The Wolves of London Book 2: The House of Striker

Chapter 49

(Chapter song ‘Hello, Time Bomb’ by Matthew Good Band)


“I’m just saying. We've run out of time. I don’t want to be around when the moon rises. Just this year. I need to trust that this ring really works and I don’t want you there. That’s all.”

I drive down the damp, tree-lined streets of London’s outskirts. Avery has been trying to convince me that we can’t pull this off with two weeks left before the moon.

“Avery. There’s no way to test it unless were under the moon together. Married or not.” I state as I watch the winding road ahead of us. “It'll be fine. My mother managed to repair the damage with the guests. She’s pulling this all together at the mansion. We probably should have just done that in the first place.” I tilt my head to him.

“I told you…” He shakes his head as he reads his phone.

“I know you did. I just wanted to give you what you wanted.” I know a lot of this was my stubbornness. “I’m sorry I didn’t listen.”

“It's ok. As long as there’s no more dragons that have beefs anywhere.” He arches a brow.

“I hope not. I'll be making sure we can’t get jumped again. I have the council on it.” I chuckle. “It’s my house. Nobody’s smashing shit on my watch.” I grin.

“That’s overly confident.” He smirks.

“I’m a Striker. Of course, we are.” I smile and grab his hand as we speed down the road to my Striker house.

My mother has been wedding planning at lightning speed and she needs to see us before the wedding in a few days. Beating this moon is proven to be more of a challenge than anything else.

It's stupid. Humans can’t even see it, yet it feels like we’re being shoved toward it. Fate really wants to test Avery raw. This is ridiculous. Getting married shouldn’t be this damn hard. Welcome to London, I guess.

The large iron gates open and I pull into the long horseshoe driveway. As we pull up to the house, Harry jogs down the stairs and stands tall at the edge of the driveway. When I stop, he walks around to my side and opens the door.

“Miss. I trust the trip back went well?” He slightly bows as I get out.

“Sure. Escaping Denmark with our necks intact was awesome.” I smirk.

“Wonderful, Miss.” He says smugly.

Avery gets out and looks the house over. “Seems quiet.”

“The Lady of the Manor is in the rear. Shall I remove your bags and put them in your room?” Harry asks.

“Yeah. Thank you, Harry.” I smile and join Avery on the other side.

“Thanks, Harry! Nice to see you again!” Avery waves at him as he takes my hand.

“Likewise… sir.” Harry responds.

“I think he’s starting to like me.” Avery leans in.

“Yeah. He actually seemed like he was warming up.” I chuckle. “He almost attempted a smile.”

We step into the house and walk into a sea of flowers, lace and crinoline. The entire lobby, common room, and back sitting room is filled to the brim with boxes, vases and stacks of chairs.

“What the hell?” I walk in with Avery behind me.

“YOU’RE HERE!!” My mother sings as she walks to me with open arms. “I was just about to text.” She holds my head and kisses my cheek. She pulls away and looks Avery over. “Mr. Kirkland.”

“Ms. Striker.” Avery smiles back.

“Mom. Be nice.” I raise a brow to her.

She waves us off and turns to the garden. “I’m sorry. It’s just nerves. Cleaning this mess up is proving to be a challenge. The guest list is a third of what it was. People don’t want to be eaten.” She glances back then looks forward as we step out onto the stone patio. “The caterers are still in negotiation for a last minute contract and the flowers were not what I wanted, but it’s all I could get.”

“We don’t need to rush this.” Avery states.

She walks up to him and points to his nose. “You have spent 5 years avoiding my daughter and I will be damned if I’m going to let you off.” She taps his chest as he glances at me.

“He’s not going anywhere, mom.” I shake my head.

“I know. And come hell or high water, I’m making damn sure he doesn’t.” She looks over her shoulder as she walks down the steps and into the grass covered backyard.

“I’m glad some things never change.” He snickers and I do, too.

“The High Council is sparing nothing to provide security. The dragons have apologized and looks like the threat level is zero.” I inform.

“Ugh. I hate that we have to involve those people.” She says with irritation.

“Those people are my friends. Like it or not, I’m a council member. You want me, you get them.” I reply.

“They’ve already destroyed two of your weddings.” She eyes me with a judgmental look. She never approved of the council when my father was alive and she still doesn’t. I will never understand why this woman married a hunter.

“I know. It was just misunderstandings. It won’t happen again. They aren’t normally like that.” I wave her off and walk to the alter.

“They better not do it again, Esmerelda. We don’t need this house dragged through the mud.” She says to my back.

I turn and shake my head. “Nobody's dragging the Strikers through the mud. They’re just concerned about they’re safety. I get that. I am, too. But everyone will be on their best behavior. Relax.”

Avery puts his arm around my shoulder. “Is… that back row of chairs out of place?” He motions down the aisle.

My mother looks, then turns back with annoyance. “I swear. I have to do everything myself.” She grits, then turns. “ARE YOU TRYING TO RUIN THIS WEDDING?!” She barks at the set up staff. She walks away and I snicker.

I turn and rest my arms on his shoulders. “Thank you for that."

“You’re welcome. That should distract her for a while.” He smirks.

“I hope so. I don’t want to stress about anything. The only thing I want to worry about is seeing you right here.” I lean up to his lips.

“You won’t have to worry about that.” He mumbles and engulfs my lips.

This is what we should have done in the first place. We've come full circle and nothing’s stopping us now.


I see the chairs fill sparsely. My mother wasn’t kidding. The amount of people who braved my wedding for a third time is nowhere near where it started, but that’s fine. I’m not here for them. I’m here to become Mrs. Avery Kirkland. If I didn’t need witnesses, it would be just me, him, and the minister. I don’t care. Just as long as it happens.

The wind blows through the open French doors of the sitting room. The soft notes of the recorded classical music floats gently on the breeze and I see Avery take his place with Nathaniel, Dorian and Zander.

Ricky, Cora, and my mother fawn and frill out my last minute wedding dress. A simple white A-line dress made of silk and satin. The heart shaped bodice is tight and a white bow is tied in the back at the bottom of the backless opening.

I breath deep as I run through my vows and watch Avery talk with the minister.

Ricky fixes my curls and touches up my make up. “God, I’m so nervous.” I mutter as I hold the butterflies back. I really shouldn’t be, but I can’t help it.

“Well, having crown focused titans crash two weddings will cause that.” She smirks.

“I really hope this ends soon.” I shake my head as the percussion music starts and the first of the bridal party leaves.

“It will. In a couple weeks, Zander will make the decision and we all can breathe a sigh of relief.” She smiles as she looks to the door. “Ok. Show time.” She taps my arm and leaves. Zander meets her on the patio and escorts her to the aisle.

I fix my bouquet, breathe out my anxiety, and wait for my turn.

“You look beautiful and you will do just fine.” Quaid takes my arm to prepare to walk me down the isle.

“I’m going to choke.” I grumble.

He leans in.. “Not if I can help it. I’m right with you. You will look into Avery’s eyes and tell him what he means to you from your heart. That’s all you need to do.”

I slightly blush. “Thank you. And thank you for walking with me.”

“I’m sure your father is wishing he was here for this honorable duty. He’s proud of you, Zen.” He wraps my arm around his and stands straight.

“I hope so. I’m changing so much of what he built.” I mumble.

“He loved you with all his heart, Esmerelda. Don’t ever doubt that. You were his greatest treasure. Nothing you could do would have changed that. Andrew was a good man. Just a little misguided.” He reassures.

The music changes and everyone turns.

“Here's to making my father proud.” I paste the biggest smile I can, and feel my cheeks heat as the eyes find me and the air fills with awes.

We reach the top of the aisle and Avery’s face completely lights up. Nathaniel nudges his arm and he smiles even more. He looks so handsome in his black suit. His hair is slicked back and beard is neatly trimmed. He fixes his bow tie and straightens his jacket sleeves as Nathaniel playfully dusts him off. I can’t help but giggle as I walk past the smiling faces and join him in front of the minister.

Ricky takes my bouquet and Avery takes my hands. “You look so beautiful.” He whispers as the minister prepares his ceremony notes.

“You don’t look so bad yourself.” I grin.

“You both make a lovely union. Shall we begin?” The minister addresses.

I lock with Avery's eyes. “Yes.”

“Please.” He replies.

The minister holds his book and looks over the whole wedding. “We are gathered here today to witness the union of Esmerelda Striker and Avery Kirkland. These two people have expressed a love older than time itself. A love that combines the soul and makes two become one. Today we will make Esmerelda and Avery one in front of friends, family and heaven. Before we join these two in holy matrimony, I will ask if there is anyone who objects this union, speak now…”

The ground explodes behind the back row of chairs and the people on those chairs are thrown to the ground. The wind blasts across the wedding and we have to shield ourselves from it. Avery grabs me and minister to stop us from falling over.

We uncover ourselves, turn, and my face falls. “Damn it! Why?!”

“What the fuck?” Avery says with shock. He double takes the minister. “Sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it. I was thinking the same thing.” His says as his eyes bug out.

As the dust settles, four battle angels, with Mikael in front, stand straight after landing hard enough to impact the ground.

Mikael struts forward and looks over the audience as people get out of their seats and crowd together.

He raises his blade to Nathaniel. “NEPHILIM! PRODUCE THE ARK!”

“Esmerelda!!” My mother barks as she tries to grab at me.

I shove her off, grab my dress and stomp up the aisle. “Yo! Dickhead! We’re trying to get married here!” I throw a hand behind me as I glare at the fucking nerve this guy has.

“I don’t care.” He says stoically, raises his hand, and throws a ball of magic at my head.


Avery grabs me and we dive for cover. The ball flies over us, hits the alter, and explodes it. The large flower filled vases and decorated wood arch flies up in the air as Nathaniel grabs the minister and pulls him out of the way.

The guests scream and yell as they huddle in the front with us.

Zander and the rest of the council stand in a group between us and the angels. “You landed in the wrong place, Angel.” Zander warns.

“No. I haven’t.” Mikael replies. “Nephilim!” He barks.

“Mikael!” Nathaniel pushes through the wedding party and walks up the aisle with Cora behind him. “Don’t do this here.”

“Produce the Ark and I will go.” Mikael lifts his chin.

“You know I can’t.” Nathaniel answers.

Mikael steps forward with his angels behind him. “Then until she does show, none of you are leaving.” He looks over the frightened faces of my wedding guests. “But if she doesn’t show at all, none of you… are leaving here alive.”

The angels all draw weapons as people whimper and cower behind the council. They unfurl their wings and the metal tips clink together as the ruffle their feathers.

I flop my hands at my side and shake my head. “Great. What’s a wedding without a hostage negotiation.” I wrap my arm around myself and cover my face as Avery holds my shoulders.

“ON YOUR KNEES!” The angels bellow in unison.

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