The Tyrant's Trophy

Chapter Meeting


I kept my face straight as I stood beside Adam in his office.

Adam had called a meeting to discuss the information we’ve been collecting about Phil Sweetheart. This meant I had to step back from guarding Maybell. When I told Maybell this, she was unnerved. I told her that Adam assigned five guards to temporarily take my place, but it did little to put her at ease.

She was speechless when I gave her the shoebox. It was the first time she initiated contact and hugged me. The hug was tight - she used all her strength to convey her gratitude and it left me breathless to just have her hold me. Unfortunately, she let go all too soon and I found myself wanting to pull her close to my body and make it last forever.

Also, I didn’t want to leave her side - I was looking forward to being with her on her day off - maybe even taking her out somewhere, but duty had to come first. And as sweet as always, Maybell didn’t stop me from leaving.

It hurt my heart.

I felt like I was abandoning her.

I wanted to disobey my boss and go back to hugging Maybell until she felt my love but that was a fantasy best left in the back of my head. Best left in the closet of my deepest desires. She’s fragile right now and it would be unfair to take her as my own. If I move too fast, it could scare her away…

Adam and I were currently in his office looking over records he hacked into and the paperwork I had stolen from Dr. Sweetheart’s office. Quinn and Abijah were with us; both sat in their seats. Quinn had finished analyzing the tests she put Maybell through and Abijah wouldn’t step back when she caught a whiff of this meeting. Plus, she’s been recording Phil’s voicemails to Maybell and digging deep into his background.

So she became useful enough to attend this meeting.

“What did you find?” Adam was not in the mood for this any more than I was. He wanted to be back with his wife as soon as possible. “Iogair?”

She slid a file out of her bag and tossed it on the table. “Aside from attending Oxford and becoming a resident in Chicago later on? Our psycho had the typical childhood: An abusive father who beat his mother daily until she stood up to him and got him convicted. Before going to trial, however, his father committed suicide.”

“And you know this, how?”

“I located his mother and asked.” Pride oozed out of the redhead. “She showed me the police records as well as a restraining order she got against her own son. When he was 16, he hit her and then got thrown out of the house. He lived three years in shelter homes and continued school until leaving for college.” Stating as matter-of-factly, “However, that’s not the end of it: Before becoming a resident here, he went back to his hometown in South Carolina. He didn’t work there or visit his mother. However, he was arrested for ‘impersonating’ an employee in the local clinic but was never charged.”

“Sounds like lazy people,” Quinn stated. She really hated when people slacked in their professions. That’s what made her business one of the best: She was serious about her work and if a person didn’t share that - she sought others who would. “But why go back home when he had nothing?”

“His journal explains that.” I cut in. “He was looking for ‘patients.’” It disgusted me as I took out the photos of girls, including Maybell’s photo. “He documented and photographed young females during his time back home. He wrote down their habits and where they lived and he refers to them as test subjects. He even wrote something about a murder at the time.”

“Test subject?!” Quinn was quick to respond.

“Murder?” Iogair repeated, her eyes narrowing.

“Yes and on his computer, I found videos of female employees in compromising positions. I think he keeps them for blackmailing purposes.”

“Enough.” Adam brought the attention back to him. “We almost have enough evidence to destroy Phil Sweetheart’s career and throw him behind bars,” He casually said as if it were just another business deal.

In a way, it was a business deal. If he provided protection for Maybell and destroyed her husband, that journalist wouldn’t tell the world about his time in the military and whatever dirt she had about his childhood. It was more than a business deal to me, though. It was more than another job Adam assigned to me.

Maybell became an important person in my life. The more time I spent with her, the deeper in love I fell. I wanted to make sure we were doing everything possible to keep her safe.

“I think we should wait.” I could feel Adam’s glare swipe at my sister.

“What makes you say that?”

“The journals.” Quinn took her glasses off and stared directly into my boss’ eyes. “He refers to Maybell as a test subject as well as others. When I examined her; her blood, urine, and DNA samples brought up more mysteries than answers. If that narcissistic maniac’s documents have those answers; then we need to back them up with concrete evidence. More importantly, we need to figure out how the experiments have affected her, or, how they will affect her as time goes on.”

“Or maybe you’ve watched too many sci-fi movies, Quinn.”

My sister puffed out her chest haughtily. She hated being looked down upon. “Stop being thick-headed for once, Adam Carter. Yes, it sounds like a horror movie genre but that doesn’t stop REAL life people from trying to play God. Let me continue examining this and if I am wrong, I’ll walk straight to your face and apologize.”

That coming from Quinn Sawyer showed that she was serious. My sister meant business and she was above prideful: Getting a ‘sorry’ out of her was as close to a miracle as anyone would ever get.

“My sister doesn’t joke when it comes to people’s health.” I cut in before the scene turned ugly. Besides, Adam should know this since he’s been taking his wife to see her.

“Fine.” Adam relented. “Give her the journals, Chad. I need solid proof, Quinn, and I mean it.” He wanted this case to end.

But there was another thing that bothered me. “In that case, sir, shouldn’t we either double the guards on Maybell or relocate her to a safe house?” Maybell’s been safe so far but the more we uncover Phil’s secrets - the more I question just how powerful he is. It made my skin crawl, thinking he would be on to us soon and he’ll get to Maybell before he’ll get to us.

With a man like Phil, he’ll destroy every evidence to elude prison, even Maybell.

Adam didn’t seem to care about that. “Mrs. Sweetheart is fine with the security she has now.”

“But sir, her husband may try to attack her out of rage, like he’s done repeatedly in the past. She can’t be left vulnerable.” Concern laced my voice. I knew speaking against Adam would be a mistake, but I couldn’t help myself. Not when it came to the woman who unknowingly stole my heart.

Adam was quick to catch on. “Since when do you care so much about Mrs. Sweetheart? And more importantly, why are you questioning me?”

I let out a sigh and remained quiet, hoping Adam would just dismiss me so I could go back to Maybell.

He didn’t drop the subject. “Chad, we’ve been working together for years. I know you. What’s going on?”

“Nothing, sir.”

“Lying to me isn’t like you either,” Adam said in a threatening tone. There was no hiding the truth from him.

“Honestly, sir,” I stared above his head, unable to make eye contact. “I’m falling in love with Maybell,” I confessed.

“What?” Adam asked. He wasn’t shocked as I had hoped. As I feared, he was enraged.

My training taught me to keep a poker face; to keep clients at a distance, and my emotions in check. But those rules can shove off. Maybell was not some pathetic gal to just catch and toss in a second. She was someone I want to stay by. A wholesome and strong woman. How can I be apathetic when she’s around?

I had enough of Adam’s training, too. “Sir, I know you want all of us to be like robots. We’re not supposed to feel anything for the people we’re assigned to protect, but I couldn’t help it. She’s kind and has a beautiful heart. She tries to see the good in others, even her husband.” Also in me. “I’ve never met a woman like her before.”

I knew what was coming as Adam slowly walked around his desk and stood in front of me. Without warning, he punched me and caused me to fall to the ground

For Maybell, it was worth it.


I was slightly winded from Adam’s punch, but I managed to stand up and say, “with all due respect, sir, you can’t.” No one is going to take me away from her.

“And why is that?” Adam snapped, and the look in his eyes said ‘kill.’

“I’m the best you have. Nobody else can protect Maybell from that sociopath better than me,” I boldly said.

“Watch yourself!” Adam warned. “You may be my right-hand man, but just like all my other employees, you’re replaceable.”

That statement made me angry. Instead of lashing out, I chuckled. “Don’t be so sure of yourself. Who else has served in the SEALs? Who else has multiple awards for being a sharpshooter and codebreaking? Who else has experience working on special missions?” I countered.

Adam remained silent so I added, “And who else will you be willing to trust with everything you have me do?”

I had Adam cornered; he couldn’t get rid of me, no matter how badly he wanted to.

“I won’t apologize for being in love with Maybell. How you feel about Daphnie is exactly how I feel about Maybell. I would do anything for her, I would destroy anyone who would try to hurt her, and I will do whatever it takes to make sure he can never hurt her again.”

Adam looked at me with narrowed eyes, as if he was trying to see into my soul.

A headache was forming from the frustration. “I’ve been loyal to you all these years. Not once have I asked for anything.” Why couldn’t the man see that? He did whatever it took to win over and protect Daphnie. There were times I had to stop him from doing irrational things and every time he needed me to keep tabs on his wife, I did! I’ve been loyal to them both so why can’t I have the love I want? “Let me have this one thing. Please.”

Adam’s features softened; a rare thing to see from the man I feared. He looked down and mumbled, “get out of my sight.”

I quickly stepped out of Adam’s office and went back to my Maybell.

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