The Vampire’s Human / Book One ✔️

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Seven: Trust Fall

Zack tried not to think about how sweaty his hand was or how much he was shaking as he walked hand in hand with Mackenzie to the lake. He was surprised that she had agreed to come and from the events of the day before, he started to have hope that just maybe, she was finally accepting him as her mate.

He felt like an idiotic mess as she looked around with a content smile on her face. She was stunning and here he was, feeling like his heart was on fire as he tried to find words to talk to her but he couldn’t. Every time he tried he felt like he was saying the most stupid kinds of words imaginable.

It was quite pathetic, he went from being a confident guy who was raised to be a king to some kid who was lost without his woman but she did this to him. He was becoming increasingly silent because he would rather hear her voice and laugh than his own. He went from being selfish and reasonably entitled to being selfless towards others and realised that his entitlement means shit if he doesn’t have the respect of his people and Mackenzie.

And then there was the hand-holding, he wasn’t complaining but he was more confused than anything. She just started to get touchy and would occasionally touch his hair and remove strands from his face. Zack had almost opened his mouth to comment once but stopped himself before it was too late, if he had said something, she would stop and he doesn’t want her to stop.

Mack suddenly gasped and her grin widened. “Look! Over there!”

He followed her finger and saw the duckling he had helped a few days ago, running around the lake with its siblings. He didn’t want to say it but he wasn’t remotely interested in them, he had used them as an excuse to ask Mack out on a date and noticed how her face had lit up the first time she laid eyes on them causing him to think of this little idea.

Zack didn’t get a chance to say anything as she let go of his hand and ran towards them before dropping to her knees. Her hair kept falling into her face but she didn’t seem to mind as her brown eyes were wide with adoration. He liked watching her and had requested that his brothers stop following her around so that he could do it himself. He knew that it was creepy on his part but he couldn’t figure her out and hiring a personal maid didn’t help either. Daisy has done a good job and finding out Mack’s insecurities warmed his heart but he was also guilty for making these people do this to her so that he could learn who she was and what she was about instead of doing it himself and he has changed that.

He needed to stop being a pussy and face her himself.

Zack placed the basket filled with baked goods Mackenzie had made before grabbing some bread and joining her. “Here.”

She turned and eyed the bread before taking it from his hands and feeding the ducks. For wild animals, they were very friendly and he wondered if Raph had anything to do with this. His brother was barely in the castle and would constantly be out in the woods doing something so the idea that maybe he had softened these ducks places a silent chuckle into Zack’s chest. Raphael Woods, the secret softy.

“My sister hated this kind of thing.” Mack chuckled to herself. “She preferred swords and killing where all I wanted to do was sow clothes and maybe own a kitten.”

“You want a pet cat?”

She shrugged, her face slowly turning red as she avoided eye contact. “Well, actually I wanted a child, not a kitten but back then a pet was my only option.”

He felt his heart skip again and had to swallow the lump that had formed in his throat. He tried not to think about this kind of thing but the way his vampire side had been acting didn’t like how they haven’t fully mated and the thought caused his pants to tighten. She was stunning inside and out and as a man who wasn’t attracted to tinny women, Mack was perfect. Her every curve caused an ache that he had to submerge into cold water on a daily bases and here she was mentioning a child, a child they will make one day.

“I can help with both of those things.” He cockily said as her face darkened even more and gained a wack on the shoulder. He could sense her arousal from his words and he couldn’t help his cocky smile. Mack played out as if he didn’t affect her but yet, daily he could feel how badly she wanted to jump him and he could not wait for that day.

The injured duckling took Mack’s attention away from him as he glared at the small creature behind her back. It quaked and gobbled up the bread from her hands as she laughed at the feeling and grabbed Zack’s hand so that he could feel it as well. Its little beak peaked at his skin but he didn’t feel it, only the sparks that erupted around where Mack was holding.

“I wanted to talk to you about something.” He started as the duckling jumped into Mack’s hands. “I know you made a promise to Ziggy but August has said that he will take over that promise if you agree to this.”

Mack’s eyebrows slightly frowned at his words while she gently pat the top of the duckling’s head. “What is it?”

“Would you agree to go back to your home? I know you have a few things there that you would like to have and I would love to see your store.” His last words were slightly a lie but also true. He was planning on building her own tailors after they marry but he wanted to see how she ran her store to do it.

He waited for an answer but all he received was her intense, shocked stare before he suddenly had the breath sucked out of him. The duckling had been placed back down as her arms were wrapped around his neck and her lips pressing against his as if her life depended on it.

The sparks of the mate bond erupted as his entire body and with her pressing herself against him, he had to slightly move his bottom half away so that she couldn’t feel how hard she had just made him feel.

Her lips were soft and the slight groan that he had made shocked him as his hands wrapped themselves into her hair. Their lips moved together as if they were made to be moulded like this before she finally pulled away with a wide grin on her face. “I want to go now!”

He tried to catch his breath as he wheezed out a laugh at her excitement. “I’ll do anything to get that again.”

Her eyes brightened as her smile widened even further before she threw herself at him again. At this rate, they were not walking back.

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