The White Wolf (Book One)

Chapter 37. Something Wicked this way comes

5 Years Later

Isla POV

“Crassus! Please take your Brother and Sister to the field, your Grandmother is waiting for all of you” I called to my Nine year old.

He was a good big brother, I was so proud of him, He cared so much for his brother and sister.

Crassus was good to Rhaegan and Briseas, they followed him everywhere. I smiled at my children as they bolted down the staircase and through the front doors, screaming with joy as they headed for their picnic. Amera and I remained staring at them for a long period of time in awe and pure joy.

Times of late have been peaceful, For now but The proposal to the council has taken its tole on Clayton and I, we have been traveling non-stop in order to get our proposal to become reality.

I proposed years back that Instead of banishing a member of the supernatural realm to being a Rouge that we create a sort of prison. Initially it seemed cruel until we were almost overrun a year ago by the Rouges, winter is when they try an attack, stealing food and women and this has been happening for centuries, a vicious cycle was created and never broken.

We have to do something about them now, at least if they are in prison they are fed and rehabilitated or provided some sort of shelter, I didn't just want to lock them up and throw away the key, I wanted to see if they can be helped and possibly integrated back into pack societies, at least that was the plan.

The Rouges have a new Leader and he is ruthless, he was a Beta to the Dragon king himself for centuries and had been banished, I am not sure why, nonetheless there was a large scandal and it has caused great discomfort for us all because the attacks have become more coordinated and with military precision.

I walked towards my Office and was met with my handsome lover . “Any news my love?” I asked him silently.

His brow was furrowed as he read what seemed to be a very important document, I stepped forward, My interest peaked at the yellow paper in front of him.

“The Council has called and emergency meeting, there is to be a war with the Rouges to subdue them” He breathed and I froze.

“A war, Like a large scale war or do we remain within our territories and deal with them more urgently as a separated unit?” I asked already knowing and sensing the truth.

As of late Amera and I have developed our spirit power we could sense things, changes in the weather was one of them but we had used it more to read people and their aura’s. Lately we have felt uncomfortable as if something or someone was coming, I believe today will be our Confirmation.

“This will be a large scale eradication and full out war as in Armies and generals.“ Clayton breathed, his fingers running through his hair as he processes the information.

“There will be a large scale meeting with all supernatural beings at the Council and we have to go, any pack,coven or nest that does not agree and join will automatically be assumed to be rogue sympathizers, this is bad my Luna, A full scale War has not been documented in centuries. I know this is necessary due to their bold attacks and growing numbers but this will damage the supernatural world greatly and for generations. War always leaves its mark.” He breathed.

I didn't want a world where my children only knew and understood war. I held on the the back of the chair so hard I snapped the wood between my hands, pieces of wood splintered around the delicate frame of the chair, I did this without even having to try, my strength has increased but so has my temper.

I looked at Clayton, pure rage and fury filling my lungs and body, this is something I can feel that we can not avoid, this was War and it affected us all. It was inevitable.

I knew somewhere in my mind that this was a possibility but it was never ever supposed to manifest into reality, I stared at my mate and he stared at me Both knowing that this War was not going to be anything small but a large scale event that will damage and effect negatively on all of the supernatural realm.

“We need to prepare” I breathed trying to real myself in.

“Our warriors are strong and we need to think of battle strategies and we will have to send those that are not able to fight to a safe location indefinitely” Amera and I paced with angst.

Babbling and trying desperately not to think of the worst and maybe find some positivity or something to hold on to while I try not to lose my damned mind.

I watched him walk to me slowly and wrap his arms around me and force me to still myself, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and cried, I cried hard, I let it out.

Amera whimpered within me knowing our fear was for our pack and our pups and that this was a massive event that was unfolding before us and we could not stop it.

My eyes were wet and my body limp. I knew it, I had felt something great coming, this was what we were here for, Amera and I, this is why our power was growing, the goddess was preparing us and we needed to be there and be prepared.

The rouges were raiding, raping and murdering smaller colonies and have become bolder with attacking humans and drawing attention to us.

I knew they were making trouble with the humans as they would eradicate us without even knowing us but the rouges were taunting us to make a point, they wanted a full blown war, We were their enemies, the ones who had rejected them and cast them our for their heinous deeds and selfish acts against the clans and packs they swore to protect.

We had failed them and judged them and in turn made enemies and they are a great number.

I looked at my Mate and we both decided the pack needed to know, their lives would be impacted negatively and we had no right keeping this from them.

Clayton called for an emergency pack meeting, All responded in unison to their Alpha, their protector and my Love.

We walked the corridor slowly, hearing the voices of the pack that was separated by large wooden doors.

We walked in silence, I held his hand and he mine, together we prepared ourselves for the inevitable as the pack would not be happy but they had no choice, nor did we.

The doors opened to our Large pack of 2 000 members.

I heard their voices hushed in question, I adjusted my eyes to the sudden bright light of the midday sun, How warm it felt on my skin as if it was giving me energy and confidence.

I absorbed the rays and calmed myself, I begged Amera to help me remain calm, cool and collected.

I had done this many a times, Reigned in my emotions when needed.

I had survived two kidnappings for fuck sakes.

We walked to the edge of the steps of the Large beige mansion and waited for silence.

Clayton's POV

I stood with my mate, absorbing her calm, I and Crixus did not have the same quality as she did, she radiated calm, I controlled myself to seem calm.

I waited for silence and remained stoic, I resonated power to the pack so they all understood this was serious, as I waited I looked to the woods, the birds were chirping in the cool breeze and jumping from branch to branch, how simple their lives were.

My opportunity came to speak and I seized it.

“Luna and I received news today, terrible news that effects us all, you are all well aware that the rouges have been an increasing problem and they have become rash and cruel beasts. In order to maintain control we have been discussing a prison like fortress with the council to be constructed in order to send our rouges there, it would work similar to a human prison but we seem to be too late with the idea as the Rouges of all species have come together under one ruler, They have been a problem that now has become an enemy. They have attacked, raped and murdered human towns and are drawing attention to us all. A call for War has been made by the council by all clans and packs”

I had only spoken the words when gasps and shouts of fear became sounds of anger and shock and echoed through the crowds, they were furious and rightly so.

“I understand your anger but I as you Alpha have no choice but to participate for the ongoing protection by the council for this pack so If anyone wishes to join me please say so, This is your free choice, If not I will arrange a transfer to an alternative pack for safety and I will not have you remain within my pack either indefinitely, this may sound harsh but this is what I require out of my pack. I have been a kind and just Alpha and do not expect the elderly and young or new mothers to join in but any able bodied fighter will join. Please note that tomorrow you will have the opportunity to decide.”

I hated speaking the words, almost forcing them to join me but this was War. The time for feelings has passed

“I will await your decisions, I have been kind enough to provide you with a choice, choose wisely. Luna and I leave tomorrow for the Council and will come back with a plan, I expect answers by then. All those who wish to train will sign up with my Beta and his mate, actually all will train. It will benefit every person in this pack to know how to defend themselves.”

I turned and wwalked away with my Mate in hand, I was their Alpha and not their friend, I was to protect and lead them and I would do so.

I would claim the persona my father portrayed.

Isla followed behind me and did not second guess or cut me off, Our bond made it clear that I meant every word.

I spent the day ordering warriors and pack members to stock up on food and supplies and I had those too young to fight but to old to remain hidden sent for medical training under our doctors.

I had warriors and able bodies training for War.

I had the chefs cook food for the entire packs and had the Mothers training to protect their pups.

Isla Joined them to show strength and support from her side, She did not know it yet but the Luna’s will not be asked to fight, they were to remain with the packs to lead if something had to happen to any of the Alpha’s.

Although we are a unit and designed to be as such, They will be able to lead their respectable packs and assist with the survival of the packs legacies and keep traditions and preserve the bloodlines.

I pray that Nyx assists us with this upcoming fight.

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