the Wife

Chapter the Wife 20

Chapter 20 The Kiss

Mary, sitting beside Anders, felt a wave of fear.

That idiot Gale was meddling! Was he even that close to Sally? They had just met a few days ago, and he already dared to defend her so openly?

Mary f

felt disdain thinking about the blood relation between Gale and Sally.

If Gale was stupid enough to get involved with Sally, she wouldn’t try to stop him.

She wanted to see how Gale would feel when he discovered that he was involved with his own sister.

But that wasn’t the main issue.

Mary was now worried about Anders and Gale’s relationship.

After all, she was Gale’s sister in name. If Gale and Anders fell out, would Anders start to dislike her too?

Mary shivered at the thought.

“Anders…” Mary said weakly, “I’m not feeling well. Can you accompany me home?”

Everyone at the table turned to look at Mary and Anders.

Usually compliant with Mary, Anders unexpectedly refused this time.

He glanced quickly at Sally sitting opposite and then said to Mary, “If you’re not feeling well, I’ll have the driver take you home.”

Mary’s face changed quickly.

There was no

way she would leave alone.

Sally was still here!

Who knew if that wretched woman would take the chance to seduce Anders?

Mary quickly smiled, “Actually, I’m not that unwell. If you’re not going back, I won’t go either.”

“Suit yourself,” Anders said coldly.

Mary’s heart clenched, but she hid her dissatisfaction.

Hogg dealt the cards, and both Sally and Mary declined to join, citing poor card skills.

Anders glanced at Sally, then suddenly smiled at everyone, “Since we’re all here, I suggest that whoever loses at cards should face a punishment.”

Hogg readily agreed, “Good idea!”

The others had no objections.

Gale was still fuming over Anders insulting Sally, distracting him from his cards, and making him the loser.

“Ha… Gale, even you lose sometimes!” Chris laughed, “You used to be unbeatable, but we finally won!”

Gale angrily tossed his cards on the table, “Fine! I lost. What’s my punishment?”

The men exchanged knowing glances.

“How about this,” Chris said playfully, “You kiss one of the ladies here.”

“What?” Hogg was surprised but then laughed, “Great ideal Gale, you…”

Chapter 20 The Kiss

Hogg’s expression turned mischievous.

Everyone’s eyes turned to Mary and Sally.

Mary’s heart sank.

She smiled, “I’m Gale’s sister. It wouldn’t be right for us to kiss.”

No one objected to Mary’s point.

So that left only..

Sally noticed all eyes were on her and felt a rush of panic.

Although her impression of Gale was good, they weren’t close enough to kiss!

Besides, Anders was there too!

The apartment she lived in was still owned by Anders!

She dreaded the thought of what Anders might do if she kissed Gale publicly.

Without a stable income, being kicked out with her son would leave them homeless.

Sally’s face showed her distress.

Meanwhile, Mary felt a surge of excitement!

Others didn’t know Gale and Sally’s true identities, but she did..

If they kissed

Mary even took out her phone

If she recorded it, she would have leverage even if her true identity was revealed.

As Mary eagerly anticipated, Anders suddenly said, “I’ll kiss him.”

“What?” Everyone looked at Anders in shock.

Anders coldly glanced at Sally, then looked at Gale, “A kiss is a kiss. I can kiss you too, right?”

Gale’s eyes widened.

Was Anders out of his mind? He was offering to kiss him!

Gale felt a strange, unsettling sensation for the first time.

“Stop talking nonsense,” Anders said, “You kiss me, or kiss Sally. Your choice.

Hearing Anders say he would kiss Sally, Gale’s mind buzzed. Without waiting for anyone to react, he quickly leaned over, grabbed Anders’s face, and planted a firm kiss!

One second, two seconds…

Everyone was stunned!

After a while, laughter erupted.

Gale, blushing, sat back down, “Come on, let’s continue. This time I’ll play seriously and won’t lose!”

Witnessing this, Sally couldn’t take it anymore and stood up.

“Where are you going?” Gale asked, puzzled.

“The bathroom.” Sally said emotionlessly and left the table.


Chapter 20 The Kiss

Mary watched Sally leave, seething with hate.

Was Anders protecting Sally?

Mary wanted to follow Sally and tear her apart!

But before she could move, Anders stood



Mary was stunned.

Everyone else was too.

Anders pointed to his cheek in disgust, “I’m going to wash up.”

Chris and the others couldn’t help but stifle their laughter.

After using the bathroom, Sally stood at the sink, lost in thought.

Looking at her pale reflection, Sally gave a bitter laugh.

She could feel her illness worsening.

She was too scared to get checked.

She didn’t know how much longer she had but didn’t want to find out.

Thinking of her young son, Sally felt heartbroken.

So young, yet she might leave him soon.

She desperately wanted more time with Andy…

Suddenly, she heard steady footsteps.


Sally quickly turned and saw Anders in the mirror.

She turned to leave.

But Anders forcefully pulled her back.

“Let go of me, let go!” Sally shouted angrily.

Anders looked down at her, then cruelly smiled, “Sally, you’re really good at this. In such a short time, you’ve hooked up with another man.”

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