The Unthinkable

Chapter Group A

I am running at the fastest pace possible just so I can catch up which Freddie, hoping that Anna is behind me. What does Fred mean Group A doesn't seem too friendly?

I flashback to when I met everyone. I remember them. The three girls at the crafting table. They didn't seem to like me all. The boys didn't pay too much interest in me, but are they really that bad?

We reach the forest and I can hear the crunching of the crisp leaves under my feet. The bird calls are louder and more beautiful and I struggled to not lose concentration. But I had to concentrate because running into a tree is definitely not what we need right now.

We run further until Freddie takes a sudden stop causing me to run into her.


But that's not what she's worried about. Her eyes are staring wide-eyed behind me and I realize the rustling sound behind me.

I turn around seeing Anna who is walking slowly backwards, away from the sound. Thank god she's safe...but what is that sound?

It gets louder and louder and soon we can hear panting. Heavy panting. A figure emerges from the trees and my heart calms as I see Josh.

'Lilie? You're safe, thank-'

I didn't let him finish. I ran up to him kissing him softly. He kissed back and I wrapped him in a hug but he flinched. I look down seeing a huge wound in his side. He's losing blood fast and I quickly rip some of my top and wrap it around his ripped torso.

'Thank you'

I smile up at him and turn to the others. Anna is looking around whilst Freddie kicks some stones seeming...different.

'You okay Fred-'

'Hey, guys look!'

Anna says interrupting us and pointing up in the trees. Beyond the thick piles of leaves is a small clearing. It is a perfect place for all four of us to hide.

'If we want to get up there we had better hurry. Group A isn't far behind us'

Josh says and with that, we all start walking over to the huge tree getting ready to climb to safety. I look over at Freddie still seeing the frown that has now appeared on her face. This isn't the same Freddie, but why is she different? Why won't she tell me?

We start climbing. Anna going first and doing amazingly well taking a far lead, then Freddie who does fine as I expected, then Josh who I insisted went up so I could help him and finally me who stayed at the back helping Josh keep his balance. His wound isn't helping and I can see how much pain he's in, but this is the safest way.

15feet up

Josh nearly slips but I push him up to the next branch.

30feet up

We can hear rustling below us and we quicken our pace knowing we don't have long left.

45feet up

I hear voices shouting. A girl's voice I think. She says something along the lines of 'Tanya are you sure.....they will come down when they hear...they will understand'

60feet up

We reach the top and Anna is comfortably laying down on the highest branch picking at the leaves curiously. Freddie is the furthest away looking down in a stance as if she's ready to jump. I am worried about her... Josh is on the first branch in reach as he cares to his wound and I sit in the middle hiding between the trunk which is split in two.

All we do is listen to the bees humming around us looking for a fresh flower to turn into honey. We watch a bird every so often fly through the trees, all of the different colors and forms are all so beautiful. But even with these new and interesting surroundings, nothing would replace the worry I have for Freddie right now. I had to say something.

'Freddie. What's wrong?'

She hardly moves as if I hadn't spoken at all. She is acting strong not wanting to show emotion and it upset me...this must be really bad if she doesn't want to open up to me.

'It's me isn't it.' Silence. 'Look I'm not good at this friend thing but I care about you, Fred. It hurts to see you like this. When you want to talk I'm here okay'

She doesn't move. It's as if I was talking to a brick wall. Emotionless, dull, sad, silent but strong. Stopping me from seeing what is really going on...and something tells me this is who Freddie really is. Have I broken her trust?


There is shouting below us and we all look down seeing 6 figures. 3 girls. 3 boys.

A girl with blonde hair is shouting and next to her is a redhead and another blonde. They all had weapons like swords, bows, and daggers which made them look even more terrifying.


One of us for what? If they had weapons then where were ours? This seemed like a very unfair fight if we aren't allowed a huge advantage of having a sword or bow.

Anna goes climbing higher but as she does birds flutter out from the branch above making us all scream in shock. They've found us.

'There you are! Thought you could hide?'

The other blonde says smirking.

'Who are you guys and what do you want?!'

I shout and they are looking up now.

'Oh, how rude of us we haven't even introduced ourselves. I am Tanya, this is Christen' she points to the blonde'this is Bess' the redhead...

Zenon had black hair, Aurick had brown hair and Jason had auburn hair.

'And who are you?'

She smirks playing with her dagger which is smeared in blood. Lovely.

'People who want you to move your ass and leave!'

Josh shouts.

'Oh hey there Joshy. Glad to see you liked my dagger.'

I look over at Josh seeing his disgusted face.

'I can't believe you are still siding with her Zen. After all we have been through'

The boy looks down in shame. I recognized him from the activity hall at the start. He was with Josh in the fitness section. They seemed close.

'Now let's make this easy. Come down and we take one of you or we start throwing knives at all...'

She pauses and starts looking around. As if she is...counting.

'I see we are one short. Where is that sky lander of yours? You know I know a good story about him. Want to hear?'

'Josh, what is she talking about?'

I ask Josh turning to him confused. He just shrugs looking back to Tanya. She looked so happy in herself it just made me want to vomit all over her ugly little-

'He's a bit of a mamas boy you see. We met him first when we arrived. He works here and watches each evaluation to check up on us. He must be watching your other subject right now! Don't worry sky lander will be back to tell you all the news'

'Yeah, not too sure if your friend will be though!'

Christen adds stepping forward and laughing with Tanya, Aurick, and Jason.

They carried on talking about Xander, mocking him and I could see Anna fighting back the anger and tears. Freddie seems shocked shaking her head in disbelief. Finally, I look over at Josh seeing his face confused and shocked like Freddie. I felt the same but moreover everything I felt betrayed.

Charly Betrayed Me.

'I'll be the sacrifice!'

I snap my head over to the voice in shock and the laughter below dies down as Tanya, Christen, Aurick, and Jason look up with wide smiles pulling out weapons.

No, I can't let them sacrifice themselves. They are way too important. I can't and never ever will.

They stand up jumping down to the next branch.

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