Three for Thorn

Chapter 27 Slay

My heart nearly fell out of my fucking chest when I saw that knife pressed up against Thorns precious throat.

Im going to kill this cocksucker very very fucking goddamn slowly and love every mother fucking second of doing it.

"!" Thorn barely mutters out with tears steadily flowing down her beautiful face. She thinks she's going to fucking die. I sucked in huge desperate breath when she utter those three longing words to us like they were going to be her fucking last.

Not on my fucking watch baby!

Grayson seems to think that he's more powerful than any of us but I have some really bad news for this fuckwit.

He doesn't realize that every single person that's in this damn room would do anything for our sweet loving Thorn, especially me and my fucking brothers.

Nobody threatens the love of my life and gets the fuck away with it. No fucking body! Not even this dime store hood rat low life hungry power grubbing Son-of-a-bitch!

"Grayson let her go. This is your last damn fucking warning!" I snarl out at him while bearing my fangs, taking a few mild cautious steps toward him and Thorn.

She's still helplessly struggling within his grasp but every time she makes a move the damn knife at her throat within Graysons weaselly hands seems to cut into her neck a little deeper.

Her blood is slowly trickling down her neck making me see fucking boiling red! Demon growls out fiercely within me.

Out of the corner of my eye I happen to catch a slight glimpse of her brother Austis slowly edging his way over to an unsuspecting Grayson quietly.

"Keep him occupied!" Demon pipes up viscously snarling.

"Will do!" That's wont be a fucking problem.

"You fucking better. Then kill his two faced ass!" No damn doubt about that shit.

"Gladly." I snarl back viscerally.

"Grayson we need to talk about this. Why do you want our mate when you know that she loves only us? She will never be able to love you!" Keep him distracted. "Not like you want her to."

"I'll make her fucking love me!" This guy is completely off his damn rocker.

"You can't make someone love you Grayson. It only comes gradually. Thorn will never love you. She loves us. Can't you see how much you're hurting her." I try to plead with him for understanding. "Just look at her neck!" I growl.

Keep him distracted.

I watch anxiously as Austis has almost made his way up behind him now thankfully going unnoticed.

"If you love somebody you wouldn't hurt them Grayson. Look at her, you are definitely hurting her!" I point aggressively to Thorns wounded neck. "She's fucking bleeding!" I add on snarling.


Grayson luckily lowers his head down slightly to see the damage that he has inflicted on Thorns neck and just as he does Austis finally reaches his ass. I was so preoccupied with Grayson and Thorn that I didn't even realize that Austis had Seras hunting knife within his grasp.

Austis rears back suddenly and with a forceful plunge stabs Grayson right into his damn back.

Grayson lets out a mighty deaf roaring scream before he crumbles down to the floor but just as he does he unintentionally cuts a long line across Thorns neck, she screams out in horror right before she starts falling down to the floor completely unconscious.

I rush quickly over to Thorn grabbing her up into my arms right before her body was able to collide with the damn floor.

People are all screaming and shuffling around us but I don't give a flying fuck about them at the moment.

"Thorn?" I call out her name with a shaky breath. "Beautiful?"

Pushing her long hair away from her face I watch as the cut on her throat thankfully starts to mend itself back together instantly.

I release a huge scared ragged breath that I was undoubtedly holding in then I swiftly notice her steady breathing by the little rise and fall of her chest. Thank Fuck!

Squeezing her tiny body tighter flush up against me for dear life I start to fucking cry like a little ass baby. I actually thought I fucking lost her.

Sin and Sunny are on the floor beside us touching Thorns body wherever they possibly can with very worried and concerned expressions on their faces.

I foolishly wipe away the tears on my face completely embarrassed by them. I'm a full grown ass man I shouldn't be fucking crying like this.

"She's okay. She's okay." I mutter with my voice fucking trembling as I keep rocking Thorns body back and forth in my arms. "She's okay."

Thorn starts to stir awake suddenly in my arms moaning out egregiously as she rocks her head from side to side trying diligently to wake herself up fully. Come on baby you can do it. Please.

"Thorn?" Sunny whispers to her barely able to contain his own feelings.

"W-what h-hap..happened?" Thorn stutters weakly as she tries to rise up from the floor unsteadily, I tighten my grasp around her, preventing her from being able to do so.

"I think you might have went into shock!" Sin explains to her while falling roughly back onto his legs letting out a full drawn tiresome breath.

"W-where's t-that asshole?" She mumbles slightly.

"He's dead. I think." Sunny relays the information to her unknowingly.

I crane my head looking over my shoulder at Graysons body that's laying out on the castles floor unmoving. Peering my eyes closer to him I search for any movements of breath dispelling out of him.

Unfortunately, I see slight movements as his chest rise and falls slowly, the bastard is still alive.

"No he's still alive but barely." Hope is kneeling down by Graysons fallen body hysterically crying over him.

"Striker I know he's your cousin and I hate to do this to you or to his mother but will you kindly escort Grayson to the care center and I will meet you both there shortly. But first I would like to ask if I have your permission," Austis looks down at Hopes crying figure, "to remove his powers from him. That way I can keep him alive for you but unfortunately I will have to keep him imprisoned." Austis deems regally.

I see a sudden flash of hope light up in Hopes eyes. "Yes, King Sides you have my full permission." Hope softly mumbles. She stands up slowly wiping her tears away from her face to allow Austis access to Grayson that's lying helplessly on the floor below him.

I observe closely as Austis places his hand right on top of Graysons head.

He mumbles a few incomprehensible words as a bright yellowish light starts to form on top of Graysons head. Graysons body begins to shake uncontrollably under Austis onslaught of powerful magic.

Then the yellowish light from Austis hand suddenly recedes back into the palm of his hand just as fast at it once appeared.

"It's done you may take him away now." Austis tells Striker. Striker walks over to Graysons listless body and picks him up off of the floor, bridal style, then obediently carries him away.

Good fucking riddance to the trash. If it was up to me the guy wouldn't be leaving this damn room breathing at all. He would be leaving in fucking pieces. Limb by limb, organ by fucking organ!

"What about me?" Singa screams out suddenly, alerting us all. I actually almost forgot about the witch bitch.

Thorn tries to stand up again but this time I don't hold her back, I stand up along with her, with my hands placed under her arms I keep her steady until she is able to stand back up on her own two feet again finally.

"What foul crimes had this woman committed?" Austis ask.

"She put a spell on me, she also put a spell on this entire Realm preventing anyone other than Fae to enter it, and she was in cohorts with Samuel and Alpha Baker." Sin informs him finally standing up to his full height.

"She also helped kill our mother and apparently she helped with killing your father to." Thorn adds on while she continuously rubs her hand across her throat.

Austis eyes widen and then in the next breath his face grows stern with fury you can actually see the anger rolling off of him in abundance.

"For that, you foul heathen, your penalty is death!" He vows with conviction and before anyone even realizes it, a flash of white light burst out of the palm of his right hand. The force field shield that was keeping Singa hostage dissipates right before are very own eyes when the white light hits it then without missing a damn beat the bright light crashes into Singas chest forcefully.

Her body absorbs the light within her as she yells out in horrific agony, her entire body starts convulsing, she lets out a strangled gasp as her eyes roll into the back her head.

Singas head lolls back and with one last beckoning cry her body goes completely limp then crashes to the floor as she lays there dying almost instantly.

When the last lone breath leaves her body the entire Realm begins to shake violently.

It only last for a split a second but it seemingly ends with a big roaring vibrating bang echoing throughout the entire Realm.

I squeeze my eyes tightly, flinching my head back when I hear the ear piercing bang.

By the time the piercing sound quietens I reopen my eyes only to view a heart stopping scene ahead of me. I watch horrified as Sins body collapses onto the damn floor falling completely unconscious.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

"Sin!" Thorn screams.

I rush over to him quickly, along with Sunny and Thorn running up behind me. We all instantly fall down on to our knees beside Sins fallen body.

"Sin?" I ask with my voice cracking, reaching my hand out tentatively I check for a pulse on his neck.

Thump! Thump!

Thank Fuck, I was able to find one.

"Take him to the well care center!" Austis barks out the order loudly. The tone of his order breaks me from my traumatic trance immediately.

Picking Sins body up from the floor, I follow Austis out of the room with a crying Thorn and Sunny trailing along behind me.

I fucking can't stand this. Questions keep running around through my head. Why did he faint? Is he dying? What caused this? Why isn't he waking the fuck up? Why him?

After all that we have been through today I just can't lose my bother. I already thought that I lost Thorn today I don't think my heart can take anymore of this shit.

Please wake the fuck up brother! Please.

It's been two long days and nights since Sin fainted.

He hasn't woken up yet but the well care doctor assured us all that he will in time.

He said that the spell on Sin is what made him faint and put him in a slight sleeping paralysis.

Even though the spell on him somewhat dissipated over time he still had minuscule trace amounts of it in him.

When Austis killed Singa it caused a ripple effect on Sin unfortunately, causing his body to have a staggering reaction to it.

Anyone that was under Singas influence will be experiencing the same exact thing as Sin, according to Doctor Piedmont that is. Makes me wonder exactly how many people she ended up doing this to?

We have all been just lounging around here, hardly ever leaving the room, just waiting and hoping for Sin to finally wake up. Hopefully.

Thorn, predictably, hasn't left Sins side through the entirety of his stay here. The only time that she has been away from him is to use the damn restroom. Yesterday I did happen to finally coax her into a shower and to finally eat just a little bit of something.

Right at this moment she has her head laying on Sins bed asleep with her arm graciously laying upon his leg like it's a damn lifeline.

I tried to get her to sleep in a regular bed but she wouldn't dare leave Sins side no matter how many times I told her that he would understand, she just wouldn't have it.

Scrubbing my hand down my face I feel especially tired and weary. Sleep has been hard for me to come by these last two damn days and nights unfortunately it seems to be taking a heavy tow on my ass tonight.

Sunny is snoring mildly across the room, he's laying uncomfortably in a small leather green backed chair thats placed in the corner of the room while I'm sitting in another chair located right beside Sins bed.

With the room darkened and the only sounds that are echoing throughout the room is Sunny's snores and the sound of the heart monitor machine beeping ever so often, I start to drift off to sleep along with them.

That is until I hear a couple of soft grunts coming from straight Sins bed.

Cracking my eyes open a slit. I see Sins head starting to roll from side to side while he lets out a little soft whimper.

Jumping up from my chair quickly I stumble over to him, falling down to the side of his bed on my knees beside him.

"Sin?" I call his name out lowly.

He continues to grumble while trying to stir himself awake. His eyes creep open slowly into little slits, he then blinks once, twice, thrice then he finally rouses himself fully awake.

He suddenly whimpers out like he's in a lot of pain. Nervously, I reach my hand over to him, barely touching his arm softly.

"Sin?" I call his name out again. "Are you awake?" I add while whispering to him.

Sins eyes close suddenly then opens them wide again, I breath a hefty sigh of relief when I see those hazel eyes finally peering open widely at me.

"Thank fuck Sin. You had us all so damn worried." I state to him aguishly.

"W-what..." he croaks.

"You we're in a slight sleep paralysis." I cut him off, he tries to sit up but he struggles with it, hurriedly I jump back up assisting him to raise himself on his pillows to help make him feel slightly more comfortable.

"H-ho-how long?" He ask me with his voice croaking again.

"Two days." I state simply kneeling back down beside his bed.

He peers down to Thorns sleeping form cracking a tiny smile at her as he looks down on her lovingly.

"She hasn't left your side." I tell him quietly while smiling over at him.

"Water." He ask, I rush back up to grab him a styrofoam cup of water from the water jug left in his room. Handing it over to him, I see that his hands are starting to shake just a little.

I take the cup from him placing it against his lips, he drinks it all down thirstily to where it's almost completely empty.

"Thanks." He now sounds a bit better.

"No problem. How do you feel?" I question him curiously.

"Like a bulldozer fucking ran over me!" I cackle deeply at his remark kneeling back down once again at the side of his bed.

"Did everything goes as planned?" He ask referring to Samuels demise.

"Yep. All of the guards that Freya managed to put under were eventually arrested and placed in the dungeon cells. With Samuel now gone along with Alpha Baker and Singa, all is peaceful." I indulge him.

"What about Austis? Did he get to take his rightful place back on the throne without anyone disputing it?" Oh that he did.

"Yep. He is now fully the King of the Invivus Realm. With our very own Thorn being the Realms Princess." I explain peering back down at our beautiful mate still surprisingly sleeping with pride showing on my face.

"Good. I knew we could do it." He states proudly while smirking over at me.

I'm glad he did because sometimes I was having my own doubts about it.

"Is she okay?" He inquires glancing down at Thorn again.

"Yes. Although not entirely. She has been having nightmares when she does find to time to sleep that is and I still don't think she fully realizes the full extent of killing her own father just yet. Now she's worried about Fier and that asshole Tristan being locked up in her fathers dungeon. But I assured her as soon you we're capable enough to leave here that we would go rescue him." She has been so damn worried about her brother and with her worries compounding over Sins sleep paralysis she hasn't been taking care of herself properly.

She has had both Sunny and I extremely worried over her.

"You're awake!" Speaking of Sunny.

He spots Sin finally awake on the bed smiling enormously over at him. He stands up quickly from his makeshift bed strolling over to where I'm still kneeling.

"About damn time bro. I was starting to get worried about your stupid ass." Sunny happily exclaims while patting him on his shoulder. How damn sweet! I roll my eyes up at him.

"Why? You know I always need to take a good long nap after a battle." Sin brags sheepishly.

Here they are world my goofy ass fucking brothers and man do I love them.

"Sin?" A beautiful whimsical voice floats up to us suddenly.

Thorn finally awakens from her slumber staring over at Sin with shock cascading over her beautiful face.

"Baby?" Sin croaks out with a shaky breath.

Thorn springs up from her seat suddenly jumping straight into Sins awaiting arms.

He holds on to her so damn tightly that I'm afraid he may just actually break the poor woman in two.

I hear Thorn quietly sobbing against Sins chest. Sin rubs his chin all along the top of her head, kissing her head periodically as he does. I hate to hear fucking cry.

Damn I'm so done with this Realm.

I honestly think it's time for us to return back home now. Even with the problems we might have to face involving Sunny with Beta Slayer our time here has definitely come to end now that Sins finally awaken. We can all go home.

Thank Fuck! Because I really do miss home.

Three days later we are all gathered together near Freyas cabin once again to say our farewells to them all, for a time anyway.

Along with us, there is also a clutter of others waiting with us by the opened portal.

Freya, Striker, Austis and Seraphina have all come to wish us well and to say their parting goodbyes.

Hope, unfortunately couldn't make it, according to Freya she's been holed up at the inn, rarely leaving the place unable to face anybody.

I can understand that. Her son is now imprisoned in Austis dungeon cell for treason and attempted murder. He will more than likely be imprisoned there for years if not for life.

Grayson should consider himself very lucky that he didn't receive death for his outlandish crimes. The way I view it the bastard just got off with a little slap on the wrist when he should have been residing six feet under right now instead. But thanks to Austis compassionate nature Grayson will live.

Weary is the man that wears the crown.

Seraphina has moved into the castle finally accepting Austis has her mate. They actually make a pretty decent couple. I'm sure she will be an excellent Queen for the Invivus Realm.

There's a lot of work ahead of them both now but I'm sure they can both handle whatever is thrown their way. Especially with Freya by their side and Striker now being the head of Austis's Royal guard.

The bastard is even selling his own magazine company to honorably take up his position with Austis.

Freya is now assigned to be the Kings special Royal Seer. A position that I'm sure will fit her to a damn T.

With everything now being settled and the Realm finally being ruled by their rightful King, I have no qualms about leaving but unfortunately my beautiful mate is finding it hard to say goodbye to all of them, especially her new found brother.

She has been crying nonstop since we arrived at Freyas cabin. I realize that it's an emotional time for her but I have never quite seen her be this so damn emotional before.

Every since Sin has awaken from his forced nap I have noticed that she has been an emotional wreck.

Crying off and on at the drop of a fucking hat. She has also been a bit edgy lately.

She flew off on me just this morning just for me taking a tiny bite out of her raspberry scone and last night she actually threatened Sunny with a damn fork just because he had the nerve to ask her if she was finished with her food yet.

She has been acting rather strangely lately and I just can't seem to figure out exactly why?

Maybe it has something to do with us returning back home to our pack? There is a lot of bad memories for her back there after all.

It could also be from all the stress and pressure that she has been under lately or maybe even she's finally feeling the repercussions of killing her own damn father? But he damn well deserved it.

Regardless of what it may be, we need to get her back home and figure it the fuck out because it's driving me absolutely crazy.

"Slay don't just stand there like some damn statue come and say goodbye!" Thorn bellows out for me.

I reprimand myself immediately, don't say anything spiteful back to her Slay, you don't exactly know what's going on with her just yet.

So instead of saying something to her that I just might actually come to regret I obediently walk over to the rest of them to say my own goodbyes just like a good boy.

I feel like I'm fucking whipped suddenly.

I grumble as I go but eventually I plastered on a smile and said my damn goodbyes to them all.

Finally done and over with, thankfully, we all solemnly walk through the opened portal.

Once we're through it I sigh out heavily, happy just to be back home in my own damn territory.

Dropping my suitcase beside me as soon as I entered my lovely dwelling I soon closed my eyes and took a deep inhale of the magical scent known as home. Fucking Finally!

"Fier?" Hearing Thorn call out her brothers name I open my eyes back up instantly.

Searching around our living room area I spot a groggily Fier waking up from sleeping on our damn couch. He's rubbing the sleep out of his eyes roughly with the back of his hand.

When he spots Thorn he automatically springs up from my couch running over to her quickly, he wraps her up into his arms and swings her around, while laughing.

Sweet family reunion, I guess.

Fier drops her back down on the floor to her feet as he places both hands on the side of her face he looks at her with pure devotion sweeping his eyes.

"I was so worried about you. What happened?" Thorn ask him with her fingers clinging around Fiers wrist.

"It's a long story Thorn. I'm just so damn glad you're safe." Fier almost cries. Embracing Thorn gently he holds her in his arms tightly.

Well I guess we don't have to go out and rescue his ass any longer seeing as how he's already here.

"Sunny!" We hear someone excitedly yell out Sunny's name from the top of the staircase landing.

Craning my neck up I cringe when I see fucking Shari standing there in nothing but a damn white silk gown and robe on, that only goes down to her fucking thighs, she's peering down at Sunny with pure adoration lighting up on her face.


We just got home we really don't need this type shit right now.

Shari bounds down the staircase rapidly just as she reaches Sunny she throws herself into his arms enclosing her arms around his neck she then proceeds to kiss him all along his damn neck.

What the actual fuck?

I bet if I lifted up her damn silk nightgown right now I would find a set a balls on her that's bigger than my fucking own.

Sunny smartly pushes her away from him instantly.

"Get your fucking hands off of me!" Sunny growls out at her defensively. Shari nearly stumbles over from Sunny's push giving him a very snotty ass look.

I try my best to hold in my laughter at the absurd scene happening before me but I just simply can't.

I guess all of the tension from our past journey is staring to catch up to me? Plus with the added bonus of seeing such a fake ass woman trying her best to woo my brother sends me over the damn edge.

Bending over while holding on to my stomach I bark out in uproarious laughter, getting everyone's attention that's in the room quickly directed right at my ass.

Sin soon joins in on my ridiculous bout of laughter.

"What's so damn funny?" Shari huffs as she places her hands on her tiny hips while giving me an evil glare.

"You...are." I try to tell her between my bouts of laughter. "You...are so...damn...desperately naive." She fucking scoffs at me. The bitch.

"What is he talking about Sunny poo?" Shari ask Sunny with a fake pout. It's just too damn much!

I nearly piss my damn self from laughing so damn hard.

"Look Shari. I know I made you a promise but things have changed. I have my mate back and well, she is our Luna." You fucking bet she is!

Shari glances over at Thorn who is standing in front of a very confused Fier.

"Her? You must be joking?" Shari spitefully says with a fucking snarl on her face.

"No I'm not. This is Thorn my mate and she is our Luna!" Sunny states to Shari more intimidatingly.

"But Sunny poo you promised me." Shari whines pathetically.

"I know and I do apologize for that Shari but I love Thorn and I chose her. You were just as unfortunate mistake." I kind of feel sorry for Sunny now. My laughter dries up instantly when I see the anguish look that's aligning his face.

"Not according to this contract you signed Sunny." Shari states with a gleam in her eyes as she drags out a piece of tattered paper from her fucking bosom.

He fucking didn't? He wouldn't? How stupid could he actually be to sign a fucking contract? She has to be lying.

This has to be a fucking mistake! Right?

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