The Vampire Ambassador

Chapter 7

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. I was able to tell Uncle Harry my deepest secret, and I had the most confidence in him that he would help me tonight.

I stretched long and hard before I went into the bathroom and washed my face. I went to the bedroom and grabbed the folder I was given the night before and fixed myself a cup of coffee in the kitchen. I opened the shades in the living room next to the sitting chair I had grown fond of and sat down, ready to immerse myself in the history.

The more I read, the more I understood everything. Apparently, before all of the kings and queens branched off after Iris's death, everything was one big kingdom ruled by Iris. Of course I knew that, but I didn't realize that I was a direct descendant of her. I gained my powers through my mother's side of the family and they were passed down through the bloodline.

When Iris died, she vowed to seal her powers away until the right heir came along who would take those powers over and unite the kingdoms into one again.

Of course, that would be me.

I sighed as I looked at the drawing of a family tree and noticed that after my mother there was nothing there besides a blue circle that had been underlined nearly a dozen times.

I'm just an important blue dot. How wonderful.

The only thing I couldn't figure out is why did she wait so long until I came along to choose me? Why couldn't it have been my mother or grandmother?

You may never know why.

I closed the folder and took a long drink of my coffee before looking at the clock. I had woken up around 9, and I was surprised it was already 11:00. I had been in deep thought for longer than I realized.

I set the folder on the table and walked to the kitchen to find something to eat. I fixed a ham and cheese sandwich before I turned on a Lifetime movie to get into. I was about halfway through the movie when I pulled out my phone to send Maya a text.

Just making sure u will be there tonight.

I set the phone down and went to the kitchen to grab a coke before I sat back down again and wrapped up in a blanket. My phone chimed and I read Maya's response.

Duh! Rex and I will both b there. Can't wait to c u!

I smiled as I replied back.

Can't wait to c u 2! Just so u kno I will be keeping a low profile. Don't want the wrong ppl to c me.

I thought about how badly the night could turn if Johnathan saw me.

Why is it you always have an incident at balls?

I groaned as I realized the last ball wasn't the best. Or well, it didn't start off the best. The ending to the night was wonderful.

My phone made it's little noise again with Maya's text.

Got it. Low profile. But don't u worry, if shit hits the fan Rex will go full badass mode for u.

I chuckled as I replied.

I wouldn't have it any other way. C u soon!

I put my phone back down and continued my movie. It was about a babysitter who was being hunted by the dad of the child she was babysitting. He wanted her to have sex with him and she said no so he decided killing her would be a good option.

Um, no thanks.

I finished the movie around 2, so I decided it was time to start getting ready. I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I made sure to lather and rinse everything, so that I smelled irresistible for Erik.

That is, if he even notices me.

When I finished in the shower I blow-dried my hair somewhat and then put it up in some rollers that Sonya was letting me borrow. I figured a curly hairstyle would be something different, and maybe I wouldn't be noticed as easily.

I started my skincare with some moisturizer and pH balancer. I began to delicately paint my eyes and complete a dark blue smoky eye. I made sure that my eyeliner had a slight wing to it, but not too much. I finished my eyes with a set of natural lashes before I started to contour my face.

I was finally satisfied with the perfect amount of blush and highlighter, so I sprayed some setting spray on my face to make sure it would stay most of the night.

Once I let my face dry I went to the kitchen and fixed a glass of water with a straw so that I wouldn't mess up the hour of work I just put into my face. I glanced at the clock and groaned when I noticed it was already five in the evening, meaning I had two hours to finish up.

I took my water with me into the bathroom as I turned the curling iron on to get it heated up. I pulled up the hair tutorial on youtube I was trying to go by and started playing it as I unrolled the curlers.

I began to pin the pieces up elegantly to form a type of bun in the back of my head. I left most of the pieces loose so that you could see the definition of the curls. I pulled some strands loose around my face and curled them with the iron before I pulled some loose around the base of my neck to cover some of my tattoos.

I took a long, hard look in the mirror and was pleased with how I looked. I really would look like a true queen once I put my crown on.

That would give you away.

I sighed as I realized I would need a second opinion on that. Hell, I would need help getting into my dress too.

I pulled my phone out and sent Sonya a message.

I need some help with my dress. And a second opinion. Can I finish getting ready with u?

I went to the closet and began to gather my dress, shoes, mask, and jewelry. I walked over and stared at my crown and my mother's as my phone chimed with Sonya's message.

Of course! Come on over. Door is unlocked. Up the stairs, last door on the left.

I grabbed both my crown and my mother's before I left and walked over to Uncle Harry's. I opened the door and did per Sonya's instructions. I walked into her bedroom and saw her putting on her earrings in the tall mirror on the side of the room. She turned around and smiled at me. "Oh, Mel. You look beautiful."

"Thank you," I replied, looking at her dark blue dress, "You look beautiful as well!"

Her dress was simple but elegant; it was flowy on the bottom and strapless with gems all over the chest.

"Thank you sweetheart," she said, afterward finishing her jewelry. I put the dress on the bed and closed the door as I began to undress. I pulled the fabric on and turned to let Sonya zip and clasp the back for me.

Her fingers touched the tattoo on my neck once she finished the zipper. "This is amazing."

"It's definitely something," I whispered. Her hand moved away from my neck and she stepped around to face me. "You're truly the queen your mother always wanted you to be."

"I'm trying," I replied, looking at the crowns I had set on the bed. I looked at Sonya and sighed. "I don't know if I should wear one of these or not."

"Let me ask you this," she said, sitting on the bed, "Why would you not wear one?"

I shrugged my shoulders as I sat down to put on my shoes. "I guess because if I did, someone would recognize me."

"And why would you wear one?"

"Because they are mine," I answered, "And all of the other kings and queens will be wearing theirs."

"Personally," Sonya replied, "I think you should wear your mother's. You are the heir to the throne, and she has passed and left it to you. If someone tries to mess with you tonight, someone will have your back."

I stood up and held the crown in my hands, looking at it fully. The intricate designs engraved in the metal began to glow with a dim blue color as I held it tighter. I walked over to the full-length mirror and set it on my head carefully, making sure it was in place. I straightened my shoulders and looked as my eyes began to glow.

This is what you were meant to do.

My thoughts rang out in my mind as the fire raced down my spine in a flash. I looked at Sonya in the mirror who was beaming with pride.

"You look so much like your mother," she said as tears welled up in the corners of her eyes. She then slowly and gracefully bowed to me. I turned to face her and smiled. "I think I'll wear it."

"I was hoping you would say that," uncle Harry said from the doorway. I turned around and smiled at him as he slowly bowed as well. He then stood up and smiled at Sonya. "You look stunning, my dear."

"And you are one handsome man," she chuckled as she walked over and gave him a quick kiss. You could practically feel the electricity in the room when they touched.

I longed for that feeling with Erik again. My stomach felt like it was going to knot itself up with the anticipation that was building.

"Are you ladies ready?" Uncle Harry asked. I walked over to the bed and finished putting on jewelry as Sonya put her makeup back into her bag.

"Yes, my love," Sonya said as she grabbed her clutch from the table, "Mel?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," I replied, smiling as we walked down the stairs. The limo was crisp white instead of black, which I enjoyed. Sometimes vampires got a little carried away with all of the dark colors.

I sighed as the anxiety began to build more in the pit of my stomach as we got into the limo. I pulled my phone out to send Maya a quick text.

Leaving uncle Henry's. You there yet?

I set the phone down beside me and looked out of the window as we left the city and drove through the countryside. Uncle Harry had told me we were going to King Roland's for the ball, who was the king of the land adjacent to Erik's. Smack between Erik and Malachi's land on the east.

We took a right onto a neatly organized cobblestone road before I saw all of the lights in the distance. I peered out further to see there was a modern castle in the distance where the illumination was coming from.

"Fair warning," uncle Harry said, "King Roland can be extremely flamboyant."

"Oh," was all I could say as we pulled into the gates of a black castle lit up with all colors of lights. There were shimmers of purple and yellow flickering in the air, with guards dressed in purple lining the drive up to the huge staircase that led inside.

We pulled in and the door was opened on uncle Harry's side. I quickly put on my mask, checking to make sure my hair still looked presentable.

"Coming?" Sonya asked from outside the car. I nervously nodded as I slowly stepped out. I looked around at the guards who instantly bowed as I made my way up the stairs. I stopped once I got to the doors, however, with anxiety punching me in the gut.

"Mel?" Uncle Harry asked, "Are you alright?" I quickly nodded. "I'm okay. Just need a few moments." I looked down the drive to make sure nobody was coming behind us. "Do you mind if I come in shortly behind you?"

"Of course not," uncle Harry replied, "Just please don't leave."

"I won't," I said, "Promise." He nodded before the doors opened in front of him and Sonya and the loud conversations flowed through the doors.

I began to pace and bite my lip as I attempted to control my emotions. I felt my eyes begin to glow and my tattoo burned into my skin. I stopped walking for a moment and looked up at the sky, channeling energy from Queen Iris.

Calm emotions immediately filled my soul and I felt like I could conquer the world. I took a big breath and made my way for the door.

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