Three for Thorn

Chapter 5 Sin

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Maybe Storm has a point.

A little while after Slay left I came back to Storms bedroom. Where it didn't take long before Storm fell asleep. I stayed up contemplating every thing that's happened in the last few hours.

It nearly crushed me seeing him so damn disappointed in me and my choices. I've always respected my brother. He had the unfortunate job dropped into his lap when he had to take over raising us after our parents sudden demise.

I respect him more than anybody on this fucked up planet but Storm may be on to something also.

After our unfortunate meeting tonight on Storms porch when she said that I should be able to make my own choices it got me to thinking.

She's right. I'm a grown ass man and I should be able to make own damn decisions. That's where the problem lies though.

I may be old enough to make my own decisions but I always seem to fuck things up for me and the people I love whenever I make them.

I act before I think.

But is it so wrong of me not wanting this Thorn girl as my mate?

What if I did want to chose another? Fuck! I hate having to even think about all of this stupid shit! Rubbing my hand down my face I glance over to Storm sleeping soundly beside me.

Do I want her for my Luna?

Would I actually fight with my brothers to have her as my Luna?

I don't think so. I may have an infatuation with her but I do not even come remotely close to even loving her. The only thing I love about her is how good she is in bed but that's definitely not enough for me to make her my Luna!

So why do I keep fighting this so damn hard?

Hell if I know. I throw the comforter off of me, sliding out of Storms bed, I walk into the en-suite bathroom.

Standing in front of the mirror I take a good long look at my reflection and what I see in front of me is not someone I can even recognize anymore.

The good fun spirited jolly guy that I use to be has vanished and in its is place grew a selfish bastard who seemingly only thinks of himself.

I need a damn drink!

I sigh, turning away from the mirror I jump into the shower with the hot water spraying all over my body I place my hand on the shower stall rolling my head under the hot steaming water trying to will myself to relax.

A picture of Thorn comes crashing through my mind like a damn speeding bullet suddenly. Fuck!

Slowly wrapping my hand around my stiff cock I start stroking it vigorously all the while I keep Thorns image in my fucking head.

I picture those soft supple plump lips I want so damn much to surround my dick in ongoing pleasure. I keep imaging them as I pick up my speed jacking off torturously to them.

Oh and those vibrant oversized breast I would just love to straddle her body placing my large cock right in between those beauties and fuck them so damn hard and rough.


My spine starts to tingle thereafter my balls clench up tight as fuck, I groan and cry out Thorns name as I spray my juices all over Storms shower wall. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Why the hell am I even thinking about her? I pant heavily as I release my half limp cock from my hand trying to get her damn image out of my fucking head! Dammit! Slamming my hand against the bathroom stall I bite down on my cheek in frustration. I shouldn't be thinking about her this way. Fucking lusting after her. The woman is already getting to me.

"Need some help with that big guy?" Storm ask suddenly, peering into the shower, she nods her head toward my half limp dick, she's completely naked as she steps into the shower with the water flowing down her body slowly dripping down her little breast I can't help but to think that she looks fucking immaculate.

Then fucking Thorns image pops into my head again. My fucking brain is apparently trying to compare the two of them. I push her image away focusing on the temptress standing in front of me.

Giving her my best shit eating grin I can muster up. I step closer to her wrapping my arm around her middle section I pull her closer to me roughly.

"You can." I manage to tell her and she proceeds to do just that.


Storming into my house after my illuminating shower with Storm a few minutes ago. I scowl when seeing that the living room and dining room is strangely vacant.

Stomping up the stairs I hear voices coming from one of our guest rooms.

I stop beyond the edge of the bedroom door listening in intently.

"The prophecy states that once the White Wolf Fire Fae reaches her full potential and finds her mates that she will rule once again over the Invivus Realm. A Realm that is has no ruler over it for many years because of the lost Princess. It's is rumored that she was kidnapped one night while she was attending a social event in King Zeniths Realm. There has been an interim ruler since she went missing a man named Samuel Drake, he is the Princesses long lost cousin so he claims and he is an evil and vile man. The Fae have been waiting patiently for their Princess to arrive and take back her Realm hoping that she will dispel them from Samuel and that appears to be you." What the actual fuck? Slay can't be for real can he?

She's the actual missing fucking Princess from the Invivus Realm?

I nearly shit my damn pants.

No fucking way! She can't be!

My ears pick up when I hear her emotional reply back to him.

"So you're telling me I'm this long lost Princess? That my mother was actually the Queen of this Realm? Then that would mean that my father...that my father either kidnapped my mother and held her against her will or.....but what about my brother? Wouldn't he be the rightful King? I mean, that would make more sense, wouldn't it?" She starting to panic I realize.

Stepping slowly away from the door I stomp back down heading to the dining room.

That's a lot to take in. I finally find my mate, well we do, and she's the fucking lost Princess?

I can't fucking believe it.

After hearing all of that I soon come to the realization that Thorn is going to be nothing but fucking trouble.

I have to find a way to get her out of our lives forever. I won't risk my brothers or my sister lives on her.

She isn't worth it.

I already lost my parents and I'll be damned if I lose anyone else because of her.

With that decision firmly set in my mind I turn on my heels and head straight to bed.

"Storm!" I yell for her as soon as I entered her house the following morning slamming the front door behind me I casually stroll into her bedroom assuming she's still asleep. Outside of her bedroom door I'm shocked when I hear faint moans coming from it.

When I reach her bedroom I open the door slowly and to my surprise Storm is in her bed with another man! Fuck!

And not just any man either, she is presently fucking my own damn Beta Pan Lawrence. I stand in the doorway folding my arms across my chest I stand back and watch as they both proceed to make out without even noticing my arrival. Typical!

Pan is in between Storms legs going at her pussy like a damned starved beast, Storm is enjoying every second of it moaning appreciatively as his tongue plunges furiously into her.

Not being able to withstand it any longer I clear my throat to grab their attention.

Storms eyes open suddenly seeing me standing here she starts to panic.

"Damn, Sin, Fuck!" She pushes Pan right off of her I watch as they both hurriedly stumble from the bed panicking.

"Damn Sin I'm so fucking sorry man." Pan grunts trying to apologize while he scrambles around the room trying desperately to find his clothing.

"Sin baby I'm so sorry. It's's not what it looks like." She rushes to say. Yea right!

"It looked like you two were fucking to me." I say it so nonchalantly that it makes her hesitate when she reaches down to pick up her shirt that was cast about out on the bedroom floor.

"Yes but I can explain." She states as she pulls her shirt over her head causing her hair to be in even more disarrayed.

"Sin I'm sorry man. I came over here looking for you and one thing led to another and I..." I cut him off holding my hand up.

"Just happen to accidentally fall into her pussy? Happens to me all the time man." I grouse completely fed up with this bullshit I turn around headed for the door but before I exit her bedroom I turn back to them.

Looking Storm dead in her eye I give her my last parting shot, "I guess Slay was right all along about you. You are the pack slut." Before she can offer up a reply I storm out of the door and out of her house smiling.

By the time I make it back to my house my brothers, my sister, and Thorn are all sitting at the dining room table eating their breakfast.

Everyone stops talking as soon as I enter the room. I ignore their intense stares, grabbing a plate I fill it up with all my normal goodies.

Placing the plate on the dining table a little to roughly, I draw all of their attention to me. They all look at me confused but I just keep ignoring them.

I'm not in the damn mood to socialize so I just sit here eating my food and glancing up at them every now and again when someone begins to talk about something but I still remain silent.

"Did you hear her Sin?" My brother Sunny ask peering over the table at me curiously.

"What?" I ask between my bites of my food.

"Lila was talking to you. Are you okay?" Sun inquires with concern.

"Uhm. Yea I'm fine. What did you say Lila?" I ask her as they all stare over at me with a mask of confusion on their faces.

"I said I found my mate last night. Isn't it wonderful. His name is Marc Fuller. His a Beta at the Silver Moon Pack. He's going to pick me in about an hour to go live with him and I'm so nervous. I can't wait for all of you to meet him. He's absolutely stunning." She tells me with so much glee on her face and a new twinkle in her eyes that I can't help but to be happy for her.

She's wanted this so much, I'm so glad her dreams are finally coming true for her. She deserves it.

"That's great Lila. Wait did you say his name is Marc Fuller?" I ask.

"Yes why do know him?" Of course I know him.

"We went to high school together. Don't you remember Sunny? He was the captain of the football team. He use to date that girl....what was her name?" I snap my fingers. I can't believe I forgotten her name. She was a cheerleader at the time and a real hellcat. Blonde, big boobs, and an ass to die for. I groan just thinking about her.

"Oh you mean Chari. Yes I remember they had a really bad break up when she met her mate. It was all over high school about how badly she treated him when they broke up." Yea, now I remember. She did it right in front of everybody in chemistry class with her mate standing behind her. Marc was completely devastated.

"Well he doesn't have to worry about her now because he has me." Lila states with a touch of jealousy wrapped in her tone.

"Yes he does and he's the lucky one to find such a treasure like you." Thorn tells her placing her hand on her arm Lila beams over at her.

I growl.

Looks like Thorn has already got my family wrapped around her little finger.

"Thank you and you are a treasure also. All three of my brothers lucked out." She tells Thorn. Like hell I did.

I let out a deep growl.

Drawing everyone's attention again back to me. I jump up from my seat throwing down my fork on my plate with a huff I stomp off from all of them.

Heading straight for the living room I plop my ass down on the couch, reaching for the tv remote I start flipping through random channels aimlessly.

As soon as I hear the footsteps coming up from behind me I obnoxiously raise the volume on the tv wanting to block out whatever speech I'm about to get for my subsequently bad behavior.

Slay comes marching into the room with heavy footfalls indicating just how pissed off he actually is at me.

I rotate my head popping my neck ignoring him as he sits down on the couch next me.

He yanks the remote out of my hand turning down the volume on the tv. Then he throws the remote down on the homey design coffee table. The remote hits the glass with a chilling clink I actually thought he cracked it for second.

"What?" I whine out knowing that the inevitable is about to happen.

"Want to explain to me why you are being a damn jackass?" Slay cocks his eyebrow at me, I shake my head then lean my head back on the couch closing my eyes. Wishing that I didn't have to have this damn conversation.

"I heard you." I admit. I feel him shuffling on the couch then I hear him give a low sigh.

"And what is that you think you heard?" This time I'm the one who sighs.

"I heard you and Sunny talking to Thorn about the prophecy." I don't elaborate any further. I sit back patiently and wait to let what I just told him sink in.

"So you know she's the missing Princess then?" He ask. Well duh! I wonder how long they were actually planning to keep it from me?

"She needs our help Sin." He whines.

I bet she does.

"I'm not going to help her and I don't think you or Sunny should either. She's just not worth it Slay." Raising my head from off of the couch I glance over at him to read his expression and true to form Slay is obviously pissed at my suggestion.

"She's our mate Sin." His simple answer to the situation only riles me.

"And? That doesn't mean that we have to risk our lives to protect her Slay. Dammit man can't you understand if you decide to keep her around and protect her she's only going to cause yours or Sunny's demise! I won't have that. I can't." I slip the desperation into my tone along with my stern conviction.

He has to see this! He just has to.

"It's not your call. If you don't want her as your mate then that's fine, I'm tired of fighting you over it, make Storm your damn chosen mate. But rest assured that me and Sunny want Thorn as ours. We will stand and defend her. No matter what you may say or do it's our decision and I expect you to honor that." Now he decides to allow me to have Storm as my mate? Great fucking timing bro.

I can hear the determination in his voice and see it written all over face. I know that I won't win this argument not unless I can find away to show them just how bad Thorn is for them.

"Her birthday is tomorrow. She will be able to shift into her wolf and Fae then. Until then why don't you take the time to get to her know her better. You may change your mind about her." Slay suggest.

"How old will she be? Shouldn't she already been able to shift?" I ask him. Hell I shifted when I was just fourteen. She should already be able to do it.

"She's seventeen. She will be eighteen in two days like I said. I don't know why she isn't able to shift yet but she told Sunny that it had to do with her Fae side battling with her wolf side which has prevented it from happening. Hell I don't know all I know is that she hasn't done it yet." Curiosity instills within me. What an interesting development.

"I'm about to tell you something about her and I want you to remain calm when I do. I've debated with myself over this. At first I thought I might keep it from you but now I think you have a right to know but please try to control your temper. Thorn is innocent in all of this just remember that okay?" Now I'm more than curious. Leaning closer to him I just nod my head waving my hand for him to proceed.

"Her full name is Thorn Lee Rose." He tells me. I scowl trying to recall why that name sounds so familiar to me. When Slay sees the confusion on my face he goes on.

"Rose. As in Alpha Baker Rose." He elaborates.

I see fucking red!

You got to be fucking kidding me!

"Remain calm Sin. Remember she's innocent in all of this. She doesn't know about any of it." He says trying to calm me. Fuck that!

I spring up from the couch and start pacing back and forth in the living room desperately trying to calm my rising raging temper.

"I can't believe it and you still want to be with her. Fucking unbelievable!" I shout at him.

"What's going on in here? Why are you so damn upset Sin?" Sun ask as he walks into the living room with Thorn and Lila trailing closely behind him.

"You knew?" I shout at Sun, "you knew who she was and you still want to claim her as your mate? Are you fucking crazy?" I shout louder throwing insults at him.

"I know and I don't care." Sun calmly states glowering over at me. "She had nothing to do with it Sin. It was her father not her." He adds on.

"What? What did my father do?" Thorn interrupts us confused.

"Tell her Sun. You tell her or I will and she won't like it if I tell her." I insist angrily.

"Someone tell me." Thorn demands exasperated.

When no one goes to open open their damn mouths I stomp over to her. Coming right up to her face to face I glare down at her.

"Don't Sin." Slay warns me but I'm too far gone now to even care about what he thinks anymore.

"Your father is the one who called my parents wanting their help for the rogue attacks that was so called happening to his pack. He fucking lied about it. My parents got on that plane out of the goodness of their hearts to go and help a fellow pack in trouble, only to die for trying to help your deceiving father. There were no damn rogues attacking your pack. He bold faced lied and because of it they fucking died!" I scream all of it out right in front of her face and she has the nerve to blanch away from me.

She starts to fucking cry like a little child but I can't bring it in me to feel sorry for her ass at all.

"That's enough Sin! It's not her fault. You can't blame her for what her father did!" Lila reprimands me. I'm shocked that it's her that's actually taking up for Thorn.

Taking a step back away from Thorn I watch as my sister goes to comfort her. Placing her arm around Thorns shoulders she leads her out of the room cooing soft words to her.

I just realized in that very second as I observe them both walking away from me just how much I just fucked up!

Of course I did! Like I always manage to do apparently!

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