The Vampire Vigilante

Chapter 18

When I got into Erik's jeep, he started playing Dr. Dre and some other 90s rap songs. He sang along to every word and I have never laughed so hard in my life. This was what I never wanted to lose: happiness with him.

When we finally got to our spot, he turned the jeep off and got out. He walked around to the back and grabbed a bag full of who knows what before looking at me with a confused look. "Are you getting out?"

"Uh, yeah," I replied, realizing I was lost in a trance staring at him. I shut the door and followed him up the small hill. He set the bag down next to the water and pulled out a blanket, a bottle of wine, 2 glasses, and another blanket. He sat down on the soft blanket he had spread out before he patted the spot next to him. I sat down next to him and smiled as he poured me a glass of wine. He handed me the other blanket and I wrapped it around my legs.

You should have thought about it being cooler in the evening.

"Thank you," I whispered as he fixed his own glass and I leaned my head against his arm. He rested his head on top of mine. "You're very welcome, my dear."

My dear.

I could hear him call me that all day; it rolled off his tongue like velvet.

"So," he said, "I want to know more about you."

"What else is there to know?" I chuckled, "You practically know more about me than I know myself."

"True," he replied, smiling, "But I want to know things like your favorite color, or favorite food, and things like what you dream of when you get older. Stuff like that."

"Well," I said, taking a drink of wine, "Let's favorite color would have to be blue. My favorite food is probably anything sweet. You know I'm a sucker for a good dessert."

"Yes you are," he answered, "I think I would have to say my favorite color is red and my favorite food is any type of pie."

"Mmm," I replied, "A good, homemade chocolate pie sounds amazing right now." Erik burst into laugher. "Oh that does sound delicious."

We sat in silence for a few minutes before I thought of his last question: what do I dream of for when I get older.

"I'm not sure what the future holds for me," I said, "So in reference to dreams when I get older...I guess I don't really have any. If you would have asked me that 12 years ago I would have told you running around, carefree, and looking for a husband.

"But now, I don't know how much freedom I have left. So my dreams are to just survive another day; to enjoy another day not being a slave or locked in a cage." Erik reached down and touched the top of my hand with his fingers gently. I looked down at them for a moment, trying to hold back tears, before I looked up in his beautiful, glowing eyes. He took his other hand and wiped the stray tear that fell from my eye before he placed that hand back on my cheek. I closed my eyes and smiled as I leaned my face into the warmth of his touch.

"Mel," he whispered, "I don't know what the future holds for you either. But I do know that I want to be there with you every step of the way until we figure out what that future is. I know last night was a little...crazy, but the moment we kissed for the first time, it was like this electric shock went through me. I have never felt that way before, and I want to keep feeling that.

"I haven't figured out what this means, but I know it's something bigger than just feelings or love between us. There is a connection here." He placed his hand over my heart. "I know you feel it too. I was hoping it was just some of your insane abilities, but I think it's something else. Something so strong that I felt it the moment we touched hands in the kitchen that night."

Love? Did he just say love?

I opened my eyes and looked at him as he smiled down at me. I grabbed his hand with mine and squeezed. "I agree, Erik. I don't know what this is, but I don't want it to ever stop. I have never felt this before in my life. I don't know if it is love, or just the connection between us, but I want to feel it forever. It's my perfect bliss; you're my saving grace from the years of torment I endured."

Erik placed his forehead against mine and leaned down, giving me a gentle kiss. "I don't want to ever be apart from you."

"And I don't want to either," I whispered, "I want you forever." I reached up and gave him another kiss that started off slow and gentle. He put his hand on the side of my face, his fingers clutching the back of my neck at my hairline. I sat up a little straighter as the kiss deepened and his tongue slid into my mouth.

I grabbed the wine glasses with my free hand while we kissed and moved them out of the way before I climbed into his lap. I wrapped both of my arms around his neck, holding him close to me as the kiss turned passionate.

It was more than just a kiss as I pulled away and noticed my skin was tingling. I looked down to see that I was radiating that blue mist substance, but it had a sparkle to it.

Why is it doing that when I'm not angry?

Erik looked at me as if he was thinking what I was thinking. I didn't give him another chance to speak by starting another long, slow kiss. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me in place as our mouths explored each other. His lips trailed from my lips to my neck before he reached around the front and lifted my sweater off and over my head. His kiss went from my neck to my chest between my breasts as he reached around and unclasped my bra, exposing my front.

He leaned back and stared for a moment before he grabbed both breasts in his hands and kissed my lips again. I grabbed the back of his shirt and slowly pulled it off. He then took his hands back around my waist before he rolled us onto the blanket with him on top of me.

My core throbbed, wanting all of him right now in this moment. I reached down and began to pull my skort off before he grabbed my hand and stopped me.

"I want you to enjoy this," he whispered, "I don't want to rush this." I put my arms around the lower part of his waist as he devoured my neck with slow, sensual kisses. A moan escaped from me as his arms went down my sides to my hips. He linked his fingers in the band of my skort before he slowly pulled it off.

If he doesn't hurry up I might just explode.

He kissed all the way down my stomach to right above my underwear as he unbuttoned his pants and pulled them off. My breathing became ragged as I looked down to see his glowing eyes locked onto mine. He came back up and our lips crashed together as his hand snaked into my underwear. My hips bucked when his fingers brushed over my most sensitive ball of nerves, sending electric shocks throughout my body.

When he slid one finger inside of me, I shuddered as my legs instantly became soaked. I had dreamed of this moment so many times, but the real thing was incredible. His finger slowly slid in and out, causing me to moan loudly in ecstacy.

"Yes," he whispered, nibbling at my earlobe, "That's it." When he stopped, I almost wanted to grab his hand and pump it harder for him. I watched as he slid his underwear off, revealing the large portion of himself underneath. I had to force my mouth to stay closed so I wouldn't scream in excitement.

He's a lot bigger than it looked from the outside.

He positioned himself at my entrance, letting the tip brush the edge. He looked at me and grabbed my hands with his above my head. Our eyes stayed locked onto each other as he gently went in and my whole world exploded.

It was like I was on fire from the inside out. My whole body was electric; it was the most surreal experience I had ever encountered. My mind screamed at me that this is what I had been waiting for my whole life.

He slowly grinded his hips as my eyes rolled back and a growl escaped my lips. Our breathing became one as he kept going slowly, hitting my core every time. The sweat began to bead on Erik's forehead and I could tell he was not far from reaching his climax. I forced myself to wait for him so we could experience it together.

"Shit, Mel," he growled, "I can't hold back." He pumped harder a few more times before I felt his release and he moaned out in pleasure. I did the same, only mine was a lot louder. I wrapped my legs around him and squeezed as my walls clamped down in ecstacy.

When we finally relaxed he slid out of me and leaned back, looking at me with a hazed look in his eyes. I took a long breath as I laid there, exhausted from the climax he made me experience. He grabbed the other blanket and covered us both as he laid down next to me. He wrapped his right arm around my shoulders as I laid my head on his chest.

"That was..."I trailed off, lost for words.

"Incredible," he whispered, finishing my thoughts for me, "It felt like I was on fire or something."

"Yeah," I replied, unable to say much else. My whole body was still feeling the effects of what just happened. My legs quivered as I thought about the emotions that occurred just a few minutes ago.

"Are you okay?" he asked, leaning up and propping his head on one hand. I nodded and smiled at him. "Yes, I'm absolutely wonderful. I just don't even have words for what just happened." He chuckled as his fingers brushed my arm. "I know what you mean, Mel."

"I could stay like this forever," I whispered, "It's perfect."

"It really is," he replied, looking down at me. I looked up at him and traced my finger along his chest. "I have a question."

"I might have an answer," he replied, smiling. I chuckled. "Okay so have you ever been in something like a serious relationship?" He shrugged. "I don't think so, not really. I mean being in my position, and I'll be honest, I could have whatever I wanted. At first, I used that to my advantage." He reached down and held my hand gently. "But nothing like this."

I smiled, thinking that I was the first he had fallen in love with. Even though he had not said those words yet, he thought them. And so did I.

"I would ask you the same question," he added, "But I know the answer." I tensed up for a minute as I thought back to the days with Malachi and his men. They had no boundaries; they did whatever they wanted with me.

"Not so fun," I replied. He kissed my forehead and I snuggled closer to him. We laid like that, tangled up in each other, for a while before his cell phone rang from the jeep. He groaned as he got up to check it.

He had missed the call, so he called them back. I looked over at my shoulder to see that he tensed up for a moment and his eyes flashed their golden color.

"We will be right there," he said through gritted teeth. He threw the phone back in the jeep and rushed over to me, pulling his clothes on quickly.

"What's going on?" I asked as I grabbed my clothes, "What's wrong, Erik?"

"Fucking Malachi," he growled as he started grabbing stuff and taking it to the jeep, "He's sent his guys to the castle. They're fighting people left and right."

My stomach shot up into my throat as I stopped, realizing what was going on. Malachi was pissed that I brought up to the council without him what I wanted to press charges for. His mind, which I knew very well, was thinking if he eliminated the threat before the trial that it would all be swept under the rug just like before.

We got in the jeep and started the drive to the castle. Erik's jaw was clenched tight as he drove with one hand on the wheel and the other propped on the door, holding his chin. I bit my lip as the worry creeped up inside of me. I reached out my left hand and placed it on his thigh. He turned his face and looked at me, instantly releasing the pressure from his jaw.

"It's going to be okay," I said, "I promise."

"I just worry," he replied, taking my hand in his, "I don't care what he does to my home, but those are my people; my friends. I just want to snap his head off."

"Me too," I chuckled, "And we will get the chance. We just need to go back home and get his people out of there before they seriously hurt anyone."

"I'm afraid that has already happened," Erik said as we made the turn into the castle. There were people out on the lawn fighting, a small fire going in the back shed, and what looked like pure chaos at the front doors. Erik parked the jeep away from everything and he looked at me. "I won't let anything happen to you."

I was fed up with this shit. I was pissed that Malachi took it upon himself to attempt and hurt Erik to get to me. Erik wasn't the one he wanted, it was me.

I felt the anger boiling inside of me and I looked at Erik. He gave me a shocked look.

"No," I replied, "I won't let anything happen to you." I got out of the jeep and slammed the door behind me as I started walking toward the castle.

Malachi isn't going to win this one.

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