Three for Thorn

Chapter 28 Sin

He signed a damn contract?

The fucking fool! What is going to happen to all of us now? I'm so sick and damn tired of us never knowing any type of damn peace.

Can't there be just one damn day that we don't have to deal with some type of crazy ass bullshit in our lives?

Shari withdrew that damn contract from her bosom with a snarky stare planted right at Thorn.

Thorn, the incredible woman that she is, just took it with a grain of salt and shrug her shoulders dismissively at Shari.

I am absolutely bewildered by Thorns nonchalant reaction toward all of this shit.

Sunny tentatively grabs the contract from Sharis grasp like it was fucking diseased.

When he unfolded the paper in his hands he let out a very loud audible gasp after reading the fine print on the damn thing.

Impatient as hell I stormed over to Sunny ripping the damn contract from his hands.

As I viewed the almost ineligible script before me I couldn't help but grow madder with every damn word that I read.

There in fine bold fucking print states that Sunny officially makes Shari White his damn Luna it even has the fucking date issued on it.

What the hell was my moronic ass brother even thinking?

He clearly fucking wasn't thinking apparently. Unless he was thinking with his damn dick!

Dropping my hands to my side in complete and utterly disgust, I blow out a disparaging breath.

Slay soon comes over to me ripping the contract right out of my hand that still laid limply at my side.

As he reads it his face morphs from an earnest concern look to a full blown pissed off outright panic.

He did the same exact thing as I just did. He dropped his arms to his side in clear defeat sighing out dramatically.

Sunny not only fucked up this time his ass literally fucked up severely.

What the hell are we going to do now?

"See? Told you! It's right there in black and white and it's irrefutable proof that I am now Sunny's Luna." Shari states snidely. The damn bitch is nothing but a fucking con artist. I'm sure of it. There has to be something that we can do to refute this bogus ass claim of hers. "Oh Sunny poo don't look so upset. You know you actually had no control over it. That night I had a friend at Sins bar place a little spell on you. Her name was Esmeralda. Strange woman but very helpful. It only lasted for a few hours unfortunately. When you were so wonderfully making love to me you thought you were actually making love to her!" She snarls over at Thorn, "when in all actuality it was me you were with the entire time. You kept yelling out that bitches name over and over again. I almost got jealous over it." Sunny grimaces with every hateful word that spews out of this bitches mouth.

"Don't look so defeated Sunny poo. You got what you wanted which was an illusion of her but still in a way her and I got what I wanted. Which was this pack of course." Shari states cooing while fluttering her damn fake eyelashes up at Sunny.

Thorn then snaps out of whatever the hell that was keeping her from being so damn nonchalant before and walks over to Slay grabbing the contract from his hands roughly.

As she reads it I shove Sunny on his shoulder hard with the palm of my hand causing him stumble back from me immediately.

He huffs and then lower heads remorsefully.

He damn well fucking should!

I hear a cackle of laughter coming up from my left by Thorn. As I turn my head to view her I watch as she surprises me by suddenly conjuring up a small fireball in the palm of her hand lighting up the fucking contract between Sunny and Shari that's in her other hand on fire instantaneously.

"Stop!" Shari yells while hurriedly rushing over to Thorn trying to put the fire out in Thorns palm with her hands. She's flaying her arms around like a damn lunatic screaming and stomping her foot on the floor in clear outright desperation.

Little embers of residue fire are floating about all around Thorn as Thorn gives Shari a very triumphant smirk.

I guess the damn contract is pretty much null and void now.

"You can't do that!" Shari bellows.

"Well I did. I'm Sunny's fucking Luna. Bitch you ain't fucking shit! Now get your skinny little rag tagged ass out of my fucking house now before I set that little skanky ass of yours on fire next!" Daaaamn! Why was that such a fucking turn on? I love it when Thorn gets all aggressive and demanding. That's my fucking woman! A damn spitfire and sexy as fucking hell.

"I have a copy!" Shari rebuttals back at Thorn coyly.

"No you damn well don't. You wouldn't have been trying so desperately to put out the fire if you actually did?" Well she got her there.

Shari is pipping hot now. The daggers that she's shooting toward Thorn could actually pierce threw a damn stone cold heart.

"The jig is up honey. Time for act two." Shari loudly exclaims wickedly. Poking her tongue through the side of her mouth.

Our door crashes open wide suddenly with three very pissed off men standing at the threshold.

The man that's standing at the front and center must be Sharis mate Beta Slayer. You can obviously tell by the way he looks like he has actual steam coming out of ears.

The goons behind him must be twins just like me and Sunny except these two look exactly identical in every aspect.

"Who the hell are you and what exactly are doing in my damn house?" Slay questions them with his hands balled up into fist laying at his sides.

His knuckles have gone purely white from the firm tightness of them. Shit he's really fucking pissed.

"Beta Slayer at your service and this is now my pack." Slayer sneers. What the hell?

"You must be hallucinating because this is our damn pack!" Sunny instills with a deafening growl.

Slayer just hackles at both of them.

What an asshole.

"Not anymore dumbass you signed a contract stating that Shari was now your Luna and since I'm her mate that makes me the official Alpha of this pack now!" Slayer explains condescendingly as him and his goons make their way into our house unwelcome.

"There is no contract. Not any more. I burnt that shit right up!" Thorn tells him proudly.

Slayer curls up the side of his upper lip at Thorn with his beady eyes roaming all over her body. He licks his bottom lip suggestively then takes a few steps forward to her before he is even able to reach her I block off his path quickly by standing directly in front of her.

"I don't fucking think so." I snarl at him. Slayer let's out a humorless breathless laugh rolling his fucking eyes at me.

"Whatever that is here in this house is rightfully mine now. My possessions, every fucking thing here is mine and I have every right to fucking claim all of it and that includes her." He says while pointing his grubby finger over at Thorn.

"Slayer! That is not the deal we made. I'm your mate. What the hell do you want her for?" Shari interrupts, whining again.

"Relax baby cakes. I let you have your night of fun with Sunny boy over there. I think you owe me one for that and she will do very nicely." Slayer says huskily while eyeing Thorn with lust firing up in his eyes. "I mean check out that rocking body she has. Those big ass tits and that round firm ass. I love you Shari but I just have to have her." Not on fucking watch buddy.

Oh hell no!

"You fucking lay one finger on her and I will gladly cut the damn thing off." I growl.

"She is ours! Get your mind out of the damn gutter you fucking pervert. I won't allow you to touch her!" Slay pipes in angrily.

Slayer continues to hackle. It makes him sound just like a damn cracked out hyena.

"Like you can fucking stop me! Come her sweetheart. I want you to suck on my dick and then I'm going to make you feel really really special." Slayer says suggestively. Gag fucking me.

"No thanks if I wanted something small to suck on I'd just pop a lifesaver into my mouth." Thorn quips. Well fuck. Couldn't have said that shit better myself.

"You fucking bitch. I'm going to show you what small is!" Slayer barks angrily.

"That's my point exactly." Thorn states rather sarcastically. Damn my mate is definitely on point today.

I let out a deep chuckle only causing Slayers anger to fester even more.

He foolishly tries to dodge his way around me to get to Thorn.

Big fucking no no!

Balling up my fist I punch this asshole right in the middle of his fucking jacked up face.

The two goons that were standing at the door come rushing over to us hurriedly but they both get stopped quickly before they can even reach us by Slay and Sunny tackling them both down to the floor.

Slayer tries to throw a right upper cut at me in return. Dumb ass! I dodge it quickly.

Now all six of us are scrapping it out in our living room. Fier pulls Thorn back away from the battle but she keeps thrashing around in his arms trying her best to get away from his firm hold on her.

With me fighting Slayer and trying to keep a worried eye on Thorn at the same time makes it kind of difficult to get the upper hand on Slayer unfortunately.

He bashes my face in with a few good packed filled punches. For a little man he sure seems awfully fucking strong. I throw his dumb ass off of my body swiftly making him crash onto the floor.

Hearing Thorn scream out suddenly I turn my head in her direction instantly. Shari is pulling a shit load full of Thorns hair viscously in her both of her hands while Fier is desperate trying to pull Thorn out of Sharis grasp.

Slayer gets another damn punch in on me while I'm obviously distracted. Landing my ass right back on the floor. That was a low blow man.

Then a big popping ass sounds echos throughout the living room loudly.

Everyone that was fighting comes to screeching halt immediately.

Amazingly, when I rear my head up off of the floor I see Thorns entire body engulfed in ravenous flames. With beautiful fire wings protruding straight out of her back.

There's a small river of flames at her feet flaring up toward her.

She's nearly floating three inches off of the fucking floor from the flames that are softly whisking there way up up to her.

My eyes widen and my mouth hangs open widely as I view her ethereal beauty. She's fucking mesmerizing.

Stumbling to my feet ungracefully with my eyes still locked onto Thorns floating miraculous figure in the fucking air.

I try to gather my bearings taking two futile steps toward her, completely transfixed by her burning figure I try to draw myself a little bit closer to her, although hesitantly, amazingly I can't feel any warmth escaping out from her flaming form.

"Thorn?" I call out her name in a hushed whisper.

I can't actually believe what I'm fucking seeing. She's so damn enthralling.

Hearing footsteps coming up from behind me I unwillingly tear my gaze away from Thorns floating figure to see Slay and Sunny, they're both transfixed on Thorns glorious transformation just as I am.

Catching a fleeting glimpse of Slayer and the two goons off to my right I watch as they all start trembling nervously over at Thorn.

Fier has dropped down to our coffee table sitting upon it while staring wide eyed and shocked up at his sister.

Shari, the bitch, is shaking like a damn leaf beside Thorn with her eyes nearly bulging right out of her eye sockets.

"I warned you. I told you to fucking leave. You didn't listen. How dare you hurt my mates! This is our pack it will never be yours. Now I will fucking finish you!" Thorn speaks but I don't recognize her voice.

It's a very deep scratchy baritone mixture of sounding somewhat like a damn evil demon and a full grown ass man. It sounds just like ten people are talking simultaneously through her at once. Fucking freaky as shit. I Involuntary shiver.

"Wha...." I don't get to finish my own damn questioning thought before Thorn quickly raises her hand up in the air and conjures up a streak of fire streaming right out of the center of her hand straight toward a frightened and immobilized trembling Shari.

It hits her full force, straight into her damn gut, as soon as the fire hits her, Sharis entire body goes flying right across the living room only stopping when she finally collides up against the far wall with a very harsh and brutal impact.

Sharis lifeless form leans up against the far wall with her legs laid out straight in front of her.

Slayer let's out a terrifying scream while running over to Sharis body he kneels down on the floor right beside her crying mercilessly.


"We're out of here!" One of the goons yells at Slayer. As they both take off out the door like two little frightened scaredy cats.

Hell I can't blame either of them. If I wasn't her mate I would be scared as shit of her right now also.

Slayer, bravely stands up from the floor, glaring over at Thorn with hate filled eyes and tears precariously rolling down his ugly ass face.

"You fucking cunt!" He bellows as he starts sprinting over to Thorn. "I'll fucking kill you!" He snarls.

I come out of my daze instantly, running over to try and catch him before he is able to make his way to my mate.

But I get cut off by a streaming mass of fire flying right by me headed straight for Slayer ass. The fire stream does the same exact thing to him as it did with his bitch of a mate Shari.

He goes flying against the far wall colliding with it harshly, Slayer slides down the wall limply landing right beside his mate dead.

Stone cold fucking dead.

Fucking wow is all that I could think as I stare at the two lifeless bodies sitting on the floor right beside each other.

I'm completely fucking shocked! I turn my head in a daze looking back over to my mate completely bewildered.

"Thorn!" I scream in a panic when I see Thorn laying helplessly on the floor completely unconscious.

Rushing over to her very quickly I slide across the floor on my knees giving my damn ass fucking knees carpet burn in the process.

Pulling her limp body into my arms as soon as I reached her.

"Is she breathing?" Sunny ask me anxiously.

Hell I don't know.

What the hell should I do?

Panicked I place my hand on top of her chest waiting for any signs that may show me that she's actually breathing.

I panic again when I can't feel any type of air escaping her. My entire body starts to shake uncontrollably.

No! No! No! Fucking no!

"Sin!" Slay bellows. "She's breathing relax!" She is? Peering down at Thorn anxiously and beyond fucking terrified I watch as her chest slightly rises up and down. I release a frazzled breath.

Fuck! Thank you Moon Goddess! Thank you! Thank You!

"We need to get her to the pack doctor." Sunny insist.

I stare over at him numbly.


"Sin let her go. We need to get her to the doc!" Slay growls trying to pull Thorn away from me. I hold on to her tightly. No! No! I won't let her go!

"Sin please she needs help!" Fier pipes in with a desperate tone.

No! I won't let her go! I can't!

"Sin fucking give her to me!" Slay demands gruffly. Seeing the desperation caught up in his eyes I finally relent. Although hesitatingly.

Okay! Okay! She needs help.

Relaxing my hold on her finally I hand her over to Slay slowly. Very slowly. I don't want to let her go.

But unfortunately I know I have to.

Slay takes her from my grasp quickly, lifting her up off of the floor and out of my arms he takes off striding to the pack doctors office quickly.

I sit there on the damn floor trying to control my racing heart.

"Come on." Fier says urging me while grabbing ahold of my arm.

He pulls me up from the floor, I stumble over a little bit at first but once I'm able to stand up properly I take off to the pack docs office, running straight pass Fier in a blur.

Please. Please. Please. Be okay. I can't fucking lose her. Not when I just fucking found her. I just can't.

I can't take it.

She's hanging on by a damn thread. She expended almost all of her damn energy transforming into whatever she transformed into almost a week ago now.

Even her wolf Maya is locked up in a damn sleeping coma. We can't reach out to either of them.

And the worst part is we found out through our pack doctor that Thorn is surprisingly pregnant. What a wonderful surprise that was. I fucking love that she's pregnant with our pup but she needs to be here with us to enjoy it. It's so not fucking fair.

Now we are all not only begging and pleading for Thorns life but also for the life of our little pup.

It's been fucking torture.

Every single second that passes by that Thorn isn't awake I lose a tiny bit of myself. Eventually it will be mounting all up to losing myself entirely.

She has to wake up!

Slay has been getting stone cold faced ass drunk every night since this shit happened. He just can't deal with it and hell I can't blame him. It's starting to get very hard for me to deal with it also.

Sunny. Fuck Sunny has completely lost himself. He has locked himself up in his room. Never once venturing out of it. He has food brought up to him by our she wolves even though he's rarely eating anything now.

He has dived into a deep depression that neither Slay and I can seem to get him out of and we have tried a many of times but unfortunately nothing has fucking worked. He blames himself for this.

Fier will not leave.

He's been staying in our guest room this entire time, rarely leaving Thorns side at all.

Me: I'm a complete fucking disaster of a mess.

I'm not drinking like Slay is nor am I hiding up in my damn room. I'm just numb.

Completely numb.

I walk around this damn house like a damn ghost.

Lost and confused. I just don't know what the fuck to do.

"Thorn baby, please wake up!" I stress leaning over to her.

She's hooked up to a lot machines right now with an IV going right into her arm.

I can't stand it.

"Please. I miss you baby. Slay misses you and Sunny too. Hell Fier won't even go back to his pack until you wake up. So wake up baby please." I plead with her comatose body laying on the bed.

I do this everyday. Every since she's been in here. I come in at least five times a day to beg her to finally wake up.

But unfortunately she never does.

"I love you baby." I declare to her softly.

I tell her that every day to.

Just hoping against hope that one day she will hear me finally.

Exhaling a large breath I rise up from my chair as I do everyday and exit the room quietly.

I head out straight to Sunny's room to check up on him as I still do every damn day. I got this damn routine down pat now.

Rapping my knuckles on the door I wait as usual for Sunny to open it but as usual he never does.

"Sunny you have to go and see her." I beg through the damn door to him gently.

Again. No fucking answer. I just sigh.

I make my way down to the living room expecting to see a very drunk and sloshed out Slay sitting on the couch. As per fucking usual.

Day in and day out. It's the same damn thing.

And of course that's exactly where I find him. Half out of his mind in unnecessary grief, passed out drunk off his fucking ass. Knocked completely fucking out.

Shaking my head I walk over to him and remove the empty bottle from his hand. I lay him down flatly on the couch.

Throwing the afghan that was on the back of the couch loosely over him.

Again and again.

Fuck! We so need Thorn.

This is getting to be very redundant.

I crash down on the chair beside the couch leaning my head on the back of it.

I close my eyes and try my damn best to relax.

After a while I just reopen my eyes, giving the fuck up on even trying to relax. Relaxation doesn't ever come.

I haven't been able to sleep either.

Maybe a couple of hours here and there is all that I'm able to grab lately.

Too much shit keeps flashing through my mind to even allow my restless body to sleep.

Like, I should of handle the situation better. If only I would have just killed that asshole Slayer from the very start Thorn wouldn't be in the condition she's in right now. If only.

If only I would have kept us at the Invivus Realm a little longer maybe, just maybe, Shari would have gotten bored of waiting on Sunny to return and just fucking left.

If only I didn't deny Thorn at the very start none of this bullshit around us would have happened and Thorn would still be here awake with us and thriving.

If fucking only.

I stare at the far wall lost in my own damn thoughts.

Hearing footfalls coming up from behind me I don't even turn my head toward the person or even acknowledge them.

"Hey." Fier says as he's walking up to stand beside me but I keep ignoring him. I'm just not in the fucking mood to talk right now.

"Have you been to up check on her?" He ask me. I sigh, bending over I place my elbows on my legs craning my neck to look up at him.

He looks so damn depleted. Probably just as I am.

"Yes. Just a moment ago." I finally answer him half heartedly.

"Still unconscious?" Please just fucking stop.

"Yes." I numbly answer him again.

"Maybe any day now." He says with a small amount of hope echoing throughout his voice.

Yea. Any day now.

"Right." I grumble perching my face in my hands wearily.

Please I like you Fier. But please just go the fuck away from me. I can't handle you right now.

Fier just keeps standing beside me.

Fuck this!

Jumping up from my seat quickly, I turn away from Fier.

"I'm going to bed." I murmur leaving Fier and Slay behind in the living room.

Not even worried about hurting Fiers feelings. I just don't fucking care anymore.

Another week and half passes and still no Thorn.

My routine is starting to get very fucking tedious.

Over and over and over again.

I do the same damn thing.

Here I am sitting in the same old fucking chair. Pleading with Thorn to wake the fuck up!

And she still doesn't do it.

I'm beginning to lose my faith in her.

And I fucking hate it.

She now has a tiny little baby bump. Not much of one but I can still see it. The doc said the pup is doing fine. Strong heartbeat and all.

I just wish that Thorn was awake to enjoy it. I know that she would absolutely love it.

Everything is still the same. Sunny stays in his room as always and of course Slay stays hammered all of the time.

No matter how many times I beg and plead with them they both still do the same old shit.

They don't know how to handle it.

I caught Slay in here by accident the other day finally. He was talking to her with so much pain reflecting off of him. It broke my heart just to see and to hear it.

He was rubbing his hand across her stomach tenderly. I actually cried then.

It was like a dam that suddenly broke lose in me. All of the anguish that I've been holding in came rushing out of me like a tidal wave.

It was the first time I cried over this.

But it wasn't the last. I have been crying off and on now for a week.

I'm losing my mind.

She just needs to wake the fuck up already!

"Do you hear me Thorn? Wake the fuck up!" I almost scream it out but refrain myself from doing so.

Maybe I should though. If I scream it loud enough maybe she would finally fucking hear me!

"THORN! WAKE THE FUCK UP!" I dared to do it.

But still nothing.

I sigh out in pure defeat.

"Please baby!" I plead with all of my fucking heart and soul. I grasp on to her hands that's laying promptly on her stomach beseeching her.

"Why the hell are you screaming at me?" My head jerks up so damn fast I probably sprained my damn neck.

"Thorn?" I choke out.

"Yes. Why are you screaming?" I can't fucking believe it.

Springing up from my chair that was beside her bed way too fucking fast I nearly stumble over but I catch myself on Thorns bed thankfully.

"Baby?" I croak out. "You're finally awake. Thank fuck. I have been so damn lost without you." I start to cry again.

"Sin? What happened? Why are crying?" She ask me innocently. Placing her hand gently on my cheek. The sparks light up within me instantly. Fuck I so missed that.

"Baby I have so much to tell you but let me go and get Sunny and Slay first okay?" She nods her head slightly smiling over at me. Fuck I miss that too! I plant a soft kiss on her check before I leave her.

I rush quickly out her room nearly falling over again.

I race off to Sunny's room first, banging on the door I scream out as loud as I fucking can.

"She's awake! She's awake! Thorns fucking awake!" I bellow out very ecstatically. "Get your damn ass out of there our mate is finally awake!"

My baby is finally awake. Thank fuck!

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