The Vampire’s Hybrid / Book Four ✔️

Chapter Chapter Four: A Way Out

There was something appealing about finding your soulmate. Your one and only till the day you die. Lucas grew up being the only one between his brothers who dreamed of finding his mate. He felt like his entire existence was to be a loving husband and father and with his royal title, many females thought that they could be his equal just so they could be princesses but Lucas knew better, that title was for his one and only.

And then he finally met Ava. That day changed his perspective and he realised that the concept of soulmates was more complicated than he thought. He knew, he felt the bond despite it being mild but he pushed it away and left her to suffer. Although he didn’t know at the time, he knows now and he hates himself for it.

He watched as Zack found Mackenzie. He watched as August fought to be with Nymeria and he felt pride when he watched his quiet but loving brother find Abigail. Everyone in his small circle had found their other halves and although he tried not to show it, it pained him that he was slowly being left behind.

Only Abby understood. Only Abby encouraged him to keep going and in his way, Raph did as well. But Luke knew that Ava was his and had been second-guessing himself about it for four years before it finally came to pass. He was surprised, he was relieved and he was scared but the excitement overruled his fear and now he was sitting inside of her home as she got ready to kill for her Alpha.

He couldn’t wrap his mind around it. All he wanted to do at that moment while they were in that office was to rip that asshole’s throat out and make his smirking Beta eat his jugular. He wanted to wrap Ava up in his arms and never let her go as he commanded his on-deck crew to take them back to the kingdom with her brother and his mate. They would be welcome with open, friendly arms with no judgement or ridicule. She would be welcomed as the fourth and final princess as she meets the girls and maybe meets his nephew or niece. He doesn’t know if Mack had the baby yet and he didn’t want to leave until she did but he was also excited to come back and hold that little bundle. Zack was an asshole and they might have grown up with Lucas being the ignored sibling but he still had respect for the man and now that he was becoming a father, Luke couldn’t wait to watch him struggle.

“You look like you want to become death.”

Luke looked up and raised an eyebrow. Cole was a quiet guy and someone that you wouldn’t think was gay visually. He tried not to find stereotypes but neither Cole nor Eugene looked like they were in a same-sex relationship. Cole was quite muscular and with his dirty blond hair and dark blue eyes, Luke wasn’t surprised that Eugene became his wife so quickly. “I do. I should have done more than just stand there.”

Eugene shook his head in agreeance. “I agree but if any of us pushed it, we would all be dead and Ava would be being tortured or worse before they finally hang her.”

The thoughts of that sent such a sudden rage inside of him that he suddenly felt sick. He now understands why Raph was so defensive over Abby, he now understands the pain and rage you feel when you want to protect the other piece of your soul with your life. “Are we really letting her do this?”

His question was left with empty silence. The kind of silence that he knew all too well and that made him relax but only slightly. Ava opened her bedroom door, she had cleaned herself and changed her dress. Her light brown hair was tied into a loose braid and strands of her hair kept falling into her golden-brown eyes and annoying her. He couldn’t help but admire her, she was an angel and he couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have her but their story was only just beginning and the rate things were going, he might lose her before he got the chance to have her.

“You’re looking at me weird…is the dress wrong? I need to act like I’m looking for forgiveness.”

Her question made him smile, he hadn’t realised that he was looking at her with pure love in his heart but he couldn’t help it. He was softer and his heart was more open compared to his brothers and if that meant that he was a whipped dumbass then so be it. “You are more beautiful than the comets on a clear night.”

Her face flushed a bright red before she looked down and bit her lip. Eugene turned to look at Cole and pouted. “Why can’t you say things like that!?”

Cole pulled his lips into a thin line and eyed Lucas. “Look what you started.”

“I can’t lie.” He shrugged with a chuckle. “She looks like an angel sent by the gods. She radiates the power of a true queen and she holds the innocence of a mother. She is pure perfection.”

Eugene sighed. “Ava baby, if you don’t take this man, I will.”


“Up your game then!”

“Guys, can we have a moment.” Ava requested as she broke their potential argument. “Alone.”

They both sighed but left the room and closed their bedroom door. Luke could hear the faint sounds of Cole promising Eugene that he would treat him like a princess before he turned his attention back towards Ava. “I can’t stop you from doing this but can I say that I don’t like it?”

She nodded. “You can and I agree with you.” She then groaned and sat down in front of him. He didn’t like that there was a table separating them and had to settle for only looking at her flawless face. “I’m scared.”

He wanted to reach out and hold her hands at least but she was too far away for him to do so. His eyes refused to look away from her face as he leaned forward and started to talk. “Raphael found his mate Abigail a few months ago. Actually, she walked into our kingdom and she found him but her story was complicated. She was an ex-pirate, running from a mistake she made the night of the shift that wasn’t her fault. She was almost raped and she killed the man before he touched her. Since then, her crew members have been hunting her down and will execute her for unjust reasons. Nobody understood, and nobody bothered to listen to her and everybody assumed that she was the villain when she was the innocent victim. Don’t tell her that I called her that, she would beat my head in with one of her many knives but I get it. I will stand by you and support you while you do this. That man, Shane deserved what you gave him and I don’t think you should be punished for something that you had the right to do.”

Ava listened, her eyes downcast before she looked up and met his gaze. “What has she done to save herself?”

“That I can’t tell you but I know that Raph is currently working with her to take her ex-crew down.” He responded before she smiled and shook his head. “Knowing Raph, he’s going to manipulate them. Say things he doesn’t want to say to earn their trust and then when they least expect it, he will kill them for her.”

Ava’s eyes softened slightly. “Don’t follow me. I know you look up to him, I can see it in you but please, I need this to go smoothly.”

Lucas wanted to promise her that he wouldn’t follow her. He wanted to say that he didn’t want to do everything in his power to protect her but that would be lying and he never wants to lie to her. He would rather allow his body to rot from the inside out due to starving himself than lie to her and he knew that deep in his soul. “I can’t promise you that.”

“Can you at least say that you will wait five minutes before you run after me?”

He smiled, his fangs slightly showing through his lips and drawing her eye. “That, I can promise you.”

Ava bit her lip again and stood. Patting down her dress before she eyed the door to her brother’s room. “If they try anything stupid-“

“Hold them back and make sure they don’t get themselves killed?” He finished for her with a chuckle. “They are grown men, capable men. They will be fine.”

“I know but I worry.”

“And they worry about you.” He said before he stood and walked towards her. He just wanted to touch her and as he cupped her face with his hands, he couldn’t help but sigh in relief from the intense sparks that flowed through his arms and body. “You can do this.”

She nodded. “I know.”

He stared into her eyes for a few seconds, wishing that he could kiss her again before stepping back and letting her go. He watched her leave and for a moment he felt himself move towards the door to run after her before he felt the eyes of Eugene and Cole and turned around.

“We’re not letting her do this.”

Lucas nodded his head. “No, we’re not.”

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