The Vampire Ambassador

Chapter 29

Erik and I spent the next three and a half hours going over how to manage a kingdom from behind the desk. He walked me through what you would expect if you worked in a state capital; laws, regulations, vetoes, and other miscellaneous things that come through the office.

"My brain hurts," I mumbled, sitting down across from him.

"You'll get used to it," Erik chuckled, "Don't worry. After doing it over and over everything will become second nature."

I tapped my finger against my chin and looked at the clock. “What do you say to some food? I’m starving.”

“I thought you would never ask,” he said, getting up and smiling. We went outside and loaded up in his jeep, heading to town for some food.

We pulled into the burger joint that we took on our ‘first date’ and my tattoo began to burn intensely as the memories from that evening formed themselves in my brain.

“Here you go, your Majesties,” the lady at the window said as she handed Erik the bag.

“Thank you,” he replied before driving us into one of the stalls. I pulled my food out and began to devour my burger.

“I sure hope they have one of these near my place,” I said in-between bites, “Or we will have to make this a date night every week.”

“Oh I plan on us making a date night each week,” Erik said, wiping his lips with a napkin, “I can’t go a week without seeing you.”

I slowly set my food back down in the bag as my appetite faded away. “I don’t see how you’re so calm about this.”

“I’m not,” he replied genuinely as he put his trash away, “I just do not want to upset you. You have enough on your plate to worry about.”

“Erik,” I said, looking at hjm, “I’m already upset. I have to leave the perfect life with you behind. I’ve been dreading this for months because I knew it was coming, I just didn’t know it would happen so fast.”

“I know,” he sighed, taking my hand in his, “But we will get through this. We always get through the rough patches.”

He rubbed his thumb over the knuckle of mine and I looked up to see his eyes glued to mine. He smiled softly and used his other hand to tuck a stray hair behind my ear. I rested my cheek in the palm of his hand as he let it linger there.

“I love you,” I whispered, “I always have. Even when I first met you and you were a complete asshole, I knew deep down that you were the one for me.”

“Darling,” he replied, “The reason I was such an asshole is because I had to hide my feelings for you. When your gaze met mine that day in the ward it was like every cell in my body pulled me toward you. You will always be the one.”

I grabbed his face gently and pulled him to me, meeting his wanting lips. We slowly let our lips and tongues move in motion together as the kiss deepened.

“Why don’t we go back home and take a nice, long, hot bath,” he asked, “Together?”

“That sounds perfect,” I answered with a smile. He gave me a kiss on my cheek before getting out to throw away our trash.

We went back to the house and I slowly walked up to Erik’s room while he grabbed a bottle of wine from the kitchen. I went into the bathroom and began the bath, adding some lavender bath oils to hopefully melt the stress away.

You’re gonna need a whole gallon of that to take care of stress.

I pressed my palm against my forehead as the reality hit, yet again, that I would be leaving in a little over two days now. I sighed as a tear rolled down my face and I heard Erik’s footsteps coming toward the bathroom.

“Hey,” he said, creaking the door open. I jumped up and wiped my face, keeping my eyes down. Erik didn’t say a single word as he set the glasses on the counter and poured one each. He put the ray over the tub that held the glasses before he quickly undressed and stood in front of me. I looked over at his perfect body, aweing like I did every time I got to look at this amazing man.

He walked over to me and turned my back against him, pulling my shirt over my head. He un-clasped my bra and it hit the floor with the softest clink. He slowly took his fingers down the tattoo on m my back, watching it glow in response to his touch. It wasn’t a glow of ecstacy, but one of comfort and warmth. He reached around to the front and pulled off my skirt and underwear in one swoop before he let his touch fade.

I watched as he climbed into the bathtub and motioned for me to get in. I slowly stepped in, careful not to bump the tray, and sank down deep with my back against his chest.

I sighed with relief as the hot water immediately began to work on my sore muscles. We each took a sip of wine before I let myself fall completely against him and he wrapped his arms around me.

“Thank you,” I whispered, “For this. I really needed it.”

“I know you did, love,” Erik replied, rubbing my arms, “I did too.”

We sat like that for a long time before I felt my eyes dozing off to sleep. I turned to look up and kissed Erik on the nape of his neck, sending goosebumps all over his body.

And of course, erecting something else between my cheeks.

"Why must your touch do that to me?" he asked huskily. I chuckled as I trailed my fingernails down his chest.

"And you don't think you do the same to me?" I asked, smiling darkly at him. Erik then caught onto the cue I was giving as he wrapped his arms around me and flipped us to where I was straddling on top of him.

Our lips immediately crashed together as I put my arms around his neck and held him tightly to me. His kisses left my lips and trailed down my neck as his tender touch caressed that spot on my neck that ached for him.

“Oh,” I moaned as his hands moved down my back to grab each of my cheeks while his face nestled between my breasts.

“Let’s move to the bed,” he whispered against my skin, “We might flood the bathroom if we stay in here.”

“Uh-huh,” was all I could say as my insides melted with his voice. He quickly lifted me up as my legs wrapped around his waist, standing up in the tub. My eyes never left his as he slowly walked us into the bedroom and laid me down on the bed.

He started to climb on top of me, but I pushed him down with the back of his head on the pillows. I slowly climbed on top and straddled myself above his length. I bit my lip and braced myself as I lowered myself on to him, moaning in pleasure as I felt him inside of me completely.

“God,” he breathed, throwing his head back, “You feel so good, Mel.”

I began to slowly rock my hips with an up and down motion, feeling him almost squirm under me in pleasure. When I felt his need of more I began to bounce and move faster, feeling the satisfaction of him sliding in and out.

“I’m gonna come,” I heaved as I felt the warmth building in my lower stomach.

“Please do,” he whispered, grabbing my hips to help me as I braced myself with my hand gripping the headboard.

I yelled out in pleasure as my climax exploded. My body shook with ecstacy as I felt him pumping underneath me, casuing him to come with me.

“Fuck,” I groaned as he kept going, mixing our orgasms together. He then leaned up and licked one of my nipples which caused a shockwave to move from there to my sensitive spot.

“I’m not done with you yet,” he growled. I looked down at him to see that sexy smile peering back up at me. He then picked me up and sat me on the bed face-down. I watched from behind me as he got up and walked around the bed, dripping from himself as he pumped it with his hand.

Oh my god, he fucking drives me wild. That is so hot.

“Oh I do, huh?” He asked with a sly smile. I bit my lip and blushed as he stood behind me. I nodded and kept my gaze on him as he stood there still moving his hand slowly.

“You went easy on me,” he said, “But I know what you really want now as I see you watch me. I can see it in your eyes.”

He took both hands and reached under my pelvis, lifting my ass into the air. He pulled me to the edge of the bed and put his knee between my thighs as he parted them. I lifted my upper body up onto my elbows and felt as his hand trailed down my back.

He pushed my head down gently, indicating he wanted my head down. I simply complied as I felt the wetness building yet again between my legs. I was ever so eager for him to do what he wanted at this point.

“I could never grow tired of seeing this,” he whispered as he stroked my ass with his hand. I reached my arms out in front of me and grabbed the sheets of the bed.

“Or this,” he continued, running a finger between my folds and causing me to shudder. He slowly moved it around before he entered it inside of me, making me moan in pleasure.

“Do you like it?” He asked, stroking in and out of me with one hand and moving his other on his length.

“I love it,” I said as I caught a glimpse of him, “It drives me fucking crazy.”

“What about this?” He asked as he moved his finger out and nudged the tip of himself against my entrance.

“Yes,” I moaned, “Please.”

“Was that begging?” He chuckled, nudging some more.

“It was,” I groaned, eager to feel him inside of me again, “Please fuck me.”

That was all it took before he dove in hard. I made some type of gutteral noise as he rocked in and out, causing the bed to creak with every movement.

“Oh, god,” I cried out, grabbing fistfuls of the sheets. He pumped harder and harder which caused me to practically scream.

“Come for me,” he whispered, no effort at all in his breathing. I instantly felt myself reach the tipping point and my insides clamped down. I felt myself ripping the sheets but I didn’t care; this orgasm was amazing.

He gave one last thrust and I felt him release inside of me as he collapsed against my back. When we finally stopped we just sat there for a minute collecting ourselves.

Erik finally stood up and slowly made his way into the bed but not before he looked at the sheets and then at me, confusion on his face. I smiled sheepishly at him as embarassment spread across my cheeks.

“It was amazing, what can I say?” I chuckled as I climbed into bed, “I’ll get you some more to replace it.”

“No,” he said with a grunt as he got into bed next to me, “I want to keep it. A reminder of you.”

“You’re too sweet,” I laughed as be wrapped his arms around me and held me tight.

He kissed the top of my head and sighed. “I love you so much, Melody. I don’t want you to go.”

“I don’t want to go either,” I replied, feeling the tears begin to build, “But we will be okay. We will be more than okay.”

“Yes we will,” he said, stroking my hair, “You will be an amazing queen to your people and we will be together again before you know it.”

I leaned up and looked in his eyes, placing a hand on his cheek. I gave him a long, romantic kiss before I laid my head back down.

“Goodnight, my love,” he whispered.

“Goodnight,” I said, although at that point I was so exhausted that I’m sure it was only a mumble.

One of the last few nights sleeping in his arms.

The last thing I felt before falling asleep was that tear finally seep out that I had been holding in.

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