The Unthinkable

Chapter I guess it didn't

Unknown POV

‘Subject 5!’ A loud shout is heard from the door and we all rush over. I know that they were looking for me but why.

‘What is going on here?’ Tanya asks but I ignore her as the guards grab me pulling me to their side.

‘Just what is meant to happen’ They answer grabbing Zenon as well and walking us out.

Lilie’s POV

‘Why are we even here?’ Josh growled stomping around the stream and kicking the water with a splash.

I just sat on the edge with Anna making flower crowns as Xander talks with Charly behind us. Yes, I know, Charly is still here. That’s what is confusing us the most. Usually he would have left by now but he’s here with us and something tells me it has to do with the number Xander picked today.

‘Lilie’ I turn around to see Charly. ‘I hear footsteps’

I get up pulling Anna up with me and calling out to Josh. When we are huddled together the footsteps grow closer soon revealing a huge group of guards, and I mean huge. Probably around 30 in total. They all pass by us walking over to the field and we watch in shock and confusion not really knowing what to do. However, as the last couple of guards pass one shouts out to us not stopping.

‘Hurry up Group A!’

Josh blots forward leading the group with me close behind holding Charly’s hand. We reach the field in no time and I notice Josh furrow his brows at the scene before us. I look over and instantly do the same. There, in the same spot Xander was tied, Is a row of five chairs. They all looked exactly like the ones from Charly’s evaluation and I stop dead in shock and fear. Charly pulls me close to his chest and holding me tightly trying to calm my racing heart before I faint once again.

As I start to calm he is ripped away from me and two strong arms wrap around mine pulling me towards the set of chairs. I don’t bother struggling as I know its no use, but I watch as Josh, Anna and Xander try and fight the restraints on their wrists as they are lowered into the chair. I am sat next to Charly who is on the far left and Josh who is in the middle followed by Xander then Anna.

‘What are you doing!? Lilie whats going on?’ Josh shouts looking at me.

‘They’re going to torture someone Josh. Its an evaluation’ I whisper out, but he hears it loud and clear fighting even more against the metal.

I look over at Charly and he smiles sadly at me knowing that what is about to happen will cause us even more mental scarring then what we have. But that’s what they want. I slump down in my chair sobbing slowly to myself as the guards stand formally behind us in rows.

A woman walks forward with two other figures who are also being held by guards and I don’t look up from my watery eyes to great her. I know who she is already. I just listen to her explaining some useless information whilst Josh screams at her but then a name catches my attention.


I snap my head up seeing Zenon and Bess before us looking pissed and confused. Charly’s mother just continues talking as if there wasn’t a furious Josh screaming to be released from his cage. How is she even human?

‘This is too far. I know what you are doing. Stop. It. Now’ Charly says calmly but deadly like as if he would snap into a frenzy at any moment.

I look down the row of chairs to see how Anna was and I see her talking to Xander as they cry with each other. Xander is too weak to fight against the restraints but Anna wont stop trying to slip her small wrists from their grasp.

‘You know I have to son. We are so close to understanding what this is.’ She pauses looking up from her clipboard. ‘Who you are’

She hands the clipboard to a guard who takes it away and she makes her way over to Zenon and Bess.

‘I am disappointed in you son. You have my brains but your fathers stupidity-’

‘Don’t!’ Charly growls lowly.

She walks over to Charly’s tense and struggling body bending down to eye sight.

‘I’m giving you a chance Charly. To do what is right. So why wont you choose it?’

He chuckles slightly as if mocking her. I see his hands in strong fists turning white from the pressure as they hang helplessly against the metal bars.

’I am doing what’s right. I am standing by my friends and finding a way to group humanity and sanity back together, because you know what mother. This. Is. Not. SANE! Nor is it human.’ He screams the words at her even though they are practically centimetres away. ‘ You are the stupid one for not realizing that torturing your own kind, for any reason is necessary.’

He stops to breathe, and everyone stops and stares at the scene, even Josh. Charly’s…only family member stands face to face with him showing, surprisingly, a different emotion. Sadness. There is silence except for the slow breathing of Charly who has relaxed slightly letting his fists gain more colour.

She backs away slowly looking around her as if she had forgotten everything but it doesn’t last long before she straightens herself up and placing back a fake smile. However, as she goes to raise her hand to the guards Charly whispers his last word.


I look over at Anna who has found a way to hold Xanders hand and is now crying. Josh is still annoyed and breathing like an angry dragon who is about to kill the wicked witch aka satan professor. Charly is just staring his birth mother straight in the eye with the most pleading look he can manage seeing if it will work. Will it?

‘Let’s start. On my count’

I guess it didn’t.

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