The Transfer

Chapter 35 - Snow Fall

I stepped foot outside and then breathed in the overly chilly air. It was snowing. It was finally snowing.

The snow wasn't heavy. It was light and looked like it would be soft to touch. The air was noticeably more cold than it had been any other morning.

The whiteness covered the ground and everything else around me. The steps to the cabin were covered in snow and I shook my head as I grinned. I loved the snow.

"Ah, finally. Now we have an excuse to sleep in. The snow finally came,” I heard from behind me. I turned around and grinned at Ezra who walked out behind me. He returned the gesture and gave me a gentle hug.

He looked much better compared to the night before. Jenny must have taken him hunting and got him to feed off a deer or something. The blood would have helped him heal

"Glad you're up nice and early," I told him with a grin. Ezra shrugged at me as we both looked out to the snow. Already, some of the children were running out in the snow wearing at least five layers of warm clothing.

"I'll make some hot chocolate for you," Ezra told me. He motioned for me to come back inside and I followed him as he walked back into the warm comfort of our cabin.

We shut the front door, yet I still heard the sound of laughing children as they ran around in the snow. I smiled to myself and shook my head as I followed Ezra into the kitchen.

"That mate of yours... he sat in that chair all night with you. Left this morning only because Henry called him away,” Jenny said as she looked up at me from the dining table where she was sipping on coffee and looking at paperwork.

My heart felt warm and I smiled weakly as I looked down at my feet. Jenny giggled as I sat down at the table whilst Ezra began to make hot drinks.

I was incredibly thankful that Liam stayed with me all night. I would've really liked to wake up to him with me as well, but I was happy that he at least stayed with me the night.

"Henry bosses Liam around a lot, doesn't he?" I asked, curious to know the opinions of the vampires in my cabin. Jenny looked up at me again and glanced over at Ezra.

They both seemed a little shocked by my question but were quick to answer. Ezra cleared his throat. "Liam could easily overthrow Henry if he grew a pair. Henry knows that, so he treats him like a child to ensure that Liam stays where he wants him,” Ezra muttered. He sounded bitter about the subject, and it was obvious that it meant something to him.

"You know that Henry is sitting in Liam's throne. But Liam doesn't know it, and I hope he figures it out soon. Because Henry is starting to get on my nerves," Jenny shook her head. I nodded at the two and fiddled with my hands.

It made me angry that Henry took the throne from Liam like he did. Liam might not have been strong enough to take over when his parents died, but Henry could have arranged to take over until Liam was ready.

But of course, Henry took the full throne. My stomach churned. When Henry stepped down from his position as Alpha, Anthony would take over. He was his successor.

I wanted to be sick at the thought of Anthony as my Alpha. He wasn't Alpha material. He might've been an Alpha wolf, but he sure didn't act like it. I wouldn't bow down to him.

"Liam takes all of it because he thinks of Henry as some sort of almighty beast. Liam thinks that Henry saved the pack from falling apart. He might have in some ways, but he ruined it in a lot of ways too," Ezra explained. I nodded my head as he walked over and gave me a mug.

I stared at the floating marshmallows in my mug and I sighed. My beast was irritated by how Henry treated Liam. He acted like Liam was his slave. Liam made it even worse by going along with it. Betas were supposed to challenge their Alphas. How would a Beta earn their Alpha's respect if their Alpha could just walk all over them? Liam was a doormat and Henry was the guest wiping his feet all over him.

"Don't worry about it, princess. It it what it is now, and everyone is happy," Ezra told me as he sat beside me. I nodded at him even though I knew that there were a handful of people that weren't happy.

There was a knock on the front door. I got up, hoping it was Liam coming back to see me, but judging by how my hair didn’t stand up on the back of my neck, it wasn't Liam.

"Hello, let us inside before I freeze my ass off!" I heard a shout as I opened the door. Lucas, Quo, Leon and Cass walked into the cabin.

I shut the door behind them and followed them out into the dining room where they were all taking seats at the table. I sat next to Ezra again and sipped on my hot chocolate.

"I'll probably get my ass kicked for asking you before Liam gets a chance but for Christmas this year, our family invited us to go stay with them for a week. They asked us to asked if you wanted to come along to meet the family,” Lucas started as he looked to me. I raised my eyebrows at him.

Lucas shot me a grin and I stared at him for a moment. His family wanted to meet me?

My beast yipped in excitement. She badly wanted to meet Liam's family. She loved Lila, Lucas and Leon, and she was eager to love the rest of the family.

I was nervous. I knew I would have to go. I wanted to meet Liam's family. But what if they didn't like me? What if they preferred someone like Veronica over me?

"Really? You want me to come along?” I asked in surprise. Lucas nodded, and I turned to Leon to look for reassurance. He flashed me a smile and nodded.

"They're really eager to meet the girl who's supposedly changing Liam's whole persona,” Leon said with an eye roll. My cheeks felt hot at his words and Quo reached over and nudged my arm playfully.

"Haven't seen him smile so much in years,” Quo told me. My body instantly felt warm with excitement. I hoped that what Quo said was true. I liked that I had an effect on Liam.

He had one on me too.

"Anyways... I wanted to invite you before he did because we're practically best friends now. Plus, I really want to piss him off,” Lucas grinned goofily at me. I rolled my eyes at him and Jenny giggled as she sipped her coffee.

"He'd kick your butt to the curb in a matter of seconds if he catches you messing around with her. I'd watch your hide if I were you," Jenny warned the arrogant male. I smiled and laughed with Leon and Quo.

Ezra shook his head as his chest moved whilst he chuckled. It felt good to see him smiling again. "Yeah, yeah. He'd never hurt me. He's obsessed with me. Follows me around like a lost puppy,” Lucas rolled his eyes at us. I shook my head as I laughed at him. He was a piece of work.

Lucas was arrogant and cocky for sure. But he knew when enough was enough. He was serious when he needed to be. It made him much more approachable and easier to talk to. He was a good wolf.

"I think it's the other way around, brother,” Leon said to his twin. Lucas shot Leon a dirty look before he turned his attention back to me. He smiled and crossed his arms.

"We planned that we would be leaving tomorrow morning, and returning two days after Christmas," Lucas told me. I widened my eyes at him.

"Tomorrow? Are you insane? That's left no time for me to pack,” I hissed out at him. Lucas rolled his eyes and yawned.

"Lila said the same thing. She's been packing her bag since the moment we told her," Leon rolled his eyes also. I shook my head at the two idiots in front of me and stood from the table.

"I have to go pack. Thanks for leaving it so late!" I said sarcastically to the boys. Quo chuckled as I passed them.

I raced down to my bedroom and began frantically packing my clothes into a bag that Jenny had given me a few days ago. She said it would be handy for long trips away from home.

It was convenient that I was using it now.

I packed all my things until the bag was full. Then, I moved onto packing a second bag. I made sure to pack in warm clothes that would keep me comfortable in the coldness of the snow.

I sighed and shook my head to myself. My beast sighed also. We both didn't like the fact that Liam was going to come around later to ask me about this trip. I'd have almost no time to pack my clothes.

That family was incredibly unorganised.

I felt Liam's presence in the cabin. The bond pulled at me and I grinned as I stood up from my bags and bounded towards the door.

I walked down the hallway and peered out to see Ezra handing Liam a beer from the refrigerator. Liam wore dark jeans and a deep blue hoodie. I wanted to drool. Blue looked good on him.

My beast purred and nudged at me. She wanted to take my male to the bedroom and shut the door.

"Hi," I said as I walked into the room. Liam turned to look at me and smiled. He looked me up and down and chuckled.

"Nice pants,” he commented. I looked down at myself and rolled my eyes. I shook my head to try and hide the embarrassment.

I was still in my pyjamas. I was wearing a plain white shirt and a pair of pyjama pants that had pink unicorns and blue clouds on them. Ezra got them for me as a joke a while ago, and I kept them anyway. They were warm and comfortable and made me feel like a kid again

Ezra chuckled and shook his head at me. He offered me a beer and I shook my head. The last thing I needed was for me to get drunk off alcohol and Liam. He was damn intoxicating.

"Kind of cute, but I'd prefer them on the floor. If you get what I mean,” Liam said privately as he stared at me. I bit my lip and stopped myself from jumping into his arms and doing unspeakable things to him.

"You finished packing?” Ezra asked me. Liam raised his eyebrows at me and looked between the two of us. Clearly, Lucas hadn't told Liam that he'd already asked me about the trip to meet his family. "Lucas bet you to it," I told Liam. He rolled his eyes as his chest rumbled. I couldn't help but smile. "But yes. I'm almost finished packing. I couldn't fit all my things in one bag so I've got two.”

Ezra rolled his eyes at me. "Women. They always have to overpack.”

I scowled at him and Liam laughed and shook his head. He sipped on his beer and laughed some more.

"You should see Lucas. He brings four bags, and one for all his shoes,” Liam told us. Ezra cried out in laughter and I giggled a little. I imagined Lucas hauling five different bags out to the car. He was hilarious.

"Alright, well, dinner is ready in ten. You staying for food, Liam?" Ezra looked to Liam. The male nodded his head as Ezra left the room. I looked to Liam and he winked.

He set down his beer on the counter and then motioned for me to head down to my room. I nodded at him and turned.

We walked into my room and Liam picked up the bear rug he had given me. I remembered how much I loved it when I first saw it, and then how much I hated it when I found it on my bed that night.

I hadn't slept a night without it since Liam and I made up. It was soft and warm. It smelt like Liam and that made it even better.

"You should bring this with you. It'll be cold up there. This will keep you real warm,” Liam told me as he put it around my shoulders and pulled me close. I looked up at him and melted at how beautiful his eyes were.

They were the deepest of browns yet they still seemed so bright. I wanted to stare into his eyes forever.

"I'm really glad that you're coming with us to meet my family. They're all really eager to meet you,” Liam told me. I smiled at him and nodded

"Of course. I can't wait to meet them too,” I told Liam honestly. He smiled, his toothy grin too damn cute. I noticed the whiteness of his teeth and inwardly sighed.

He had a million dollar smile. Of course.

He was perfect. His flaws made him more perfect somehow. I felt odd in comparison to him. He was perfectly beautiful and I adored it.

"Let me help you finish packing," Liam said. He kissed my forehead and I nodded at him in agreement. Liam helped me pack, made fun of my pyjamas and then ate dinner with the people that I called my family.

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