Three for Thorn

Chapter 4 Sun

Sneaking up the stairs as quietly as I can. I press my ear against the guest room door that Thorn is in before I knock.

I don't want to catch her in the shower and frighten her. Hearing her rustling about in the bedroom I gently tap on the door, dropping my arm to my side I patiently wait for her to open it.

When the door finally opens I almost trip over my own damn tongue.

Thorn is a damn fucking Goddess. She stands in front of me holding on to the doorknob with one hand while the other is holding up a blue towel that's wrapped around her breast. The top of her voluptuous breast are enticingly pried up over the towel. I watch as the steady fall of her breathing causing her breast to rise and fall. Fuck! Now my damn dick is throbbing.

"Did you need something Sun?" He sweet little voice calls out to me. Shaking my head to rid myself of my disobedient thoughts I peer up at her face trying to fight my carnal urges.

"Uhm, I just wondered if you wanted to talk." I say hoarsely. Clearing my throat as I wait for her reply.

"Sure just let me get dressed. Your brother Slay brought me a pair of jeans and a shirt but I have nothing to sleep in." I swallow down a loud gulp.

"Would you like me to get you one of my shirts to wear to sleep in?" I ask her with slight trepidation. The thought of her sleeping in my shirt does strange things to my imagination.

"If you don't mind? I hate to bother you though." She says shyly.

"It's not a problem. I'll be right back."

I rush to say, quickly running to my bedroom I grab one of my shirts off of the hanger not caring about which one I chose, I rush back into her bedroom with my hand out offering her one of my t-shirts.

She takes it from my hand then heads off to the bathroom. Walking further into her room I take a seat on the side of the bed waiting for her.

When she finally reappears my eyes suddenly glue heatedly on to her. The shirt that I chose for her to wear is my old Journey t-shirt. It reaches all the way down to right above her kneecaps and she looks sexy as fucking hell in it. I shyly look away.

"What did you want to talk about?" She ask me as she makes her way to me. She sits down on the bed beside me with one leg folded over laying flat on the bed the other one is hanging off of the bed. I take a chance and glimpse down with her legs slightly parted I try to peek under the shirt she's wearing but I feel like a perverted peeping tom. I divert my eyes away quickly clearing my throat again.

"I just wanted to get to know you better." I finally answer her. I hate that I'm so damn shy sometimes. It makes me feel inadequate in some ways.

After a person gets to know me I open up to them eventually. It's the getting to know a person part that makes me so damn shy and nervous.

"Sure. Ask me anything." She replies smiling at me.

Man she's so beautiful.

"Uhm, how old are you?" I ask her the first question that just pops into my head.

"I'm seventeen almost eighteen in two days that is." Wow she doesn't look that young. I thought she was around nineteen.

"How old are you?" She ask me timidly.

"Twenty two. My birthday is in July." I tell her wanting to push the conversation along.

"Do you have any siblings?" I ask but her eyes suddenly look away from me.

"Yes just one. A brother. He's a year older than me. I miss him." Her statement seems so sheltered. I look at her curiously but don't broach anymore on the subject.

"You've met my brothers. I also have a sister her name is Lila. That's where the clothes came from that Slay brought you earlier." I inform her kindly.

"How old is Slay? I know Sin is your twin right? So which one of you two is older?" She ask wanting to know more about us. Which makes me happy. Maybe if she gets to know us better she won't want to runaway from us.

"Slay is a year older than me. Sin is only nine minutes older than me but he thinks that makes him the boss of me." I honestly tell her.

"Why is Sin so mad all of the time? I mean, I just met him but he seems so angry." I can understand why she's asking me this. Sin is a very complicated person.

"He's just cocky. He seems to think he is a prize to all women. He doesn't mean anything by it though. I just think it's his way of coping." I lowly tell her.

"Coping with what?" Stick foot in mouth. That's apparently something I'm very good at. Damn!

"Coping with our parents death." I tell her but don't elaborate any further.

"I'm sorry. I know how you feel I lost my mom two years ago." Damn! Well I guess unfortunately we have that in common.

"I'm sorry. H-how did you lose her?" I press wanting to know everything I can about her.

"A rogue attack on our pack. They killed six of our members that day one being my mom." Damn! I hate that for her. Rogues are viscously arrogant wolves that could care less about anybody.

"We lost our parents in a plane crash three years ago. They were traveling to a distant pack in the north to visit another Alpha. He was having trouble with rogues. So my parents flew out to help him only they didn't make it." I confess this all to her with a profound sense of sadness. I miss my parents every fucking day.

"I am so sorry Sun I know how hard that is." I so appreciate her thoughtfulness. How did I get so damn lucky to have such a sweet mate?

"Thank you. Okay on to happier questions. What do you like to do?" She looks over at me with her whimsical dark blue eyes concentrating.

"I love to read, paint, listen to music, and dance. How about you?" She beams up at me.

"I like to ride my Harley, shoot pool, and hunt. I also like to listen to music." I tell her grabbing the hem of my shirt she's wearing to show her.

"Oh right. I love Journey. I also like some hair metal bands from the eighties and I'm completely in love with Harry Styles." I don't know who this Harry Styles is but I already don't like him. I scowl at her with jealousy coursing through my veins. "He's a singer that use to be in a band called One Direction." She states when she sees my tempered look.

I've never had this emotion before. I've never been jealous over anybody or anything. It's a very unpleasant emotion. I hear my wolf, Stinger, howling in my head.

"Are you okay?" She ask me tentatively, with worry on her face.

"I'm fine. Why?" I ask.

"Because your eyes are turning a bit red." Fuck!

"Calm down Stinger you're scaring her!" I growl at my wolf.

"I don't care I so don't like her talking about loving others." Stinger angrily replies.

"He's just a professional singer. It's no one you have to worry about. Calm down!" I growl again.

"Fine." He huffs.

I roll my eyes mentally at him. My wolf can be stubborn.

"I'm part Red Wolf my wolf got upset when you said you loved Harry Styles." I quip.

She giggles at me. The soft little giggles coming from her makes my heart swell.

"That's so cute. What is his name?" She ask me with a spike of curiosity.

"Stinger. He's basically a softie but he does have a temper sometimes." I half laugh with her.

"Mine is named Maya. She randomly talks to me because I haven't shifted yet." That surprises me. I shifted when I was fourteen.

"Why haven't you shifted?" I ask.

"Well I'm half Fae the Fae side of me is resisting my White Wolf half for some reason but when I turn eighteen in two days I will be able to." Uhm. I've never heard of that before but I've never met a Fae either.

"I've never met a Fae. What can you do?" I speak my own thoughts to her.

"Not much. Not yet. Not till I shift fully but when I do I'll be able to preform magic in both of my forms." I don't understand.

"Both of your forms?" I ask.

"Yes. I'm a winged fire Fae. When I shift I'll be able to use my wings also." That's actually incredible.

"You said you were half Red Wolf? What's your other half?" She ask edging closer to me on the bed.

"I'm half Pyromancer. I can manipulate fire." It took awhile for me to learn how to control it but thank fuck that I eventually did.

"Wow we have that in common. Fire I mean. I can't wait to finally be able to use mine. My mother was a Fire Fae also. She could do incredible things. Once she conjured up fire and made it into the shape of a giant flaming heart. It was so beautiful." I can see the love she has for her mother captured on her beautiful face. She must of been one impressive woman. I wish I could have met her.

"She sounds awesome." I tell her and I mean it if she was anything like Thorn I could only imagine how beautiful and sweet she was.

"She was. I miss her." She says sadly and I definitely can tell that she really does. It's such a shame though. I know exactly how she feels and it sucks.

"You told me about your music preferences what about movies? What kind do you like?" I ask her changing the subject quickly. Diverting her from her sadness.

"You may not believe it but I like horror movies. My favorite is Get out and I like some thrillers also. What about you and please don't tell me it's all action packed type movies that would be so typical." I flash her grin. Watching how animated she gets over her favorite things is mesmerizing.

"Believe it or not I like fantasy movies. Maybe some action adventure movies sometimes but I'm all about the magical stuff. My favorite is The Lord of the Rings Trilogy I think it's awesome." Her eyes twinkle up at me when she smiles.

"I like that to." She says at least we have a few things in common then.

But I want to desperately know what or who she is running from. I put on my serious face, bracing myself I just point blank ask her.

"Who are you running from Thorn," she freezes, I search her face as it quickly goes from happy to solemn instantly, "I just want to help you. I know you don't know me Thorn but I am your mate I will do anything to protect you. You can trust me." I calmly inform her. Placing my hand on her knee to comfort and have contact from her.

The tingles shoot straight through me as soon as I touch her delicate skin causing me to unintentionally groan out desirably from the sensation. I close my eyes to enjoy the enticing feeling.

She reflectively pulls her leg away from my hand springing up from the bed, the lose of contact to her makes me nearly want to weep.

I open my eyes to see her frantically pacing back and forth. She's stressing over something vital.

"Please Thorn I just want to help." I plead with her. She stops her pacing peering over at me with discerning eyes.

"You don't know me. Why would you want to help a complete stranger? You don't even know what you're asking of me. I don't mean to sound like I'm ungrateful but I don't know if I can trust you." She replies with sincerity. I slide off the bed walking up to her, I stop right beside her soaking in her wonderful scent of cinnamon and vanilla.

"Believe me when I tell you that you can trust me Thorn. You may not understand it just yet but a mate bond is the strongest bond in the world one that the Moon Goddess has generously blessed us with and I won't take that for granted. I will do everything in my power to always love and protect you." I insist, placing all of my cards out on the table for her.

I understand that since she has shifted yet she may not feel the blessed bond we have with each other just yet. But I'm hoping and praying that within two days on her birthday that our bond will click into place automatically for her.

"Love? Now I know your just pulling my leg. How can you love someone you just met? That's just preposterous." Now I know just from her actions that she definitely doesn't feel the bond exactly like we do.

"When you shift into your wolf Maya you will understand the bond more. Until then Thorn I just want to help you. Who is after you?" I press her once again this time I feel as if I'm practically begging her though. She lets out a trembling sigh then bowing her head in defeat.

"My father. My father is after me." She barely whispers it to me. The desperation in her tone is completely disheartening.

"Why? Why is your own father after you?" I'm dumbfounded by the idea of hearing it's her father that has running scared.

"Fine I'll tell you but please don't tell anyone else. I don't want anyone to know or to get caught up in between this battle." I nod my head taking her hand into mine I walk her back over to the bed.

We both sit down on the edge as she tells me why she's running scared. I listen closely to every detail. How her father locked in his dungeon after an argument they had the previous night. How she can't seem to remember how she got there.

She tells me about her brother Fier, it strikes a cord within me when she mentions her brothers name it's sounds awfully familiar.

Hearing a creaking on the floorboards I pry my eyes up seeing my brother Slay standing in the doorway. I don't let on that he's there because deep down I know that he needs to hear this as much as I do.

When she finally gets to the reason as to why her father is so desperately after her I become furious and obviously sick at the very idea of him wanting to make his daughter his own lover.

It's repulsive! What kind of sick father is he?

"What's his name?" Slay finally speaks up from the doorway. Thorn gets startled from his sudden appearance. She practically falls off of the bed when she hears him, I reach out quickly to catch her. Grabbing her by her biceps I pull her back onto the bed those damn sparks light up again as soon as we make contact.

I can't control it this time I let out an audible moan startling Thorn once again. She places her tiny hand up to her chest breathing erratically.

"What's his name Thorn?" Slay ask her more aggressively as he strolls into the room he stops at the edge of the bed glaring down at her.

"Alpha Baker Rose of the White Moon Pack." As soon as the words tumble from her mouth my spine stiffens.

Glancing up at Slay the haunting look that plasters on his face from hearing her father name is frightening.

"Baker Rose is your father?" I ask basically floored by her admittance.

"Yes why do you know him?" She ask scowling.

You could say that we do. We know his ass very well and we fucking hate him! Well resent him mostly.

"Yes we know him. So if your dad is Baker Rose that means you are his famous daughter Thorn Lee Rose right?" Slay ask her haughtily.

"Yes. y-you...know about me?" She stammers out with a hint of confusion written all over her beautiful face.

I sigh, this isn't going to be easy.

"We've heard about you. You are a well known rumor around these parts. The infamous White Wolf and Fire Fae. I should've realized it when you told me earlier. There is a damn prophecy about you that's been passed down through the years. Damn I should have known it was you. I'm a moron!" I grouse combing my fingers through my hair. Why didn't I see it?

"I don't understand what prophecy are you talking about and how do you know my dad?" How can she not know about herself? Didn't her parents ever inform her of it?

"The prophecy states that once the White Wolf Fire Fae reaches her full potential and finds her mates that she will rule once again over the Invivus Realm. A Realm that as of now has no ruler over it. It's been that way for many years because of the lost Princess. It is rumored that she was kidnapped one night while she was attending a social event in King Zeniths Realm. There has been an interim ruler since she went missing a man named Samuel Drake, he is the Princesses long lost cousin so he claims and he is an evil and vile man. The Fae have been waiting patiently for their Princess to arrive and take back her Realm hoping that she will dispel them from Samuel and his vile ways and that appears to be you." Slay relates the prophecy to her.

I watch her closely as she absorbs the information he just told her.

Her face goes pale instantly and her breathing begins to pick up more rapidly. I'm afraid she's about to faint from the shocking news. I edge closer to her just incase she does but she surprises me when she springs up from the bed nudging Slay out of her way she starts to pace the room again.

"So you're telling me I'm this long lost Princess? That my mother was actually going to be the Queen of this Realm? Then that would mean that my father...that my father either kidnapped my mother and held her against her will or.....but what about my brother? Wouldn't he be the rightful King? I mean, that would make more sense, wouldn't it?" She rambles mainly to herself.

"Not quite. Is your brother a Fae also?" Slay ask her, he watches her curiously as she continues her frantic pacing.

"No. He's just a White Wolf like me but he has no Fae in him. But if that's the case then...." She trails off deeply scowling and confused.

"That would mean that Fier is your half brother." I finish her thought for her.

"They lied to me. They all lied to me! Why? Why would they do that?" She ask us bewildered but at least she's stopped her pacing now.

"I don't know beautiful but we need it find out why. We also need to find a way to let everyone in the Invivus Realm know that you are alive and well." Slay insist. Thorn just shakes her head vehemently.

"No. We can't. Not until I shift. If I have to face down this Samuel I need to be at my full potential. Until then no one can breathe a word about this. Hell what am I saying they wouldn't believe you even if you did tell someone. Damn, I don't believe it! Fuck! I've been lied to my entire life now my father wants me for his....that's why he wants me? He wants to rule over this Realm? That has to be it!" She rambles again answering her own questions aloud.

I can't stand to see her in such a frantic state. This is all too much for her to bear at once. It would be for anybody.

Sliding off of the bed once again I walk over to her. Standing behind her I wrap her up in my arms tightly basically cocooning her. The sparks hit me again this time I try to control my audible groan. She doesn't need that right now.

Placing my chin on top of her head I squeeze her lithe body tighter to me.

"It will be okay Thorn we will work this all out for now we need to only concentrate on your shifting. Everything else can wait." I assure her. She nods her head numbly at me, making my head bounce up and down as she does it. I stifle a laugh at it.

"Like I said before beautiful I am at your disposal. We are at your disposal. We will help you through all of this. What are mates for after all?" Slay says slightly chuckling at her.

"I can't ask you to that. You hardly know me." Thorn states miserably.

"You're not asking us Thorn we are volunteering. Besides it's in the prophecy that you will have your mates by your side. We can't go against a prophecy can we?"Slay states trying to lighten the mood.

He may have said it just to lighten her up but what he states is actually true. It is rumored that her mates stand beside her to battle her enemies with her. I just hope it doesn't have to come to that though but if it does I will definitely be there for her.

"We will be beside you the entire time Thorn. Not just because it was foretold but because we actually want to be." I tell her hugging her tighter.

And we so do!

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