The Vampire Kings Slave Mate

Chapter 24

Chapter 24: Mary.
After laying down pouting in Nikolai’s bed, I figured I could make better use of my time, as I began to rifle through Nikolai’s
belongings, hoping that maybe I would be able to find something useful either to help with my escape or help when I am free and
searching for the wolves that murdered my sister. At the thought of Anya, I felt a familiar ache in my heart. She’d died so young,
she had so much life left to live. I pushed the heartache I felt for Anya away, I’d later use that pain when I faced her killers.
My search through Nikolai’s closet had been for nothing, the only thing I found was that Nikolai was very particular about the way
his clothes were organized, each item was separated by category, the dress shirts with the dress shirts, the pants with the pants,
the suits with the suits, the jackets with the jackets, and so on and so forth. Then each category had its on sub category,
separated by sizing, color, and length. Part of me, wanted to rearrange the closet and see how long it would take for him to
notice, but I decided against it at the last minute, I didn’t want him knowing that I had snooped through his things. It made me
chuckle at how anal he was about organization though, if he saw my closet in the Queen’s room he might just keel over and die
from a heart attack. The clothes that Nevaeh had picked out were absolutely gorgeous and I couldn’t resist the urge I had to try
them on. After trying on every single clothing item,(This novel will be daily updtaed at I carefully hung them
back up, and shoved them in the closet in no particular order. While I hated the fact Nikolai had bought my wardrobe I loved
every single item, the fabric was so soft on my skin, almost like a lovers caress, not that I’d know exactly what that felt like. The
only boy, I had been with had been had been one of the village boys, who was very eager to get to the lovemaking part and by
pass the foreplay. And while Nikolai’s touch wasn’t rough, it wasn’t very gentle either, his touch... well it didn’t matter how his
touch felt, I can’t let my mind wander to that topic, it’ll distract me from my task at hand.
I headed towards Nikolai’s desk next, unlike his impeccable closet, his desk was a disorganized mess, there were papers strewn
across it, pencils that were used so often that they were dull, littered the surrounding area, ink blotches splattered on the wood. I
don’t know why, but the messiness of his desk made my lip curl up into a smile, beneath the kingly aura Nikolai presented he
really was just a man or well vampire. I shook my thoughts of Nikolai from my head, being here in his room surrounded by his
scent was getting to me. I didn’t have time to daydream about the Vampire King, nor did I want to, or did I? My feelings for
Nikolai were complicated. One minute he was being sweet and kind, and the next he gave me the cold shoulder and threatened
me, which Nikolai was the real one, or were these just two halves to his entire persona. A Manila folder underneath a stack of
papers on his desk, grabbed my attention. (This novel will be daily updtaed at top of the folder was
marked Mary and it seemed to be pretty hefty. Why did Nikolai have a folder with my name on it. I took a seat at Nikolai’s desk
and opened up the folder. The first piece of paper was handwritten, and from the elegance of the handwriting I could tell it was
Nikolai’s based on the papers strewn across his desk. I grabbed the folder and settled down on Nikola’s red suede lounge couch,
the sat below the window, I curled my legs under myself, as I got comfortable, ready to diverge myself into Nikolai’s folder on me.

Mary...Human? Age- Unknown, Maybe 18. Family- Deceased. History- Unknown
I chuckled at the question mark next to human, already more times than I count Nikolai had asked me what I was and how I had
ensnared him in my trap. I didn’t understand what he meant at the time, and I still don’t really understand. I scrolled the page
further, trying to gather more information on
what Nikolai was researching about me or what his thoughts were regarding me.
The first few paragraphs surprised me, as Nikolai had notated my capture by the wolves, and my auctioning as a blood slave, on
the margin, he’d notated the names of the wolves, who’d attacked me and my sister, and wrote reckoning underneath them.
What did that mean? It couldn’t possibly mean what I assumed it meant could it? Would Nikolai really hold those monsters
responsible for the death of my sister.
I continued to scroll through the paper quickly, trying to gather as much information as possible before Nikolai returned, my heart
stopped when I glanced over the words Fated Mate
Mary’s presence has become a distraction. My vampire and I grow anxious when we aren’t around her. Her scent is pure bliss
and torture at the same time. If I am to believe the Fae prince she is my fated mate, if I believe what my mother had instilled in
me, then she is my demise
My heart thudded in my chest. Thump. Thump. Thump. Is it possible? Could I be Nikolai’s fated mate? Why would the fates pair
me with a supernatural, and not just any supernatural, but the King. And what did Nikolai mean about me being his demise?
Surely he didn’t think that little old me could take him down, no matter how spunky and fierce I believed I was, I knew I stood no
chance against the king.
I wanted to take the paper from the folder, but I felt like Nikolai would notice if something he’d
lisappeared. Instead I grabbed a pencil off the floor, and a blank piece of paper that was scattered and wrote down the names of
the wolves that had attacked Anya, and where they were located. They would be my first targets once I got out of this place. I set
Nikolai’s written paper to the side, so I could continue to leaf through the folder.
The next page made me cringe. It was a detailed report from Kade about my sisters death. He’d gone to the site where we were
attacked, and had written down his findings. He reported finding Anya’s body, decomposing on the forest floor. My eyes filled with
angry tears, that I refused to let fall. (This novel will be daily updtaed at bastards hadn’t even had the
decent to bury her body. I continued to read through Kade’s report. He’d reported that per his findings, Anya was murdered, the

wolves had not killed her in self defense. For that they should be charged the capitol punishment, having their canines removed.
I continued to scroll the report, my heart aching when I read that Kade had buried Anya in a nearby cemetery, and marked her
grave with a marker, he’d even attached a picture. I grabbed the picture and tucked it into my bra, promising myself when I was
free, that I would visit Anya.
I turned to the next page, my interest peeking as I saw a report on both of my parents. Nikolai was
down. He’d sent two of his vampire trackers out to find them. They had reported little back so far. The trackers had gone to my
old village and rifled through my families items in order to get items that had both my mother’s and father’s scent on them. I was
confused on how I felt about the entire situation, (This novel will be daily updtaed at part of me was upset
at the fact Nikolai was rifling through my past, the other part of me, the part that thought with my heart and not with my mind, felt
cared for and cherished. Nikolai wanted to know more about me, he wanted to find my family.
I went to turn to the next page, when all of a sudden I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. A scent filled the room, one
that I recognized but wasn’t familiar with. Someone was here in Nikolai’s

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