The Wolves of London Book 2: The House of Striker

Chapter 14

(Chapter song ‘Love Hurts' by Nazareth)


The atmosphere may be cold as ice, but at least I’m not bleeding. I find it interesting that my wolf has not calmed down since I left London with Zen. I’m still learning with him. Catching up, if you will. There’s a lot that you don’t know when you get one of these guys. Shifters have a long time to be exposed to the life. The turned have a cram session. Wolf Tolerance 101.

He's putting out high energy. I can feel him being playfully confused and it makes me smile a bit. I’m not sure what his confusion is. Is it because of who Zen is to me? Is it because of what she is? Is it because I used to be one and that I haven’t stopped thinking of her since the day I left.

Whatever it is, I hope it doesn’t get worse. He tends to be overly emotional and it clouds me. Don’t get me wrong. He’s a pretty easy guy to deal with. From my understanding, some can be hard to control. I’m glad mine’s not. Even around Zen.

As I drive to the London train station, I glance over at her. The sun in the windows makes her hair the color of wheat and sparkling. The side of her face is so soft. She’s so effortlessly beautiful, I internally whine that I walked away from that. If I didn’t need the help so bad, I wouldn’t have done this.

I pull into the busy train station parking lot and park. “Get out. We take the train from here.”

She opens her door. “Why not drive?”

“Because I stole the truck and It can’t be seen in the countryside.” I open the door to the station.

She looks me over. “Oh.”

I walk around the crowds of people to the ticket booth.

“Where to, mate?” the man behind the bars and plastic wall.

“Two for Athens.” I mutter and pull out a wad of cash.

He takes my money and prints the ticket. “Here ya are. Enjoy the salt air.” He leans to the window and waves me over. “Show her the sights, mate. That one’s a finer.” He winks and pulls back.

“She is. Thanks.” I lift the tickers to him. I join Zen then lead us to the platform. “It’s a few days ride, but we can blend in here.”

She moves around people waiting for the next train. “Ok, Avery. Why the cloak and dagger. Rolls of cash. Stolen trucks. Are you in some kind of trouble?” She grabs my arm and stops me. “What are you involved in?”

“We're involved in. This concerns you more than me.” A train whistle rips through the station and it comes up the platform. “Come on.”

“Tell me what’s going on?” She says as she tries to keep up.

“Not here. It’s not safe. I’ve exposed us enough as it is.” I keep my eye on the crowd and look for anything suspicious. We find a door and climb on.

I weave us past people putting bags in compartments and finding seats. We walk down a thin hallway as I find our cabin. Once I do, I use the key card, slide the door open and walk in. Zen follows and shuts the door behind us.

Inside, is a bunk bed and a wash basin. The window in the room shows the outside world whizzing by as the train speeds down the track. Washrooms and other amenities are shared at this end of the train. No first class trip for us.

“Ok. Now, I’m getting scared.” She drops her bag on the bed and sits as I put my bag on the top bunk.

“You should be.” I mutter as the train whistles and jolts. The station starts to slowly move past the window and I’m thinking I hope I’m not dragging her into danger. That’s the last thing I want, but I just can’t leave her out there alone.

If her blood is the target, she’s a sitting duck. If she’s with me, I can protect her.

“Can you give me a hint? I’m following you blind here. What’s in Athens?” She asks as she leans on her thighs.

I sigh and sit down. “A group that will hopefully change everything. They found something that involves your great-grandfather. The house of Striker has a weapon. A weapon he believed would give humans the upmost advantage. The problem is he died without telling anyone where that weapon was or what to do with it. Well, it’s been found, and the people we’re going to see are trying to stop that weapon from being used.”

“What weapon?” She looks me over. “What are you talking about?”

“I have to show you. You won’t believe me otherwise.” I mumble. “The people we're going to see will be able to explain it better.”

She cinches her brow. “The girl you were with…”

I nod. “Razor. She was the one who found me.”

“Razor. Classy.” She snorts.

“Zen. Don’t start.” I warn.

“What? I just find it funny that you would leave me for someone who sounds like they spent a significant amount of birthdays in prison.” She ticks her head and stands up.

“She’s a good person. She helped me.” I state as she walks to the other side of the cabin and leans her but on a counter.

“Helped you. She destroyed what you are, and you consider that help.” She shakes her head and chuckles sarcastically.

“I'm not destroyed, Zen! I’m still the same person I was before.” I scowl.

“Except you turn to an animal that eats us.” She crosses her arms and glares.

I stand and hold out my hand. “Ok. I get what you’re saying. I’m not saying shifters are perfect. There’s definitely some who need to be put down, but you should know from being on the council that that’s not true for a lot of them. We want to live with you. We aren’t like the other creatures who need humans for food.”

She stuffs her hands in her pockets and looks to the floor. “I’ve been doing this a long time, Ave. My family built this so others don’t suffer. We’ve seen below the fairytale.” She raises her eye to me. “No matter how you slice it, humans always die. That’s what we’re trying to stop.”

“Humans die by humans, too, Zen. You can’t punish one set and not the others.” I challenge.

She pushes off the counter. “But that’s our problem! Our species’ issue. You eating us? That’s not the same. We’re being hunted and no one gives a shit! You, of all people, should know what it feels like to be prey! If it wasn’t for my family, none of us would have the tools to fight back!”

“OK. I’m not going to get into a debate with you about this. Once you see what I found, maybe you’ll think differently.” I turn and sit back down.

The cabin falls silent.

She leans back on the counter. “Razor… She’s pretty.” She says quietly.

I glance at her. “Yeah. She is.”

“She… um… She treat you ok?” She meets my eyes.

I sit up and rub my sweaty palms on my jeans. “Sure. Yeah. She’s a good person. Cares a lot.”

She lowers her head. “That’s good. I’m… glad…” She slides her hands into her front pockets and looks out the window.

My wolf whines. I study her and feel her inside. It’s like he’s sensitive to her emotions and trying to show me what they are. I wish I could take that away from her, but I don’t think there’s anything I can say or do to make what I did not hurt.

I lean to see her eyes. “What about you?”

She turns to me. “Oh. You know. There’s been a few. But I like being on my own. Being tied down… not for me.” She smiles a bit and shrugs.

“So, you never found…”

“No.” She looks out the window. “Never wanted it.”

“Oh. I'm sorry.” I whisper.

“Don’t apologize. You had to do what you had to. There’s more to life than love. I'm glad you found your happiness.” She clears her throat and looks to the floor.

I stand and step close. “Zen. I need to tell…”

She pushes off the counter. “I need to find food.” She turns, opens the door and leaves.

I place my hands on my hips and look to the floor. This is going to be a frigid three days.


If the first night was a bad start, the second day was worse. It’s amazing how fast a small room gets smaller when you're uncomfortable.

I jump down from the bunk.

“Watch it." She growls and I step back.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean…” I grab my bag and rub my head.

She rubs her head where I knocked her with my leg. “Watch where you’re jumping.” She scowls.

“Yeah… um… yeah…” I lose my thoughts when she throws her blanket off and stands. Her panties hug her hips and when she stretches, her tank top lifts and the hint of a belly button has me sweating a bit. The light fabric outlines the bra she’s wearing underneath and the pounding of my heart only reminds me of what I want but can’t have.

I turn when she scratches her head. She looks damn sexy disheveled like that. I try to ignore it and drop my toilet bag on the wash basin. I run the water, wet my head, and was going to cup more water with my hands when a toothbrush invades my space.

I turn to her and she shoves her brush in her mouth. I watch her brush her teeth like it’s her job and practically push me out of the way to spit. I give her a once over. “Excuse you.” I say as I shake my head.

“Excuse you.” She says smartly and rips the towel I have off my shoulder to wipe her mouth.

I comb my hair and straighten my beard in the small mirror on the wall. “Glad to see some things haven’t changed.” I brush my own teeth, then snatch my towel back with a smirk.

“Yeah. You’re still a sink hog.” She crosses her arms and leans on the window. She raises a brow.

“And you…” I stand and reach out to he lips. “Always miss this corner.” I wipe toothpaste off her lip and get a tiny shock when I touch her. She shrinks back and looks at me weird. I take my hand away as she wipes her lip again. “Sorry. Force of habit.”

“Well, keep them to yourself.” She grumbles then goes to her bag. She pulls out her pants and stands. I watch her pull them up and button them in the mirror. I feel a heat rise and need to stop it. I run the cold water and splash my face.

I dry my cheeks and turn. “There’s a stop in Paris, then we have to transfer to the High speed. We got a few hours, so we might as well get breakfast.”

She pulls her long sleeve over her head. “Good. I can buy some clothes since you didn’t give me a chance to pack.”

“I needed to get you out as soon as possible.” I pull my shirt over my head and pull it down.

“Why? You act like I'm being hunted.” She walks up to me and lock my eyes.

“You are. But I can’t…”

“You can’t explain…” She turns her head slightly. “Wait…” She grabs my shirt and puts it to her nose. She smells it and gives me a curious look. “You smell like the cologne I got you. You told me you hated it.”

I shrug. “I don’t know. I guess it grew on me.” I push past her and pack my bag. I check the transfer tickets and make sure they’re in order.

“Let me guess. You wear it for Razor.” She kicks out a leg and looks at me with that stone bitch face she has when she’s irritated.

“Maybe.” I shrug and go back to packing.

“Figures.” She grabs her bag and throws the strap over her shoulder. “I'll be in the dining car.”

I pack my bag and catch up. She’s walking briskly through the car and I can tell she’s even more angry that what she was. This isn’t going to end well if it continues.

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