The Wolves of London Book 2: The House of Striker

Chapter 50

(Chapter song ‘More Human Than Human' by White Zombie)


“Dorian. The ring.” I hold out my hand and Dorian pulls the ring out his pocket.

“What are you going to do?” Zen asks.

I slip the ring on my finger and hold it. My eyes glow gold and I feel my father’s power fill me. “Saving us.”

“You’re crazy!” She protests.

I hold her cheeks. “Zen. Get the guests out. We'll be fine. I know what I’m doing.”

“No… Avery…”

“Zen. Now is not the time to not listen.” I stare into her eyes. “When you get the chance, run.”

I leave her and grab the guys. We gather in the aisle with the battle angels at the end of it. We all stand our ground as Zen and Ricky gather the guests together in the rear.

“You can’t beat us.” Mikael smirks.

“We will.” Nathaniel stands and unfurls his wings. “You aren’t getting Nova.”

“Then I guess you die.” He snarls.

The angels take flight, filling the air with their battle cries, and Mikael runs down the aisle with his dagger raised. Nathaniel collides with him and grabs his wrists. The two struggle in a battle of strength as their wings flap and knock chairs across the lawn.

Dorian pulls his guns and fires on the angels circling above us. Quaid throws magic up just as two fly by and the balls explode between them. They hit the ground and Zander and I go in for the attack.

With my father’s strength, I grab the angel, and land several blows to his face. He hits me with his wing and I roll across the grass. Zander wraps his arm around the neck of angel and fights for his sword.

Krestin punches an angel in the head and he falls to the ground. He takes a deep breath and blows fire on the angel. The angel screams and thrashes as his body catches fire.

People scream as Zen rushes them around the fight to the other side of the house. Ricky helps on the other side of the group, then goes back for people stuck on the opposite side of the fight.

Krestin blows more fire at the angels in the air, Dorian reloads, Zander grabs a wing, and throws the angel to the ground.

Nathaniel punches Mikael back. “YOU'LL DIE, MIKAEL! STOP THIS!”

Mikael wipes the blood off his lip. “You’ll die first Nephilim.” He growls and runs at Nathaniel who takes to the air. Mikael pushes off, too, and rises in front of him. He spins and slams a foot across Nathaniel’s head and he crashes into the grass. Mikael lands and spins his dagger. He raises it up above his head as Nathaniel tries to see straight.

I roar out a growl and run at him before he can bring his blade down. I tackle his waist and we both skid across the grass. I absorb more power and pin Mikael to the ground by his throat as I lay blow after blow to his face.

He shoves me off and I land on my back. He tries to drive his blade into me, but Dorian shoots him three times in the chest. He stumbles back and looks down at the bleeding holes. He slowly raises his eyes as the holes fill with white light and heal. “You’ll pay for that, mortal.”

“Uh… immortal. Thank you very much.” Dorian corrects.

“Not for long!” Mikael grits and runs at Dorian.

“Shit!” Dorian opens fire as Mikael charges like a raging bull.

Nathaniel runs up behind him, grabs his wings, and pulls them back. Mikael screams and spins, but Nathaniel pulls back harder and throws him. He crashes into the pile of chairs that lay by the alter.

Three angels land and throw punches at Zander who returns the shots. His fist connects with the jaw of one angel and he flies back. As he goes for the second angel, he's struck by a wing and the metal tips slice his arm.

“ZANDER!” Ricky cries out as Zander screams and holds his arm.

The angel smirks and comes at him with his sword. Zander throws his hand up and stops the angels arm and goes for the throat with a clawed hand.

Ricky runs up to the first angel Zander fought who’s running to help take Zander down. She grabs a chair and smashes it over his head.

The angel is pushed down by the blow, but slowly looks her way.

She nervously chuckles as she backs up with the angel targeting her. “You know… for angels… You guys really need a dose of the good book.”

“I’ll make you eat the damn book.” He snarls.

“Well, that doesn’t sound fun.” Her brows shoot up. “Or angelic. You need to lighten up.” She smirks.

The angel caws out and Ricky screams. She lifts her dress and runs toward the people stuck behind the fight. I throw my shoulder into him and I shove him across the lawn into more chairs.

He untangles himself just as I grab him and spin him around. I grab his metal tipped feathers, rip off one and drive it into his neck. He screams as he grabs the feather and his body starts to crack with white light. I throw him away from me and cover myself as he throws his arms out, screams and explodes.

Mikael weakens a bit as he fights with Zander for control of his sword and the other two attack with even more vengeance.

Zander sweats and grits for the sword as Mikael uses his wings as a shield against Dorians bullets.

When I see a gap, I come in from the side and land a solid punch to his waist. Mikael drops and Zander grabs his sword. Mikael takes to the air as another angel runs at Zander. Without hesitation, Zander circles the sword, holds it in two hands, and swings. The sharp blade slices through the angels neck and his head rolls across the grass.

Mikael cries out in pain and falls to the ground. He lands on his stomach and raises on his hands. His wings flick and the metal clinks as his eyes fill with pure anger.

We regroup and stand in front of him as his last angel lands behind him. He stands straight and faces us.

He looks to the sky and looks back at us. “Thank you for demonstrating how much power I need.”

The sky fills with caws and we look up as the clouds burst with black wings in the sky.

“Ah, shit. Zander?” Dorian grabs his arm.

At least, fifty angels breach the clouds and head our way.

“Krestin!” Nathaniel smacks his arm.

“Right.” He runs to the open space behind us, tears through his suit and his dragon grows as his wings lift him into the sky. Nathaniel is right with him on a collision course with the incoming angels.

“THIS DOESN’T CHANGE ANYTHING, ANGEL!” Cora yells as she calls the shadows from the house and surrounding trees. The shadows grow into the sky and the angels shadows grow up behind them.

“Mikael!” The other angel hollers as he’s attacked by his own shadow.

Mikael's shadow wraps around his neck. “YOU DON’T… HAVE THE STRENGTH… NECRO!” He raises his hand and a white ball fills it. He hits the shadow and it screams before exploding. He throws one as the shadow consumes the other angel and it explodes, too.

We go in for the attack as angels land and run at us. Zander is driving the sword into their bodies and I’m tearing out throats with my bare hands. My eyes glow brighter as I become stronger and faster that I’ve ever been. I pick angels up by the neck and power drive them into the grass. I rip out feathers and shove them into their stomachs.

Bullets whiz by head and I turn. Zen has two guns and is firing on the incoming angels with Dorian. I smile, turn, and throw myself at another angel near me.

Krestin is cutting angels in half and their bodies rain down on us. Nathaniel is throwing angel magic out left and right.

Mikael grabs a sword from a dead angel and goes for Zanders throat. Zander blocks and returns his own blow. The swords spark and fly around as they try to outdo each other.

As Mikael turns, my hand closes on his throat. He chokes and drops his sword as I lift him off his feet. “You aren’t superior to me.” I growl as I feel my strength enter every inch of my body. I pull his face to mine as he chokes. “You’re an insignificant piece of trash that needs to understand his place!” I snarl as I squeeze his throat.

My nose barely touches his as his face lights up from my eyes. His slit eyes find mine as he tries to pry my hand off.

“Beg me for your life, Mikael. Show me how weak you are.” I grind in a darker tone then I intended. Having this angel in my hand was increasing my power and hold over him, and I felt like I couldn’t stop it. I felt like the power is combining with Mikael’s and I’m siphoning off both.

He squeaks and chokes as Zander and the rest group up.

“AVERY, STOP!” Zen yells.

I glance at her then turn back to Mikael. “My queen wants you to live. I don’t think you’ve suffered enough for that.” I squeeze his throat tighter and he chokes harder as his face turns red.

“AVERY!!” Zander roars.

In the back of my mind a white wolf rises. The black cross on his forehead glows in my mind and a smirk grows on my lips. “Bow to me.” I stare into his eyes as he shoots daggers back.

The next thing I know, Zander hits my waist. My connection to Mikael is broken and we skid across the grass. We roll to a stop and I lay on my stomach.

The white wolf retreats and fear enters me. “I’m sorry… I’m… sorry.” I pant as Zen drops in front of me and lifts my head.

“It’s ok. He’s gone.” Zen tells Zander as he sits up. She looks me over and helps me to my knees.

Zander nods. “That was too close.” He replies.

I nod back. “Agreed.”

He claps my back. “Be careful.”

I agree again and look to Zen. “No more being the hero.” She locks with my eyes.

“Right.” I say as I get to my feet.

Mikael slowly rises as he rubs his throat. We circle him as he looks us all over.

He looks down and grits as he picks up his sword. “The stupidity of humans will always entertain me.”

He runs at us with a loud roar as we prepare to defend ourselves. He raises his blade and the space between us and him explodes in grass, dirt, and white light. We’re blinded and thrown back from the shockwave.

As the dust settles, we all slowly sit up and our eyes widen. We look at each other as our lips shrink.

“Awe, crap.” Nathaniel gets to his feet. “Nova!”

“Uh. I thought she was six?” Krestin says as we rise to our feet.

“She was.” Zen mutters as we watch Mikael stand and face the now teenage girl with long brown hair, white dress that comes to her knees, and white and black wings. She ruffles and stretches them out. The bottom black long feathers spread and the top white feathers glisten in the sun.

Mikael looks her over, raises his sword, and aims it at her neck. “Ark. You need to stop this and come with me, now.”

She tucks her wings back and takes slow steps forward. “Excuse me.” She arches a brow as she inspects Mikael and the other surviving angels behind him. “You’re wings don’t indicate any kind of authority, Arch. You’re a guard dog. Nothing more.”

“You have a lot of nerve, cherub. Know your rank.” Mikael grits as he holds his dagger firm.

“Nova, I hate to do it, but he’s right.” Nathaniel interrupts over her shoulder. “You can't do this evolution by yourself. You don’t know what you’re doing.”

She lifts her hand and swipes it through the air. My face fills with shock when Nathaniel is lifted off his feet and thrown into the Krestin, Dorian and Zander.

We help them up and Nathaniel continues his pleas. “Nova! Stop this! You're accessing power that's too strong for you!” He groans as he stumbles toward her.

“I don’t need your help, Nephilim. Mikael just needs to be taught a lesson.” She glances over her shoulder then side eyes the Angels. “He needs to learn where his place is and it’s not here.”

Mikael narrows his eyes. “You don’t have the authority, yet.” He growls.

Nova’s face fills with threat. “On this planet… I do.” She raises her eyes to the sky and they darken. The ground shakes, the walls of the mansion crack, and the wind picks up.

The loose chairs, ribbons, and flowers pick up in a whirlwind.

“NOVA, NO! NOT AGAIN!!” Nathaniel yells as he tries to fight the winds.

Mikael and the rest of the angels stand their ground as they fight to see. “YOU CAN'T HURT US! THE HOST WILL DESTROY YOU!!”

She lowers her eyes as her hair whips around her head. Her wings spread and her arms outstretch. “When he comes, I’ll judge him, too.” She says darkly.

“NOVA!!” Nathaniel tries to grab her and Cora holds him back. I hang on to Zen and try to keep us on out feet as the wind threatens to blow us away.

“THEY WILL KILL YOU!!” Mikael roars.

“I don’t think so.” She says calmly. She raises her eyes to the dark clouds and lightning dances across them. “Time to serve justice.” Bolt after bolt gathers and shoots off in all directions.

She lowers her head to Mikael. “You should have listened.” She drops her arms and lightning shoots down faster than the angels could react. They’re bodies are struck on their heads and the seize as the electricity surrounds them.

We watch in horror as she simultaneously electrocutes 20 battle angels in their spots. The air fills with smoke and the stench of burning skin makes our stomachs turn.

Their wings catch fire as their skin sizzles and turns black. Mikael grabs his head, falls to his knees, and screams to the sky. His body cracks and white light shines through them.

The rest of the angles fall and cry out in the same manner. One by one, the angels explodes and their pieces are thrown into the sky. We cover ourselves from the raining gore.

I watch as Mikael lowers his head. “Not… over…” His black burned face glares as it fills with white light and his body explodes so forcefully, we're thrown to the ground again.

As fast as it began, it was over. We uncover ourselves and look up. The sky is a bright blue and a flock of birds fly by. We look to were the angels were and all that remains is 20 black, smoking spots.

Nova is gone.


We spin to see Dorian throw a forearm and hand off his lap with disgust.

“Where’s Nova?” Zen asks.

Nathaniel stands and helps Cora. “I don’t know, but that wasn’t an accident. She wanted them dead.”

“Are they dead?” Cora asks.

“Are you kidding? They’re deader than a charred hotdog.” Krestin grumbles as he wipes his body of the gore.

“More than likely, but she could have just destroyed their vessels. In which case, it won’t be long before Capricorn realizes Mikael lost and sends another.” Nathaniel warns.

I look around at the destruction of my wedding. “We're not piecing this together.” She sighs.

I walk up to her and kiss her lips. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault.” She smiles and hugs me.

“It’s mine.” Nathaniel admits. “Nova is worse than I thought. We need to stop her before she starts judging people the same way.”

“She’s the almighty smiter?” Dorian raises his brows.

Nathaniel nods. “Yes. That’s what Seraphim do. They… um… Smite you down.”

“Who’s the host?” Zen asks.

“Supposedly, he or she, is the first.” Nathaniel rubs his nape as he pulls in his wings. “The top angel created by the Cosmic beings that started the clones. Nobody knows who it is or where they are. The only one who would know would be Eternity.”

“Or… Infinity.” Zen replies.

“No.” Cora holds a finger to her. “We won’t raise Infinity to ask about Capricorn. We won’t be able to put him back. Besides. There’s 8 billion people on the planet and he could be in any one of them. We wouldn’t even know where to start.”

“Eternity hasn’t answered a call in years.” Zander adds. “So, our best solution is to find Nova and keep eye out for this host. It sounds like Nova wasn’t too frighten of him…”

“Or her.” Ricky supplies.

“Or her.” Zander smirks. “Until then, we just have to keep watch.”

I look around the Striker mansion back property. “I’ll call the Cleaners, I guess.”

“I'll play point guard. If my mother sees this, she’ll commit murder herself.” Zen smiles.

I grab her hand and lead us all to the house. “I guess we have to wait until after the moon.”

Quaid jumps in between us and throws his arms around our necks. “Not necessarily.”

Zen eyes him suspiciously. “What are you thinking?”

“I have one last trick up my sleeve, if you like to hear it?” He flicks his head between us.

“Talk to me.” I narrow my eyes as we enter the house.

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