The Unthinkable

Chapter Anna

I am sitting with Charly still staring at the fireplace and occasionally bringing up a conversation when the front door opens startling us. Four guards walk inside along with the same doctor who was now dressed in grey trousers and a white blouse.

'Good morning Group B! Today is evaluation 2 and we will once again pick a subject to take part whilst the others start some daily activities planned...'

Yeah, I have a short attention span. Freddie, Josh, Anna, and Xander were now all here with us standing by the kitchen entrance.

Is this how every day will be? They send one of us to that torture room just to see if we return.

I try and think of any reason possible to why they would do this still failing miserably. I give up bringing myself back to her boring voice.

'...hope your sleep was to your liking. Now let us pick out our next subject who will be taking part in what we call our first REAL evaluation.'

She reveals a small metal box with no lid but it's filled with small strips of paper.

'Now as Lilie was evaluated last she will take one and but don't do anything until I tell you'

I step forward taking a strip of paper. Everyone watches me as I hold the folded note in my hand. Did she mention what this was or were they just as confused as me?

'Now read it'

I look at it seeing a number. But what did it mean?


Two guards come out grabbing Xanders' arms and taking him out the door leaving Anna to scream after him. He struggled against their grip but it was no use. He was gone leaving us with the doctor and two other guards.

'Where are you taking him?'

'Just an evaluation Anna. Now I will be leaving now. These guards will show you to your activities today'

She looks at us all but smiles at Charly and he looks down to the floor avoiding her gaze. What is that all about?

She leaves the room and the guards motion for us to do the same and we follow not wanting to cause trouble.

As we walk down the metal corridors I realize Anna is by my side. She has tear stained cheeks and is still trembling from the events that had just taken place. Though I didn't understand her exact thoughts and feelings I grabbed her hand rubbing circles on it reassuringly.

She looked up at me, her brown eyes full of shock and I smiled at her reassuringly making her smile back. Anna and I hadn't talked much yet but I could tell she is shy and cares for her brother more than anyone else. It's most likely her past wasn't the best but that is normal for everyone here...which helps. It pulls us together. Like a family.

We reach another end of a corridor and the guards push us through a door leaving us all gobsmacked at the scenery.

Our whole lives: being surrounded by death and suffering.

Until now.

The freshest greenery we have ever seen is growing from every corner of the room looking so perfect I can consider it art. Bushes holding flowers and wild berries are scattered at the edge of the forest, followed by huge meadows brushed with spring pollen. The grass is flowing perfectly under our feet forming huge green hills and supporting the delicate flowers of all shapes, colors, and sizes. The only brown insight was from the trunks of the strong and peaceful oak trees that stand together waving at us subtly, their flimsy branches covered in bright healthy leaves and in some places fresh berries and fruit.

From all directions, I can hear all sorts of bird calls and insects singing to each other as they dance, happily hidden in the forest. As well as that, running water can be heard in the distance and I look around finding something I had only seen in pictures.

Clear blue water.

A lake to be precise. Its water is more like a glass window helping you see straight to the bottom which is almost like a new world itself. Fish and sea creatures that I have never seen before jump around and through the water plants with no destination but simply enjoying each others presence. Small rocks rested on the surface making a path to the other side where a small waterfall crashes against them in a bubbly white broth.


Anna whispers next to me and I realize she has let go of my hand and is now walking forwards getting deeper inside the fantasy world.

'You have exactly 5minutes until the activity commences'

The guards tell us walking out of the room and closing the doors tightly behind us.

Anna had already disappeared into the room and I decide to walk around myself. I walk to the lake intrigued by the landscape. Why did they bring us here?

I go to the bushes seeing bright red and orange flowers. They are so beautiful and healthy. I hardly ever got flowers being surrounded by water my whole life, so the urge to pick them was growing on me.

I reached out kneeling down to touch them when someone comes running around the corner.


Anna rushes over pushing my arms away from the plant. She checks my hand over inspecting them carefully.

'They're poisonous. I read a book about plants with my brother. They're called Sparkers. They burn your skin'

'Thank you, Anna'

She nods smiling and moves away sitting at the edge of the lake. I move over to sit with her and see huge handfuls of daisies on her lap. She's busy tying them together around a bent strong vine.

'What are you making?'

I ask and she looks up shocked but stumbles out some words.

'Oh, this. It's a flower crown. My mum taught me before...'

She drifts off and I place a hand on her knee rubbing circles reassuringly. A tear escapes her eye and I decide it's best if I say something.

'I never met my parents. I've always lived with my Nana until she passed. It hurts.' She looks up smiling sadly. 'But she did teach me this'

I grab a stone from the water's edge and skim it across the clear water. It left little ripples where it collided with the water a bit like when you leave footprints in the snow because as soon as it was made it was covered in fresh water.

Anna smiles brighter and I pull her into a hug.

'I miss her. I just don't want to lose Xander as well. He's all I have left...' I rub her back as her tears stain my shirt and she continues '...ever since mum passed, our whole family broke apart. They turned us in straight away, along with our baby brother Leon, to the perlustration'

'You don't just have Xander and Leon you know'

We break apart and I rub circles on the back of her hand.

'You have me, Freddie, Josh, and Charly. We are all in this with you'

She doesn't get to reply as a scream is heard coming from the forest and someone comes rushing around the corner.

'Lilie! Lilie!'

'I'm here!'

I get up running towards Freddie. She's sweating and I can see a cut down her right cheek.

'What happened to you? Fred-'

'It's Group A.I can't find the boys. But Group A do not seem friendly.'

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