The Vampire’s Hybrid / Book Four ✔️

Chapter Chapter Five: Turned Around

The Midnight Pack’s Alpha was worse than the Shadow Pack’s. It was hard to believe, and sometimes Ava questioned whether they were just as bad as each other, but she was wrong. That Alpha would have killed her on sight, that Alpha would have made sure she suffered as his pack tortured and treated her like some abomination. Ava used to wonder what his name was, and she used to wonder what her Alpha’s name was, but those thoughts were soon taken away the day one of her pack members was beheaded for asking the Beta.

And there was the Beta, not allowed to speak unless spoken to, yet they weren’t allowed to know his name either. She found it to be quite unfair, but those were the rules, and she had no say in that matter.

Her hands shook as she walked towards the pack. Her Alpha had already alerted them that she was coming, she was given an hour to prepare with no exceptions and for that, she was grateful. If she was given more time then maybe she would have allowed Lucas to convince her to leave with him, he didn’t want to be here anymore and it was made clear that he wasn’t needed so why he was staying was purely for her.

The thought of him soothed her. He was so sweet and pure. He was the same man she met four years ago but just older and more handsome. Ava didn’t understand the looks he would give her but she did see Cole give them to Eugene quite often throughout the years and she assumed it was a part of the mate bond. Shane never allowed her to be close to him, he always had to be in charge and control. She wasn’t allowed to do or say anything without his permission which resulted in her slowly losing her feelings for him and began to resent him for it.

She tried not to compare Lucas with Shane but he was the complete opposite and it amazed her that she tolerated so much when she could have connected with Lucas sooner.

Ava stepped over the border and into the Midnight Pack. The silence made her nervous and she was happy then that her heightened senses told her that they were waiting for her arrival. As she came closer, the more her anxiety increased, she didn’t know how she was going to do this. She was still getting to know what she could do, what she was capable of, and what she had done to Shane was by pure fluke. But she stayed resilient, her unsteady breath evening out as she walked and kept her head held high. She didn’t want them to know that she was on the edge of peeing herself, she didn’t want them to know how fast her heart was beating and she didn’t want them to know how utterly terrified she truly was.

Ava didn’t want to think about why her Alpha had requested this upon her. It was unfair and unjust and greedy on his part but she was his tool and if she didn’t obey, anything could happen to the people she cared about.

The smell of smoke and burning flesh clouded her senses before she saw the crowd of mourning people. Shane’s body was wrapped in a white sheet, his body lying on a burning altar while his father said his farewells. Ava shut her ears off from the words, she didn’t have a right to listen to his grieving, lying words and as she moved her eyes around to each face, she came to realise how manipulated they all were. Shane has such a fake persona that she will forever be the bad guy. They will forever hate her for what she has done, and as much as she regrets what she did, she is glad that he was gone.

Her eyes then landed on the dark eyes of the Alpha, her breath instantly hitching as she quickly looked down as a sign of respect and obedience. Ava waited for the hit, she waited for sudden pain to strike her face but then she heard his dark chuckle. “It seems that the murder has shown her face.”

The pack fell silent, their eyes instantly on her as she flinched and tried to steady her breath again. She felt him approach her, each step feeling more and more menacing before her vision was blocked by the blacks of his shoes. “Came to apologise mutt? Came to tell his children that you are the reason as to why he is dead?”

She felt her heart jolt. When she was told that he had mated with someone else, the pain she felt at the time was unbearable. She had cried for weeks and mourned over the loss of a man who never loved her and then she learnt of his two sons and that made the pain increase. The eldest son was now five years old which meant that he had mated with the mother of his children while he was with her.

Ava pushed that thought aside and closed her eyes. “I have been commanded to face my sins.”

She was shocked at how strong her voice had been as she heard him scoff. “Is that it? Your pathetic Alpha made you come here for that?”

She nodded.

“Walk up to that platform and watch as your ex-lover burns.”

Ava’s breath hitched again, the Alpha commandment sending a horrid shiver down her spine before she unwillingly walked. She wasn’t allowed to look up unless she was told but she could feel their eyes. The hate and need to see her head chopped off of her shoulders and some had even spat at her as she walked through the opening crowd and up the small steps.

The quiet whimpering of a woman made her eyes move to her left as she saw two small boys wrapped in their mother’s arms. The ache knowing that Shane had cheated and created those innocent lives, stung but she tried not to let it show as the Alpha followed behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder. The cold touch made her body stiffen but she refused to make a sound to indicate her fears.

“Traitorous bitch! He had so much potential, he could have produced more pups and grown his empire but instead, you took that all away. You took his life for your selfishness and now you stand in front of my Pack and act as if you have done nothing wrong. Stand with such confidence as if his death was deserved.”

She wanted to claim that it was, she wanted to open her mouth and defend herself but she knew that if she had, her body would be being burned alongside Shane’s. He kept talking, his words turning into mumbled sounds while Ezer lowly growled inside of her mind, wanting to come out. Ava couldn’t let her take over, she couldn’t let Ezer out and expose them for what she truly was although most of them knew by now. Her blood was out in the open but they didn’t know about her wolf and that was a secret that she hoped would stay hidden till the day she died.

There was a sudden shift in the air. The Alpha’s voice mellowed out into a low growl as someone cleared their throat and approached without so much as a request to do so. She felt the power and authority, she felt the person’s arrogance and confidence and for a moment, she could have sworn that she smelt Lucas’s scent.

“Your speech is getting utterly tiresome,” Lucas spoke with boredom as her eyes snapped up and met his. The brown in his eyes swirled with anger and resentment but he was buffering and that made her heart swell. “What exactly is the aim?”

“Why the fuck is a Vampire peasant doing on my lands!?”

“You mistake me for a peasant?” Lucas laughed, his smile reaching his eyes while he kept walking. He held no fear and his strides held so much confidence and professionalism that she felt her body wanting to fall to her knees and ask him what he wanted her to do with her mouth and body.

Her eyes widened at that thought and quickly looked away before he saw that she was turned on by this act of his. “You reck of blood.”

“And that makes me a peasant?” Lucas laughed again. “Oh, I can’t wait to tell my brothers about that misjudgment.”

She felt the Alpha shift as if he finally realised his mistake and then stood up straighter. “What do you want?”

“I want the girl but it seems like your eyes want her more.”

Her own eyes widened at that. She felt her face flush before she took a step away from the male beside her. It was a mistake of course as they both suddenly looked at her before the man spoke. “What I want with this mutt is none of your concern.”

“It is when that apparent mutt is the future princess of my kingdom.”

Breaths were sucked in due to his words. The Alpha’s body stiffened as she wanted to know what Lucas was planning. She wanted to know where her brothers were and she wanted to know why Lucas had ignored her request to do this herself. He had said three times that she wasn’t going to do this alone and she had ignored those three times but now she wished she hadn’t. He was taking a massive risk and for what? A female that he was soul-bound to out of pure misfortune?

Lucas walked up the stairs, taking her chin in his hands before he tilted her face to look into his eyes. He wanted her to play along, he wanted her to trust him but all she could do was get lost in those brown orbs of his and gently sign in relief. “Yes, this one will do well as my future bride.”

His words struck a sudden cord inside of her heart. He wasn’t telling the world that they were mates. In fact, he was pretending that he was taking her out of spite and as her eyes sparkled with amusement, she saw his eyes soften in relief before he dropped his hand. “What was the price for that life?”

“He was my Beta, this mutt should be killed for what she has taken from me!” The man seethed while he eyed them. “What you want to do with her after I am finished with her is none of my business.”

“Good, then I’ll take her now and be on my way.”

“You will do no such thing!” He snapped as Lucas raised a curious eyebrow. “She is to be punished!”

“Oh? But isn’t being taken by bloodthirsty vampires and thrown into a kingdom where she will be sucked dry until her heart stops beating, punishment enough?”

The bastard considered it for a moment while he looked down at her with disgust. “That is a better punishment than rape.”

The air shifted, Lucas’s eyes darkening with internal rage before she blinked and found his hand wrapped around the Alpha’s throat. The pack stood frozen in fear as Lucas got in the man’s face and seethed through his teeth. “If it is rape you want, it is rape you will get.”

The next events happened so quickly that she barely had time to register what was going on before her. Three other male vampires appeared, the Alpha was thrown onto the ground with a loud thud before he was screaming and begging to be saved. The males were on top of him, their fangs in his skin while they slowly devoured his blood and violated his body in such a way that he would have been wishing that his ass was being filled.

A single heartbeat was all it took for her to finally look back up and meet the soft eyes of Lucas before he smiled and took her heart. “I told you that I would never allow you to do this on your own.”

And now she believed him.

Authors note; This chapter came way later than I wanted 🤦🏻‍♀️ but if I push through, there should be five chapters every monday from now on....if not, I'll make up for it the following week with ten chapters.

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