the Wife

Chapter the Wife 14

Chapter 14 Mutual Torment

“Mr. Gale, thank you for comforting me tonight,” Sally said, her attitude becoming distant. “But I need to get off work now. Goodbye.

Without waiting for Gale to say more, Sally left the bathroom directly.

Gale stood there, his expression complex.


When Sally returned to her apartment, she should have taken a shower and gone to bed, but she found herself unusually sleepless.

She couldn’t stop thinking about what Gale had said.

Even though she knew Gale’s intentions weren’t pure, she couldn’t help but cry.

It had been so long since anyone had trusted her so firmly.

No, not firmly.

Gale had said she might be innocent, not definitely innocent.

But for Sally, who was used to being falsely accused, this was like a ray of hope in the darkness.

She lay on her back, staring blankly at the dimly lit room.

How much longer would it take to escape this predicament?

As Sally’s thoughts wandered, someone suddenly pounded on her apartment door.

Sally jumped in fright.

In the dead of night, who else could it be but Anders?

She didn’t want to see Anders now.

Thinking this, she got out of bed and locked her bedroom door firmly.

She thought Anders would leave, but instead, she heard him enter the living room.

He was inside!

Sally felt a surge of panic and hid under her blanket in fear.

Soon, she heard someone pounding on her bedroom door.

The person outside hadn’t expected Sally to lock the door and was instantly furious. After a few seconds, he started kicking the door forcefully!

Sally trembled under the blanket.

After a while, it grew quiet outside.

Just as Sally was about to breathe a sigh of relief, she heard the sound of a key turning in the lock!

Sally screamed in fear!


As soon as Sally made a sound, the door swung open.

The room’s lights flickered on.

Sally squeezed her eyes shut, trembling under the blanket.

Chapter 14 Mutual Torment


A few disordered footsteps echoed, and before Sally could react, the blanket was yanked away!

“Ah…” The sudden bright light made Sally scream in panic.

What she saw next was Anders‘ extremely grim face.

At the same time, Sally caught a faint smell of alcohol,

He had been drinking.

That was Sally’s first thought.

Anders‘ expression was no better than hers. He bent down, placing his hands on either side of Sally.

Sally didn’t want to engage with him.

Seeing the woman beneath him close her eyes, Anders grew even more irritated.

“Hide, why don’t you keep hiding?” Anders almost growled through clenched teeth. “You’ve got guts, locking the door. Who gave you permission?”

Sally couldn’t stand Anders‘ condescending tone.

She slowly opened her eyes, locking gazes with Anders.

She didn’t miss the contempt and mockery in his eyes.

She couldn’t help but say, “Mr. Anders, I was trying to sleep. It’s late. What do you need?”


Anders noticed the distance in her words.

“Now you’re calling me Mr. Anders. Clearly, you’re dissatisfied with me..” Anders said self–mockingly. Then he grabbed Sally’s thin face with one hand.

Her once beautiful face, now weary from excessive mistreatment and toil, looked exhausted.

Anders scrutinized Sally’s face, then said harshly, “You’re always like this, seducing men. Do you enjoy being so cheap? Hmm?”

Sally was obviously angered by Anders‘ words, but she felt more hurt than anything.

Holding back tears, she stubbornly replied, “Mr. Anders, I don’t think you have the right to care about which man I seduce.”

Anders tightened his grip, causing Sally immense pain, but she gritted her teeth and endured it.

She would never show weakness in front of Anders again.


Anders had once admired Sally’s unyielding spirit, but now, it only seemed annoying.

“I am your legal husband!” Anders reminded coldly. “And you dare flirt with other men in front of me?”

Anders and Sally were secretly married; his friends didn’t know he was married.

After all, when he married Sally, it was just a legal formality. They never even had a wedding.

Sally couldn’t help but mock him, “Husband? Mr. Anders, please. How am I fit to be your wife?”

“Whether it’s family background or education, Mary is obviously more suited to be your wife.” Sally mentioned the person she hated most, seemingly to provoke Anders.

Anders‘ expression changed.

He stared at Sally fiercely and said, “First it was Daniel now it’s Mary’s brother. Sally, can’t you stop being

Chapter 14 Mutual Torment

so shameless? Don’t you find yourself disgusting?”

Sally laughed instead of getting angry, “Yes, I am shameless. So what? Mr. Anders, I think it’s time for us to divorce. We’re just tormenting each other.”

It was mutual torment, wasn’t it?

Sally couldn’t stand Anders‘ constant mockery.

And… she couldn’t endure the overly frequent and torturous intimacy.

“I’m telling you…” Anders leaned close to Sally’s ear, speaking almost cruelly, “As long as I disagree, you’ll never get rid of me.”

Sally glared at him hatefully.

Anders smirked, “And one more thing… If you dare be unfaithful again, I’ll make sure your son can’t stay in the hospital.”

With that, Anders ripped Sally’s nightgown….

The next morning, when Sally woke up, Anders was already gone.

Feeling nothing, she got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

She no longer cared about Anders‘ disgust. What mattered most now was raising enough money for Andy’s treatment.

After breakfast, Sally scrolled through her phone and eventually settled on a contact.

When she was desperately in need of money, she had worked as a cleaner at a famous gallery in the capital.

There, she met a kind woman who once told her to reach out if she ever needed a job.

Sally hadn’t contacted her in years, but given her current situation, pride meant nothing.

After some thought, Sally decided to call the woman.

Two minutes later, the call was answered.

“Selena,” Sally began with a smile, “It’s Sally. Do you remember me?”

Selena paused for a few seconds. Sally prompted her a bit more, and the other woman finally realized, “Ah …Sally, it’s you?”

Sally’s good looks had left a lasting impression on Selena.

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