Three for Thorn

Chapter 24 Thorn

🚨 Smut 🚨

Staring at Sunny across the way I note the trepidation in him.

Back at the inn with all three of my mates standing around me as I sit on the edge of the bed wishing that we didn't have to deal with any of this. I tell myself firmly that I will not let them see me cry.

I own my own tears and I will not dispel them for anybody not matter how much it may hurt me.

So I sit here listening intently to Sunny trying to explain to me exactly what and why it happened.

With each word that comes from his mouth my own heart breaks a little further in two.

I can understand completely that he thought I was never going to return. Because in my mind at that time I was never planning on returning to either of them.

What I can't seem to wrap my head around is the thought of him keeping this a secret from me for so damn long.

It's not the idea of him sleeping with her that makes me so angry. It's just the general idea of all the secrecy wrapped around a big fat lie.

I would be calling myself double standard now if I held it against him for sleeping with Shari, because at that time, I was also thinking about sleeping with Tristan to be honest.

I was in all actuality going to reject them all then and just be with Tristan solely.

So unfortunately I can't hold any fault against Sunny for that. He thought we were over completely just as I did. People do tend to move on and like he said he was missing me and depressed about my absence just as I was about them.

I was planning on moving on also without them. We were one in the same.

I just can't understand why Sunny couldn't be more opened about it. Why would he hide it from me? I would have understood. I was doing the exact thing to them although I didn't go through with it. It was definitely on my mind, a lot.

I can understand the temptation. I was definitely tempted to do the same. Maybe I should have been open about how I was feeling then to all of them. Then we would probably not be in this horrible situation right now.

As I listen to him drone on and on about his adulterous affair I begin to become very unsettled.

"It was only one night Thorn and I am so damn sorry." Only one night huh? So I guess that makes everything better? Just one damn night.

"Please say something Thorn." Sunny pleads with me. What can I actually say? Should I admit to them that I felt the same exact way? I wonder how they would all take that?

Biting the inside of my cheek, I decided just to tell them. Regardless, of whatever may come of it. I'm tired of all of the damn secrets and lies.

Basically, I'm just damn tired.

So I do.

I tell them how I felt and what I planned to do with them and especially with Tristan.

I unload all of it calmly. Not once did I ever raise my voice or have it dripping out with sarcasm.

I just plainly told them all of it.

I don't spare a damn thing.

By the time I finished telling them they all looked a little differently down at me.

Sin was looking at me like he understood me completely. Which I'm sure he did.

Slay was looking at me with a touch of anger but I did note a slight touch of understanding in his eyes thankfully.

Now Sunny. Sunny was looking at me like I just vindicated him. Like he was now off of the hook for what he has done. A look of pure relief.

But if he happens to think that then he is just fooling himself because he isn't off of the damn hook not just yet.

"But I didn't do it although I desperately wanted to. But Sunny this doesn't mean that I'm not still angry with you. You lied to me. You kept it a secret and that's what hurts me the most. Why did you think that I would not find out about it? I'm not clueless Sunny. I do have a brain and I use it from time to time. Secrets always get exposed regardless if you want them to or not." I exclaimed to him still never raising my voice once.

"Damn Thorn if I could take it back I would in a damn heartbeat. Shari meant nothing to me." I don't think he realizes that what he just told me makes it all actually worse.

I just shake my damn head at him. Sunny will never understand.

"Did it mean something to you when we made love?" I ask him lowly now completely doubting myself.

"Thorn it meant the world to me. I love you. I'm sorry I hurt you. I should have told you." He states as he walks over to me kneeling down in front of me right in between my legs.

"Yes you should have. It's going to take some time for me to forgive you Sunny. Not because you slept with her that would be wrong of me if I held that against you when I intended to do the same thing to you. But because you lied to me and it didn't even bother you that you kept it from me." I plead with him for his understanding.

His face shows so much remorse and sadness suddenly. I blow out a huge strangled breath. This is so much harder than I thought it would be.

Sunny is indeed the heart of our unit but after this I don't know if I can trust that sweet heart of his like I use to.

I know Sin did the exact same thing to me with Storm but he was under a witches spell for a time throughout it. Sunny definitely wasn't. That's why it's so damn hard for me.

He lied to me deliberately.

I honestly don't think he was ever going to admit this lie to me. It was just by an unfortunate happenstance that I even found out.

Don't cry Thorn! Don't let him see your tears. You are stronger than that. I keep repeating the mantra inside of my head.

"It did bother me Thorn. It was eating me alive. I just didn't know how to tell you and if I did I knew that you would leave me. Us. Forever this time. I didn't want to lose you." He croaked out the last sentence to me looking completely broken. "I can't."

I sigh, what am I going to do with him? His heart is just too damn big while my heart is shrinking just a little toward him.

"Like I said it will take time. Right now I don't think I can trust you. I don't think that you will cheat on me again Sunny. I just think you are way too good at keeping secrets from me and lying to me now." He takes a hefty intake of breath as I tell him.

I hate that I'm hurting him but what else can I do? He hurt me too!

"I understand Thorn and I don't actually blame you either. I should have told you. I will beg for your forgiveness until I cant breathe any longer if that is what it will take to earn back your trust again in me." This time it's me that's taking a huge intake of breath.

I don't know why but I actually believe him. It's hard. So damn hard. To look him in the eye and try my best to hate him for this.

I could never hate him though. I love him too damn much to ever hate him. But right now I do despise him a little for hurting me. Why is my damn heart fluctuating between love and light hate randomly?

Sunny grasp ahold of my hands into his suddenly. The sparks as usual shoot straight through me signifying to me that he is my soulmate.

Why would the Moon Goddess make this so if it wasn't meant to be?

Why does it hurt so bad?

I yank my hands away from his immediately. Placing them on my lap away from his touch.

I can't handle that right now and I don't know when I will ever be able too again.

He looks so forlornly up to me that it breaks my heart in two just a little more if that's even possible?

"I'm sorry Thorn. I love you." Those three damn words are tearing me in two. Can't he see this?

"There's more." Slay informs me with regret instantly shadowing his face.

What more can there be? I don't think I can take much more of this.

"What?" I questioned.

Slay then tells me about Sharis mate Beta Sawyer. How he would probably be after Sunny now for what he did and how bad this Beta really is. What the hell?

Sunny sure stepped in to it this time.

What else are we going to have to deal with?

I peer over at Sin that's standing right behind Sunny's kneeling form.

"Alright Sunny has explained everything to me. Slay has even apologized for being a jealous jackass and you have told me everything about you right?" I ask Sin.

Let's get it all out on the table.

"Yes. Nothing else left to tell." Sin says with a smile.

Thank fuck! I don't think I could handle anything else at this point.

"Alright then I have a lot to think about. So I'm going to go into the other room for a long hot bubble bath to think. Oh and before I forget I have to rescue my brother now rather than later. Striker has set up an interview for me to do with Lord Samuel. Alone. I'm two days time. That's when I'm going to take his ass down!" I explain to them and then walk off without another word into the other room to take my long awaited bath.

Let them stew on that shit for a while.

Soaking in a warm bubble bath with scented candles surrounding me I tried my damn best to relax my erratic racing thoughts but all I ended up accomplishing from all of this pampering was nearly falling asleep in the damn tub.

I was almost completely zonked out when the bathroom door suddenly springed open.

Startled, I jerk up awake quickly sloshing the water out of the tub and onto the floor.

"Sorry I was just checking on you to make sure if you were okay. You've been in here for almost an hour now." Sin replies sheepishly trying his best to avoid looking my way. "I was starting to get worried." He glances back at me bravely devouring me with his eyes.

Peering deep into those honey hazel eyes of his I can see the notable lust casting out from those hungry eyes. Just what I so needed.

"Care to join me?" I ask him desperately yearning for his touch and so needing a damn release. Sins eyes widen unexpectedly.

"Are you sure?" He ask me with some trepidation. It's so damn cute. Hell yes, I am definitely sure.

"Yes." Leaning up I turn the hot faucet side of the water back on warming the water back up. By the time the water is warm enough Sin has already stripped out of all of his clothing.

Standing at the edge of the tub, completely naked, he's staring down at me a bit nervously. I stifle a laugh over how nervous he seems to be. It's fucking adorable to me.

Roaming my eyes down his delectable body from his hazel eyes down to his beautiful ripped stomach, I aim my eyes down lower finally stopping at his very over sized and very apparent stiff cock. My eyes widen suddenly.

He's bigger than Slay or even Sunny. Although Slay has more girth to his, it's still a very impressive package and he is hard as fuck right now. His enormous cock is standing at full attention and it's all for me. Yesss.

"Are you coming?" I ask, pun definitely intended, quirking an eyebrow up at him when I finally look back up at his face it is uncanny how much pure unbridled lust he has for me.

He deeply chuckles as he climbs into the tub to sit right down in front of me. The water sloshes again when he lowers that sexy body down into tub.

I admire all of his attributes as he sits down. Yum-fucking-me!

Licking my lips I lean into him making the first move. I've only ever kissed Sin once before, this is like doing it all over again for the first time to me.

Climbing up on top of him, I straddle him with my legs bent and off to the sides of him.

I feel his erection hit my sensitive pussy as soon as I squat down on him, I automatically release a guttural moan.

Fuck he feels so good and I need this so damn badly right now.

"Thorn." He drawls out my name groaning. Biting my lower lip I watch him as he closes his eyes while scrunching up his face like his in some sort of pain.

"Do you want me Sin?" I question him worried that he may of changed his mind.

He opens his eyes peering deeply into my own. "Of course I want you Thorn. I just want to make sure that you are truly ready for this." Am I?

Or am I just using him to escape from my own worries? As I observe him closely I realize how foolish that thought even was. I definitely do want him and now!

"I want you Sin, now." I declare as I lean into him leaving peppery like kisses along his neck.

"Thorn I don't want our first time together to be in a damn tub." I stop kissing him instantly. Feeling a tiny bit rejected.

"Fine." I push away from him jumping out of the tub quickly I grab a towel off of the towel rack, wrapping it around me as I leave the bathroom in a bratty huff.

"Thorn wait! That's not what I meant!" I hear him yell out in the bathroom with the water splashing from him hurriedly exiting the tub.

I park my ass right on the bed, dripping water on it but I can't to seem to care about it. What it is with these men?

Aren't I good enough for any of them? Why do I always keep putting my heart out there just for it to get trampled upon?

"Thorn baby please I didn't mean it the way you are taking it. I just meant that I wanted our first time together to be special. Not a just quick romp in the damn tub for fuck sakes." He is standing there completely naked with water droplets dripping off of him.

I furrow my brows at him, is that what he really meant?

This is my fault I've been doubting myself so much lately that it's actually making me insane.

"Sin do you find me desirable?" I ask him anxiously.

He looks at me with a very perplexed look masking his face. " Damn Thorn I think you are the most desirable woman I have ever met. Look at this." He points down to his harden cock, "This is all because of you baby. No one else just you and you didn't even have to touch me for me to get hard. You are so fucking sexy Thorn. I just wish you could see yourself like I do. Like we all do. You are so fucking beautiful. Why do you think Slay gets so jealous whenever another man touches you or even looks at you like he wants to eat you up? It's because you are ethereal Thorn and so damn enticing." He explains as he comes to sit down beside me on the bed. The bed dips when he sits down upon it moving me closer to him.

I grab ahold of his shoulders to keep from falling over luckily he catches me swiftly before my face eats the floor. How embarrassing would that have been? He chuckles grabbing ahold of my arms to help balance me.

"Falling for me Thorn?" He inquires rubbing his hands slowly up and down my forearms. The sparks light up instantly making me moan out unintentionally.

"More like crashing for you." I giggle at him. My hands fall from his shoulders I glide them down his chest gently.

He sucks in a breath as I glide my hands down even lower finally coming to rest up against his stiff cock.

Gripping his shaft tightly into my hand I start stroking him very slowly. Torturously slow.

"Damn Thorn!" He hisses reaching out he grabs ahold of my towel ripping it off me in one full fledge swoop. Tossing it on the floor he wraps his hand around my wrist stopping my progress instantly.

Yanking my hand away from him he pushes me back on the bed crawling right in between my opened and very willing thighs.

"Are you really sure about this?" I wish he would quit asking me that.

"Yes I'm really really sure Sin now please just fuck me already!" I grit through my teeth with my head raised up from the pillow. He lets out a deep chuckle at me again.

"Anything you say boss!" Is he fucking kidding? I get fed up with his snide little antics, unable to resist any longer, I reach my hand down and grab ahold of his cock, guiding it straight into my already wet pussy.

I push my hips up as I continue to guide him right into me. He fills me up so damn nicely.

"Eager are we?" Jackass!

To shut his ass up I push his head down to my breast. He latches on to my nipple quickly, sucking it in his mouth ferociously. I let a low needy moan again.

Damn he's good. He starts thrusting into my like a deranged mad man. With his hand kneading my breast and his tongue swirling around my areola I lose my own train of thought.

I feel him driving into my cunt exceptionally faster. Harder and harder he plows derivatively into me. I wrap my legs around his hips pushing him along even further into me. Man he's tearing my pussy up.

And fuck it feels so damn good.

My damn pussy is acting like a greedy bitch.

"Fuck Thorn you're so damn fucking tight baby!" Why does his voice sound so damn fucking sexy? His deep lusty groans are driving me absolutely crazy.

Before I lose all of my self control I raise my head up to his neck releasing my canines I bite down on his neck fucking hard. He groans immediately pushing into me irrevocably harder and oh so much faster. Releasing my canines he proceeds to the same to me as soon as his canines sink into my neck, my pussy starts vibrating uncontrollably. I feel a knot instantly twist up in my lower abdomen.

My over sensitive clit starts to tingle, over wrought pressure begins to build up in me. Sin releases his canines licking my wounds just as I did his. The bond clicks into place instantly. Now I can feel almost every damn thing that he does.

His sexual over drive is fucking startling. With my body bouncing on the mattress from the force of him pivoting so damn roughly into me, I arch my back up off of the damn mattress edging his ass on.

The pressure starts to get even stronger, placing my hands on his shoulders trying to tame my inner screams I end up losing when a five star orgasm rocks me so hard I nearly fucking faint from the catalytic bliss of it. "Fuck yes. Damn Papi!" I purr breathlessly as soon as my climax hits me but Sin doesn't fucking relinquish.

He just keeps plunging into me at a very high uncontrollable rate. He's grinding into me so damn hard I just may be bruised and sore as hell by tomorrow.

Fuck he's insatiable. Not that I'm complaining. He just keeps going. Okay, if he wants to keep going then I will make it worth his wild. I drop my legs around his hips pushing him off of me with all of the strength that I have in me. I roll his ass flat onto his back then straddle him. His big dick stays inside of me the entire time miraculously.

I start gyrating my hips on top of him in a very leisurely erotic dance. Pulling up my wet hair off of my shoulders I drag my hands through my hair provocatively. With my eyes closed, I tilt my head to the side moaning out sexily. "Fuck!" Hearing Sins strained growls fucking excite me, placing his hands on the side of my hips he starts bucking up his own hips to meet mine roughly.

Dropping my hands from my sodden hair I lower them to my breast slowly, still rocking my hips like a porn star on top of him, I start kneading my own breast hungrily right in front of him as I keep my hungry eyes now locked onto his.

I take one hand and slowly drop it even lower straight down to my over stimulated clit, playing with myself as he watches me with pure heat roaring out of his hazel eyes. I moan provocatively.

The lust appearing in those hazel eyes of his is my own just reward.

He jerks my hand away from my clit, very demandingly, taking over for me, he starts playing with it with the pad of his masterful thumb. I start to lose all of my control again under his very skilled ministrations.

Placing my hands, palms down, on his chest I fluctuate my hips seductively. Gliding my warm walls along his cock exponentially faster.

Quickening my pace I go full on over the damn top pushing my body down with force to capture his cock extremely tightly in between my stimulated slippery center.

"You..are so..damn fucking good at this." Sin grumbles between each shattered breath that he takes. Making me feel treasured just like a damn goddess.

The intensity of our union begins to cause more pressure on my sensitive bundle of nerves. Clenching up once again I unexpectedly moan out naughty little raunchy words to him. "Hmmm you're cock is so damn fucking good!" I purr as soon as my walls start to spasm up hard once again.

"I'm going to cum baby!" Fuck yes. Cum for me Papi! Scraping my long nails down his chest savagely, my pussy suctions up around his dick so tautly I was actually afraid that I was going to sprain the damn thing.

"Sinnnn!" I yell out when my orgasm suddenly over takes me. "Yesss Fuck me Papi!"

He drives his hips up, bucking them straight up into me again, with his fingers pressing down harshly on my hips and his other hand still massaging my clit vigorously, he squeezes his eyes shut tightly with his head lolling back down on the pillows beneath him. He goes completely still while he spurts his juices out all into me just like a damn rocket as he screams out my name. "Thorn baby Fuuuck!" I can feel his warm seed enter deeply inside of me. Ropes after ropes of his cum flood in me, slowly dripping out of me making me a huge wet sloppy but glorious mess.

Breathing heavily I fall down on his chest exhausted beyond recognition. My pussy walls keep vibrating sending vibrations all around clit.

I feel his dick jerk inside of me with his excess cum shooting out into my over drenched walls. Damn that was some good ass fucking sex!

"Fuck that was so unbelievably hot!" I giggle at his admiration. Causing his cock to automatically jerk in me again. I absolutely love that feeling.

"You will do!" I laugh breathlessly up at him.

"Really? I'll do huh? Care to go another round just to prove you wrong?" Sin asks me as my eyes suddenly widen.

Yes. There's no doubt that he really does have a lot of fucking stamina. I honestly don't think I can keep up with him but I'm willing to give it one hell of a damn try.

"You're welcome to tear this pussy up again anytime!" I reply back to him squeezing my walls firmly around his cock again as soon as he feels it he lets out another strained guttural moan.

"Jump off of me then because right now I'm going to chow down on a delicious Thorn pie!" He states huskily. Oh hell that was so damn fucking cheesy. Men!

After going two more rounds with Sin, I'm totally exhausted, laying down with my head planted on his chest tracing my fingers along his sexy ass six pack my mind starts to wonder off all on it's own.

With Sins light snoring above me, that's remarkably unbelievably cute, my mind is riddled with the problems pertaining to me and Sunny.

I already decided to just take easy on him for the time being and at least to try and work on learning how to trust him again.

After all he was the first one of the three to actually accept me. He has done nothing but treat me sweetly, with the exception of lying to me, he has actually been the perfect mate.

I know he cheated but like I said before I was going to do the same damn thing to him. That isn't the problem.

Trust is.

It may take a while but eventually I will learn how to trust him again. I hope.

And with my brother being sick now I need to push these negative things far away from me just until I can rescue him from Samuel clutches.

Seraphina, the girl I meet after I ran away from Sunny, that helped me, when I was so desperately in need of a friend she came through for me.

I met her at the coffee shop where that other girl, Jessica worked, the one who left the note on the napkin for Slay.

I went into the coffee shop to find her. I was going to challenge her ass face to face and demand an apology from her. Like I would ever get one. I was just so damn mad at her at that point. Now that I realize that I have sexy ass mates that any girl in their right mind would absolutely drool over, I just have to accept the fact that other women find them just as attractive as I do.

That still doesn't mean that I have to like it though.

Seraphina owned the building that I was hiding in. She offered me a room in it free of charge just out of the kindness of her heart. I need to repay her for all that she did for me. Somehow. Someway.

Suddenly my eyes start to get really heavy. Yawning, I close my eyes snuggling up closer to Sins body.

Even in his sleep he pays rapt attention to me. He automatically wraps his arm across my waist tighter.

When I told Grayson that I loved all three of them. I meant it from the bottom of my heart. I do love them immensely.

With the thought of my love for them all and me accepting that I should try to forgive Sunny. I start to drift off into a peaceful slumber. Relaxing finally. My last thought before I entered dreamland was of Sunny.

In my mind I rehearsed how I was going to tell him that I have forgiven him.

But this will be the very last time I will forgive them all so damn easily!

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