The Unexpected Mate

Chapter The Hearing

I had to admit that I was a bit intimidated by all of this. This was my first time being in a council hearing. There were Alphas, Lunas, and coven leaders. Though it was a smaller group than normal. Just adjoining territories were here to oversee this. Plus, one territory that was from farther away and not involved at all as a neutral party.

I was surprised at how well Axel kept his calm. Though he sure did not censor himself. He spoke his mind and said what he thought. He met any challenge head-on. I could see why so many were intimidated by him. He did not back down from things.

He admitted what he did, and he denied what he had not. I could see that the majority believed him. Even if they did not like him. They seemed to find Axel the more honest asshole than Nate who could put on charm when it mattered.

Nate too was very controlled, but I could see that anger burning in him. Rage, there was rage behind his eyes. I saw even more now of his dark nature than before. I had been so blind, hadn’t I? Ignoring what was right in my face until I found him in bed with Ashley using her like they were already mated.

I was mad at some of the things Axel was being accused of or said to him. He was quite used to it. I was not, but I kept my calm. Clearly several thinking my omega status made me weak. Assholes.

What I did appreciate was that Axel kept our mental bridge and connection open. After all, I already knew all the deepest parts of him. So, I was happy that he trusted me to be in his mind as this was going on.

Part of the way through as we were sitting and answering questions together, I reached below the table and took his hand without showing anything on my face. I could feel his anger growing.

Axel was getting very upset and dangerously so as personal questions were asked of me. Especially as an omega, if I felt that I was being kept to breed with Axel. That I was just performing a duty and was actually scared of my male.

Axel could see in my mind I did not believe this one bit. I took his hand and squeezed it rather hard in solidarity. I was surprised when he squeezed it back and I saw him take a breath and let it out. When he was asked if my mark was forced without my consent. I actually stood up and had to pull back on my rage.

“No, no it was not forced!” I nearly shouted. “He and I are mates. We are true mates, why would you even ask that? Do you know how hard it would be to force a mark from another? What kind of thing is that to ask! I chose my mate. I am happy, and I am not afraid for my life. Nathan of North Pack was going to BREED me, he said it to my face!” I had raised my voice this time and several looked uncomfortable. I had some tears of rage. These were mostly men here and one woman. How dare they! At least a few looked ashamed.

“These are just standard questions, please Luna Layla sit. We are almost done. We can see how this is genuinely upsetting you and your mate. It is part of the process to see if we are being lied to,” I was shaking and I felt Axel's hands on my upper arms as he had stood too.

He whispered into my ear that we were almost done. What they said did not matter, I was his. I sat back down and endured the last few bullshit questions before we were allowed out.

Then the alone portion was done. That went faster in my opinion than the joint one. My answers were all the same. No, I was not afraid of my mate. Yes, I felt safe in his territory. No, I was not aware of him doing any of the things he was being accused of. After that, they did have those that were willing to come forward and testify on Axel’s behalf about the accusations of kidnapping to grow his pack numbers.

Each and every one showed their medical evidence of mistreatment by their old packs. Several actually having come from North Pack. They said they stood by Axel as their Alpha and did not fear being attacked in their sleep like they did in other territories.

Those testimonies were very strong. It was nightfall by the time all was said and done for this part. For other accusations of theft and things they were going to be doing a search and inventory of Axel’s territory. He hated it, but he was going to allow it under certain conditions. One was that North Pack also get searched.

“I believe that for the conclusion of today, none on the council feel that Luna Layla nor the other accused victims are in any danger returning home to their current territory. Pending a final assessment and ruling, no intervention is seen necessary at this time.” I felt such relief hearing the moderator of this circus say this. Though I felt a bit nervous too, because of what was going to happen next.

“There is however a challenge issued by Axel of the Lycan Territories to Nate of the North Territory Pack. If this challenge is to be met, then the council sees it as valid by the rules of wolves signed in both territories. All coven territories recognize that a challenge is of wolf and lycan laws and while recognized, it is not of their jurisdiction to interfere.

“We do,” said the few leaders of other territories not by wolves. I looked over at Nate who had his jaw clenched. Axel had reasonable claims to challenge Nate. If Nate did not answer the challenge, then automatically half the territory he had would go to Axel. It was how it worked for wolves. It was just announced that the council saw the claim to challenge valid. Nate spoke.

“The challenge is accepted, at the acknowledgment of heeling should it be given and not pass it,” Nate said looking only at the head of the council this evening. The man looked at Axel who was silent for a moment.

“I will only accept a heel if the one that gives is taken to Boutin for a decade sentence. I do not claim brutality, but I will not have others living in fear of revenge. I believe there is enough evidence to support this.” Axel said and I was covertly watching Nate and the tic in his jaw. He did not like that at all.

“The acknowledgment of heeling with a sentence of a decade to the one that loses. Do you both agree?” They did at the same time and Nate whipped around and marched toward the door as the head of the council this evening stated twenty minutes for them to start their challenge.

I let out a breath and moved with Axel to go outside. There was a section of woods where a challenge was to take place. Others would watch of course to ensure rules were followed. Which there weren’t many. Mostly that what was agreed upon happened.

I was very nervous truth be told about the challenge. Yes, I had absolute faith in Axel. He was a lycan and he had been challenged multiple times. I knew Nate though and he could be underhanded. In a fair fight, it really should be Axel who won quickly, but one never knew. Nate did have his own abilities.

“I’ve never watched a challenge,” I said looking at Axel as we walked out of the meeting building and toward the small parking lot.

“You’ll be careful right?” I asked really quietly, and Axel raised an eyebrow with a half-smile.

“Nothing to worry about Sweetness. Not my first and Nate is not the strongest I have ever faced,” he said. His confidence was very strong, and it calmed me a bit.

“Yes, but he is a bit of a weasel. I really don’t think he will play fair,” I said just feeling this worry in my gut. We were passing through some of the cars and Axel slowed to let me move forward as the space between the cars was tighter.

“Oh, I am sure. I have not really met another that plays fair in these fights. It is possible life or death after all,” Axel said, and I did not find the humor as he did in it. I turned my head to look back at him and immediately my eyes widened. Behind Axel, someone was coming up fast and they raised their arm up, holding a weapon.

I just didn't think. I grabbed and whipped around yanking Axel to me, and we went back hitting the hood of the car there as a gun went off. I used my mind to pull us back as fear hit me seeing the weapon.

Nate had just stormed toward us from somewhere in the cars holding the weapon. There were shouts hearing the gunshot. I might have seen it and acted first, but Axel was fast to respond too. Still, we were at a disadvantage in the small space and the weapon aimed at us.

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