Three for Thorn

Chapter 23 Sin

And I thought I was a major fuck up!

After hearing Sunny's ill timed confession, Thorn went crying off into the bedroom slamming the door behind as she went.

I turned my full fury rage on to a drunken stupor ass Sunny that is still lying in the damn bed looking utterly distraught.

But I don't fucking care how bad he actually feels. He just crushed my mates heart in to pieces and now I'm about to fucking crush him!

Storming over to the bed I double up my fist and punch him right square in his damn nose. Sunny flinched his head back from the mighty impact groaning out like a damn fucking ass whiny little bitch.

"You fucking deserved it. Just when I was starting to get somewhere with Thorn you go and do some dumb ass shit like this and for what? Just to get your damn kicks off! Don't ever look at me again like I'm the damn devil that aimlessly hurt Thorn. You even fucking rival me jackass!" I state my case with him snarling down at him.

"Sin take it easy. Maybe you should go check on Thorn. I'll take care of Sunny." Slay insist formidably. Fine with me.

I give Sunny a deep forced growl before I leave Slay and him alone to go and check up on Thorn.

I stop in my tracks as soon as I get to the adjoining door. Turning back around I peer over at Sunny.

"Did you say Shari? My ex? Please tell me you didn't sleep with my damn ex!" I growl out at him ferociously.

"Yes it was Shari. Shari White. I'm sorry Sin. It just happened." Sunny replies while holding his hand up against his bleeding nose.

Fuck! No! No! No! He doesn't understand.

"Sunny," I drawl out his name, "Shari has a mate. That's why I split with her. Don't you remember? He's the Beta of the Howler Pack, Simon Slayer. From Alpha Tyler Darks pack? Oh damn Sunny he will kill you. He's a mean ass son-of-a-bitch and anyone that comes near his mate ends up as fish food." Simon is a devious prick who gets away with just about anything because he has the powerful Alpha Dark supporting his ass.

"I didn't know." Sunny mummers. Of course not.

"Why is she even back? Alpha Darks pack is in the west. Why would she even be here?" I mumble the thought mainly to myself.

"Sunny you need to stay in this Realm until we can figure out exactly what is going on. Do not go home! If Beta Slayer gets any hint about you being with his mate Shari. He will definitely kill your ass." What the fuck are we going to do now?

"Isn't he the Beta that killed Alpha Darks daughter though? Why hasn't he been captured?" Slay questions.

"Because Alpha Dark wanted his daughter dead. They covered up everything. I can't believe that you two can't remember this. Alpha Dark hated his daughter because she was mated to the Alpha of his rival pack, The Shadow Moon packs Alpha. Alpha Dryson Taylor. It happened right after mom and dads plane crash. They went to war with each other. Alpha Dark put an end to Alpha Taylor's pack and took it over. He's a very visceral man." After I broke up with Shari and she found her mate I heard all about this.

It terrified me at the time. Thinking that Beta Slayer was going to come and hunt my ass down and kill me for sleeping with his mate.

Thankfully, that never happened.

"What am I going to do?" Sunny ask dropping his hand away from his face immediately looking very despondent.

Oh yea Sunny just fucked up royally.

"We will figure something out. In the meantime Sin can you please go check on Thorn? I can't hear her crying any longer!" Slay ask worriedly.

"Sure. I'll be right back." I inform them. We need it work out some type of plan now to protect Sunny.

Opening the adjoining door I step into the room quietly. Easing my way in I search the room for Thorn. Not being able to see her I walk over to the ensuite bathroom to check on her in there.

I rap my knuckles on the door softly. "Thorn are you okay?" I ask her timidly.

But she doesn't answer. Trying again I still receive no reply from within.

So I try my luck at opening the bathroom door as it opens with a slight creak I find it empty also.

Scrunching up my brows I walk over to the side closet.

Please tell me she didn't leave?

Opening the closet I find it virtually empty with the exception of mine and some of my bothers clothes, there is nothing else left hanging in it.

Then I remembered her suitcase that she stuffed under the bed.

Stomping over to the bed I kneel down pulling back the duvet to search underneath the bed.

Empty again.


She left!


I spring up fast running into Slays and Sunny's room.

"She fucking left!" I scream.

We can't find her anywhere.

After searching for hours we have come up empty handed.

We searched the magazine company and even at Freyas. We also asked Hope if she just might happen to be staying another room. Hope looked at us like we were crazy. Maybe we are.

Because we can't fucking find her and it's driving us all nuts.

She left with all of the little white cards that Freya gave her, leaving us clueless on how to reach out to even that guy Grayson. We asked Freya for his number or his damn address but unfortunately she had to go and ask us why.

We ended up telling her the truth and because of that she wouldn't give us the damn information we wanted.

She told us and I quote 'I warned you!' Very snidely.

Now we are walking down basically every fucking street looking for her.

Even Slay and Sunny can't sense her through their damn bonds for some reason. I know that Thorn is half Fae so I reasoned she must have used some type of magic on the bond.

I also realize that her powers or abilities aren't mastered yet so I actually don't know how she would have been able to do it but stranger things have fucking happened.

Getting tired and restless I stop in at the coffee shop beside the magazine company that Thorn was suppose to work at today.

The door chimes a soon as I entered. The place is almost empty, only a few customers are seated in the booths. They all look at me strangely as I entered but I ignored them all. Too damn tired to even care at this point.

Stepping up to the counter the barista saunters over to a another customer. A goth looking type of girl, I wait as she tends to the other customer.

When she finally notices me behind the counter she gives me a broad smile as she strolls over.

"What can I get you stud?" Why does that sound so damn familiar?

I ignore it and place my order.

"Large hazelnut coffee." I grumble to her.

She walks off with a sway in her hips to make the coffee.

I turn around at the counter just watching the traffic stream by out of the big bay window.

"Here you go stud." Flirtatious this one. I hand over the money grabbing up my steaming cup of coffee.

She offers me the change back. "Keep it." I wave my hand to her.

"Hold on." I scowl when she tells me this. The other customer to the side me watches on with valid interest at us both.

Watching her closely she grabs up a napkin and starts writing on it.

Handing me the napkin I read what she wrote. I laugh. I actually laugh at this. Now I remember.

"You miss thang have caused a lot of trouble lately. I don't want your damn number and I suggest for you to keep the flirting down to a minimum because one day you're going to find yourself flirting with the wrong man." She just huffs at me, I wad up the napkin in my hand and threw it right at her.

I just keep laughing at her as I'm walking out of the coffee shop, somewhat feeling accomplished.

It's not like she didn't deserve it.

Now, I need to find Thorn.

Two damn days have passed since Thorn has up and left us and we still haven't heard a damn thing from her.

I'm actually starting to get very worried about her now.

This isn't like her. Yea, she has ran away from us before but only once was that on her.

Sunny has been going crazy. Blaming himself consistently for Thorns sudden disappearance.

When all actuality we have all fucked up in someway when it comes to Thorn.

Slay has been nothing but fucking miserable. He's actually driving me crazy from his persistent nagging and belly aching.

His temper is at an all time high now. Every time someone even tries to talk to him he blows up.

I need to get Thorn back before my brothers have to check themselves into a mental asylum.

Me; I'm trying my best to hold us all together but it's not me they are wanting.

It's Thorn.

And I actually want her too. I'm the only damn one out of her mates who hasn't bonded with her yet and now I'm feeling very remorseful about all of that.

This would all be resolved easily if I could just fucking find her.

I hate this place. I so want to go back to our pack.

But knowing now that Beta Sawyer will be after Sunny's ass has made that quite impossible for us to do just yet.

Damn Sunny!

He just gave up on Thorn way too soon that's all. Well that's the way I see it anyway.

I'm not sure Thorn will be able to see it the way I do.

Only if she would just sit down and talk to all of us that would make this shit so much easier.

Instead I'm running around this stupid Realm, like a fucking chicken with his head cut off, searching for Thorn.

Night and day. Day and night. Endlessly searching for her is driving me into an early grave.

I'm damn tired and very weary. Completely exhausted to the point to where I just want to find a bed and fall out in for a week or two.

This getting beyond ridiculous.

Leaning against a street lamp, I sigh out heavily, trying to calm my raging worries.

People are walking by staring strangely over at me with confused and somewhat frightened looks on their faces.

It is just past ten at night and this city seems more crowded than ever. For it to be a Monday people are coming out in drones it seems.

I watch as a cute couple stroll by me clasping each other hands. They look like they're in their teens. So sweet though.

I reminisce as I watch them walk by me.

I miss her. I miss her so damn badly.

A few more stragglers pass by me eyeing me with valid uncertainty.

I just shake my head at them. I'm too tired to even care what they may think about me right now.

Way too tired.

Then I catch a glimpse of a person I somewhat know sneakily making his way across the street. As he gets to an unmarked building he looks all around his surroundings before he enters the buildings door.

Taking a chance, and full of hope I make my way over to the building stealthily.

Coming to the door I try the doorknob luckily it opens up without a problem.

Stepping into the building the cold air hits me suddenly. The place looks completely abandoned.

There is a stairwell just as you step initially into the building.

I close the door softly behind me then strain my ears to try and hear footsteps or something to alert me to wherever Grayson might be.

Hearing a faint sound at the top of the stairwell I climb each stair carefully. Trying to be as stealthy as I can.

I suddenly hear voices coming from a room located at the top of the stairs.

Off to my right two voices are in a heavy conversation.

I can't make out what they are saying just yet so I step a little closer to the closed door.

"I need to go back Grayson." I hear Thorns voice coming from behind the door. My heart starts racing from excitement. I found her.

I fucking found her and Grayson, the asshole, has been hiding her all along.

"Why Thorn? After what you told me why would you ever go back to them?" What the hell Grayson? Whose side are you actually on?

"Because they are my mates and I need to talk to them about...all of this." Thorn pleads with Grayson. Why is she begging him? What is he to her?

I step closer to the closed door, leaning in, listening in on them intently.

"Just reject them Thorn. Haven't they put you through enough already? How much more are you going to take from them?" Grayson is now pleading with Thorn but it doesn't make sense.

How close are they?

"It's not what you're thinking Gray. They need to know what's going on and they are my mates. How many times must we go over this? I can't keep this bond separation up much longer from them. It's making me weak. Besides, I know that Sunny fucked up but I have to think he has a reasonable explanation for it. He told me that he loved me Gray." Thorn sounds so despondent it nearly crushes me to hear her this way.

"It's just words Thorn. If he really loved you he wouldn't have cheated on you." Graysons voices starts to rise a little higher. I ball my hands up into fist. He's beginning to really piss me off.

What happens between her and myself and my brothers is actually none of his damn fucking business.

"I know Gray. I do but..."

"There is not but here Thorn stop being a damn a sidewalk for them that they can easily step on." The nerve of this guy! What gives him the damn right to speak to her that way?

I start to open the door ready to face them both that is until I hear Thorn speak up again.

"I'm not a damn sidewalk Gray. Can't you understand that, they are my mates and I can't do this without them. Freya even said so and you trust Freya right? So why are you not trusting me? I can handle this." So what? She just wants to come back to us so she can rescue her brother?

Is she using us? That doesn't make any sense either. Thorn would never stoop so damn low just use us would she? No not Thorn.

"We can do this without them Thorn. Stay with me please." Wait a damn minute.

Why is he begging her like she is his damn lover? Thorn would never betray us that way! That I have no qualms about.

She is just too faithful. Too compassionate. Too reliable and way too kind hearted to ever do anything like that to us.

I don't believe it. Not Thorn.

I shake my head even though no one's around to see it.

"Gray, I can't. I have to tell them. It's best to just get it out in the open and let the cards fall where they may." What is she talking about? I'm so damn confused right now.

"Then I'm going with you. You are not going to tell them without me being there. I don't trust them not after what all three of them have done to you. I just don't get it Thorn. Why? Why would you even care about telling them? It's not like they care anyway. No don't cut me off Thorn listen to me. Me and Seraphina have hidden you away from them all in the hopes that you would soon come to realize that I care for you. I don't want to see you get your heart broken once again. I just can't do that Thorn. If you chose to go back to them then I will have no choice but to stop helping you. Don't you see that? We are so close Thorn. Don't throw it all away on some false hope that your mates love you because from what I have heard from you and what they have done to you I truly don't think that they actually do." Grayson stops his rivalry. Pissing me off even more after what I've just heard.

I listen closely wanting desperately to here Thorns rebuttal to him before I go crashing through the door to rip him to shreds. Tell him we do love you Thorn.

Woah, wait a minute. What was I just thinking? How can I actually love Thorn when I don't really even know her that well yet. No it's just a turn of phrase. That's all it is. I'm sure of it.

"Fine Gray then I will have to go at this on my own. You can't lay down a threat like that with me. If you think you can then you don't know me to well at all. I'm a fucking fighter and I fight for what I think is right and I'm right about this. They need to know that my brother is sick and I have to get him out of there now rather than later. So if you don't want to help me then that's on you. Not me! Yes I understand that they may not love me like they have said they do but I love them Gray. All three of them and if you can't deal with that then just leave. Go! Im better off on my own anyway." Thorn screams.

She loves me? She loves all of us? Wow. I am beyond shocked at her reveal. How can Thorn love me? I have done nothing but make her life miserable every since we met.

She can't be that forgiving can she? How can she forgive me so damn easily? I can't even forgive myself.

The realization of her love for me leaves me confused and overwhelmed. How can she love someone like me?

And her brothers sick? That was the big secret she had to tell us? I knew she would never cheat on us. It's just not in her. Relief flows through me instantly. I actually almost had my doubts because it did sound like a lovers quarrel to me but now that I know the truth I feel horrible for even doubting her.

"Fine. If that's the way you want it I'll leave but know this Thorn. I do not support you in the slightest. They aren't worth it. They have broken your heart far too many times and you are just way too forgiving but because I care for you Thorn I will help you with your brothers escape. But know it's just not for you. It's for my kingdom and for justice. If you ever change your mind about your mates remember that I will be here for you but I can't stand around and watch you go back to them not after the way they have all treated you. You deserve better." Grayson lays down his final words.

I hear footsteps coming my way. I hurriedly dodge behind a coatrack in the corner of the landing.

The door opens suddenly revealing a very dispassionate Grayson. He closes the door behind him but doesn't walk away. He stands there for a moment looking overly morose. He looks back over his shoulder shaking his head at the door before he leaves down the stairwell finally.

I hear the front door of the building closing as I step out behind the coatrack I walk over to the door debating with myself about entering.

Swallowing down some courage I open the door revealing myself to a frightened Thorn who is standing in the middle of an old dusty room with one small bed in the corner and a single lamp and table beside it.

This is where she's been hiding? It looks so damn drab. No fit for anyone to live in honestly.

"What are doing here Sin?" Thorn speaks up suddenly breaking me out of my trance.

"I've come for you. I've been looking for you everywhere Thorn." My simply reply leaves her confused.

"Why you?" She ask me.

Why me indeed?

"Because my brothers are going absolutely crazy without you. Neither of them can cope with you being gone. Sunny is beside himself and Slay hates everybody. Please come back to us Thorn. Let Sunny and Slay explain their actions to you personally. I know they both fucked up but if you can forgive a sad ass bastard like me then why can't you forgive them?" I plead with her with a very calm and rational voice. Stating all of my thoughts very thoroughly to her. Hoping that she will see some reason.

"I don't know Sin. I mean, I want to come back. I need to come back. I have things to tell all three of you but I don't know if I can forgive Sunny so easily. When did it happen Sin? I need to know all of the details." I know she needs to know but it's not place to tell her.

"Come back. Let Sunny explain it all to you. Let Slay apologize for being a jealous ass and let me have a chance with you please." I beg. I'm not ashamed of it. I ain't to proud to beg. Isn't that how the song goes? I silently laugh at my dumb self.

"Alright just let me pack up. But I'm not saying that I will stay. I'm just giving them both an opportunity to state their case. That's all. Nothing more. Understood?" She lays down her terms efficiently.

"Deal!" I smile at her. Just a little crooked little smile to let her know how much I appreciate this.

"Don't look so smug Sin. All of you have been trying my patients lately. It's not going to be so easy for me to forgive this one." Thorn states very calmly.

I can completely understand that.

"I know. I just appreciate you giving us all another chance. None of us deserve it really. We have all fucked up royally when it comes to how bad we have treated you but I for one am truly sorry for being such a damn stupid jackass and I hope you can eventually forgive me and one more thing. That night after you told me about Storm I was upset but it's not because of what you were thinking. I was upset because I acted the same way that she did and I didn't get punished for it like she did. It was all regret Thorn. Nothing more. It was not because I have feelings for her. I don't. None at all. The only feelings I have are for you and I hope that someday we can move beyond this. I truly hope we can. I want us to be together and be what I think mates should be. Which is loving and caring mates to each other." I confess with all that I have to her. Then I remembered one more thing I need to tell her. Here it goes.

"And I was having some doubts about myself that's why I pushed you away. You see I kissed Pan when I was younger. When I first met him actually and from that kiss alone I was confused about my own sexuality. I thought that I might actually be gay or bisexual. I had no clue that I just liked his kiss more than I should have honestly but still I didn't want to hurt my future mate if that was the case. I mean if I was actually gay or bisexual. It wouldn't be fair to them so I decided to refuse to have a mate because of that alone. It had nothing to do with you. Not personally anyway. It was all me. But now that I know that I'm heterosexual it removed all of my doubts. So I'm sorry for that confusion. I hope understand." I end my speech with hope alighting up in me. Trying to catch my breath from being long winded. Who knew confessions could be so damn hard to explain?

"That explains a lot actually. I'm glad you told me everything. Sin I would have accepted you either way. You know what? I think that you and I should just start from the beginning." I furrow my brows at her in confusion.

She walks over to me extending her tiny out to me.

"Hello my name is Thorn Lee Rose and I think I may be your mate." I breathlessly laugh at her antics.

I extend my hand shaking hers softly. "I'm Sin. Yes I think you may be my mate also but I must warn you I can be a real jackass at times." I chuckle lightly as I tell her.

"Oh that's okay because I can be a real bitch at times. Fair warning." I have to laugh at that. Dropping my hand away from hers I take a leap of faith and wrap her into my embrace. She hugs me back willingly.

This could be a start to a beautiful friendship or even more. I dare hope.

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