The Vampire Vigilante

Chapter 27

When I got back to the castle I dragged my feet as I trudged to Erik's room. I slowly opened the door to see that he was sound asleep in the bed, snoring lightly. I smiled as I watched this handsome man, who was all mine, sleeping so peacefully. I decided to not wake him so I quietly grabbed some pajamas from the drawer and went to the bathroom to wash my face.

Once I was finished in the bathroom I tip-toed to the bed and snuggled down into the covers. Erik automatically wrapped his arm around me and the warmth from his touch sent me into a state of instant drowsiness.

I woke up to the faint feeling of Erik brushing his fingertips against my arm. I smiled and rolled over to face him. "Good morning."

"Good morning, my love," he replied, taking my hand and kissing it, "How was your night?"

"Um," I said, biting my lip, "Eventful. I actually left early and came home."

"Why?" Erik asked, sitting up on his elbow. I shrugged my shoulders. "Just the fame of Malachi dying has some people all fired up. There were some guys in there that didn't like what I had done, and thought that I was a liar. I had to stop them from doing something stupid in public and it was just too much to take, so I left."

"Did they hurt you?" he asked, eyes instantly glowing. I smiled and put a hand on the side of his face. "No, my love. They were shut down before that happened." He breathed a sigh of relief. "Good. I would hate for something to happen to you."

"I just think I need to take some time before I go out in public like that again," I replied, "There are still people out there who supported Malachi."

"True," Erik said. He looked over behind me at the clock and groaned. "I have so much shit to do today."

"I do too," I replied, "I have to help Rex with training today, apparently."

"Ah, yes," he said, "You do, don't you?" I rolled my eyes and smiled at him as the phone rang. He reached over and answered it.

"Hello?" I instantly heard Rex barking orders on the other end. He held the phone out away from his ear and looked at me with a smile.

"She will be down there by 8, don't worry," he said, "We still have an hour and a half." I smiled as I put my hand on his chest, running my fingernails along his sternum.

"Yes," Erik said, "I will be in interviews today. I'll make sure she will be there on time." I heard Rex continue to talk on the other line so I decided to cut this conversation short as I let my hand trail down to the edge of his underwear.

His eyes shot to mine and began to burn with intensity. I felt him stiffen on the other side of his underwear, so I let my hand trail down to grasp him fully. He swallowed hard, trying to keep his composure. "Rex, I hear you. I have to go and get ready for interviews. Bye." He hung up the phone as I began to pump my hand along his length.

"Oh yes," he groaned, throwing his head back. I smiled as I ducked under the covers and pulled his underwear off. I gave him a few more pumps before I let my tongue lick the tip and I felt goosebumps rise on his legs.

I took as much of him as I could into my mouth and worked up and down. I heard a growl escape from his lips as I continued the motions.

He then yanked the covers away from us and got out from underneath me. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me up into his lap, devouring my lips with his. I pulled my pants and underwear off and slowly sat down on him, gasping once he entered me.

"You feel so good," he groaned as I rocked my hips back and forth slowly. I began to pick up the speed as his breathing became more shallow. I felt my release climbing up on me before he picked me up and walked us to the bathroom.

He set me on the counter and took off my shirt before he turned the water on in the shower. As he let the water heat up, he placed his lips on mine while he slowly entered inside of me. My breath got caught in my throat as he slowly moved back and forth. Once the shower was warm enough he picked me up and walked us under the warm water.

He sat me down on my feet and turned me around before he plunged into me again. I cried out in pleasure as he started slowly and then picked up speed. My legs began to shake as I felt the climax growing in my lower abdomen and he went even faster.

I yelled out as I clamped down on him in my release and he stroked one more time to make himself come. My whole body exploded in goosebumps as we came down from our release.

Erik sighed and leaned his chin on my shoulder. I smiled and looked up at him, giving him a sweet kiss. "You're amazing."

"That's you, love," he replied with a chuckle as he started to wash his hair.

We finally finished in the shower and I started to get ready for training with Rex. I looked at the clock to see it was already 7:45 so I hurried as I tied my tennis shoes and ran over to Erik who was buttoning his shirt.

"I have to go," I said, kissing his cheek, "I'll see you later."

"Have fun," he said with a laugh as I ran out of the door and down to the training area.

Once I got outside, Rex was already there waiting. I waved as I walked up and stepped into the arena.

"Well at least you're on time," she said with a snarl, "The other guards on the other hand, are late."

"It's just now eight," I said, "They will probably be here any second."

"Good guards are always early," she growled as a group of men and women came around the corner. I watched as they nervously walked up and looked at us. Rex scanned their faces before she landed on the man in the middle.

He was average height, maybe about six foot tall, with blonde hair shaved down short and seemed to be the most confident of them.

"Name," she spat out at him.

"Nev," he replied, "From the Jaquis Kingdom." The Jaquis Kingdom was over in Italy.

He has traveled a long way to come here.

"What's your experience in the guard?" Rex asked.

"I served under King Louis for the past 3 years," he answered, "I worked the front lines for the army and I am well-equipped in experience in leadership."

"You," Rex said as she pointed at a woman, "Name."

"Rose," she answered nervously, "From the Navarre Kingdom. I trained in the guard for about 7 months before coming here."

"You two will fight," Rex stated, "Mel and I will watch and give feedback."

The two stood facing each other and Nev let Rose take the first strike. He easily defended himself and grabbed her by the throat before pinning her down.

"Check!" Rex called out. They both exited but I decided to intervene.

"Wait," I called out, "Rose, when you go on the attack make sure to keep your weak points away from impact. That way you are guarding yourself at the same time."

"Thank you," she said, "I'll remember that."

The rest of the day went similar to the first 30 minutes. Rex would call a set of guards up to fight and I would give feedback. When it was finally lunch, I could tell that I wasn't the only one ready for a break.

Rex and I went into the dining hall to fix our plates. The other guards went after us and sat on the far end of the table while Rex and I sat by ourselves on the opposite end. We began to eat before Rex struck up a conversation.

"So how's it going with lover-boy?" she asked, smiling as she took a bite. I shrugged my shoulders. "It's good."

"It's better than good, from what I can tell," she laughed, "I haven't seen king Donovan acting like this before; he's absolutely smitten over you."

You don't even know the half of it.

"You're right, I don't," she said as she looked up at me with smirk. I nearly choked on my food and looked at her with shock.

"What the hell?" I asked, "Is that your power?"

"Bingo," she answered with a chuckle, "You had asked a while back what my abilities were, and I can read minds."

"Oh, god," I said, holding my face, "Then you know everything I thought about you at first."

"I do," she said as she took a bite, "But I don't hold it against you. And don't worry, I'm not going to probe your mind. I heard what you thought of king Donovan the first time we met and I wanted to vomit. I mean, don't get me wrong he's handsome as fuck but I'm not into guys."

"Ah," I said, "Gotcha. Keep my thoughts to myself." Rex burst into laughter as I grimaced while I ate.

"It's fine," she said, "Trust me, I don't mind anything you think about me. I've heard worse."

"Well," I said after I took a bite, "For the record, I think you're pretty cool. Truly someone I consider a friend."

"I think you're rather cool yourself," Rex said, "I think of you as a friend as well. And I also think you're pretty bad-ass."

"Thanks," I laughed, "It just comes natural." She flicked a pea at me from her fork and smiled. I heard my cell phone chime so I pulled it out of my pocket to check and see who it was.

Unfortunately I will be busy the rest of the day with interviews, but I will see you tonight. Hopefully it won't be rushed like this morning. ;)

I smiled as thoughts from this morning flashed through my mind; I couldn't wait for more tonight.

"Gross," Rex mumbled, putting her fork down. I looked up at her and smiled. "I thought you were done probing my mind?"

"Noted," she replied, "I guess I didn't take you for the nympho type." I burst into laughter as I put my napkin and fork in my plate and stood up.

We both put our plates in the sink in the kitchen and I grabbed a coke when I decided it was a nice day to do some reading up in the library. I pulled my phone out and sent Erik a quick text back.

I sure hope u have a good day being busy. I will be in the library. Can't wait to see u tonight. XO

"You both are just absolutely disgusting," Rex said as she leaned over my shoulder. I pulled my phone against my chest and glared at her playfully. "Now you read my thoughts and my texts? I do have personal space, you know."

"I'm just curious," she said with a smile, "On what it feels like to be in love." I rubbed my arm nervously; I was not good at heart to heart conversations with friends.

"You've never been in love?" I asked, leaning against the counter. She shook her head. "Nope. I've had a bunch of flings here and there, but nobody I really connected with."

"It's something you will know the moment you meet that special person," I replied, "And your person will come. Don't worry, there is someone out there for you."

"I keep believing that," she mumbled, "But I'm just not so sure it's true."

"Hey," I said, putting my hand on her arm, "You're an amazing person. Someone is out there who will break those walls down around that iron-clad heart of yours." She laughed and nodded. "Okay, okay. We all know how I am. I'll just keep waiting until that someone comes along, I guess."

"Keep your head up," I said, "Everyone has someone out there for them to love." She smiled and patted my back, almost a little too hard. "Don't be keeping my king late to his appointments, that's all I ask."

"No promises!" I exclaimed as we walked out of the kitchen and went our separate ways. I heard her hearty laugh all the way down the hall as I made my way up to the library.

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