The Vampire Ambassador

Chapter 8

Once I walked up to the doors the guards opened them for me. They bowed as I walked through to the ballroom. Everything was draped in deep purple, with different shades of yellow, and green. I slowly descended the small set of stairs until I reached the bottom and caught several stares. I put on my best smile as who I presumed to be King Roland walked up to me.

"Oh, Queen Melody!" He exclaimed with a flamboyant tone to his voice, "You look stunning my dear!" He kissed both of my cheeks and flashed a smile. "I thought King Johnathan said you were feeling under the weather?"

I looked at all 5'3" of him with his dark green suit and ice-blonde hair as I smiled. "I decided to take some aspirin and tough it out. I heard you put on one hell of a party." He threw his head back in laughter. "I knew I would like you. We are happy to have you! Please, make your way around. The bar is over to the right for this area, and the party for our generation is one hallway down. There is a bar in there as well, along with a club in the back. Just follow the neon and you won't miss it."

"Thank you," I replied with a smile. I bowed to him and he bowed to me before I made my way over to the small bar in the ballroom area.

I ordered a vodka tonic and began to people-watch. Most of the kings, queens, and nobles in here were the older crowd. I strained my ears and could hear a soft thump of rap music playing down the hall.

More than likely, that's where Maya is at.

Uncle Harry then caught my eye as he spoke to another council member with Sonya on his arm. He glanced in my direction quickly and I gave him a small smile to let him know everything was fine.

I then glanced to my left and saw Johnathan talking to Sir Patrick. He had his back to me so I decided it was time to haul ass to the back. I slowly glided across the room, praying he didn't notice me as I followed the neon through the hallway to the back room.

I walked into a dark room that was only lit up by neon glow lights, lasers from the DJ setup, and a disco ball that was reflecting the lights in every direction. It was so dim that you really had to use your vampire sight to see who was standing in front of you.

And the masks don't help either.

I backed myself into the far corner and peered around the room looking for Maya. I saw a few girls that might have been her, but once they turned around I realized that they weren't.

I was about to give up when someone bumped into my right shoulder very gently. I looked up and saw familiar green eyes, nearly squealing with excitement.

"And I was beginning to think you weren't going to come to see me," Rex chuckled, taking in my excitement. I smiled up at her. "I'm so glad to see you. I hope your kinfolk came back after I broke out."

"My brother," she replied, "Andrew. Yes, he came back." I saw the light burning in her eyes as a smile played on her lips. "I did some digging and found out he was looking for me too. When I brought up the plan for him to sneak in and figure out where you were, he had no problem doing so. Apparently, he was a spy back home in Russia."

"He's good at it," I said, "Thank you, Rex."

"No problem," she replied, looking at the crowd, "I knew there had to be another reason for you to just up and leave."

I sighed as I scanned the crowd as well. "Where the hell is Maya?"

"She is around here somewhere," Rex answered. About that time, I saw her bouncing over from the far end of the bar. She walked over to us and wrapped me up in a big hug. "Mel! You look amazing. Absolutely drop-dead gorgeous."

"How much have you had to drink already?" Rex asked, turning her lip up. Maya giggled. "Well, I ran into Damien who bought us some shots. I couldn't say no after the last time we were together."

"You and your boy toys," Rex huffed, her accent showing out strong. I smiled and shook my head.

"I saw Erik earlier," Maya said, suddenly serious, "But then he was gone. He had that bitch with him too."

"I'm sure he did," I sighed, "I'll find him later. No big deal."

"Let's get a drink," Rex suggested, walking toward the bar. I followed and ordered another vodka tonic while she drank whiskey straight. I was sipping my drink as Rex filled me in on her new crush, a girl from the Isle Kingdom, when Maya grabbed my arm and pulled me to the dance floor.

"Dance with me!" She exclaimed as Booty Wurk by T-Pain came on. I laughed as I watched her attempt to dance and I simply swayed my hips to the music.

We danced for the remainder of the song when the dj mixed it up with a slower rap song that had some more bass in it. The beat of the bass sent shockwaves through my stomach and caused a stir in my groin. I swallowed hard, trying to push the sensation down as Maya put her hands in the air while a man came up behind her and began to grind her from the back.

I had no idea why I felt the way I did, but I almost liked it. I bit my lip as the warmth spread in my lower stomach and caused my underwear to begin to get wet.

When it instantly stopped while the music was still going, I knew there was only one explanation for it.

Erik was nowhere to be found, and he was still my soulmate, so I knew the feelings I just had were what he was feeling at that moment since we were in the same area.

I immediately backed off of the dance floor and sat in one of the chairs in the corner, putting my hand on my forehead to calm my nerves.

I've got to get out of here. Before I do something I regret.

I slowly stood up and began walking toward the hallway to the ballroom. I felt a hard stare on my back and knew it was Rex.

Be back shortly. I need some air.

I went to the ballroom where a soft melody of a violin was playing. I slowed down my pace when I saw uncle Harry talking to Johnathan. He looked up at me and let his gaze linger for just a moment too long because Johnathan and I then locked eyes.


I knew this was coming sooner or later. I didn't want to make a scene, so I casually walked over to them with a smile on my face.

"Mel," Johnathan started, "I thought you weren't feeling well?"

"I took an aspirin," I lied, "And felt better so I decided I would come out and enjoy the night. I figured some individuals would like to meet the new queen." I made sure the words flowed like syrup out of my mouth as they came out. Johnathan peered at my crown and a flash of anger came across his eyes, but only for a moment before he was back to smiling again.

"Well I am glad you are feeling better," he replied, "I'll be heading back shortly if you would like a ride?"

"I think I'll stay longer," I said, "I'm having a wonderful time." His eyes showed dominance as I straightened my shoulders and glared at him.

Challenge me. Please.

"Suit yourself," he said, hissing on his s's, "I'll see you shortly then."

"See you," I replied, watching as he turned and walked away. Uncle Harry gave my arm a reassuring squeeze. "Well done, Mel."

"Thank you," I replied quietly. I then decided it was time for another drink and walked to the bar where Sonya was at.

"Everything okay?" She asked once I came up. I nodded. "Going good so far. I haven't found Erik though."

About that time I heard heels stomping across the floor. I looked up toward the hallway to the back and saw the blonde-haired girl storming out. She was pissed as hell.

Erik was following her.

"Wait!" He called out. She shook her head as she continued walking. "You can't fucking get over her, so I'm done being your toy. Bye!" He stopped walking once she began up the stairs and stared as she left.

He looked like an absolute mess. His hair was all out of place, his eyes were sunken in from lack of sleep, his shirt wasn't tucked in, and he had lost weight.

My stomach turned into a huge knot as I saw the sadness on his face. I couldn't look any longer at the sight, so I turned around to face the bar with my back to him. I heard everyone's conversations begin to fill the room again and I looked at Sonya. "Tell me in a minute what he does." She nodded and I focused my energy on Erik.

I sent whatever calming emotions I could in his direction. I tried to give him the impression he would be okay as I only sent one thought to him.


I released my energy from him and focused on a conversation with the bartender. "So, what's the best cocktail you can make?"

"I make a mean dirty martini," he answered with a smile, "If your taste buds are keen on that type of drink." I nodded and smiled as Sonya turned around toward me.

"He stopped and looked around," she said in a tone just above a whisper, "Then he walked over and began to talk with another king over by the wall."

"He's still over there?" I asked, sipping my drink. My taste buds erupted with the sensation on my tongue. I looked up at the bartender and smiled. "This is amazing."

"Thank you," he replied with a huge grin on his face. I looked back over at Sonya who glanced over her shoulder and then back at me.

"Yes," she answered, "He looks pretty disgruntled. Looks like the other man, King Hanley, is calming him down. Or trying to."

Suddenly the orchestral music stopped and King Roland stepped in the middle of the floor.

"I would like to end this part of the night with a serenade dance," he said with a smile, "So everyone to the middle, please!" My eyes grew wide with fear as I realized the possibility of me encountering Erik was here. I decided to find an exit. I wasn't ready for this yet.

I ever so gracefully moved to the back of the crowd that was beginning to form in the middle and slipped through a side hallway, making sure I had a clear view of Erik.

The music started with an upbeat tempo of a waltz. Everyone lined up and began to dance, switching partners right on cue. My eyes cut to Erik, who was looking around for someone to mingle with. Finally, a woman wearing a jade-colored dress came from the hallway with the club and went to the bar. Her dress had several cutouts on the side and back, so of course Erik followed her.

He tried to engage her in conversation, but she brushed him off. I was sure at that point everyone had heard the chaos from his woman earlier, and nobody wanted to give him the time of day.

The song ended and everyone clapped. The music then turned into an orchestral version of Hallelujah and a few couples, including uncle Harry and Sonya, made their way to the center floor while others began to leave.

I looked back over at Erik who was now all alone. He ran his fingers through his hair and downed a whiskey drink. Something inside of me began to burn while a searing pain struck my chest.

He needs you.

I decided I couldn't take this pain much longer. I knew this is what he was feeling at the moment, and I had to confront him. I had to explain and ensure to him everything was going to be okay.

I slowly made my way across the room to the bar area. I felt as uncle Harry's eyes bore a hole into my back as I held my breath tighter with every step. I was finally close enough to him that the anxiety in my chest was about to explode. He had his back turned to me and was so deep in his thoughts he didn't hear the light clack my heels made against the marble floor.

I stood behind him for what felt like an eternity, but in reality, was only a few seconds. I finally let out a slow deep breath before I took my right hand and touched it on the upper portion of his right arm, sending a shockwave through my arm and a static noise to fill the air.

He immediately grew rigid and set his glass down. He slowly turned his head toward me before his body moved with his gaze. My hand trailed down his arm before eventually falling once he was facing me.

When our eyes locked, tears began to flow down my cheeks. His eyes grew wide once the realization hit that we were standing in front of each other. I slowly pulled off my mask to reveal my whole face.

His jaw slowly opened as astonishment flowed through the expression on his face. Anger, sadness, excitement, love, and fear all mixed within my body and I had no idea how to channel any of it. The blue mist began to ooze from my body, creating a pool around us and circling around us.

"Erik..." I trailed off, unable to think or speak to form words. He didn't say a word, but he put both hands on the sides of my face and pulled me into him as he kissed me with such passion I thought I would explode.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him tighter to me as our tears mixed together. The hum of electricity throbbed in my ears as his emotions mixed with mine.

I'm home.

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