The Wolves of London Book 2: The House of Striker

Chapter 13

(Chapter song ‘Little Lies’ by Fleetwood Mac)


The last few days have been very entertaining.

Zander’s in hiding and the rest of the council is acting like they all grouped in on lottery numbers. It’s been days of discussion about what they’re going to do if Zander picks them to take the crown.

Some are getting down right scary.

“I will turn over the law books. Start from scratch. Lycan neglect will no longer happen.” Giovanni barks. He’s a young Italian man, but he always sounds old. It’s weird listening to him talk. “We will rule the way it was intended.”

“Watch the world go to hell in a hand basket.” Dorian snorts.

“You wouldn’t have to worry. You’d be the first to suffer.” Giovanni scowls.

Dorian crosses his arms. “Threatening the voters isn’t exactly smart.” He raises a brow.

“What voters? No ones going to vote lycan.” Krestin smirks. “Dragons, on the other hand.”

“Is that a joke?” Demetri eyes him. “The last thing the globe needs is a scam artist that stuffs his own pockets with the coffers.”

“Creative business man.” Krestin corrects. “I can get any deal. The world would have the best protection.”

“While you rob them blind.” Dorian snickers.

“Protection comes with a cost.” Krestin side eyes him and smirks.

“I’d do what Giovanni says.” Darius starts. “Get rid of bad laws so people don’t suffer. Some people don’t have others in heart when making these laws.”

Krestin points to him. “Ok. That I can get behind. Your group is fucked up. I don’t know why Zander never put those old ladies in the hot seat.”

Darius rubs his nape. “He doesn’t get involved in the traditions of other societies. He said as long as no one is being sacrificed or killed, he can't. He doesn’t realize how my people keep others as prisoners. Even if they aren’t treated like one.”

Krestin rests his hand on Daruis' shoulder. “Don’t worry, kid. When I’m king, I’ll fix it for you.”

“You will?” Darius’ brows go up.

“Sure.” Krestin grins. “Just as soon as I’m done picking through the princesses. A king should have first choice. Haven’t had Bear in a while.” He bounces his brow.

Darius’ brows come together and he rips the Dragons hand off him. “Our princesses aren’t for Dragons.”

“I have full harems that say different.” Krestin brags.

“You’re sick, Krestin.” I scowl.

“I’m honest.” He points to me and ticks his head.

“Good afternoon.”

We all turn as Zander approaches looking like hell. His hair isn’t the usual spike he has and he’s wearing a dad sweater with the sleeves rolled up and jeans. He definitely has pink slip written all over him.

“Zander. I’m so sorry.” Quaid leaves his throne and joins him at his.

“It’s fine.” He holds a hand up to him. “I've had some time to think, and I think the council is right. The House of Wolves held this seat since the beginning. It might be time for some fresh blood.” He glances at Demetri who’s gives him a dirty look.

“You know. That’s so smart. It’s no wonder you’re king.” Krestin starts. He walks up to Zander rubbing his hands. “So. Who’s it gonna be?” He grins selfishly.

“I just need to wait for Cora to make the announcement.”

“Where is she. She’s usually here by now.” I question.

“Goddammit, Nate! You tell me where these bastards are, and I’ll wrangle up a posse so big, their feathery asses won’t know who hit them!”

We all turn to Cora, shaking her head. Jesse, who’s also Nala, walking behind a rather hot man. Oh my God!

“Cora.” I smile large and meet her on the floor. I look the man over and he smiles as I lean to her. “Who’s the God?” I whisper with a grin.

She clears her throat. “Everyone. I’d like you to meet Nathaniel Ferguson.”

“My son.” Jesse beams as he throws his arm over his shoulder.

Every eye bugged out.

“Nathaniel.” I extend my hand. He’s all muscles and coated in Necro runes. His dark hair and dark eyes are sexy as hell, but he has something else. “Did anyone ever tell you, you have the face of an angel?”

“Funny, you should say that…” He grins as he rubs his neck.

“Zen… Don’t.” Cora steps in between us pushes me back.

“Ok.” I put my hands up and laugh. “You staked a claim?”

She adjusts her robe over her shoulder. “Something like that.”

“Nathaniel. You were Cora’s concubine? You hid from me. Why?” Zander puts his hands on his hips.

“You think we’re all here voluntarily?” Dorian snorts, and the circle snickers. Zander shoots him a dirty look, then turns back to Nathaniel.

“Well, I didn’t want to. But I had to. I don’t want to involve you in my problems.” He says sheepishly.

“Problems? What kind of problems?” He asks. “Wait. Where were you for 4 years? What happened?”

“Look. I’m all for family reunions, but I have an appointment to harass a guard who owes me money. So, Zan. Announce the winner.” Krestin motions his hands to the king.

Zander turns and crosses his arms. “I won’t be. You will.”

We all look at each other. “Excuse me?” I raise a brow.

“I won’t be picking my successor just yet. First, the eight of you will have to prove you’re worthy of the leadership the crown demands. If you can do that before the next blue moon, I will choose then. Leave the contest, or cheat, or fail to fill the requirements, disqualifies you. I will send a message and wait here after the moon. Whoever shows up will be in the running.” Zander walks around the circle. “I will evaluate each of your contributions, then I’ll choose.”

I cross my arms. “A contest. Really?”

“Does Ricky know your doing this?” Krestin eyes him suspiciously.

My bet. She doesn’t.

“It’s the only way I can be sure. You bring me your honesty, loyalty, leadership and proof you can defend the crown, then I will select you. If not. I select someone else.” Zander shrugs.

“So all we have to do is act like Kings?” Krestin asks.

“And Queens.” I make it a point to add.

“Sure. Entertain yourself, sweetie. This king already won.” Krestin lifts his chin.

“That’s if you can outdo me. You still have to make it here.” I face him and challenge with a smirk.

“I'll be here.” He leans and pushes the challenge. “You can sit in my ashes.”

“Oh, I’ll be with you. Only you’ll be my hand bag.” I tick my head and brow.

“I really wish you’d stop threatening to add me to your wardrobe.” He shakes his head.

“I can help it. You have such pretty scales. Perfect for a pair of boots.” I push as he narrows eyes.

Krestin makes a face and nods like he can’t argue with that one.

“Ok. Look. You all have to remember. This is a political contest. No violence.” Zander talks over us.

Quaid folds his arms. “Fat chance with this lot.”

“I’m professional. As long as people stay out my way, they’ll be fine. I gotta go. Might as well get started now.” I smile at Krestin. “See ya later, Handbag.”

I turn and walks to the door as Krestin fumes.

“You’re rude, Zen!!”

He shouts to my back as I toss my head back and cackle while I walk out the door.


As my mind spins with all the ways I can win this crown, I pull into the gated driveway of the Striker mansion. It’s a four story, red slat mansion with white and black trim. I was born here as were all the generations before me. It’s my home and I’ll be queen of it soon.

My happy thoughts of putting humans in their rightful place, were broken when my eyes laid on the happiness destroyer.

My lips shrink. I aggressively turn off my bike and kick my kickstand, then Rio off my helmet. “What are you doing here?!” I yell as I hop off my seat and take big steps to the middle of the circle. I reach to my back and pop the snap on my holster.

“Zen…” Avery hold his hands up in surrender.

“How many times do I have to shoot you for you to get the message?!” I toss my arms out to the side.

“You didn’t shoot me last time.” He mumbles.

“I emptied a clip into you up here.” I growl as I tap my temple.

“Oh.” He nods. “Ok. Look. I need to tell you something and you need to come with me now.”

His tone sounds concerned.

“I’m not going anywhere with you.” I turn my head and eye him.

“It's important, Zen. Get in the truck.” He motions to an old Chevy parked beside him.

“I don’t think so.” I squint.

“Ok. Look. This isn’t about me or you.” He steps closer.

“Sure, it's not.” I scowl and leave for the house.

“Zen!” He rushes me and grabs my arm.

“No, Avery! I wasted 5 years thinking, crying, and caring about you. I’m now at a place where I don’t care. Whatever you want, go find someone else to fix it. You’re not my problem anymore.” I know it’s all bullshit, but I might as well tell him the lies I tell myself.

“Listen. This isn’t what you think!” he tries to stop me again.

“It’s never what I think! The thing is, I know what I saw. I saw her get in a car with you while I was waiting at our wedding. Then I see her with you and you're still with her now! I don’t need to think, Avery. The whole thing is a pretty open book!” I yell and turn.

“That’s not…” he starts.

“GOD! JUST GO AWAY!” I turn back and yell.

“NO! YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO ME, NOW! I need you to come with me before everything… And I mean, everything…hits THE GODDAMN FAN!” He yells in my face.

I study him closely. This is a side of him I’ve rarely seen. “Why do you look scared?”

He strides up to me. “Because I am scared, Zen. I’m fucking terrified. Now, get in the damn truck!” He points behind him.

“What’s wrong?” I fold my arms and look him over. He’s visibly scared and I start thinking he may be telling the truth.

“I’ll explain everything. I promise.” He opens the passenger side door. “Please.”

He motions to the seat and I flick my eyes from the cab to him. “This better not be a trick. I don’t want to hear anything about us. Got it?” I glare as I point to him.

“Got it.” He agrees. “Trust me.”

“Trust you.” I scoff. “And my therapist thinks I’m delusional.” I shake my head and get in the truck.

He gets in the drivers side, starts the truck and puts it in gear. “What I’m about to show you, cannot get out. If anyone else knows about what we do, it will make it 1000x worse.”

“Stop talking and drive.” I grumble, and look out the window.

He falls silent and pulls the truck out onto the road.

“Where are we going?” I glance at him.

“Athens.” He answers.

I huff and shake my head. “I hate Greek food.”

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