The Unexpected Mate

Chapter Cold and Calculated

We hit the hood of a car and rolled off falling to the ground as another shot went off. It shattered the back window of the car in front of us raining glass everywhere. I was actually on top more than Axel.

He was very fast and agile to wrap an arm around me and get up to pull me into the next row of cars. The gun went off again and the boom was closer. Axel went forward and I fell.

I knew Axel had been shot that time, and this pure rage hit me as Nate stepped between the cars clearly ready to murder him in cold blood. He was going to aim the gun and unload it on us.

I shifted and leaped forward before the trigger was fully pulled. The next shot was wild slamming into a different car. Nate cried out as my jaws clamped around his arm and nearly broke it.

He hit me hard with his opposite fist and also shifted. We were a mess of fur and teeth, my white fur standing out in the darkness between the cars where his grey fur did not as much. We were tearing at each other in nasty growls and yelps.

He managed to bite into my scruff and yank me between two cars and into a clearer area. I was smaller than he was, and in my state of anger and rage had not thought about using my ability until just then but as a wolf, it was harder to do. I needed a hold on him again. I twisted to try but he shook me like a rag doll and slammed me into the ground.

He leapt to cause me serious harm aiming for my throat. Others were trying to come forward, but it was hard to know where the danger was. If there were others with weapons.

Before Nate connected with me, a massive black form slammed into him. I heard the sound of bone breaking as Nate was slammed to the ground by Axel and his larger form. The snap was very audible as Nate gave a yelp.

Axel was vicious. He was massive compared to us and he had the use of hand-like claws over paws. His jaws were more powerful and tore at Nate. Blood soaked Nate's fur and with a powerful hit, Nate slid on the ground away from Axel who darted forward. There was no contest, Axel was clearly better suited for this and the better fighter.

I tried to get up only to find my one leg would not support me and I was bleeding. I didn't think it was broken, but the flesh was torn. My gaze shot over to Axel rushing Nate. Nate seeing that he was not going to win this fight without a weapon went to heel but that was not happening.

Axel this time got his jaws around Nate’s neck. Axel pinned him to the ground with a hard deadly bite into his throat. There was no way that Nate recovered from a bite like that. Axel’s jaws were nearly closed all the way through Nate's neck. He dropped him and came back toward me shifting.

I shifted as Axel came over grabbing me and checking me a bit of fear and panic there. My hands and eyes were looking him over too, to check for wounds. I knew he had been shot! How was he moving like he had?

“Oh my god Axel,” I said seeing the bullet wound on his right side. It was gushing blood still and I knew it had to of torn through something. Or the fighting made it worse. Yes, he was a super healer, but that was a lot of blood and he fought with that wound like it didn’t matter.

“Are you okay, let me look at you. Let me see,” Axel demanded shoving my hand down and he was determined to look me over. I just let him put my hands to his side and stomach stemming the flow and attempting to help heal him faster. He was really losing blood and a moment later he swayed.

“Fuck,” Axel said putting a hand to his side near my own hands helping heal. I stayed calm hearing others rushing toward us. I met his gaze.

“Just lay down for me, and let me work, okay? Let me heal you so you don’t keep bleeding internally. Trust me,” I said, and he gave a nod slowly lowering into the ground. I heard a fast hard run and another Lycan was there.

Harper shifted having been inside with the other witnesses as he had brought them. Plus he was collecting a few things at Axel’s mental request as the hearing ended. The whole ordeal happened in minutes ending before he could get here.

“Jesus, tell me what to do. What to get,” Harper said looking at me with concern and down at Axel. His jaw was clenched, and Axel was starting to look pale. I was doing my best but there was a lot of internal bleeding, the bullet was not a clean pass-through. It tore through him damaging a lot. It had to be a special weapon.

“I need another healer, get me anyone that can heal. I need a medical kit, a coagulant package if they have one.” I listed off a few more things and more were coming up. Harper gave a call moving forward to shout for any medical staff and also a med kit the facility should have.

“We are healers!” Someone called running over. I was so grateful to see them because my energy was getting low. I was pretty sure I had the worst slowing down. However, if he moved too much it would tear. I was a good healer, but it took time too. I could see Axel was fighting to stay awake.

The other two knelt down and got to work with me to stop the worst of the bleeding. Then mend enough of the damage so that he could be moved. I swore to God that if any of these sons of bitches refused to give Axel aid for who he was, I would kill them myself. Luckily no one seemed unwilling to help and that kept me focused.

“He’s dead, it was outside the challenge grounds. Axel should be taken into custody once stable. This needs to be investigated. Someone said near us, and I nearly got up to launch myself at the Alpha that said it. One that sided with Nate and hated Axel.

Axel was shot and that was the shit they said? Nate attack us! I felt a strong hand on my shoulder. Harper pressed down and kept me there.

“Stay here Luna, he needs you. I will deal with it,” Harper said, and I gave him a nod. Harper was up and immediately move to the man that was pointing and clearly about to dish out orders.

“The fuck you are going to take him in or to a medical facility in Boutin,” Harper got right in the other Alpha’s face. His eyes were black. He did not fear the other Alpha and Harper's presence was strong.

“Stand down beta, you have no say,” I looked over but glanced down at Axel. His eyes had closed. I felt Axel really struggle to stay awake. He did not trust anyone here, but I would fight for him and so would Harper.

It appeared others were on his side too this time. I felt that we were at a good spot with the wound so that Axel could be moved safely for a more thorough healing. Someone dropped a med kit next to me, but I kept listening to Harper.

“I do have a say if my Alpha is unresponsive. That piece of shit tried to gun him down in cold blood. That is an absolute challenge. You are going to have another one in a second if you take one step toward him,” Harper said I glanced up noting that Harper’s eyes were black and a few features threatening a change.

“He was attacked from behind and with no warning using a weapon, Alpha Kenton. No one is taking him to Boutin. That is simply unreasonable. Alpha Axel was well within his right to protect his mate and himself from the attack like any of us would,” another said and there was agreement.

A few others were covering Nate with a sheet or something. A call going to help get him. This was not a human situation, there wasn't going to be the same kind of investigation. That was not how it worked. Werewolves disgusted me. One was dead, and another near critical and this was the shit they were arguing about?

“Harper, help me move him. We can move him if someone can bring us a car. I need to get him to a hospital right now,” I demanded and was not afraid at all to pull rank on a lot of those here.

“Another is already getting one Luna Layla.” This was a werewolf from me and Axel’s pack. One that testified for Axel and I felt relief. The moment that the car was brought close several helped get Axel into the back. Harper and I helped with a couple of others from our pack trusting no one here.

I was tired, exhausted, and hurt. My one arm was numb but healing, I had the mobility of it as a human, so it didn’t seem as injured as I thought.

I got in the back of the suburban that had the seats down and Harper was going to drive. Someone tossed in a bag with some clothes and I reached to shove on a shirt. Axel made a slight sound and moved a little waking as Harper took a fast turn out of the parking lot.

“Layla?” I instantly came over to him. Even tired and sore I checked him. His wound was still good and healing a bit faster with the attention it received.

“I’m here don’t move okay? Just let it heal, no male bullshit right now Axel I swear to God,” I said feeling a little upset. His eyes were closed, and he made a slight humored sound.

“Just us?” He asked.

“And Harper,” I said.

“For fuck’s sake Axel, how many attempts are you going get?” Harper called from the front.

“Kiss my ass Harper,” Axel said wincing with some pain. I pursed my lips. Why were males like this? He could have died. He still needed more healing.

“You are okay, yes?” Axel asked in a quieter tone as it seemed like he was going to pass out again.

“Yes, but you aren’t. Save it, and just focus on healing,” I demanded. I swore I saw a slight smile before he was unconscious again. I stayed right by his side neurotically checking him until we got to the hospital.

Honestly, I didn’t think Harper was driving fast enough even though I knew he was speeding. All I knew was that Axel better keep healing or I’d find him in death and make him pay for stealing my heart so fast and then trying to crush it.

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