The Vampire Vigilante

Chapter 26

I was busy packing up my room when I heard a small knock at the door. I turned around and opened it to see Maya grinning on the other side. She skipped in and sat on my bed, kicking her legs.

"Sooooo," she said, "Tell me all the gossip." I chuckled as I put my last t-shirt in a box and set it to the side. I walked over to the bed and sat next to her. "Where do I even start?"

"Just tell me everything!" she exclaimed, "I wanna know how you killed him."

"Alright," I replied, "So Erik and I were out to dinner. Some girl was in the bathroom and knocked me out, and when I woke up Malachi had me chained up in this warehouse with silver. I managed to kill Callus, who was probably the worst of all of them. He was always the one who did what he wanted with me." Maya's face fell sad as I continued.

"But," I said, "I killed him. So then I broke out and ran as far as I could until I thought I was safe. Of course, Malachi found me. And Erik came too, trying to protect me. We were all fighting and stuff and I died."

"Wait," she said with a shocked look on her face, "Dead? Like really dead?" I nodded. "Yes, I was dead. And I woke up in this meadow. It was beautiful, Maya. My parents were there and so were all of the Royal vampires who had passed."

"That's crazy," she whispered, "Like totally insane."

"I know," I replied, "The craziest part is that Queen Iris was there. She told me that I had to unite the kingdoms and all of this shit, then she gave me all of the powers of the originals. Oh, and a new tattoo." I turned away from her and lifted my shirt to show her my extended tattoo. She made an 'ooh' noise as I turned back around.

"So," I continued, "When I came back to, I legit ripped Malachi's head off. I was so mad and I felt all of this was insane."

"Well," she said, rubbing her head, "I'm glad you're alive and okay! I was worried when Erik came back frantic. He legit almost tore the castle apart trying to find you. He was gone for days looking for you. Then you both come back all beat up and stuff. So like I said, I'm glad you're alive! I missed my bestie." She wrapped her arms around me and I hugged her back.

"I missed you too," I replied, tightening my squeeze on her. She pulled away and tapped her finger against her chin. "We need to celebrate."

"Celebrate what, exactly?" I asked, chuckling. She rolled her eyes. "You chopping up Malachi, of course! Let me text Ashley." She began to work her thumbs on her phone and I held my hands up.

"Whoa," I said, "I don't think so. I just got back."

"Yeah," she said, snatching her phone away from me with a smile, "But you're basically un-killable, right? So a little night out with the girls won't hurt! Come on, it's my night off. Please!" I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Oh, alright. But who is Ashley?"

"Ashley and Vicky are two maids that work for the council," she answered, "They are super cool. You'll like them!"

"I don't want to go anywhere super popular," I grumbled, "I already get stared enough in public as it is."

"Fine," she huffed, "We will go downtown to Jeff's. Its a little bar on the end of the main street. Usually a little busy, but not like a club would be. Casual wear, too."

"Sounds good," I replied, laughing, "You make me do some of the most uncomfortable things."

"Isn't that what friends are for?" she asked, "To bring you out of your shell?"

"I guess," I replied, smiling as I went back to another box and started piling leggings in it.

"Do you think Erik would let his driver take us?" Maya asked, getting in the floor to help. I shrugged. "I don't see why not. I'll ask him." I walked over to the phone and dialed his number.

"Missing me already?" he answered. I laughed. "Always, love. But I do have a question."

"What's that?" he replied. I bit my lip. "Do you think you could get your driver to take Maya and I to Jeff's bar tonight? She is begging me to go out with her and a few friends for some drinks. To celebrate."

"Of course," he answered smoothly, "Just be safe. I'll have the driver give you your cell phone, as well. I meant to give it to you earlier and completely forgot. Someone distracted me this morning." My cheeks got hot and a blush spread across my face. "Thank you. I think we are leaving at...?" I looked over at Maya, who was holding up eight fingers. "Eight."

"I will have him out front and ready for you," he replied, "And I will see you when you return, my love."

"I'll see you tonight," I said, smiling, "Love you."

"And I love you," he said before hanging up.

"He said he will have his driver take us," I said to Maya as we kept packing boxes, "Just don't make it too crazy tonight."

"Oh, never!" she exclaimed. We then got back to packing boxes as Maya danced with the pop music I had playing in the background.

We packed several boxes full of clothes before we got ready to leave. Maya left and went to get dressed while I dug through clothes to figure out what would be appropriate for tonight. I picked out a light blue cropped top and some skinny jeans with sneakers. I pulled the top part of my hair back and left some around my face to frame it. I applied a touch of concealer, blush, and mascara. I set the last of the boxes beside the door to my room and headed downstairs to meet Maya.

She was wearing a cute button-up shirt with jeans, booties, and her hair was pulled up in a tight bun. Her lipstick was a simple pink and her cheeks had a natural blush to them, so makeup was always minimal for her.

We got into the SUV with the driver, who I figured out his name was Daniel. I sent Erik a quick text to let him know we were heading out.

Hey, it's Mel. Just letting u kno we are leaving. See you soon. XO

"I'm so excited!" Maya exclaimed as we pulled out of the drive. I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"Are you not?" she asked, looking at me. I shrugged my shoulders. "I am, I just haven't been out on a girls night before."

"Well," she chuckled, "It will be fun. I promise!" I laughed as my phone chimed.

Be careful. I will be waiting when you get home. XO

I smiled and tucked my phone away as Maya made fake gagging noises. I gently pushed her shoulder as she burst into laugher.

We drove for about 20 minutes before we pulled up at a quaint little bar on the outskirts of town. There were cars parked to the side in the parking lot, but it didn't look too packed.

Thank goodness.

We went in and sat down at the bar next to who I presumed was Ashley and Vicky. The one sitting next to Maya had long black hair, a dark complexion, and seemed to be extremely tall and fit. She appeared to be mostly of Indian origin. The other girl had short black hair, the same color to her skin that the first had, and deep gray eyes. They each had that red dot between their eyebrows.

"This is Ashley," Maya said, gesturing to the first girl, "And Vicky! Gosh, have I missed you guys!"

"Nice to meet you both," I replied, "I'm Mel."

"Oh we have heard all about you," Ashley chuckled, "Maya won't shut up about you."

"I have to say," Vicky added, "We are curious ourselves as to what makes you so special."

"Have you seen the news?" Maya said, "I mean come on; this girl beat Malachi without raising a finger!"

"Shh," I said, motioning my hands down, "Maya don't be so loud, please." She covered her mouth with a smile. "Sorry!"

The bartender came up and asked us for our drink order. I got a vodka and cranberry, Maya got some type of margarita, and Ashley and Vicky both got straight whiskey.

Jesus, they mean business.

I noticed Ashley and Vicky looking behind our backs at the pool table, so I snuck a peek myself. There were 4 guys playing pool, steadily looking our way.

"If they stare any harder we may turn to stone," I grumbled, taking a drink of my vodka. Ashley laughed. "Oh, it's just a little fun. We aren't all taken like you two are."

"I'm not taken," Maya said, almost angrily.

"What happened to Chris?" I asked, leaning back in my chair. She huffed. "He's kind of a playboy, I guess. I found out he has girls all over that he just calls up and they are there for his beck and call." I made a face. "Damn, Maya. I'm sorry." She shrugged her shoulders. "I mean, I can play that game too." I leaned my head back and laughed.

We had some small talk after a few drinks went down almost too smoothly. Vicky leaned over and looked at me with a smile. "So what's up with these powers you have?" I shrugged my shoulders with a playful smile. "They're just...I don't know how to explain it. I just think of whatever I want to happen, and it happens."

"Show them!" Maya squealed. I chuckled and set my drink down. I looked around the room to see if there was something I could do without drawing too much attention. I noticed there was a dart board across the room, and a few darts on the bar down from where Vicky was sitting.

"Watch the darts," I said, causing my eyes to shine bright blue. They all looked at the darts and I focused my energy on them.


The darts flew across the room with incredible speed, all 3 of them, and they collided into each other once they all hit the bullseye of the dart board.

Maya was bursting with excitement, while Ashley and Vicky slowly turned to look at me with their mouths wide open.

"Might want to close your mouth," I laughed, "Fly might get in there." They shook their heads and looked at me in fascination.

"That's absolutely crazy," Ashley said, "You are one bad ass bitch." I threw my head back and laughed as the bartender came over and gave us another round of drinks. I looked up in confusion because I knew I didn't order one.

"From the guys over at the pool tables," the bartender said. We all turned around and looked at them. They were smiling back and I turned around, putting my hand on my forehead.

"I call dibs on the big guy," Ashley said, licking her lips. I rolled my eyes and traced my finger around the rim of my glass. I stiffened when I felt an arm slide around the back of my chair from the left. I looked up to see a blonde man standing next to me. He had gray eyes, blonde hair that was almost in a mullet, a little over 6 foot tall, and had on way too much axe body spray.

God this man smells like a frat house.

I turned my nose up and raised an eyebrow at him. "Can I help you?" He looked all the way from my feet to meet my gaze, which was not inviting.

"I sure hope you can," he replied, smiling, "You sure are pretty."

"Thanks," I grumbled, scooting to the edge of my seat and grabbing my drink.

"Do you have a name?" he asked, getting his arm a little closer to my back.

"Mel," I answered, taking a sip of my drink, "And yours?"

"Steven," he replied, sticking his chest out, "I go to the university. Quarterback of the football team, too." I mentally rolled my eyes and looked up at the T.V. to see my name plastered all in the news. The reporter was talking about how I took down Malachi and suffered for years under his rule after I was wrongly accused of killing my parents. It also said how I was King Donovan's new arm candy.

I put my head in my hands and groaned as Steven looked up to see a picture of Erik and me at the ball that night dancing.

"Oh shit," he exclaimed, removing his arm quickly, "I didn't realize that's who you are." His friends were talking to Maya, Ashley, and Vicky. They turned their heads to the T.V. and then back to me before they stood up straighter.

"Hey, that's the girl that killed Malachi," one of them said, "Looks like tonight just got a little more fun."

"Yeah," the other guy said, "You know Malachi was our friend, right?"

"I'm going to go," I told Maya, "I'll tell the driver to come back for you." I stood up before one of them put their hand on my shoulder, stopping me.

"Leave her alone man," Steven said, putting a hand on the guy's shoulder. I looked up at the man who had his hand on me and flashed my eyes. "I would take his advice. I don't want to cause trouble, I'm leaving."

"Like hell you are," the other guy growled as he took a few steps toward us, "You've got the whole world talking shit about Malachi and we all know you just want your 5 minutes of fame."

"Guys," Steven said, "Just leave her alone. Let her leave." The guy who had his hand on me tightened his grip and growled. I looked at him and slid out my fangs. "I would back off. Now."

"You don't scare me," he said, "I think you're full of bull shit and your little boyfriend is the one who really killed Malachi. Such a shame; he was supposed to be his friend."

"If you don't let go," I warned him, "You'll find out whether I'm full of shit or not." I watched from the corner of my eye as the other man came flying over to hit me.


He stopped mid air and went crumbling to the ground. I looked at the other man's hand that was on my shoulder and made some mist creep up his arm, stinging him every now and then. He immediately pulled his hand away and winced in pain, looking at me like I was crazy.

"You all have a good night," I said, turning to leave. I quickly went out of the door and the driver pulled over from the other side of the road. I got in and closed the door a little harder than I meant to. I leaned my head back and exhaled, realizing I had been holding my breath since I left the bar. I pulled out my cell phone and sent Erik a quick text.

Heading home. Interesting night cut short. See you shortly. XO

I laid down across the bench seat and let a tear seep out of my eye as the driver took me home.

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