The Vampire Ambassador

Chapter 30

The next few days consisted of packing and preparing. I made sure to leave a few items in Erik's room, just in case an impromptu sleepover occurred. I fought back tears with every piece of my belongings I packed into my bags as the days dwindled down until I had to leave.

Sunday morning finally came around and I woke up to an empty bed. I looked around frantically, worried that Erik had left early to take my things to my home.


I felt a warm embrace in my mind as his calm demeanor soothed my nerves.

I'm in the kitchen, my love. Wait for me in the bed.

I smiled and snuggled myself back down into the covers, turning the television onto the news. Of course, my name was plastered all over to inform I would be making my way to my home this evening. I groaned and turned it onto something different on the oxygen channel. I refused to let my plans ruin my last day with Erik.

A few minutes later Erik entered the room with a tray full of breakfast and some coffee. I smiled brightly up at him as he sat down gently on the bed and handed me the tray.

"You're going to need your energy for today," he said, handing me a cup of coffee. I took a long sip and set it down before taking a bite of fruit.

"Thank you," I whispered, still looking down at my food.

"Please don't be sad," he said, putting his hand on my thigh, "It's going to be okay. You know that."

"I know," I groaned, "I just hate being away from you."

"As do I," he whispered, kissing my cheek, "But, I have set up our first date night. It will be next Saturday night. I'll let you know the details closer to time."

"Thank god it won't be a whole week without you," I sighed, smiling as I began to stuff my face. I felt a little better knowing he planned to see me so soon.

"I told you," he chuckled, "It won't be as bad as you're making it out to be."

"Okay," I said in-between bites as I hid my smile. I wondered what he could already have planned for us.

Once I finished breakfast I finished what little bit of packing I had left to do while I pondered the thought of what life was about to be like for me. Would my people enjoy me being their ruler, or would they despise me?

Surely they won't hate me. I'm so much different than Johnathan. I'm too much like my parents.

I was interrupted by my thoughts with the noise of my cell phone ringing. I looked at the caller ID to see that it was Sir Patrick.

"This is Melody," I answered.

"Your Majesty," he replied, "I wanted to address with you that there will be a parade this evening once you arrive. You will need to be here around four in the afternoon, because the parade will start at five."

Oh, I hate being the center of attention.

"Yes sir," I said, "I will be there by four this afternoon."

"We will see you then," he replied, "The parade will start at the end of the gates and travel through the town to the castle. Once you arrive, you will be escorted downtown to the starting location."

"Alright," I said, "I will see you soon, then."

"See you soon, your Majesty," he said before hanging up. I leaned back and laid on the floor of the bedroom where I was packing a few things from the bottom drawer. I stared up at the ceiling, looking and the intricate designs engraved into the wood.

"What's wrong?" Erik came through the door and stopped above my head.

"They are having a damn parade for me tonight," I groaned, "We have to be there by four."

He looked at his watch and sighed. "Only three hours until we have to leave."

"I know," I huffed, sitting up and stuffing the last of my underwear into the bag. I zipped it up forcefully and nearly broke the zipper. I looked up at Erik sheepishly.

"Easy now," he chuckled, "Wouldn't want all of those to fall out for everyone to see."

"Very funny," I laughed, taking my last bag out of the room and down to the SUV outside. I could see beyond the gate there were reporters standing there trying to get some type of picture of me.


I walked back inside and picked out a light pink knee-length dress, some white pumps, and fixed my makeup with what little bit I was leaving behind.

I pulled my hair up halfway and twisted it, clipping it with a tiny clip detailed with pearls. I slipped my crown on my head and sighed as I looked in the mirror.

This is what you will have to look like from now on. Always in the spotlight.

I placed my hands on the edge of the counter and held back the tears. I didn't want this. I never wanted it. But it is what needed to be done.

"Hey," Erik's smooth, soft voice cut through the silence that was reverberating in the air. I slowly looked up at him, really taking in the sight. He was wearing a fitted, black suit with a simple white shirt underneath. His tie was slick black as well, with his hair fixed perfectly. He had shaved some of the stubble around his neck and shaped it to really show that handsome jawline.

"You look..." I trailed off, feeling my mouth hang open. He threw his head back and laughed.

"I look what?" he asked, walking slowly toward me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked up, standing on my tip toes to reach his face. I kissed him slowly, savoring every second.

"You look amazingly handsome," I whispered, letting my mind fade back to the night of the ball where we first kissed.

"And you look so beautiful," Erik said, brushing the side of my face with his fingertips, "I'm going to miss you terribly."

"And I'll miss you," I said, putting my forehead against his chest, "It's already time to leave?"

"I'm afraid so, my love," he answered, pulling me closer, "Just wait for me until Saturday."

"I will," I sniffled, trying to push back the tears. I finally pulled away and grabbed my purse and cell phone, taking one last look at our bedroom before walking out.

I stopped in my tracks when I saw Maya standing there, eyes puffy and red from sobbing.

"Oh, Maya," I said as my voice cracked with tears. I ran over to her and threw my arms around her as we hugged and cried.

" visit," she managed to choke out between sobs.

"I promise I will," I replied, wiping my tears and hers, "And you have to keep me in the loop of this wedding too! Just because I'm a couple hundred miles away doesn't mean you can't call."

"Well duh!" she exclaimed, almost back to her cheerful self, "Who else is going to help me pick out everything?"

I smiled and hugged her one last time before we made our way outside to the SUV. Rex was standing there as well, tears filling her eyes. I gave her a tight hug, squeezing too hard for her liking but I didn't care.

"Don't you grow soft on me," I chuckled as I wiped another tear that had fallen out.

"Never," she replied, smiling and clearing her throat, "If you need me for anything, don't hesitate to call me."

"You have my word," I said, smiling. I then took one last look at Erik's castle before climbing into the vehicle, tears steadily falling.

We rode in silence for the majority of the drive. You could slice the air between us that was filled with so much anxiety. Once we got close to the gates of my kingdom, the crowds began to get larger. I ducked my head down even though the glass in the vehicle was tinted so dark you couldn't see in.

"You okay?" Erik asked as we pulled through the gate. I nodded quickly. I felt warmth spread through my body as Erik tried to send some serenity my way by grabbing my hand and holding it tightly.

I looked over at him and smiled softly. "I couldn't do this without you."

"I promise you will never have to do anything alone," he replied, taking my hand to his lips and kissing the back of it.

We pulled up to the front of the house and I inhaled deeply as the driver put the car into park. I looked at Erik with fear in my eyes before the door opened, indicating it was time to get out.

I slipped some sunglasses on and stepped out as the driver took my bag from the back. The shouting from reporters came from every direction, camera snaps flashing everywhere, and so many people flocking me from every direction.

It's too much.

"Back off," Erik growled, reverberating the ground around me. He threw his arm around me tightly and pulled us through the crowd to the front door. We made it inside and he slammed the door behind us, locking it. He stood in front of me and put both hands on my upper arms.

"Alright," he sighed, "That will last for a while. Please tell me you have a bodyguard or something that will put my mind at ease."

"She does," Sergeant Clark came from around the corner and held his hand out with a bow to shake Erik's hand, "Sergeant Clark, your majesty."

Erik shook his hand and nodded. "Take care of her. That's an order."

"Yes sir," he said, pulling his hand away, "I will protect her with my life."

"Are we ready for the parade?" Sir Patrick asked, walking into the foyer. I looked at him and then back at Erik.

"Unfortunately," Sir Patrick said in response to my eyes, "King Donovan cannot accompany you."

"I do need to get back," Erik said with a huff, "But I will watch you come through the crowd before I leave."

"Can we have a moment alone, please?" I asked, gritting my teeth in annoyance with all of the people around.

It's only two extra people.

"Of course," Sir Patrick answered, motioning to Sergeant Clark, "We will meet you out back in five minutes."

The two men left and I looked up at Erik, who had tears in his eyes. I wrapped my arms around his waist and sighed.

"I'm going to miss you," he said, choking up, "I guess I've been bottling my emotions up until now."

"We will be fine," I said, repeating his words from the past few days, "Our love is strong. And I'll see you Saturday."

"I'll see you then, my love," he replied, kissing the top of my head. I pulled my face away from his chest and leaned up for one last, long, slow kiss.

And then he left.

I felt so alone in the world; it was like a piece of me walked out of that door.

Just six days. You can do this.

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