makes me cringe. The first time you shift is always the hardest. Remembering my first shift I recall just how painful it was for me.

I hate to see her in so much pain but I know she has to do it.

After what seems like fucking hours she has finally transformed into a magnificent White Winged Wolf.

Her beauty is beyond miraculous. I am in complete and utter awe of just how magnificent she truly is.

"Beautiful." Slay affirms my own thoughts.

"Stunning." Sin mumbles astonished at her ethereal beauty.

I have to agree with both of them.

Thorns wolf Maya is nothing but perfect.

"You are truly phenomenal Maya." I sincerely tell her.

She nuzzles her head against my arm her fur is amazingly the softest I have ever felt before. She tries to stand but she stumbles a few times before she finally gets the hang of it.

Bending down to her I comb my fingers through her wistful fur on her head she sways her head to the side and slightly up to me.

"May we run with you Maya?" I gently ask her still sifting though her soft fur.

She nods her head up and down.

I wish I would have marked her now. I would be able to talk to her freely with our mindlink if only I did have but unfortunately I haven't yet.

Taking a step back I remove my clothes swiftly then shift into my Red Wolf Stinger and my brothers do the same behind me.

My bothers wolves both look identical to mine.

Stinger walks over to Maya. He sniffs her then nuzzles her head gently placing his scent all over her.

Slay and Sin do the same to her.

Then we all rush off into the forest like a massive racing whirlwind.

This is what I so longed for. With my beautiful and loving mate running beside me I'm all of the sudden consumed with an over powering emotion.

One that I can only acquaint to it being an emotion of growing and aspiring love.

I just may be falling in love with her?

How can I not?

She is everything that I have ever wished for and more.

I just hope that someday she will be able to love me also!

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