The Vampire Kings Slave Mate

Chapter 23

Chapter 23: Nikolai
Today had been different from what I was expecting. Having Mary follow me around wasn’t as annoying as I thought it would be,
in fact watching her and gaging her reactions to my world was entertaining. I was intrigued throughout the council meeting.
Mary’s head had popped up a little when they mentioned Human Mates, and I began to wonder if that was a conundrum that she
hadn’t heard of yet. It seemed that more and more frequently wolves were discovering that their fated mate was a human, (This
novel will be daily updtaed at fae were also discovering their mates in the human realm as well. Could it
be possible that Nikolai, the strongest of them all, was mated to a Human, someone so fragile. Nikolai refused to think about it.
There was no way the fates would mate him to her. They knew the life that Nikolai led, one full of danger and violence at every
corner. If Mary was his mate, then the fates had a fucked up sense of humor.
I continued to think about my day with Mary by my side, as I was patrolling the Werewolf- Fae border, trying to sense if any
supernatural had been this way earlier. So far the only scent I had been able to pickup had been that of decaying death, which
was a normal scent around a scene of great violence. My beast was becoming annoyed and frustrated at the fact that we had no
leads. He kept urging me to return home to Mary, but I refused to let my beast take charge, if I gave even an inch he’d take a
mile and then I would lose the control I had on him. Mary was a distraction that I couldn’t afford. I needed to focus on the
murders and put a stop to whoever was doing this. The council and the other supernaturals were beginning to fear the unknown,
there had been whispers amongst the common folk that the dark ages were coming again, and not even the King had the power
to stop them. With the common folk losing faith in me,(This novel will be daily updtaed at I knew it was only a
matter of months before my enemies came to try and steal my crown. They’d boast to the common folk about how strong they
were, and how they’d protect them for the upcoming dark days, and even though that in itself would be a lie, the common folk
would believe them, because I, their king wasn’t able to stop their murders.
I slowly walked the border, closing my eyes and letting my vampire senses take over in hopes of finding any clue towards the
murder. I could feel my essence grow stronger the longer I let the beast take control, I knew that if anyone, dangerous, or not,
walked by us, that they would be devoured. The beast was hungry and he was looking for blood. We continued to walk the
border until the beast picked up a scent, it was sickly sweet, musk smell that reminded me of something I had once smelt in my
past a long time ago. The odor while familiar was also a mystery to me, as I couldn’t remember where or whom it came from. I
could feel myself getting dizzy and my vampire senses weakening the longer I inhaled the scent, (This novel will be daily
updtaed at I didn’t want to leave just yet. I had to figure out where the scent was coming from. Even
though I felt myself getting weaker, the closer I got to the odor, I continued to trudge on, knowing that the realms were counting
on me. My skin felt like it was crawling the closer I got to the source of the smell, I could barely make out what was in front of me,
when suddenly the world around me went dark,

My body felt like it was traveling through hole in space, this sensation was different that teleporting, I felt like I was actually
traveling through time, but how was that possible? I’d never heard of a supernatural being having that type of power.
“Nikki. Nikki. Are you awake my love.” I heard the sweet call of my mother’s voice.
“Mama, Mama, where’s daddy?” Came the scared voice of a little boy, who looked vaguely familiar in my minds eye
“Daddy went hunting Nikki, he left us in charge of the palace until he returns.” My mother said while holding me tight, a look of
worry in her face.
“But Mama, he’s been gone for so long.” My younger self whimpered.
As the memory progressed, I could almost remember it fully, the memory came from a time before the supernatural kingdoms
were merged as one, before we’d brought peace to the world. This was the day we’d found of my father had been killed. The
hunt he’d gone on was not to relieve his need for fresh blood. He’d gone with a group of close friends to hunt down a group of
hunters that had been targeting the Fae Kingdom. As they came closer to the hunters, his group betraying my father to the
hunters. They had struck up an agreement with the Hunter leader, if they gave him my father, who was notorious back then for
killing hunters and humans alike, then the hunters would stop targeting the supernaturals, we’d all live in harmony.
My mother had felt it when my father died. They had been fated mates, and they’d loved each other fully. When my father was
murdered by the Hunters, my mom felt each stab, cut, and burn that they’d inflicted on him. I remember holding her tightly,
praying to the fates not to take my mother away from me too. I wasn’t ready to be king yet, I wasn’t strong enough to rule over
the Vampire Kingdom.
When my father’s friends had returned back to their kingdoms, my mom had summoned them to dine with us in the vampire
kingdom as a thank you for defeating the hunters, they had all graciously accepted the offer, each one of them hoping to win my
mother’s affection. My mother was a beautiful woman,(This novel will be daily updtaed at and she had a lot of
power. If one of the King’s took her as their wife, then they’d be more powerful than the other kings in the realm, and they’d be
able to conquer more land, making them the King of the Supernatural race.
I remember the dinner we had that night clearly, it was spectacular, there was food from one end of the dinning table down to the
next end, the only empty spots on the table were for the drinks and the wine glasses. My mother had dressed in a beautiful black
ballgown, fit for both a widow in mourning, and the Queen of Darkness. The suitors, my father’s best friends, arrived one by one,
each one kissing my mother’s hand or cheeks and giving their condolences. My mother would smile lightly, one that didn’t reach
her eyes and tell them thank you. When the last king arrived, my mother directed everyone to the dinning hall. In the dining hall

is where the massacre happened. My mother compelled everyone in the room to tell her what really happened to her husband
that day in the forest. The kings couldn’t fight against her compulsion. When my father had died, my mother had also gained his
powers, making her one of the strongest supernaturals alive. One by One each king told their tale of what happened that night in
the forest. With each tale, my mother’s anger and aura rose, until it was out of control by the last tale. “You’re all murders.” She
screeched at them, and you will all pay for your sins today.” She continued to screech. “Drink your wine.” She compelled them,
my body instantly recognizing the sickly sweet musky smell, (This novel will be daily updtaed at was the
same smell as the wine my mother had fed the kings that day. As soon as the Kings took a sip from their glasses, there eyes
started to bulge out of their heads, their noses began to bleed, their skin looked as if it was rotting from their body, throughout the
palace, you could hear their suffering screams, and my mom’s chaotic laughter,
– body, throughout the palace, you could hear their suffering screams, and my mom’s chaotic laughter,
finally seeking vengeance for the death of her loved one. That day the supernatural realms merged together into one kingdom,
and my mother being their Queen.
I was pulled from my memory, quickly realizing that I had been the one to cast the spell to trigger my memories. I tried to focus
on why that memory of all my memories was relevant to what was happening now with the murders, but before I could ponder
further, I felt an overwhelming sense of fear coming over my body, a distant scream in my mind’s eye for help.

Something was wrong with Mary. My body had alerted me through the blood bond that she was in danger and that I needed to
get to her immediately. How can a female, who was locked inside my room, by herself, where no one could enter nor get out, be
in trouble?

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