The White Wolf (Book One)

Chapter 36. Double Trouble.

Claytons POV

I had paced for hours waiting for her to not only deliver one but two babies.

I paced, hands fidgeting all over, I paced back and forth hearing and feeling her pain and how she was weakening due to the stress of her labor.

I was not allowed inside, It was tradition for the Father to not be involved with the birth so I paced up and down, my mother remained calm and poised seated on a bench, she knew what was happening on the opposite side of the door, she too had delivered a child before.

I paced and counted the steps i made on the floor time and time again, never wavering from the same line. I practically walked a ditch in the wooden floor. My nerves were making me shake, It had been close to two hours and she was still in labor, I wanted to burst through those doors and demand the doctor do something when I heard a sound, the sound of my heir and pride, I heard the sound of my child crying.

I walked slowly to the door, before I could turn the handle the doctor appeared with my son.

He was stunning, the air left my lungs when I saw him as he laid silently in her arms of the doctor looking like an angel, My child.

“This is your son, Alpha” I took him in my arms.

Tears welled in my eyes as I studied my sons features, I looked up at Isla and she was all red and sweaty, still laying in the same position I left her in, I smiled at her, a silent thank you and I love you was written in my smile.

I felt the surge of pain with her as her contractions started again.

The baby was removed from my arms by a nurse and taken away to be assessed, I stared at her as the door was slammed in my face, I slumped my shoulders and placed my head on the door.

I was not ready for the second round but I had to be strong for her. I don’t think anything can prepare someone for labor in general but two births, I sighed loudly imagining the pain my Luna felt bringing our babies into the world, I hated that I could not help her or ease her pain.

Within 10 minutes baby number two was born, the relief I felt could not be compared to any simple feeling, I slid my hands through my hair and sighed loudly. It was over.

I collected myself and burst through the doors (Very dramatically I should add) sick of waiting, I walked to my Luna and wrapped my arms around her and held her close, She started crying and her emotions took over, she was Fatigued and exhausted but I held my Love and I kissed her sweaty head, I held her close and cried as with her, we had created life, together.

The babies were brought to us screaming like crazy animals, I took my Son and Daughter in both arms, they were so small whilst Isla looked at me with glassy loved filled eyes and my heart melted instantly, here were my children, safe in my arms and using their voices and lungs for all they were worth.

I knew I looked funny with the babies in my arms as they were so small and I was of a much larger scale. “They are perfect” I whispered to Isla as I sat down.

“I am so tired and I want to hold them” She whispered back looking at her babies with love and pride but she seemed to be absolutely drained.

“No my love, just rest for now, I have this, I have them. My mother is outside and she will help me, you will not have to do everything alone, I will help so right now you need sleep and rest.” I kissed her head and walked out with our babies, she was fast asleep when I returned 15minutes later.

I walked up the stairs cursing at all the creaks and snaps the wood was making under my large booted feet, my mother followed behind me and her footsteps were practically inaudible. I was becoming frustrated at the sounds that never bothered me before,the babies had just calmed down and were sleeping, I didn’t want to wake my precious spawn.

I placed them in their beds and stared at them. They were my children. They were under my protection and I will not fail them. I will teach them everything I know, I will show them the world and teach them of the Gods and their history.

They were placed under my protection and so was their mother.

Nyx chose me for a reason. I was not going to fail them...

“Uh hum, you looked just as peaceful when you were this small” My mother spoke,I was surprised by her voice because I had forgot she was here for a second.

“I thought I was a handful as a pup?” I questioned my mother, smirking at her with an eyebrow cocked.

She giggled in response and stepped closer to place a hand on my shoulder.

She sighed and stared at her grandchildren. “You were somewhat peaceful when asleep, once your eyes opened it was havoc. You had me and your father running like mad men” She giggled.

I stared along side her at the beauties that lay before us, the innocents that lay before us had us mesmerized.

I wished I could’ve shared the moment with Isla.

I remained by their sides the whole night, my mother left a while ago to sleep but I could not leave them, there were bad people out there and these babies were my weakness, they were mine and I couldn’t leave them unprotected, not even for a second.

I was so deep in thought that Crixus pulled my attention to the window, so I turned my body fast in the direction of the window, expecting an intruder but by heart dropped at the sight before me.

I knew who she was by looking at her I knew the honor of meeting her, she was so stunningly beautiful, her long black hair that fell to the floor as wisps of wind played oceanic sways around her tall slim form and her deep blue Grecian dress hugged her curves tightly, any man would be dumbfounded by her high cheek bones and full lips but her eyes! The color of the sky on a perfect day seemed to shimmer between colors like the aurora borealis.

I knew it was Nyx who stood at my children's window, she had a soft smile on her lips and I stood slowly bowing with respect.

She was the first to speak. “My Alpha, I see that you and My White Wolf have progressed. I was worried for a split second when the two of you were in a bind but I knew the bonds I create are basically indestructible” She smiled. Her voice was like liquid gold and she moved with a regal glide across the floor towards the babies cribs.

I remained silent.

“I placed you with her for a reason my Alpha. I hope you understand this? That it was my decision to place you with my White Wolf" She looked at me, Our eyes met and I felt Euphoric.

“Yes Goddess, I know that this was your decision” I replied with a gulp. My mouth was so dry.

Nyx’s Face turned to a stern look “But you made deals with Hades, how could you be so foolish” She spoke with a hint of anger.

“I, I had no choice Goddess. I had to save my Luna. I knew nothing of her whereabouts and if she was ok or not. I knew nothing” I pleaded and walked one step closer, pleading with my eyes for her to understand.

She Nodded. ” I understand why you did it but understand my Alpha that you have given Hades a powerful wolf, one he would use for his own gain but I have set certain things in motion to counteract my brothers plans, He means well but does not have the right to meddle within the mortal realm as much as he did. He has your soul for 100 years of servitude as well?” She asked silently.

She seemed sad when she looked at me. I nodded and she turned her gaze to my babies, she smiled softly and leaned forward.

“My Sweets, I have planned a great future for you both, you along with Crassus with change everything. I placed you with these parents for a reason, do not take them for granted.” She whispered to my sleeping babies.

I heard every word. It reminded me of the Oracles advisement's to Isla.

She turned to me with a swift movement as if she was hovering above the ground. “Be the Alpha I know you to be. I blessed you with Crassus for a reason, do not fear your darkness, embrace it. I embraced my darkness and I exist within the Light as well. You limit yourself, Stop it. I am a just Goddess and care for my Wolves and creatures of the supernatural realm. I provide you with Mates and free Choices so do not forsake me and take my gifts for granted. One lst ” She spoke to me directly and sternly.

I nodded in respect and within a shimmer of black smoke she was gone, no goodbye.

I was speechless and in awe. I sat down and knocked a side table over.

This woke the babies up.

Both screaming blue murder, I stood up and walked to my screaming children, This night was far longer than I anticipated.

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