The Vampire Ambassador

Chapter 23

“She did wonderful, no doubt about it. But it will take time for her to heal. She used an insane amount of power to destroy Johnathan.”

I jerked once I heard his name being spoke, but I still couldn’t open my eyes.

“I’m so proud of you, my sweet girl,” my mother spoke. I felt a brisk touch to my forehead and a warmth overcame my body.

“We are all proud of her,” Iris agreed, “She has gone above and beyond her duties as queen. She will do great things, in addition to what she has already done.”

“Hopefully she will wake up soon,” my mother spoke, “I know that power she used took a lot of strength from her.”

“She will wake when her body feels safe and strong,” Iris replied.

I felt a jolt of electricity run through my body and the warmth I was feeling before dissipated. The comfort from my mother and Iris was replaced by cold air blowing around and the noise of a loud beeping.

I felt covers around my chest, so I pulled them over my arms and up to my nose in an attempt to warm myself up. I noticed as my conscious became slightly more clear and the smell of alcohol and bleach filled my nose.

I scrunched my eyebrows together in an attempt to fall back into my daydream, but it was no use. The hospital smells engulfed my senses and I attempted to open my eyes slowly to scan my surroundings.

I was facing the wall holding the monitor which I assumed I was attached to. It showed my heart rate, blood pressure, and a few other numbers I didn’t understand. I looked up to see a bag of fluids running into an IV in my right arm as well.

I groaned as I rolled over onto my back, a pain searing through my muscles. I stared up at the ceiling as I heard footsteps coming to the left side of the bed. I rubbed my burning eyes and cleared my vision to see Erik slowly sitting on the edge of the bed, putting his arm around me.

“Hey, my love,” he whispered, taking his other hand and moving some hair out of my face. I smiled softly at him and closed my eyes, letting my cheek fall into his hand.

“Erik,” I said, “I know you’re upset with me. I just couldn’t tell you. I didn’t want to put you in harm’s way.”

“Shhh,” he replied, “Harry told me everything. I promise I’m not mad. I’m just glad you’re alive and okay.”

“Harry?” I asked, “He’s awake?”

“Yes,” Erik answered, “He woke up the night that everything happened.”

“How long ago was that?” I said, worried about how much time had passed.

“Three weeks ago,” Erik whispered, “We were worried you would never wake up.”

A tear streamed down my face as I looked into his eyes, seeing all of the worry that he had worn the past few weeks.

“Tell me he is dead,” I said, grabbing Erik’s hand, “Please tell me that wasn’t for nothing.”

“Trust me,” Erik chuckled, “There is nothing left of him besides ashes. You destroyed him.”

I sighed with a smile on my face, proud that I had accomplished what I had set out to do. Erik took his fingers along my cheek and smiled down at me.

“I’m so proud of you,” he whispered, planting a kiss on my forehead, “You’re an incredible ruler.”

“I just try to do what’s right,” I replied, “What about Kalani and Elias?”

“Unfortunately,” Erik answered, running his other hand through his messy hair, “They tucked tail and ran when things started to look bad. The council has put out a warrant for each of them to be arrested, however. It’s my understanding they were both injured, so they couldn’t have gone too far.”

I smiled up at him and closed my eyes, thankful to be back in his arms. Warmth surrounded me as I felt the comfort that his touch brought to me.

“I hope I’m not interrupting,” Uncle Harry croaked from the doorway. I opened my eyes and saw him coming into the room in a wheelchair. Erik got up and moved so that Uncle Harry could get to the side of the bed.

Uncle Harry reached out his hands and took mine in his, smiling at me. “I’m so glad you’re alright.”

“Me too,” I replied as I beamed at him. A tear welled up in my eye as his bruised face turned even softer.

“I heard you that night,” he said, looking down for a moment, “I knew then that you would destroy him.”

“I had a feeling you could hear me,” I whispered, “I had to see you and make sure you were okay. When I saw the condition you were in, it only made me more angry at him for what he did. I knew that killing him was the only way to keep my promise to Iris.”

“I have no doubt in my mind that she is proud of you,” Uncle Harry replied, “And so are your parents.”

He planted a kiss on my forehead as I heard footsteps coming down the hall toward my room. I looked up into the doorway to see Gael and Luna step in.

“About time you woke up!” Gael exclaimed with a smile.

“Well,” I chuckled, “So sorry to keep you waiting.” Luna came over and sat on the other side of me while Gael stood at the foot of the bed.

“We are all just so thankful you’re okay,” Luna said, smiling at me, “And we are also thankful for you saving our ass.”

She glanced over at Gael, and I remembered right before my explosion happened that Johnathan was mere seconds away from killing Gael.

“No problem,” I replied with a smile, watching as their smiles softened once they locked eyes.

“We just wanted to come check on you,” Gael said, breaking his contact with Luna, “And you’re always welcome on the island. We all look up to you, your Majesty.”

“Thank you,” I whispered, tears welling up in my eyes as how kind they all were to me for the short amount of time I spent with them. They both gave me a hug before they left, probably back to the island to get their own rest.

Uncle Harry said his goodbyes and went back to his room right before the doctor came in to check me over. He said that I was overall healthy, although I would need to take it easy for the next few weeks. He wanted me to rest the rest of the evening and go back home in the morning.


After the doctor left, Erik went to grab us some food from the cafeteria. The thoughts of a normal home with Erik flooded my mind and warmth engulfed me.

Once we finished eating, it was nearly 11 at night. Erik turned the lights down and I turned on some type of crime documentary as he snuggled over in his chair he had made into a bed the past nights.

I glanced over at him and scooted over in the bed. “Come sleep with me.”

He didn’t speak a word, but got right up and slid into the covers next to me. I laid my head on his chest and smiled as our heartbeats conjoined into one rhythm. A hum filled the room as the warmth between us spread all over our bodies and I buried my head deeper into his skin, inhaling his scent like I would never smell it again.

“I missed you so much,” I whispered as his fingers caressed my back.

He planted a kiss on the side of my forehead. “And I missed you, my love. More than anything. Just promise me to never leave me out of the loop again.”

I leaned up and looked at him. I knew it was hard being in his shoes, but our roles in the vampire world were so different.

I sighed and held his hand as I put my head back on his chest. “Erik, you know I can’t make that promise. I have to follow what Iris leads me to do. And I can’t jeopardize your life with whatever those plans in the future might be.”

“You’re my future,” Erik replied, his voice cracking just a bit, “And I’ll do whatever it takes for you to see that.”

“I do see that,” I said, meeting his eyes with mine, “I just want to protect you at all costs.”

“And I want to do the same for you,” he replied, rubbing his nose against mine, “Let’s just take it one day at a time, okay?”

“Sounds perfect,” I whispered, planting a gentle kiss on his lips, “Let’s get some sleep.”

“Good idea,” he chuckled, nestling his head into the pillow. I rested my head on his chest and fell into a deep sleep listening to his deep breathing as he dozed off as well.

The next morning I woke up feeling refreshed. I stretched as hard as I could and wrapped my arms back around Erik, who had not moved from his spot the night before.

He rolled over and planted a kiss on my forehead. "Good morning, my love."

"Good morning," I whispered, kissing his lips gently. About that time the lights flicked on in the room and I shielded my eyes from the brightness. Erik got out of the bed as the doctor strolled in and began to examine me.

"Looks good," he said, listening with his stethoscope, "I'll begin your discharge papers."

Once the doctor left the nurse came to take off my monitor and remove my IV. Thankfully Erik had grabbed me some clothes from the house so I could wear something besides a hospital gown to go home in.

About an hour later the nurse came with my discharge papers, which I was more than happy to sign to get the hell out of there. Erik had a change of clothes ready for me as well, so once I signed the papers I put on the leggings and t-shirt with sneakers before we left. I pulled my hair in a low bun and slipped some sunglasses over my eyes, shielding my face from the masses of news reporters waiting outside of the council gates.

Once we were driving through the country side, Erik reached over and grabbed my hand. I scooted over right next to him and wrapped my arm around his in response, resting my head on his shoulder.

“The council will want a meeting soon,” Erik said, “They came to me a few days after the incident and I told them to give you time to rest and recover before they bombarded you with questions.”

“I just want to go home for a while,” I replied, “I’ll call Patrick in a day or so and set up the meeting. Right now all I want is time with you and my friends.”

“Speaking of friends,” Erik chuckled, “Maya has been itching to come see you. I told her to wait until I brought you home. She has a surprise for you.”

“Do you know what it is?” I asked, picking my head up and smiling at him.

He nodded with a huge grin plastered on his face. “I do. But I promised not to tell. She wants to tell you in person herself.”

“Ugh,” I groaned, laying my head back, “That’s not fair that you know before me.”

“She couldn’t keep it a secret just to herself anymore,” he chuckled, shrugging his shoulders, “Don’t be mad at me. I didn’t ask any questions; she just spat it out.”

I wonder what her big surprise is?

“She is the first person I’m going to see when we get home,” I said, frustrated I had to wait the next hour to figure out what she was keeping from me.

“How are you feeling?” Erik asked, putting his hand on my thigh. I grabbed his hand with mine and smiled at him. “I’m feeling great, actually. A lot better than yesterday.”

A smile spread across his face as his eyes lit up. “So you feel great?”

A blush spread across my face as I felt his demeanor change from sweet to a little spicy. “I feel good, love. A little tired but not bad at all.”

“Good,” he whispered, wrapping one arm around me and kicking his seat back some. He pulled me into his lap and I could feel his bulge pressing against his thin dress pants right on my most sensitive spot.

My mouth went dry and I realized how long we had both been suppressing our urges for each other. I heard a noise behind me and turned to see a privacy screen rolling up to block the driver from any noises or sight he may see in the back seat of the SUV.

“I had a screen installed not long after you mentioned it that night,” Erik whispered as he pulled his lips to my neck. Shivers shot down my spine as I felt his warm lips caress where my jugular sat and my underwear instantly became soaked.

“Oh,” was all I could say as I wrapped my arms around his neck and let his hands trail up my shirt.

All of the weakness I had felt since I woke up was instantly gone and replaced with pure desire for Erik. The soreness in my muscles turned into a burning fire for that special moment where he would send me into pure ecstacy.

“Just tell me if it’s too much,” he breathed as his lips made their way from my neck to my earlobe and finally meeting mine.

I instantly let my mouth open for his tongue to explore mine and electricity shot through my body. I pulled him closer to me as I felt my tattoo light on fire and my eyes turned icy blue.

He flipped us to where I was laying on my back along the seats and he was on top of me. It was difficult for him to not bump his head, which I had to stifle a laugh watching him avoid it with his six-foot-five stature.

My hushed giggles instantly silenced once he pulled my pants and underwear down to my ankles and I could feel his hand caressing my right thigh. His touch was enough to cause goosebumps to raise on my skin and I closed my eyes in pleasure as his fingers slowly found their way to my ball of nerves.

A low moan escaped my lips as he worked my clit slowly. He leaned down to press his lips against mine once he moved his fingers down to my opening before gently gliding them inside of me. I wrapped both of my hands in his hair as another moan echoed against our lips and he growled in pleasure.

“I need a taste,” he said, planting one last kiss on my lips before yanking my pants and underwear completely off of my legs and throwing them in the floor. I backed up a little more against the door so he would have more room and I nearly melted when his tongue snaked out between my legs.

I could feel my release approaching quick as his mouth did it’s wonderful work. He could tell I was about to tip over the edge and he pressed me against his face even harder. I put my hand over my mouth as a scream nearly escaped once I came.

When I finally stopped quivering from my high Erik pulled away and wiped his mouth with a seductive smile. I pulled his face to mine and kissed him with such intense passion that I thought I might explode.

He sat back in the middle of the seats properly and I quickly unfastened his belt and pulled his pants and underwear down to his ankles. I took his length in my mouth and slowly went up and down, using my hand to assist.

“Fuck, Mel,” he moaned, “I missed you so much baby.”

I could tell it wouldn’t be much longer until he came too, so I stopped and decided to be slightly selfish as I straddled him. I wrapped my arms around him, careful to tilt my head so I wouldn’t knock myself out on the roof of the SUV, and slowly sat myself down on top of him.

His guttural moan caused me to slowly start moving up and down, feeling him inside of me. I closed my eyes and sighed in pleasure as his hands reached around to my ass to grab and bounce me faster.

“Come with me,” he whispered between breaths. That was all it took for both of us to reach a climax together.

Once we finally came back to our senses I placed my forehead against his and planted a gentle kiss on his lips.

“I’m sorry if I rushed that,” he chuckled, “But I just couldn’t wait another minute.”

“You didn’t rush anything,” I replied with a smile, “I love you so much.”

“And I love you,” he said, kissing my forehead. I looked outside of the window and realized we were only about 10 minutes away from the house.

“We had better get dressed,” I laughed, getting off of him and grabbing my bottom garments.

“That we should do,” Erik chuckled, pulling his pants on.

Once we were dressed he lowered the privacy screen and I gazed out of the window as the castle came into view.

I’m so happy to be back home.

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