Three for Thorn

Chapter 7 Slay


Of all the...

She ran away what fuck was even she thinking?

I can't believe this woman! I haven't slept all night and neither has my brothers nor has half of my damn pack for that matter. We have been out all damn night long searching for her ass everywhere.

We just happened to get lucky when we stopped in at Barriks cabin. Just taking a chance that she just may be there.

At first the bastard was denying that she was even fucking there. He held on strong to that damn lie for a while. He only gave her up when I told that damn country hick vampire that I could actually smell her fucking there and I had to go as far as having to threaten his ass multiple times before he hesitantly pointed to his spare bedroom. I commend the man for his loyalty to her but damn that pissed me the fuck off royally.

The entire time she was missing all I could even think about was that her father had somehow managed to get his hands on her. I was fucking prettified.

But when she climbed out from under that tiny bed, I sighed out in relief, thankful that my assumptions were completely wrong.

But then I got mad. Hell, I skipped mad and went straight to fucking furious. Seeing her safe and sound eased my worry but now that I know that she is safe she is going to have to pay for upsetting and worrying us all like she did. Damn this woman can be really pigheaded.

Pulling her into the house by her wrist roughly I yank her ass through the door. I only let go of her wrist when I finally have her standing right in front of me.

"Go get a fucking shower. I'll be up there in a minute to serve out your punishment. Do not leave the fucking room." I hiss rather aggressively to her. I need to calm myself down before I hand down her punishment to her or else I'm afraid that I just might lose control and fucking hurt her.

"But..." she starts to say but I cut her with a fierce glare.

"Go." I snarl. She squeaks, startled by my gruffness then takes off into a sprint headed up the stairs quickly without even taking the chance to look back at us.

I half chuckle watching her as she goes.

"Are you really going to punish her?" Sunny ask me as he's staring up at the empty staircase wistfully.

"Yes. She has to learn." I sigh when I see the doubtful look drawn up on his face suddenly.

"But it may make her runaway again Slay." Sunny's worried expression has me doubting the idea for a second. But then I recall how damn worried Sunny was when he couldn't find her.

He came rushing into the parlor with panic written all over his face screaming out to the top of his lungs that she was gone.

We all raced to her bedroom to find it completely empty.

She left everything behind though.

Even the clothes and items we just purchased for her were still left thrown about in her in room haphazardly. She didn't take a damn thing with her and that's exactly why I thought her father had actually found her. Fear suddenly imploded within in me when I seen her clothing laying about.

Both Sunny and I panicked, Sin on the other hand took it all in stride.

I actually hated him in that second. How could he act so damn nonchalantly about his mates disappearance? His attitude toward it all had me fucking fuming.

The entire time we were out searching for her all Sin managed to do the entire time was fucking complain and whine like a damn spoilt toddler.

I never wanted to punch him so badly as did in that moment last night.

"I highly doubt it. I promise I won't be rough on her Sunny but she needs to learn that she just can't do this to us." I finally give him my reply walking over for the couch I plop my ass down on it blowing out a huge ragged breath. Man I'm tired.

"Then I want to be there with you when you do it." Sunny states as he walks over to the couch crashing down on it beside me.

"I don't understand why you two are so worked up about it. You should have just let her go. It looks to me like she doesn't want to be here anyway." Sin replies shrugging his shoulder. He sits down in the chair opposite of us playing on his damn cellphone.

"Because of you," Sunny angrily states glowering over at Sin, "you have made her feel so unwelcome here that she probably thought she didn't have any other choice but to runaway." He adds heatedly. I hate it but I would have to agree with him.

I can refute than Sin has done nothing but make her feel unwelcome every since she got here. The dude is starting to get on my last damn nerve with his oblivious attitude toward her.

"It's because I don't want her here. She will eventually end up getting both of you killed just because of this stupid damn prophecy. I don't understand how both of you can so willingly just follow her around like two little lost fucking puppies. And I for one won't stand by and let her hurt either of you." Sin displays his anger well unfortunately. "Plus I hate her fucking father." He adds.

"The man doth protest too much, methinks" I quote to Sunny while eyeing Sin with a big fat smile on my face.

Springing up from the chair to argue with me further he starts to say something in return but he accidentally drops his cellphone on the floor in the process. The phone hits the floor with a clatter bouncing up on it then finally settling face down abandoned on the floor.

I haven't the faintest idea as to why but when I look down at the phone I burst out into laughter. Plus, with the added bonus of the astonishing look shrouded on Sins face it has me laughing at him uproariously. The idiot. That's what I call fucking karma.

"It's so not funny." Sin says as he's bending down to pick up his poor fallen phone up off the floor.

He studies his phone with a sadden expression, flipping it around in his hand he scowls down at it. I actually think I caught him pouting.

"Serves you right." Sun tells him holding in his own laughter he just offers him a little smirk instead.

"Look Sin. I know you have issues with Thorn but this is our choice. Either you stand behind it or you don't. I don't care anymore. Besides, I thought you were going to make Storm your Luna? Why should you worry about Thorn if you have Storm waiting in the wings for you?" I inquire confused as to why he hasn't actually done it yet especially after I gave him permission to do so.

"That's not going to happen." Sin admits, crashing back down onto the chair still staring down at his phone in his hand disappointed.

"Why not? You were so adamant about it. What changed your mind?" I question observing him closely. He holds up his hand toward me.

"Lila text me." He says suddenly changing the subject with a scowl marring his face. "Hey Sunny. Lila said that Nina is coming for a visit. She should be here in a day or two. She said that she had something important to talk to us about." Sin tells Sun with a devious smile erupting on his gleeful face.


Nina is coming? I always get a deep churning down in my gut whenever I hear that woman's name.

"What? Why?.....why would she come here I haven't seen her in close to a damn year?" Sunny questions Sin trying to crane his neck to peer over at Sins phone. Sin pulls his phone up to his chest giving Sun a disgruntled look.

"I don't know. Text Lila and ask. But things are about to get a little more interesting around here." Sin chuckles darkly staring back down at his phone.

"Fine." Sun says sliding off of the couch, giving Sin a glare before he goes off to retrieve his own phone.

I shake my head at them both. They both are acting like fucking children. Placing my fingers on the bridge of my nose I lean my head back on the couch trying to steady my breathing.

Nina. Damn!

She's Suns ex and that woman is more than a fucking hand full. Their breakup as I recall was volatile to say the least. They dated for almost six months give or take a week or so.

Her coming here for whatever reason now definitely could only mean nothing but trouble for any of us. Especially Sunny.


I need a distraction.

"Tell Sun that I'm going to Thorns room he can meet me up there if he still wants to." I tell Sin scrambling off of the couch as I head off to her room.

"I'm coming to." Sin informs me as he raises up from his seat pocketing his cellphone in his jeans.

I look over at him confused.

"I thought you didn't want to have anything to do with her?" I ask.

"I don't but this could be fun." Sin affirms grinning mischievously. Why do I even fucking bother?

Rapping my knuckles on her bedroom door with Sin standing anxiously behind me I hear a faint 'come in' from beyond the door.

As I enter the room I notice Thorn nervously standing in the center of the room fiddling with her fingers anxiously.

And then my eyes latched on to her clothing. Seeing what she's dressed in my damn cock instantly hardens.

"Whoever went shopping for my clothes may have gotten me the wrong sizes." Thorn embarrassingly admits to me.

I roam my eyes down that delectable body of hers thanking whoever did go shopping for her profusely in my mind.


Those damn booty shorts she's wearing doesn't leave much to the imagination.

"Fuck." I hear Sin groan out huskily from behind me.

My thoughts exactly bro.

Closing my eyes tightly I try damn hard to fight down my own lust filled urges. Fuck I want her bad.

Inhaling in a ton of air deeply I shake my head vigorously to try and rid myself of my carnal thoughts but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be fucking working.

Opening up my eyes, I exhale out with a deep dark groan. Fuck!

Sin abruptly nudges me from behind with his hand pushing me further into the room suddenly. I glare at his ass over my shoulder. He clears his throat tilting his head in Thorns direction.

"Get on with it." He grunts, furrowing my brows at him I wonder why he's so determined to watch this shit now?

Sin steps over to the side of the room eyeing Thorn warily as goes. Interesting, I think to myself. I'm definitely going to have to delve into that later.

Suddenly remembering what I came here to do, I walk over to her bed, sitting down on the side of the bed I watch Thorn as she eyes me very suspiciously.

"Come here." I gruffly tell her. She hesitates shifting her beautiful dark blue eyes back and forth from me to Sin rapidly.

"Now Thorn." I add a little authority into my tone pointing my finger down toward my lap.

She jumps a little when I command her to come hither but eventually she starts taking light little steps toward me.

Sun chooses this moment to come prancing in through the door. When he closes the door behind him he turns and looks at each of us with a stricken look upon his face.

Cocking my eyebrow at him he just shakes he head at me granting me with a sour grim look. It must be about Nina, I think.

Sun steps up closer to Thorn he places his arms around her midsection gently urging her forward.

"It will be alright." He says trying to soothe her nerves as she comes a little closer to me.

Aggravated and losing my patience, as soon as she gets close enough to me I reach out grabbing ahold of her tiny wrist as I gently pull her to me.

"You know why I'm doing this right?" I ask her with a low soft tone she gingerly nods her head to me but remains quiet.

"How many do you think you should receive for running away and worrying us Thorn?" I question her, cocking my head to the side waiting patiently for her reply.

"I don't know. Maybe...two." She quietly tells me. I cock a lopsided grin at her and shake my head.

"You're not getting off that easy beautiful. I think maybe ten should do it? What do you guys think?" I ask my brothers but I never take my eyes off of her.

Her eyes suddenly widen in surprise from my direct question then she scowls down at me in confusion and ominously still remains quiet as a little mouse.

"Ten sounds good to me." Sin pipes up from the side of the room.

"Ten it is then." I agree nudging Thorn down to lay across my lap.

She fits there perfectly. I try to stifle a groan when I see her luscious ass popped up right in my face.

"You need a safe word beautiful. If it gets too much for you and you need me to stop you need to say the safe word for me. Do you understand?" I ask her as I flex my hand. She takes a minute concentrating turning her head so she can look up at me from her position then she embellishes a sweet smile toward me.

"Petals." She happily tells me. I quirk my eyebrow at her. Fitting I think to myself.

Placing my index finger down her shorts I pull them down to her knees and nearly choke on my fucking tongue. Daaamn!

Her plump round cheeks are fucking perfect. Not a damn blemish or mark lay upon them. I groan again with my dick getting harder, I know she can feel my harden cock laying up against the side of her stomach. She tilts her head back at me faintly smirking.

"Ready?" I ask her with my voice laced with guttural lust. She nods her head and lets out a deep breath.

"Words beautiful." I instruct.

"Y-yes." She timidly replies.

I nod my head about to smack her ass but I stop myself when I suddenly remembered something.

"Count them down for me." I demand huskily. Licking my bottom lip I rear my hand back then bring it down on that voluptuous ass of hers.


"One, Papi." What the fuck!? Did she just....I still my hand instantly.

Now that was a major fucking turn on. I look up at Sun standing close beside us wondering what he might think about this new development, he just has an enormous smile placed on his face. The cheeky bastard. I guess we both just found a brand new kink.

Shaking my head again I proceed on with her punishment.


"Two, Papi." She moans.


"Three, Papi." And I'll be damned if she didn't just purr. Looks like our mate has a brand new kink also.

I can live with that.


I go all the way to ten and each time I spank that plump ass she just got more turned on by it. I can smell the intoxicating aroma of her arousal float wistfully up to me. Shit!

Massaging her ripe red cheeks after I'm finished she stiffens up under my touch suddenly. Pausing I look down at her then the smell of her arousal hits me even fucking more.

I decide to be a little risky. I drop my index finger down in between her little smooth folds, tracing my thumb along her clit I message her little nub as she lets out another trembling erotic moan.

"Fuck!" Sin grumbles.

I ignore him as I slide my finger into her wet walls. "You like that beautiful?" I ask leaning down closer to her.

"Y-yes." She purrs again. Adding another digit I crook my fingers inside of her then scissor them. Pumping in and out of her valley rapidly, I hear Sunny groaning beside me. Glancing up at him I see him rubbing his hand across his jeans right near his groin vigorously.

I smile up at him then pick up my speed plunging my fingers deep into her ripe little pussy she wiggles on my lap from the onslaught of my continuous ministrations.

My wolf, Demon, perks up inside of my head demanding that I fervently take her now.

"Fuck her!" Demon snarls.

I try to resist his demands but unfortunately I fucking can't.

Pulling Thorn off of my lap instantly I throw her sexy ass on the bed, yanking off her shorts quickly I jump in between her toned legs.

Raising both of her legs up in the air, I throw them both over my shoulders as I slide down on the bed. Lowering my head to that sweet enticing fragrance I don't hold back and dive right the fuck in.

Licking her tiny little clit in rotations I plunge my fingers back into her tight core.

"Damn!" Sin grunts from somewhere in the room but I still pay him no heed.

Thorn places her hands down on my shoulders urging me to go further. Sucking her clit into my mouth as I thrust my fingers into her drenched silken walls she starts to shiver as her walls start to heavily spasm around my fingers I bite down on her tiny pink sensitive bud.

"Fuck Papi!" She moans just as her juices explode out of her I suck up all of her sweet tangy cream with my tongue.

Fuck I could eat her delicious pussy out all day and night.

With her laying on the bed in complete bliss. I crawl up to her as I lick her juices off that's coating my drenched lips, I stare down at her post filled climactic face smirking down at her.

"You fucking taste divine beautiful. Here have a taste." I say lowering my head to hers I kiss her passionately. Swiping my tongue in between her lips I slip it in her mouth as our tongues embrace each other I groan out in her mouth. Fuck! She's so damn addicting.

Tearing my lips away from hers when I hear one of my brothers rudely clearing their throat from behind me obnoxiously.

"Well that was...inspiring." Sunny breaths.

I'd say.

After a cold shower I stopped back by Thorns room, wanting to ask her if she was hungry, walking into her room I see her sleeping peacefully on the bed with her hands tuck up underneath her face and her leg hanging off of the bed.

She looks just like a fucking angel.

Quietly stepping into her room I pick up her leg up to put it back on the bed then I pull the cover up on her tightly.

Peering down at her beautiful face I suddenly realize that she's definitely starting to get under my skin now.

What it means I don't know exactly but I'm bound and determined now to make her mine fully. Regardless of the obstacles that we have to face.

I can't allow anything to happen to her. I won't. I will kill her fucking father if he even thinks about coming near her and I'm pretty sure Sunny feels the same way as I do to.

And with this stupid prophecy hanging over our heads I need to start making plans sooner than later.

With that thought in my mind I slowly creep out of her room allowing her to sleep for now.

Closing the door softly behind me I mindlink my beta Flex. Flex has been my best friend for years now. He is dependable and I would trust him with my very own life. Actually I have on a few occasions. I don't honestly know how I would have made it this far without him.

"Flex I need to talk to you in my office." I inform him.

"Yes. Alpha."

"Oh and I hear congratulations are in order." He says with happiness laced throughout his tone.

"Thank you." I reply.

"When do I get to meet the woman who captured my Alphas heart." I laugh at his excitement.

"You mean Alphas." I correct him.

"No shit! Damn! Well congratulations to all three of then!" Well not exactly.

"Well two of us for now anyway." I say with regret.

"Sin right?" Of course.

"How did you guess?" I reply sarcastically.

"Simple, Storms been bragging about becoming our Luna with everybody." What the hell?

"I am going to kill that bitch!" I grumble.

"She's with Pan now. Does Sin know she's been hooking up with him?" Maybe that's why Sin has been acting so strangely.

"Not that I know of!" I quip.

"Well she's been all over him during our training today. You might want to inform him of it. Maybe he will change his mind about his mate then?" Yea right!

"I doubt it you know how Sin is man!" He doesn't know a good thing when he has it.

"That I do. Stubborn as hell!" Got that right.

"So true. Can you meet me in about an hour?" I ask.

"Sure I'm almost done here. See you then Alpha." Always dependable.


"No problem." I cut off our mindlink headed to my office to get some paperwork done before Flexs arrival.

Hopefully Flex will agree when I ask him to take over our pack and help Sin at least for a short time while Sunny, Thorn, and I travel to the Invivus Realm to get all of this shit settled.

I would ask Sin if he would like to travel with us to the Realm but I have a feeling that he would deny any of my request right now.

He needs to work through all of his shit anyway. Especially when it comes to Storm and her devious actions. If that bitch thinks she's pulling one over on my brother by sleeping around with Pan.

Then she has another think coming!

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