The Transfer

Chapter 34 - A Mate’s Healing

"Ali, I'm so glad you're okay. I heard that there were rogues and I thought you were dead or something ridiculous!" Lucas’ voice exclaimed as arms wrapped around me. I winced in pain as the male crushed my open wounds.

He quickly pulled away, sensing my discomfort and I smiled weakly at him. Lucas looked down at me, studying me for injuries. Behind him, I saw Leon and Quo jogging towards us.

Quo's father was the head tracker of the pack, and Quo was following quickly in his father's footsteps even though he was still a trainer for the warriors. I saw his nostrils flare as he began to sniff at the air.

"Follow the scent before it fades in the wind! Go! Go!" Henry shouted, waving his hand. Several wolves, including Quo rushed off, tracking the scent of the rogues.

My mind was wild with thoughts as I watched everyone run around like headless chickens. No one was calm. Rogues had somehow made it into the territory without anyone noticing. It was almost impossible for it to happen.

With the amount of patrols around the borders and the amount of fantastic noses in the pack, intruders should almost never get into the pack.

"Are you okay? You're bleeding," Leon asked me as he rushed over. He ignored whoever was calling his name and grabbed my jaw, studying my face for injuries.

I felt weak. My whole body was crying in agony and I wanted to collapse. I felt my blood running down my legs and along my arms and torso.

"Liam, are you alright? I saw you—"

I heard a voice from behind me and I turned my head. I watched Veronica run up to Liam who had just pulled on a pair of shorts that he must've found in a tree. He ignored her and dodged her extended arm as she reached out to grab him.

My beast purred as he walked over to me. He didn't bother asking if we were alright, he grabbed me and pulled into a tight hug that hurt but felt good at the same time.

His torso was warm and I felt his anger seeping off him. He was still pissed, but I could feel it getting easier for him as he hugged me. My body seemed to ease of the pain only a little and I sighed into Liam's chest as I relaxed in his arms.

"Liam!" Henry yelled out. Liam's chest rumbled and he let out a low growl, a warning to Henry. But Henry wasn't taking it.

"Liam! Get over here now,” Henry growled out deeply. Liam grunted and pulled away from me. He looked down at me and cupped my chin.

Liam kissed the top of my head and then walked away. He shot me a worrying look that told me he cared and didn't want to leave my side. I felt better already.

"I'll be with you the minute I can get away,” Liam told me. I nodded my heavy head at him as I turned back to Lucas and Leon who were looking around.

The scent of the rogues was fading. The wind was sweeping it up and carrying it through the trees and out into the open air where we would eventually lose their complete trail.

They were all dead and that was the important thing.

My beast whined painfully. She didn't like that the rogues had just come through and caused such a big commotion. Their only purpose was to cause destruction and pain to everyone around them.

I let out a low growl as I kicked one’s leg. Lucas grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the bodies on the ground. I let him tug me away as I knew that I needed to get back to the pack doctor. "You need me to carry you?" Lucas asked me as I slowly walked along. I shook my head at him despite the fact that I really wanted him to. I didn't want him to think I wasn't able to hold myself. "Don't be stupid,” Lucas told me as he stepped behind me and scooped me up. I relaxed almost immediately in his arms and felt better to be off my feet. I winced as the wounds on my back stretched a little and began to bleed again.

I was hurting everywhere and I just wanted to shut my eyes and sleep. "Bray's Mum is waiting for you at the hospital. She said she'll treat you straight away."

Leon's words made me feel a lot better. I sighed deeply and nodded my head at him. Brayleigh's mother was the best doctor in the pack and I knew I was in good hands.

"I'll meet you back at your cabin later, okay? Henry is refusing to let me go,” Liam called to me. My beast sighed sadly. We both hated that Liam wasn't the one carrying us to the hospital. We wanted him with us.

"Is it just me or does Henry boss around Liam like his life depends on it?" I mumbled out to Lucas and Leon. Lucas's chest rose and fell as he laughed. Leon snorted.

"Damn right he does. He's a prick like that. But let's not worry. We've got to get you to the doctor,” Leon replied. I smiled weakly and shut my eyes.

When we reached the doctor, my wounds were treated by Brayleigh's mother, Cameron. She was sweet and kind. She was also gentle and made the occasional joke. I liked her and I saw how much Brayleigh resembled her.

After I saw treated, Cameron made Lucas carry me back to my cabin. The ride was painful and I felt my slowly healing gashes open up again.

My cabin was empty when Lucas walked me inside. Leon followed us anyway, and I heard yells from outside. I ignore it as Lucas took me down to my room and placed me on the bed.

I moved onto my stomach. Lucas helped me to lay comfortably before he pulled the blanket over me. He was gentle and kind. I appreciated him being with me.

"You need anything? Some water maybe?" Lucas suggested. I nodded my head at him and hugged my pillow to get comfortable. My whole body was aching painfully and I knew that it would hurt until Liam got here.

Lucas left the room and as he did, Lila and Brayleigh rushed in. Leon rolled his eyes but winked at me playfully. I rolled my eyes back at him as Brayleigh came up to me and grabbed my hand. Lila looked terribly upset and uncomfortable.

"We're so glad you're okay. Those damn rogues deserved everything they got," Brayleigh told me with a relieved sigh. I smiled weakly at her and held her hand gently.

I looked over to Lila. Her eyes were sad and her shoulders were sagged. She looked beyond upset, but I wasn't sure what at. I was okay, and so was Ezra. No one was badly hurt.

"What can I say? I'm tougher than I look,” I mumbled back. Brayleigh's face lit up as she lightly laughed at me.

"Don't make jokes! This isn't supposed to be funny," Brayleigh scolded me as she squeezed my hand. I nodded slowly.

A while later, everyone besides Lila left. She stayed with me, holding my hand in silence. She was awkwardly quiet and it worried me.

"What's bothering you, little sister?" I asked her softly. Lila looked up from my hand and at me. She shied away and let her shoulders sag. I smiled weakly at her.

Lila sighed and rubbed her forehead. It was obvious that she was upset. It didn't take a genius to figure that out.

"It's just... I've lost so much to rogues, and when I heard that you were being attacked by rogues... I thought I was going to lose you too,” Lila admitted to me. My heart ached for her.

Of course she was upset about that. Her parents were killed by rogues. I could only imagine how terrified she must've been when she found out about the attack. She would've been absolutely mortified.

I didn't blame her for being upset.

"It's okay, Lila. I get it. But I'm not going anywhere anytime soon,” I mumbled back to her. I squeezed her hand weakly and she smiled back sadly. Lila nodded her head at me anyway.

"Liam's on his way. You two love birds can have fun in here,” Lila smiled at me as she stood. I rolled my eyes at her and smiled regardless of her comment.

Lila let go of my hand and came forwards. She kissed me on the forehead and then left the room. I shut my eyes and sighed. I was glad that I hadn't been seriously injured. Lila would have been devastated if I had.

Liam walked in moments later. My body heated up and I smiled as I opened my eyes and watched him come over to me. He sat on the chair that was next to my bed and took my hand. My body relaxed and I felt a little better.

He stared down at me for a moment and sighed. He rubbed his face with his free hand and shook his head. He seemed distraught.

"Let me help you with your wounds," Liam said. He got up and walked over to my cabinet. There was a box with more bandages and bandaids that Cameron had given me.

"They don't need to be bandaged again, Liam," I mumbled to him. My eyes were tired and I wanted to sleep desperately. But I feared what I would dream of.

"My saliva will heal the wounds better. I lick them for you and they heal faster,” Liam reminded me. I sighed but nodded as Liam set the box down next to me.

He pulled down the blanket and then pulled up my shirt. My skin was cold for a moment, but then warm with Liam's body heat. The bond sparkled with intensity.

Liam moved slowly. He kissed my skin before I felt his tongue on the wounds. He was gentle and careful. I took notice of how good my injuries felt as Liam licked all of them. They felt like they'd been freshly cleaned and then sprinkled with some sort of miracle magic healing dust.

Liam neared my neck and I held my breath. He knew better than to go for my neck when I wasn't ready, but I was still cautious anyway. He wanted to. It was obvious.

His lips hovered over my neck and I felt his hot breath on my skin. I stilled and waited for him to stop himself.

"Not today," Liam mumbled to himself a moment later before I felt his lips on my shoulder and his tongue shortly after.

My back tingled from Liam's touch and I felt ten times better. My body ached, but it wasn't nearly as bad as it was before. Liam had actually helped.

It seemed insane that he could fix me up like that. Every time I had an injury, he could make it feel better. He could help the healing process.

Liam dressed the wounds again. Then, his chest rumbled as he brushed his fingers over my hip. "What about your belly?"

Liam's words left me speechless. The thought of Liam's lips and tongue on my abdomen made me feel wild. My beast purred and nodded eagerly, and I held my breath.

"Only if you want me to," Liam added softly. I sucked in a deep breath as I realised that my belly was hurting. It would heal faster if he did it.

I nodded at him. Liam slowly and gently rolled me over onto my back. I winced at the pressure on my fresh wounds.

"I'll be quick,” Liam said with a nod as he bent down. Liam took off the bandage and stared some at the wound. He growled and shook his head. He was still angry. I could feel it.

He hesitated but then softly kissed the gash. His lips were soft and left my stomach tingling. I bit my lip as my beast purred. She was thinking a million different inappropriate thoughts per minute. Once Liam was finished, he bandaged up the wound again and then helped me roll over again. I clutched my pillow and Liam placed the blanket over me again. I felt warm all over and my entire torso felt like I was being kissed by butterflies.

Liam sat on the chair again and grunted. He looked away as his chest rumbled.

"Stupid rogues... they ruin everything,” Liam muttered out. I took his hand in mine again and squeezed it gently. He was worked up and stressed out. He just needed to calm down.

"I'm sorry about the other night, by the way..." Liam mumbled to me. I watched him lean forwards and his elbows on his knees as he caressed my skin gently. I smiled weakly at him and shrugged.

I was happy that he was apologising. But I didn't care anymore. He wasn't acting different to what he normally did. Liam knowing about Brennon was clearly something I didn't need to worry about. "It's okay, Liam," I mumbled back sleepily. I could feel my eyelids getting heavier and heavier. They were as heavy as bricks.

"Go to sleep, sugar.”

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