The Woman From Hell

Chapter 21

Chapter 21
Seeing my expression change, Mason continued, “I thought my first meal with you would be quite dull. I did not expect it to be
much better than I imagined.”
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I smiled helplessly. I supposed it was m y silent character that made Mason
think that way.
I was not a talkative person, so I did not know what to say. I simply said, “I need your help for something, Doctor Mason. Will you
help me?”
He raised his eyebrows and leaned his long body back to look at me. “No wonder you suddenly invited me out to dinner. Tell me,
what do you need help with?”
“... I need an abortion!”
He stared at me for a long time before
saying in a joking tone, “I am Theo’s good friend. You are trying to get me into trouble.”
I looked at him and smiled. “Because you are his good friend, you would not want to watch Cindy kick a fuss every day that
would make things difficult for him, right? Also, did you not always hope that you could help bring them together?”
He did not say anything. His perfect brows furrowed, and he stared at me with eyes as dark as night. He was trying to read if
there was truth in my
20 I swirled my cup and continued slowly,
Furthermore, you are very well versed i n the field of medicine. I would like you t o prescribe some medicine to restore m y body
He froze, looking at me in surprise.

I smiled but did not say anything. My
expression was calm as I let Mason continue staring at me.
After a long while, he smiled and said plainly, “I will do it!”
“Thank you, Doctor Mason!” There was no need to say much when dealing with smart people like him. Just gazing at m e, he
knew what I meant in ply words.
When the waitress finally served the dishes, he glanced over at me and said, “I did not expect you to be this smart. I have
underestimated you.”
I smiled. This is the best solution. Cindy will not kick a fuss ever again, and Theo will not need to trouble himself to choose his
child or his lover.”
He nodded, seemingly satisfied with my arrangement. After eating a few mouthfuls of food, he asked casually, ”S o when do you
plan to leave?
My hand that was picking up food
stopped for a moment. I looked up at Mason in shock. I had only made a small move, but he already knew about my final move.
It was too terrifying.
“Do not look at me like that. Is it not quite obvious?” He was quite calm and continued eating slowly.
That was true. It was the move that Mason was happy to know. That was why he was willing to help me.’ Putting down the spoon
in my hand, I looked out of the window and said softly, “Sogn. I just haven’t decided where to go yet.”
He had already finished eating by then. He put down his spoon and took a napkin to wipe his mouth elegantly. He said, “How
about you go to Rosella City? It is more comfortable there and easy to settle down.”
It was indeed a good choice. Rosella City focused a lot on education. Although it
was not as prosperous as Salt City, it was a slow-paced city filled with educators and scholars.
I held up my drink and smiled, “You have given me an excellent suggestion.

Thank you.”
He nodded. “I hope you can treat me to a meal in Rosella City next time as well.”
I smiled, unsure how to answer him.
After we had finished the meal, I was supposed to treat him. However, he got up to settle the bill on his own. I did not fight him
for it. Considering his status, he would not need a woman to treat him to a meal.
It was getting late, and I was ready to g o home. Before I left, I asked, “Can the surgery be scheduled for tomorrow?”
Since the decision had been made, it was better to get it done and over with.
“The day after tomorrow. I will need to get ready.” He stood up, picked up his coat, and walked out.
“Okay. I will wait for your call.” It was not my place to say anything else.
“You have to think it through. Are you really not going to let theo know?” He spoke again as we stood outside of the entrance
“Yeah.” I paused for a moment before continuing, “Cindy has not fully recovered yet. Anyway, it is not a big deal, so I will spare
him the trouble.”
He frowned and drove off without saying another word.
I just stood there for a long time before driving back to the villa.
I reached the garage very quickly, but I did not get out of the car. I sat in the car and took out the divorce papers that
Heidi passed to me,
After all, I had already made the decision. In the past, when Theo sent m e these divorce papers, I never thought a t that time
that I would sign them.

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