The Vampire Vigilante

Chapter 19

When I walked up to the castle there were bodies flying everywhere. I saw Rex in the corner fighting a large man dressed in all black, some other soldiers fighting to my right, and several men on the ground wounded.

"Get them to medic!" Rex shouted as she ripped the man's arm clean off. Some nurses were coming out and in, grabbing as many people as they could. I looked over at Erik and saw that he was fuming. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "We can beat them." He looked back at me and grabbed one last kiss before throwing himself in the fight. I looked to my right as I heard a growl. A tall, brown-headed vampire was walking right towards me. I took stance and pounced, grabbing his shoulders and throwing him into the wall as I flipped over him. I felt my tattoo come to life as my eyes glowed bright blue when the feeling of power came over me.

I turned around and saw Erik fighting against a huge vampire, probably twice his size. He was struggling against the brute strength of the man. I looked at my hands which were already oozing the mist. I then glanced up at the tall man and wondered what I could really do with my powers.

Break his neck.

I squinted my eyes and made the words come to life. His head spun in a quick motion and his lifeless body collapsed to the ground. Erik looked over at me and I smiled back before I was grabbed by the arm and thrown to the ground. A female vampire with long blonde hair was holding me by the throat against the ground.

"Oh his Majesty will be glad to see you," she cackled. I reached my right hand up to her head and turned up the heat. The mist substance engulfed her head and she backed off of me. I jumped up and roundhouse kicked her in the jaw, sending her head flying across the grass.

The fighting went on for about another hour when I could tell everyone was beginning to grow tired. Malachi's men just kept coming by the dozens. I had scanned the enemies to see if I spotted Malachi, but of course he sent his men to do the dirty work for him. I stood back for a moment to take in what was happening.

My breath stopped when I saw Erik being held by his throat with one of Malachi's men and another about to stab him with a silver spear.

Silver was a vampire's weakness. You could heal from it, but it would take much longer than normal. Silver straight to the heart would kill us.

My instincts took over instantly and I stomped my foot on the ground, creating a semi-earthquake. Everyone stopped what they were doing and tried to stand still as the ground slowed its shaking below us. I held my hands out, palms up, and waited for the perfect moment when everyone was still. I pushed my arms down, fighting the will of Malachi's men that were still standing. I took a deep breath and concentrated as I pushed with all of the energy I still had left toward the ground. The blue mist spread across the ground around me and covered my body; it gave me the energy I needed to squeeze my hands as I lowered Malachi's men to the ground. When I finally got them all down, I released the mist and they all fell limp.

They're all dead.

Everything went silent. My tattoo finally stopped burning, my eyes went back to normal, and the mist evaporated. Erik's men started slowly moving, one by one, checking on everyone. Erik, who had fallen on the ground after I killed the man holding him by the throat, slowly stood up and looked at me with confusion. I looked down at my hands, turning them over and examining them, before I looked back up at Erik. My vision got blurry and I was seeing spots. I closed my eyes and felt myself thud against the ground as I passed out cold.

I didn't open my eyes at first when I felt myself coming back to consciousness. I heard some rustling around first, then I felt someone sitting next to me. The last thing I remembered was looking at Erik after I eliminated all of Malachi's men who were attacking us. I had no idea where I was at or who I was with, so I wanted to make sure I was safe before I opened my eyes.

I smelled the warm smell of cedar cologne and knew it was Erik. I slowly opened my eyes and noticed I was in his bed in his room. It was dark with all of the curtains pulled closed. He was sitting on the bed on my right so I reached my hand out and touched his arm gently. He snapped his gaze to me and smiled, grabbing my hand in his. "Hey, love."

"Hi," I croaked out, "What the hell happened?"

"I was hoping you could tell me," he chuckled, "All of a sudden everyone dropped like flies. I saw you standing there with that blue stuff swirling around looking like a queen and then you just fell out."

I rubbed my eyes with my left hand and blinked a few more times to adjust my eyesight. He was wearing a red button-up silk shirt, some black slacks, no shoes, and his hair was a mess. He looked like he had been through the mental ringer.

"What day is it?" I asked, slowly sitting up. He scratched the back of his head. "You've been out for 2 days, Mel." I shot up in bed and frantically looked around. "What happened to Malachi? What about the guys he sent? Did he come back-?"

"Mel," Erik said, grabbing my hands, "It's fine. Everything is fine. I talked to the council and told them what he did and apparently he fled. They have dropped all the charges and the trial for you."

"Oh thank goodness," I said, flopping back down onto the bed, "I just hope he ran far away."

"I doubt he went very far," Erik replied, "Since he didn't get the job done. I'm sure he will be back."

"Hopefully not soon," I said, "I don't think I could do that again." Erik laid in bed next to me, putting his arm around my waist. "And guess what else?"

"What?" I asked. He smiled ear to ear. "I took all of the proof I found that my dad dug up from when your parents died. They concluded from the factual evidence that you were not at fault for your parents' death. They also declared Malachi a wanted man for murder, kidnapping, assault, and attempted murder. They want to issue you a formal apology in person when you recover."

My eyes swelled with tears. This man did everything possible to clear my name and get the revenge on Malachi that I had been longing for.

I love him.

"Now you're the one who is incredible," I whispered, bringing his hand to mine and kissing it, "Thank you so much. For everything."

"You're so welcome," he replied, rubbing his thumb on my hand, "But you're still incredible" I laughed. "Oh whatever. I couldn't have done any of this without you."

"Well," he said, "What you did the other day was pretty bad ass. You killed people with your mind. I mean, who does that?"

"Me," I chuckled, "I guess." We shared a long, slow kiss for a few minutes. He pulled away and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "Can I tell you one more thing? And promise me you won't run away or stop being with me?"

"I promise," I answered, "What is it?" He took a deep breath and put his forehead against mine. "I love you, Mel."

My world started spinning as our minds fell into the same space. The electricity in our touch started to hum as my breathing matched with his.

"I love you too, Erik."

He cradled my face in his hands and gently kissed me on the lips. "You have made me the happiest man alive." I smiled at him and touched his forearms. "And you have made me the happiest woman alive." He smiled back at me and kissed my forehead. "How about something to eat?" My stomach growled in response loudly.

"Sounds like a yes to me," he replied, chuckling, "Let me get you something."

"I can walk," I said, getting out of bed. My legs were still weak, but I was able to bear my weight without difficulty. Erik wrapped an arm around me to help me out of the room and down the hall where we ran into Maya.

"Oh my goodness, you're awake!" She exclaimed, "You don't know how happy I am to see you!" She gave me a big hug and smiled.

"And I'm so happy to see you!" I replied, "I'm so glad you're okay."

"We will have to catch up later," Maya said, winking at me. I blushed, knowing exactly what she was talking about.

Your hot, steamy sex with Erik.

"Sounds great," I said, smiling, "I'll catch you later?"

"Yes mam!" She answered. She gave me one more hug and skipped off to her chores.

"I'm glad you two became friends," Erik said as we walked to the kitchen, "She is really a sweet girl and needed someone like you in her life."

"She's great," I replied, "I'm lucky to have her as a best friend."

We went to the kitchen, which was empty, and snacked on a meat tray and cheese platter. We laughed and talked about normal things like who the kardashians are.

Once we finished eating, I decided a nice, hot shower would do me some good. Erik went to his office for a while to give me some much-needed alone time in my own room.

I loved having him around and being there for me, but I also enjoyed my alone time. I turned the water as hot as it would go before I stepped in and let the steam do it's work. The power that I had exerted the other day made my body feel sore, almost like I had ran a marathon. I massaged my shoulders with some eucalyptus soap before I started washing my hair.

I looked at my legs and realized they were starting to get a little hairy, so I made sure everything was baby smooth before I finished and stepped out. I took the towel and wiped the mirror off so I could finish my self-care with some face serums and moisturizer.

Maya's famous last words: moisturizer and SPF are a girl's best friend.

I plucked a few stray eyebrow hairs and put morrocan oil on my hair before I blow-dried it. I pulled it back in a bun and put on some lotion. I reached behind my neck and rubbed my tattoo; it was sore from the other day as well.

You did kill about 100 men with whatever powers you have going on.

I sighed and walked out of the bathroom to find Maya waiting on me eagerly.

"How long have you been waiting out here?" I chuckled as I started to put on some leggings and a t-shirt.

"Not long," she answered, swinging her legs as she sat on the edge of my bed, "I just wanted to know the juicy deets of what is going down between you and King Donovan!"

"Oh goodness," I replied, laughing as I sat on the bed next to her. I took one of the throw pillows and sat it in my lap. "Where do you want me to start?"

"Ohhhh this is gonna be good!" She squealed, "We need alcohol!" I looked at the clock and realized it was nearly 8 in the evening. "Why not? Let me get some wine." I called down to the kitchen and had 3 bottles of wine delivered to my room. We turned on some soft pop music, opened the large doors to the balcony, and enjoyed some girl time.

"So ya'll banged, right?" She asked, "I mean, me and Christopher do it every time we get the chance."

"Is he the guy you were with the night of the ball?" I laughed, "Or is this someone new you need to fill me in on?"

"Oh that's Chris alright," she answered with stars in her eyes, "He's handsome, sweet, and damn good in bed!" We burst into laugher as the first bottle of wine was finished a little too quickly.

"So," I continued after we got on the subject of Maya's boy toy, "To answer your question: yes, we have had sex."

"Oh my GOD!" She exclaimed, jumping up and down on the bed.

Please don't spill wine on these white covers.

"What was it like?" She asked. "Was it like banging?" She made a fast thrusting motion. "Or was it like muah-muah-muah?" She made kissing noises and pretended to be making out with someone.

"More like the second part," I answered, laughing uncontrollably, "And let me tell you it was damn good."

"I knew it!" She exclaimed, "I knew you would end up together. Does he have a big dick?" I nearly spit out my wine; hearing Maya curse like that just didn't sound right.

"I'll let you think about that one," I answered, smiling. She fell back onto the bed and sighed. "You lucky bitch."

"You sure cuss a lot more when you drink," I laughed, "But I'm not complaining."

"Shit happens," she replied, filling her glass back up.

Bottle number 2 gone.

"Easy there, killer," I chuckled, opening the other bottle and pouring myself a glass.

"So what about Malachi?" She asked, "Where the hell did he run off to I wonder?"

"I don't know," I answered, taking a drink, "And I don't care. The next time I see him it will be his last days on this earth, I can promise you that."

"We got a badass over here," Maya sang out. I couldn't help but love this girl, especially when she was half-drunk.

"That's me," I replied, getting up and grabbing her hand to dance as Starboy by The Weeknd played. We sang and danced through the whole song before the phone next to my bed rang. I walked over and answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey you." Erik's voice was incredibly husky tonight and sent chills down my spine.

"Hey there," I replied, "How's the office work going?" I had to cover my mouth to hold back laughter as Maya stood in front of me, both hands out, thrusting her hips.

"Just about finished," he answered, "You girls having fun yet?"

"We are," I replied, waving Maya off as she stuck out her tongue and wiggled it around, "We are about done with the wine though. Or at least Maya is."

"Am not!" She yelled out. Erik burst into laughter. "Well I just wanted to check in and let you know I will be heading to bed soon. We have a long morning ahead of us; the council wants you to go up there to talk."

"Oh great," I huffed, "Will you be going?"

"Of course," he replied, "There is no place else I would rather be." I smiled. "I'll be in bed shortly."

"I'll be waiting," he replied. Goosebumps prickled all over my body and I had to swallow hard to get my composure under control. "Sounds perfect."

"Love you," he whispered. Maya was about to shit herself.

"Love you," I replied before hanging up the phone. I looked up at Maya who's jaw was at the floor.

"You guys are using the L word?" She exclaimed, "Already?"

"Yes," I laughed, "But he said it first. And it was only this morning."

"Oh I'm jealous," she replied, "Chris and I aren't there. Yet."

"You'll get there," I said, pouring our last glasses of wine.

"How did you know?" She asked, "That he's the one?" I shrugged my shoulders. "To be honest, the first time we touched it was like this crazy experience. It was like static electricity. When we kissed, it's like the feeling intensified. And Erik feels it too. It's something that I can't really explain. I don't know, it just feels perfectly right."

Maya looked at me with a huge smile on her face. "I'm so fucking happy for you." She grabbed me and wrapped me in a tight hug.

"Thanks for being my best friend," I whispered, "You're the best."

"Thank you for being MY best friend," she replied, sniffling, "I've never had one, and it's pretty nice."

"Don't get all teary on me," I said, shaking her a little. She laughed as she backed away, wiping a tear. "I'm sorry! It's a mix of the alcohol and happiness." She grabbed the empty bottles of wine and our empty glasses. "Don't let me keep you any longer! I know you're dying for a nice bang right now. You two have fun!" She gave me a kiss on the cheek before she meandered out of the room and into the hallway.

I took my hair down and ran my fingers through it as I went to the bathroom and grabbed a toothbrush to brush my teeth. I made sure to get my tongue good so I wouldn't taste like a brewery. I walked to the chest of drawers I had and opened my underwear drawer to see the set of lingerie I had bought with Maya when we found a dress.

It's now or never.

I took my clothes off and slipped on the outfit. It was simple; red bra with black lace and red thongs with black lace. The bra had that push-up effect which wasn't my favorite but all of the outfits had it so in my mind it was the most simple-looking option.

I grabbed one of the bath robes and washed my face. I put a little mascara and blush on to cover up the nerves that were running through my body. I had never done this before in my life, but I knew I wanted to try it with Erik.

I wrapped the robe tightly around me before I grabbed a bag and threw some extra regular clothes in it. I walked to the door and peeked out to make sure nobody was coming before I rushed down the hall toward Erik's room. I stood at the doors to his room for a few moments before taking a deep breath and cracking it open.

I walked in to see that he was already in the bed watching TV. He peeked up at me as I shut the door behind me and smiled.

"Hey, love," he said, "Glad to see you made it back in one piece." I smiled at him as I walked slowly toward the bed. My eyes began to glow when I noticed that he was already naked waiting on me.

"What's with the robe?" he asked as one of his eyebrows raised. I licked my lips as I tilted my neck to the side. "Why don't you come find out?" His eyes instantly lit up and a seductive smile spread across his face.

Tonight is going to be a good night.

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