The Woman From Hell

Chapter 22

Chapter 22
When it came to dividing the assets for the divorce, Theo was very generous, Other than the shares that Grandmother left for
me, he also gave m e the villa, some other properties, and almost half of the company’s dividends.
Looking at this, I would leave as a wealthy lady. Even if I decided not to work for the rest of my life, I would not need to worry
about food and clothing.
I felt like laughing, thinking about it. Perhaps Theo figured that those were the things that I wanted from the start. As long as he
gave me enough of those things, there was no reason for me to not agree to the divorce.
After a moment, I took out a pen and signed the papers.
When I returned to the villa, there was in o one at home. Cindy had probably left together with Theo.
I went up straight to my room on the second floor and turned on the light. I found Theo sitting on the sofa. The expression on his
face was cold. He Snorted when he saw me.
My heart clenched as I controlled the uneasy feeling in me and looked at him. “Do you need something from me?”
“Do you know what time it is?” His tone sounded indifferent, but it was clear that he was furious.
“I was caught up in the office,” I whispered. After a moment of
hesitation, I went in and sat on the other end of the couch.
This would probably be the last time that I would be in the same room with him like this. I looked at him.
He was also looking at me. His dark eyes were cold, but unlike the usual disgust and coldness, there were more complicated
emotions that I could not tell in his eyes.
Our eyes met, and I did not know what t o do. I quickly moved away.
“Wanda, you are really heartless.” He spoke finally after a long time. He gritted his teeth as he said those words.
I was stunned, and my heart was feeling anxious. Usually, I would have stayed silent. However, with the anxiety in me, I
suddenly said, “Do you think I wanted this? Theo, what do you want me to d

At first, he forced me to get a divorce. When Cindy had threatened to end her
life to coerce me into aborting the child, I agreed to it. Now he was blaming me for it. How could he bully mi e like this?
Feeling wronged, I put the documents into his hand. Then I spoke out coldly,” I have already signed the papers, and w e can go
through the procedures tomorrow. As for the child, you can tell Cindy that I will indulge her.”
It was my first time speaking to him in such a tone. Not surprisingly, my words pissed him off.
He came closer, held my hands above m y head, and pushed them back against the couch, pinning my legs with his. His eyes
burned with fury as he gritted his teeth and asked, “How do you plan on indulging?”
He was strong, and my hands were hurting from his grip. My legs were also firmly pinned down by him. I could not move at all. I
could only shout, “Theo, you are hurting me.”
However, he did not budge at all. He continued to stare at me, waiting for m
Y answer.
I took a deep breath, holding back th bitterness in my heart. Looking at
Theo’s handsome and cold face, I sai each word loud and clear, “I will indulge her by aborting... the... child!
“How dare you!” His anger grew, and e applied even more strength. My hand were numb from the pain, and I had ni energy left
to struggle.
The child is not just yours. Do not evei think about aborting him!” He was lik an angry lion. His hands were strangling my neck,
and with every word, he said with great force as if ii
My poor neck had been strangled by him and Cindy several times in just span of a few days.
I could not breathe. I felt suffocated with every passing second.

It seemed that I was really going all out today. As I used all my strength to pry Theo’s hands away, I said, “Is this not what the
both of you wanted? I did it for you, so you do not have to make that decision by yourself.”
His eyes turned red with fury as he sneered, “Wanda, do you think you are s osmart that you can think on my behalf?”
“Is it not true?” I argued back. He sneered and whispered into my ear, “It is not up to you to decide whether to keep or abort the
Not up to me?” I smiled and looked at him. It is up to Cindy then, right?”
He narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a cold aura mixed with murderous intent, “Wanda, do you want to die?”
He was totally enraged. He continued to
tighten his grip, and a suffocating pain shot down my neck to my heart. No longer having the strength to struggle, I closed my
eyes and let him do whatever he wanted.

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