The Unthinkable

Chapter ' 5 '

Day 189. Year of 4020.

I run through the trees laughing freely as I chase Charly through a forest unlike the arena we usually work in but an actual forest with natural wildlife. Animals are on the edge of the path we are following staring at us with wide eyes and to our shock, they follow us grouping around us. Charly turns back to me smiling brightly with a toothy grin as we jump over the rubble and potholes heading to a location I was unsure of.

The fresh sunset pierced through the trees blinding us slightly, but I didn’t slow in my stride as I kept up with his speed. Where were we? And where are we going?

Out of nowhere a meadow appears in front of me and the animals guarding us rush away taking Charly with them, but I stay put looking out into the field. The beautiful sunset fades as the darkness rises completely engulfing the sky around it leaving my eyes to focus on the small figure across the field. I find myself walking forwards and with each step, an animal rushes past me making my heart jolt. As I step again I catch sight of its pointed ears unlike the deer in the forest and I wonder what sort of creature would live there.


A scream breaks through me and I snap my head back in front of me seeing the one figure split into two. There on the floor is the ruined body of Freddie and bending over it screaming is…me. As I go to touch my shoulder another scream is heard, and I turn around to find the burning floaters hut or more like my floater's hut. I recognize the screams of my Nana but instead of screaming my name she screams ‘MONSTER’ over and over.

‘Nana! Freddie! STOP IT!’

I scream at the house but as I step forward the scene changes to my Nana and Freddie in a bloodied and burned mess standing before me. They scowl at me with teary eyes. The sight of their rotting bodies cause me to cry in pain and before I can scream they push me to the ground whispering over and over in my ear.

‘You did this…you are a monster…it’s all your fault’


‘Lilie! Wake up!’

I jolt up charging forward and punching the first thing I see which happened to be a wall. A huge dent pierced through it and the pain calmed me as I collapse to the floor in a crying, traumatized mess. Freddie and Nana’s faces are fresh in my mind reminding me of the rotting and yellowish skin as the dead bodies stand before me spitting in disgust at me for taking away a living being’s greatest gift. Living.

A hand strokes my back and I knew it was Charly by his gentle movements. He picks me up laying me in his arms and I cling my arms around his neck crying into his shirt.

‘Th-they…were there. And…you’

He kissed my forehead holding me closer and I peek my head out from his shirt seeing Anna by the other bunk bed with a sympathetic look on her face. I look away not liking the sympathy I am receiving.

‘They’re here!’ Josh shouts from the kitchen and Charly gathers me in his arms carrying me bridal style.

In the front entrance, Anna helps to hold Xander up as he hunches over slightly from his healing wounds.

At least he’s walking

I tell myself cringing at his crumpled body. He should be resting but obviously, here they don’t believe in a thing called healing and repairing so he would just have to hold on.

'Good morning subjects! As subject 10 is no longer with us we have decided to let you decide who picks a group member for an evaluation today, so pick wisely'

'Her name is Freddie' I growl at Charly's satan mother.

I start thinking through who would be the best person for the job. I then laugh mentally as I realise its obvious who it should be.

'Xander. It has to be him just look.' I motion to him 'He can hardly walk'


'No' Josh steps in. 'She's right, Xand should pick'

We all nod in agreement and Xand limps forward to pick out a number. Charly takes my hand holding it tightly in his for reassurance which I am thankful for as the pain calmed me in a weird way.

I watch closely as Xanders' fingers search around blindly before taking a piece of paper and slowly taking it in his palm. He is now shaking as he carefully unfolds it and I almost cry seeing his pain. I have been in his position before, twice actually, and it is scaring. Knowing you can take someone's life so easily by just taking a strip of paper randomly.

He stares at the number and a tear escapes his eyes but his eyes narrow in confusion. He looks up at Charly's mother and guards then back to all of us.

'Well go ahead then subject 9' She pushes in a commanding voice.

He looks back down at the paper reading its hidden number.


he says and all the guards left robotically and briskly out of our door followed by satan lady.

'Wait! What then he-' I shout after her but the door slams in my face and I punch it in frustration.


Charly grabs my arm stroking it gently to calm my nerves but I walk straight over to Xander inspecting the paper. As if looking for a different number to pop out at me I inspect it but all that sits there is a simple and clear '5' in bold black writing.

If you didn't already realise everyone is freaking out over the number because it belongs to nobody. belongs to someone but we don't know who. All we know is we are numbers 12-7 meaning that number is from Group A.

But the member of Group A that got picked...we don't know.

And what will happen we to them we only know it will be nothing good.


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