The Vampire’s Human / Book One ✔️

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Eight: A New Beginning

Her legs bounced in suspense as she ate her food as fast as she possibly could. Mack couldn’t help it, her excitement was driving her crazy as she had a two-week boat trip ahead of her.

The idea of going back to where she was born and raised should have sent an odd feeling of emptiness but instead, she was looking forward to scavenging through her empty store and relocating particular items that she needed.

Mack never kept her personal belongings in her shared room with four sisters. Not because they were just hers but, because they were personal items that Marley and herself shared together.

“You look like you need to pee.” Luke laughed as he ate his breakfast. Both Lucas and Raphael had joined her for breakfast and wanted to say their own goodbyes before she left. It was sweet but she still held a little grudge that they followed Zack’s orders and were keeping notes on her for future use. Not like they were bad notes, all she mainly does is try to befriend the maids, annoys Daisy with her Vampire questions and invades the library. Every now and then she would go into the village to continue with her wedding dress but right now Ryan had everything organised, all she needed to do was pick it when the time comes.

Mack laughed. “I’m just excited. I have a few things stored away that I want to get back to.”

Raph raised an eyebrow, his one grey eye seeming to look right through her. “What are these few things you are wanting to retrieve?”

“None of your business.” She responded with a mouth full of food, earning a disgusted scowl in response.

“Leave her be.” Luke laughed at his brother as he took a sip of his drink. “This one here picked up a strange scent a few miles away.”

Raph glared. “I told you that in secret!”

Luke grinned and raised his hands up in surrender. “Hey! Maybe if it is your mate, you will finally have that carrot pulled out of your ass!”

Raphael’s chair scraped against the floor as he stood in anger. Mack barely blinked when both brothers were on each other. Luke yelped as he somehow escaped his brother’s headlock and ran out of the dining room with a quick goodbye as he ran.

She couldn’t help but laugh at the two of them as she finished up her breakfast and cleaned the table. Every morning, Luke would say something to piss Raph off and then suddenly, they would both be gone in a blink of an eye. The echoes of their stretching through the halls were the only evidence that they had been in the room with her and she found that quite amusing. For royals, they definitely didn’t act like they had been born and raised to be mature men, especially Lucas and Mack couldn’t help but look forward to meeting their mates.

Those girls or boys will be just as chaotic as they are.

Mack handed the last lot of plates to the chiefs before leaving the kitchen. She was ready to go and had been waiting for Zack but she figured he was already down at the docks waiting for her. She wanted to say goodbye to Daisy and August but they were nowhere in sight and neither were Ziggy and her felines. Without Luke and Raph joining her for breakfast, the castle felt empty and deserted.

She shook off the disappointed feeling however and carried on with her morning routine before finally leaving the castle. She took the path that lead down towards the docks at a slow pace. As much as she was in a hurry to get going, she wasn’t ready to say goodbye to this place yet. Granted, Mack was coming back but this place felt like home and leaving it meant that she was leaving a piece of herself behind as well.

With one last look at the castle, she turned away and carried on down the path. Her eyes landed on Zack as he stood and talked to the captain of their small ship. This ship was smaller than the one she had been kidnapped in and for a moment she could have sworn she saw a distressed look on Zack’s face as she came closer to the two males.

“What is wrong?”

Zack turned and sheepishly looked at Mack as the captain took that opportunity to run. “Uh, I think I should show you first.”

She just gave him a look but followed in silence as they entered the ship’s lower deck and walked along the small corridor. Zack opened one of the cabin doors and she came face to face with a double bed and a beautifully decorated room. “I don’t see what the problem is.”

“We have to share a room.”

Her heart jumped into her throat as she turned to face him. “NO!”

“What?” He questioned with a raised eyebrow. “Are you afraid of me?”

Mack shook her head as she slightly groaned. If he knew the danger of sharing a bed with her, he probably would have tried in their room back at the castle a long time ago. “No, I’m just not ready to share a room with a smelly boy!”

“Oh, so I smell?”

“You stink!”

Zack had gotten close to her face as pure amusement swirled in his chocolate-coloured eyes. “I don’t see you pulling away.”

“Funny that you think I’ll back down that easily!”

“We are sharing a room.”

“No, we are not!”

At this point, she found herself up against the now-closed door as she could feel his lips grazing hers. Her hormones were spiralling out of control as she had to stop herself from leaning forward and aggressively biting his bottom lip until it bleed but she didn’t need to as he had the same idea.

An embarrassingly loud moan came through her as their lips joined and fought for dominance. Her lips wrapped around his waist as she had fist fulls of his hair in her fingers. Adrenaline rushed through her as Mack’s stubborn side wanted to win this argument but she knew better, he won the second his hands started to slide up her legs and his thumbs rubbed against the inside of her thighs while she produced the most sexual-sounding moan she had ever made.

Zack pulled away but not before pulling her bottom lip with his teeth as he huskily spoke. “We are sharing a bed.”

Mack nodded as she tried to catch her breath. “We are sharing a bed.”

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