The Vampire Ambassador

Chapter 22

We chit-chatted for a while before the sounds of birds began to fill the air. I could see the light from the sun on the horizon beginning to turn brighter.

My stomach churned with the thoughts of what were about to happen, but I knew I couldn’t let that get in the way of what my goal was. I took a deep breath and decided it was time to give Erik what might be my last words.


I waited for a moment to hear his response since it was still early in the morning. I wasn’t sure if he would be awake or not.


He must have been sleeping, because his thoughts back to me were sluggish.

Hey, my love. What are you doing up so early?

I sighed and smiled, glad to hear his voice.

Erik, I just wanted to let you know I love you so very much. My life was nothing before I met you.

I heard him chuckle as he spoke.

And I feel the same about you, Mel. Are you alright? Having trouble sleeping?

No, Erik. I’m fine for now. I just wanted to tell you that before I do what I’m about to do.

I could feel tension rise in my body from his emotions.

Melody, what is going on?

I can’t explain right now, and I’m sure you will hear about it soon. But everything will be fine and I will see you when it’s done. I love you and I will always love you more than anything.

You need to tell me what the hell is going on right now.

I can’t, Erik. Not until it’s finished. Just please tell me you love me first.

Mel, you know I love you. I have loved you since the first day I laid eyes on you. Just please tell me what’s going on.

I’ll talk soon, my love.

Mel, wait-

I cut off the connection just in time to get myself focused. I felt a loose tear stream down my face as the soldiers behind us began to shift their guns around and get prepared.

We sat in silence for what seemed like forever. I looked over at Gael who was steadily focused on the opening beyond the tree line we were taking cover in. I focused my eyesight where he was and noticed my hearing picked up on some noises beyond what I could see.

I crouched down with my feet planted firmly on the ground as footsteps echoed across the area. I took a deep breath as the sight of nearly 400 vampires came over the small hill and were in view. I heard the cocking of guns from the human army as they pointed their barrels through the trees, visible to our enemies.

Once the first line of vampires was in complete view, I began to scan the crowd for Johnathan. Of course, he was far in the back; protected by his army. He was flanked on each side by Elias and Kalani.

The army stopped moving about 200 yards in front of us. They turned to look back at Johnathan, who was eyeing us closely.

Surely he hasn’t figured it out yet.

“Gael,” I whispered, “Make us a boundary.”

He nodded and pushed a line of fire right in front of the tree line, keeping it steady to prevent it from spreading into the forest.

I heard the tanks on either side of the opening crank up and point in the direction of our threat. I watched as the faces of the vampires in front of us became nervous, unprepared for this battle.

“It seems as if we have been surprised,” Johnathan boomed from the back of the army, “Looks like the humans want their land to stay theirs. But that’s too bad; I have a different plan in mind.”

I watched as he held his hands up and out toward the tanks. He closed his hands in fists and the tanks immediately crumbled upon themselves, backfiring and killing whoever was inside.

“Stop!” I yelled out, walking from the tree line. I made sure my mask was pulled up tight to hopefully conceal my face. I jumped over the fire that was in front of us for cover and stood right in front of it.

“Johnathan,” I said, “It doesn’t have to be this way.”

“Oh, look what we have here?” he replied, chuckling, “I thought you were in the looney bin.”

“Hard pass,” I growled, staring him down, “Back down now and you will be spared from death.”

“You can’t kill me,” he said, throwing his head back in laughter, “I’m like you now.”

“Johnathan,” I replied, “I’m warning you. Turn around and go home. Leave the human lands alone. That’s an order from your Queen.”

“Queen my ass!” he yelled, “You’re no queen. You just have this image in your head of the perfect life because that’s what you think you’re entitled to. You have no idea how to run a country, much less be a decent vampire. You should have killed me when you had the chance, little girl. Now you and your little human friends will suffer.”

He pushed his hands forward and the army began to run forward. I backed up against the fire, feeling the heat burning against my clothing.

I glanced over at Tim, nodding. He motioned to his men to open fire. Vampires started dropping left and right with the injuries from the silver bullets that were flying out of the machine guns.

I grabbed the first vampire I could and decided to save my powers for when they were needed; I grabbed his outstretched arm and spun myself around, breaking his arm in the process. I snapped his neck in an instant, causing his body to crumble to the ground.

Luna had burst from the trees and used her water abilities to drown a few vampires while fighting and killing others. Gael was throwing flames at different vampires while protecting his line of fire against the forest.

Other vampires from our army began to escape the trees, using their different abilities to battle. I noticed Quinn slowly advancing forward, using hand-to-hand combat as he pushed through the crowd.

Several other enemies came at me, and I destroyed them in an instant. Although it seemed like we were winning, it seemed like the army in front of us was getting stronger.

They are feeding from him.

I growled as I twisted off the head of a young vampire who had tried to attack me. I glanced up and saw Johnathan dispersing blue mist among his army, doing exactly what I thought he would be doing.

Now is your chance; he’s distracted.

I began to run as fast as I could toward him, loading up what energy I could to hit him all at once. I could feel my spine tingling with power and my eyes glowing bright blue. I was almost close enough to jump when I felt my body stop instantly.

Oh, shit.

I felt my feet rising off of the ground as I moved toward Johnathan. His eyes snapped from the rest of the army to me, and his blue powers jerked back to his body before engulfing me.

It felt like my whole body was on fire at that moment. I wiggled my arms and legs, trying to break free, but it was no use. I couldn’t move an inch if my life depended on it.

“You just thought you could best me,” Johnathan growled, grabbing my neck with his left arm once I was within reach. I felt the air in my lungs stop moving once he tightened his grip on my throat.

“I’m here to tell you this is your last time seeing me,” he said with a sickening smile, “You aren’t the powerful queen you thought you were. All of that bullshit that your parents told you was a lie. I’m going to be king of the entire world, and there is nothing you can do about it.”

I couldn’t talk, so I decided to spit right in his face. He wiped his face with his right hand and tightened his grip on my throat, causing some blood to fall into my windpipe and I felt myself beginning to really choke.

“Tell mommy and daddy I said hi,” he chuckled, raising his right hand and planning to snap my neck.

Erik, I love you.

I closed my eyes and waited for the instant darkness I was about to experience. I was wrong in my conclusion because the grip from Johnathan begin to falter. I opened my eyes and saw that the ground beneath us was shaking and starting to open up.

Thanks, Quinn.

Johnathan tried to keep his footing and focus but it was no use; if he had stayed there he would have fallen into the pit. I felt the release of power and kicked myself against his chest, sending him flying across the ground.

I felt a hand grab mine before I fell into the hole. I looked up to see Quinn pulling me to safety. I climbed up onto the grass and bent over, trying to catch my breath.

“How are we going to kill him?” Quinn exclaimed, “He’s strong.”

“I know,” I growled, rubbing my neck, “We can beat him, though. It’s just going to take some figuring out.”

You are the one that the powers listen to; not him. You are the only one who can control them.

Queen Iris's words rang in my head as a realization hit me: if I was the one who they listened to, maybe I could manipulate them or take them back.

I stood up and straightened my back, preparing myself for whatever attack Johnathan was about to throw my way.

“Quinn,” I growled, “Get out of here. It’s about to get messy.”

I heard Quinn's footsteps begin to fade into the distance as I kept my gaze on Johnathan. I could hear bullets flying past me in every direction as the humans kept pushing against the vampires.

Johnathan stood up groggily as he shook his head. His eyes met mine and I saw them light up blue. I planted my feet firmly into the ground and readied myself as he threw his hands toward me.

The blue mist reached right in front of me before I put my own hands up and stopped his powers from touching me. I pushed against his strength as I could feel him growing weaker.

I felt my tattoo light up and burn into my skin as the powers began to channel throughout my body. I opened my palms as wide as they would go and commanded the powers flowing from Johnathan to return to their rightful owner.

Before I knew it I was not pushing against him, but absorbing what he was throwing at me. A smile crept across my face as I saw victory growing closer.

"NO!" Johnathan roared, breaking the connection I had made. By that point, I had taken most of his powers and he was left weak and fragile. I wiped my forehead and stared him down.

"Those powers are not yours to take," I growled. I stomped the ground and what Quinn had already opened up began to fall into the opening to the core of the earth. Some vampires fell into the pit while others began to run away.

"You can either surrender now," I called out to Johnathan, "Or die trying to defeat me."

"I will never surrender," he replied. He then launched himself into the air toward me. I reached up at the perfect time and grabbed him by the throat, sending him flying behind me. I turned on my heel and ran toward him.

Surprisingly, he kicked me as I approached him. The brute strength of his kick caused the air to hiss from my lungs as I landed hard against the ground on my back. I could feel the ground beneath me start to crumble, so I hopped back up and faced Johnathan again.

"You just don't know when to quit," he chuckled, crossing his arms across his chest.

"It's gonna take a lot more than that to make me stop," I said, jumping toward him.

We landed kicks and punches against each other for a while longer before I could feel the lactic acid in my muscles begin to burn.

You've got to finish him soon, or you'll be too tired to use your powers again.

I landed a hard kick against his cheek, sending him across the opening toward Gael. I stood up slowly as he grabbed Gael by the back of the neck.

"Gael!" Luna screamed, running from one side of the area toward him.

I watched as Gale flopped around in Johnathan's grip, unable to move to get away. I looked around as some of the humans were falling victim to the vampires, along with some of our army dying as well.

This isn't going to end until you finish him.

I felt the blood trickling down my face from the beating I had received from Johnathan and wiped it with the back of my sleeve. I began to control my breathing as I reached down and touched the ground with both hands, feeding power from it.

I looked up at Johnathan and it seemed like everything went into slow motion. He had his hands placed perfectly around Gael's neck to where he would snap it. Luna was trying her best to reach him in time, but it was no use.

I remembered the anger I felt when I watched Malachi kill my parents and I used that feeling to fuel what I was about to launch at Johnathan. I could hear the loud humming in the air as blue mist oozed from my body all over the ground.

The humming began to turn into a crackling of energy, and I knew now was the time to use everything I had against Johnathan. Blue lightning began to crack across the sky and I watched as Johnathan looked up slowly, and then our eyes met.

His mouth dropped open at the sight of what I was doing and his eyes grew wide. I smiled across the area at him as I gave him one last look before I killed him.

"You were never meant to be king," I whispered, causing my words to carry throughout the air, "I am the rightful queen, and I will destroy anyone in my way who threatens my kingdom.”

I took one deep breath and screamed as I threw everything I had at Johnathan; planning to avoid Gael, the other vampires, and humans. An explosion of blue, crackling mist erupted from my entire body and it felt like my soul left me. The wind was knocked out of me and I could see stars in my vision.

I watched from my blurry sight as a wave of energy disintegrated everyone but us and the humans, causing the trees in the forest to bend backwards. Jonathan’s body evaporated into mist and blew away with the force of the powers I had sent his way.

After a few moments, everything was calm and it was only our army and the humans left in the field. I attempted to catch my breath as Gael was running toward me, frantic to make sure I was okay.

I collapsed to the ground as everything went dark and I was sure Johnathan was destroyed.

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